def compute_ortho_projection_derivatives_warp_parameters(
        s_uv, w_uv, rho, r_phi, r_theta, r_varphi):
    # Precomputations
    n_parameters = len(rho)
    n_points = np.size(s_uv, 0)
    dp_dgamma = np.zeros([2, n_parameters, n_points])

    const_term = np.vstack((8 * rho[0] / 2, 8 * rho[0] / 2))

    # Compute the derivative of the perspective projection wrt focal length
    dp_dgamma[:, 0, :] = np.vstack(([0.5 * w_uv[0, :].T, 0.5 * w_uv[1, :].T]))

    # Compute the derivative of the phi rotation matrix
    dr_phi_dphi = np.eye(4, 4)
    dr_phi_dphi[1:3, 1:3] = np.array([[-np.sin(rho[1]), -np.cos(rho[1])],
                                      [np.cos(rho[1]), -np.sin(rho[1])]])
    dr_phi_dphi = Homogeneous(dr_phi_dphi)

    # Compute the derivative of the warp wrt phi
    dW_dphi_uv = dr_phi_dphi.apply(r_theta.apply(r_varphi.apply(s_uv))).T

    dp_dgamma[:, 1, :] = dW_dphi_uv[:2, :] * const_term

    # Compute the derivative of the theta rotation matrix
    dr_theta_dtheta = np.eye(4, 4)
    dr_theta_dtheta[:3, :3] = np.array([[-np.sin(rho[2]), 0, -np.cos(rho[2])],
                                        [0, 0, 0],
                                        [np.cos(rho[2]), 0, -np.sin(rho[2])]])
    dr_theta_dtheta = Homogeneous(dr_theta_dtheta)

    # Compute the derivative of the warp wrt theta
    dW_dtheta_uv = r_phi.apply(dr_theta_dtheta.apply(r_varphi.apply(s_uv))).T

    dp_dgamma[:, 2, :] = dW_dtheta_uv[:2, :] * const_term

    # Compute the derivative of the varphi rotation matrix
    dr_varphi_dvarphi = np.eye(4, 4)
    dr_varphi_dvarphi[:2, :2] = np.array([[-np.sin(rho[3]), -np.cos(rho[3])],
                                          [np.cos(rho[3]), -np.sin(rho[3])]])
    dr_varphi_dvarphi = Homogeneous(dr_varphi_dvarphi)

    # Compute the derivative of the warp wrt varphi
    dW_dvarphi_uv = r_phi.apply(r_theta.apply(dr_varphi_dvarphi.apply(s_uv))).T

    dp_dgamma[:, 3, :] = dW_dvarphi_uv[:2, :] * const_term

    # Compute the derivative of the projection function wrt tx
    dp_dtx_uv = np.vstack((np.ones([1, n_points]), np.zeros([1, n_points])))

    dp_dgamma[:, 4, :] = dp_dtx_uv * const_term

    # Define the derivative of the projection function wrt ty
    dp_dty_uv = np.vstack((np.zeros([1, n_points]), np.ones([1, n_points])))

    dp_dgamma[:, 5, :] = dp_dty_uv * const_term

    return dp_dgamma
def render_cmesh_cloud(cmesh,
                       figsize=[14, 14],
                       oritation=[0, 0, 0],
    if isinstance(cmesh, ColouredTriMesh):
        points = cmesh.points
        colours = cmesh.colours
        points = cmesh[..., :3]
        colours = cmesh[..., 3:]

    colours = np.clip(colours, 0, 1)

    # normalise to unit sphere
    if normalise:
        points -= points.mean(axis=0)
        points /= points.max()

    zori = Homogeneous(rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(oritation[2]), [0, 0, 1]))
    yori = Homogeneous(rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(oritation[1]), [0, 1, 0]))
    xori = Homogeneous(rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(oritation[0]), [1, 0, 0]))

    points = zori.apply(points)
    points = yori.apply(points)
    points = xori.apply(points)

    if not ax:
        f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
        ax = f.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    ax.view_init(0, 0)
    # make the panes transparent
    ax.xaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    ax.yaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    ax.zaxis.set_pane_color((1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0))
    # make the grid lines transparent
    ax.xaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0)
    ax.yaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0)
    ax.zaxis._axinfo["grid"]['color'] = (1, 1, 1, 0)

    ax.set_xlim3d(-1, 1)
    ax.set_ylim3d(-1, 1)
    ax.set_zlim3d(-1, 1)

    ax.scatter3D(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2], c=colours, s=1)
def test_homogeneous_apply_batched():
    e = np.eye(3) * 2
    p = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    e[2, 2] = 1
    e[:2, -1] = [2, 3]
    h = Homogeneous(e)
    p_applied = h.apply(p, batch_size=2)
    p_manual = p * 2 + np.array([2, 3])
    assert_allclose(p_applied, p_manual)
def test_homogeneous_apply():
    e = np.eye(3) * 2
    p = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    e[2, 2] = 1
    e[:2, -1] = [2, 3]
    print e
    h = Homogeneous(e)
    p_applied = h.apply(p)
    p_manual = p * 2 + np.array([2, 3])
    assert_allclose(p_applied, p_manual)
def test_homogeneous_apply():
    e = np.eye(3) * 2
    p = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    e[2, 2] = 1
    e[:2, -1] = [2, 3]
    h = Homogeneous(e)
    p_applied = h.apply(p)
    p_manual = p * 2 + np.array([2, 3])
    assert_allclose(p_applied, p_manual)
def compute_pers_projection_derivatives_warp_parameters(
        s_uv, w_uv, rho, r_phi, r_theta, r_varphi):
    # Precomputations
    n_parameters = len(rho)
    n_points = np.size(s_uv, 0)
    dp_dgamma = np.zeros([2, n_parameters, n_points])

    w = w_uv[:, 2]

    const = 4 * rho[0] / (w**2)

