def download_resource(self, path): """Downloads active resource to given path. Returns path to downloaded file.""" if self.get_type() != None and self.get_guid() != None: file_client = memoQFile.MemoQFile() return file_client.download_file( path, self.client.service.ExportResource(self.get_type(), self.get_guid()))
def test_upload_download_file(self): test = memoQFile.MemoQFile() file_guid = test.upload_file("testFiles/test.txt") self.assertNotEqual(file_guid, None, "Guid shouldn't equal none!") file_path = test.download_file(".", file_guid) self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(file_path), "File should exist!") os.remove(file_path)
def import_document(self, path): """Uploads and then imports given file to active project for all target languages. Returns true on success.""" file_client = memoQFile.MemoQFile() file_guid = file_client.upload_file(path) if file_guid == None: return False langs = self.client.factory.create( '{}targetLangCodes') langs.string = result = self.client.service.ImportTranslationDocument( self.project.get_project_guid(), file_guid, langs) if result != None: return True else: return False
def export_documents(self, path): """Exports all documents from active project to given path. Prints path to each file on success and returns true.""" if self.project.get_project_guid() == None: return "No project!" export_results = [] for guid in self.document_guids(): export_results.append( self.client.service.ExportTranslationDocument( self.project.get_project_guid(), guid)) file_client = memoQFile.MemoQFile() if len(export_results): for document in export_results: print(file_client.download_file(path, document.FileGuid)) return True else: return False
def export_documents2(self, path): """Exports all documents from active project to given path using extended method. Prints path to each file on success and returns true.""" if self.project.get_project_guid() == None: return "No project!" options = self.client.factory.create( '{}DocumentExportOptions') options.CopySourceToEmptyTarget = True export_results = [] for guid in self.document_guids(): export_results.append( self.client.service.ExportTranslationDocument2( self.project.get_project_guid(), guid, options)) file_client = memoQFile.MemoQFile() if len(export_results): for document in export_results: print(file_client.download_file(path, document.FileGuid)) return True else: return False