def display_out_of_stock(): """ Display out of catalog """ cls() header("Out of stock") for p in CATALOG: if p.Stock == 0: product_info(p) input("Press Enter to continue...")
def display_catalog(wait=True): """ Display catalog in screen """ cls() header("Cataglog") for p in CATALOG: product_info(p) if wait: input("Press Enter to continue...")
def unique_categories(): # """ Converts the array of categories to set (manually) """ """ Prints unique categories """ cats = list(map(lambda p: p.Category, CATALOG)) cls() print('Unique categories:') for i, cat in enumerate(cats): if cat not in cats[:i]: print('\t%s' % cat) input('\nPress Enter to continue')
def searchvaluefunc(): searchvalue = input() response = bot.get_response(searchvalue) print(response, "\n") while True: try: searchvaluefuncmenu = int(input("Type 1 to search again or press enter to go back.")) except ValueError: menu.cls() menu.mainMenu() else: break if searchvaluefuncmenu == 1: menu.cls() print("Type something to search.") searchvaluefunc()
def register_product(): """ Register product """ global NEXT_ID cls() header("Register") title = input("Provide the title: ") category = input("Provide the category: ") try: stock = int(input("Provide the stock: ")) price = float(input("Provide the price: ")) product = Product(NEXT_ID, title, category, stock, price) NEXT_ID += 1 CATALOG.append(product) except Exception: print('*** Unexpected format :/\n') input('Press Enter to continue ...')
def pieceSelected(): print("It's the turn for the ", team[turn], " team") print("Select the position of the piece that you want to move: ") piece_select = input() if piece_select[ 0] in minus: # Si incertas una letra en minuscula esta se convierte en mayuscula piece_select = chr(ord(piece_select[0]) - 32) + piece_select[1] if is_it_possible( piece_select ) is False: # Si la posicion que entraste es imposible en la matriz retornara False menu.cls() return False return piece_select
def get_most_expensive(arr): """ Return the 3 more expensive products """ res = arr[:3] if len(res) >= len(arr): return res prd_sort(res) for obj in arr[3:]: if res[0].Price < obj.Price: res[0] = obj prd_sort(res) cls() for p in res: product_info(p) input('\nPress Enter to continue ...')
def isPiece(piece): position_name = piece piece = board.board.game_board[int(piece[1])][board.board.positionY[piece[ 0]]] # Convierte la variable piece de un string al objeto que indicaste mediante posiciones if isinstance( piece, menu.pieces.piece ) is False: # Si la posicion que entraste no es una pieza entonces volvera atras para volver a elegir menu.cls() return "That isn't a piece, please select a valid piece" if != team[ turn]: # Si la posicion que seleccionaste es una pieza del otro enemigo, volveras a elegir otra posicion menu.cls() return "This piece is of the other team, please select one that you can take" menu.cls() return piece, position_name
string = colum_string + row_string if pos == string: return True return False while True: # BASE LOOP (GAME LOOP) if turn == 2: # Si la variable turno se pasa de 1 entonces vuelve a 0 turn = 0 if check(team[turn]) == "checkmate": # La condicion del jaquemate menu.cls() print("The ", team[turn], " is checkmate, you lose") break elif check(team[turn]) == "check": # La condicion del jaque print("The ", team[turn], " is in check") check_var, first, third = False, False, False piece_select = pieceSelected() if piece_select == False: # Si la posicion que escribiste no esta en la matriz entonces se repetira la seleccion de alguna pieza print("That position doesn't exist or you put the position wrong") continue