    # Compute the derivative of the perspective projection wrt focal length
    dp_dgamma[:, 0, :] = np.vstack(
        ([0.5 * w_uv[:, 0] / w, 0.5 * w_uv[:, 1] / w]))

    # Compute the derivative of the phi rotation matrix
    dr_phi_dphi = np.eye(4, 4)
    dr_phi_dphi[1:3, 1:3] = np.array([[-np.sin(rho[1]), -np.cos(rho[1])],
                                      [np.cos(rho[1]), -np.sin(rho[1])]])
    dr_phi_dphi = Homogeneous(dr_phi_dphi)

    # Compute the derivative of the warp wrt phi
    dW_dphi_uv = dr_phi_dphi.apply(r_theta.apply(r_varphi.apply(s_uv))).T

    # Compute the derivative of the projection wrt phi
    dp_dphi_uv = np.vstack(
        (dW_dphi_uv[0, :] * w - w_uv[:, 0] * dW_dphi_uv[2, :],
         dW_dphi_uv[1, :] * w - w_uv[:, 1] * dW_dphi_uv[2, :]))

    dp_dgamma[:, 1, :] = const * dp_dphi_uv

    # Compute the derivative of the theta rotation matrix
    dr_theta_dtheta = np.eye(4, 4)
    dr_theta_dtheta[:3, :3] = np.array([[-np.sin(rho[2]), 0, -np.cos(rho[2])],
                                        [0, 0, 0],
                                        [np.cos(rho[2]), 0, -np.sin(rho[2])]])
    dr_theta_dtheta = Homogeneous(dr_theta_dtheta)

    # Compute the derivative of the warp wrt theta
    dW_dtheta_uv = r_phi.apply(dr_theta_dtheta.apply(r_varphi.apply(s_uv))).T

    # Compute the derivative of the projection wrt theta
    dp_dtheta_uv = np.vstack(
        (dW_dtheta_uv[0, :] * w - w_uv[:, 0] * dW_dtheta_uv[2, :],
         dW_dtheta_uv[1, :] * w - w_uv[:, 1] * dW_dtheta_uv[2, :]))

    dp_dgamma[:, 2, :] = const * dp_dtheta_uv

    # Compute the derivative of the varphi rotation matrix
    dr_varphi_dvarphi = np.eye(4, 4)
    dr_varphi_dvarphi[:2, :2] = np.array([[-np.sin(rho[3]), -np.cos(rho[3])],
                                          [np.cos(rho[3]), -np.sin(rho[3])]])
    dr_varphi_dvarphi = Homogeneous(dr_varphi_dvarphi)

    # Compute the derivative of the warp wrt varphi
    dW_dvarphi_uv = r_phi.apply(r_theta.apply(dr_varphi_dvarphi.apply(s_uv))).T

    # Compute the derivative of the projection wrt varphi
    dp_dvarphi_uv = np.vstack(
        (dW_dvarphi_uv[0, :] * w - w_uv[:, 0] * dW_dvarphi_uv[2, :],
         dW_dvarphi_uv[1, :] * w - w_uv[:, 1] * dW_dvarphi_uv[2, :]))

    dp_dgamma[:, 3, :] = const * dp_dvarphi_uv

    # Compute the derivative of the projection function wrt tx
    dp_dtx_uv = np.vstack((w_uv[:, 2], np.zeros(n_points)))

    dp_dgamma[:, 4, :] = const * dp_dtx_uv

    # Compute the derivative of the projection function wrt ty
    dp_dty_uv = np.vstack((np.zeros(n_points), w))

    dp_dgamma[:, 5, :] = const * dp_dty_uv

    # Compute the derivative of the projection function wrt tz
    #dp_dtz_uv = np.vstack((-w_uv[:, 0], -w_uv[:, 1]))

    #dp_dgamma[:, 6, :] = const*dp_dtz_uv

    return dp_dgamma
    def train_op(models,
        model_ae_mesh, model_3dmm, _ = models
         input_image], [mesh_gt,
                        _] = dm.engine.training.tf_dataset_adapter(data)
        sess = dm.K.get_session()
        # ----------------------
        #  Train AutoEncoder
        # ----------------------
        loss_ae = model_ae_mesh.train_on_batch(input_mesh, mesh_gt)

        # ------------------
        #  Train 3DMM
        # ------------------
        if i_epoch > STARTING_3DMM:
            loss_3dmm = model_3dmm.train_on_batch(input_image, mesh_gt)
            loss_3dmm = 0

        logs = dm.utils.Summary({

        if epoch_end:
            t_rot30l = Homogeneous(
                dm.utils.rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(30), [1, 0, 0]))
            t_rot30r = Homogeneous(
                dm.utils.rotation_matrix(np.deg2rad(-30), [1, 0, 0]))

            ae_mesh = model_ae_mesh.predict(input_mesh)
            pred_mesh = model_3dmm.predict(input_image)
                dm.utils.mesh.render_meshes(ae_mesh[:4], trilist),
                dm.utils.mesh.render_meshes(pred_mesh[:4], trilist),
                    np.concatenate([t_rot30l.apply(m[:, :3]), m[:, 3:]],
                                   axis=-1) for m in pred_mesh[:4]
                ], trilist),
                    np.concatenate([t_rot30r.apply(m[:, :3]), m[:, 3:]],
                                   axis=-1) for m in pred_mesh[:4]
                ], trilist),
                dm.utils.mesh.render_meshes(input_mesh[:4], trilist),

        return logs