def get_devices(self): """ wrap get org inventory in lru cache """ org_id = self.get_my_org_id() devices = meraki.getorginventory(self.apikey, org_id, suppressprint=True) return devices
def main(api_key, org_id): # Get the org's inventory inventory = meraki.getorginventory(api_key, org_id) # Filter for only MR devices aps = [ device for device in inventory if device['model'][:2] in ('MR') and device['networkId'] is not None ] # Create array to save all the rogue APs accros the organization rogues = [] for ap in aps: roguedata = meraki.badssid(api_key, ap['networkId'], 10800, suppressprint=True) # Extract all rogue SSIDs single line #rogues.append([rogue['ssid'] for rogue in roguedata if 'ssid' in rogue]) # Extract all rogue SSIDs to a file'Preparing the output file. Check your local directory.') timenow = '{:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}'.format( filename = 'rogues_{0}.csv'.format(timenow) output_file = open(filename, mode='w', newline='\n') field_names = ['Rogue SSIDs', 'Channels'] csv_writer = csv.writer(output_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) csv_writer.writerow(field_names) for rogue in roguedata: if 'ssid' in rogue: #skip if no data csv_row = [ data_value(rogue, 'ssid'), data_value(rogue, 'channels') ] csv_writer.writerow(csv_row) output_file.close() m = MultipartEncoder({ 'roomId': 'Y2lzY2.....', 'text': 'Rogue APs File', 'files': (filename, open(filename, 'rb'), 'image/png') }) r ='', data=m, headers={ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN', 'Content-Type': m.content_type }) print r.text
def get_org_bssids(self, org_id): org_networks = meraki.getnetworklist(self.api_key, org_id, suppressprint=True) self.org_inventory = meraki.getorginventory(self.api_key, org_id, suppressprint=True) bssids = {} for network in org_networks: bssids[network['name']] = self.__get_bssids_for_network(network) return bssids
def get_serials_of_devices(api_key, org_id): ''' [Get networks in org { "id": "N_24329156", "organizationId": 2930418, "name": "My organization", "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles", "tags": " tag1 tag2 ", "type": "combined", "disableMyMerakiCom": false } ] [Get devices in org { "mac": "00:11:22:33:44:55", "serial": "Q234-ABCD-5678", "networkId": "N_24329156", "model": "MR34", "claimedAt": 1518365681.0, "publicIp": "", "name": "My AP" } ] ''' #get network names first and map to IDs temp = {} #{'N_12345':'test network'} #networkIds = [] networks = meraki.getnetworklist(api_key, org_id, suppressprint=True) for network in networks: if 'name' in network: temp[network['id']] = network['name'] inventory = meraki.getorginventory(api_key, org_id, suppressprint=True) #get all APs in org #create new Dict, only include networks with MRs, and add serial to data #devices = [device for device in inventory if device['model'][:2] in ('MR') and device['networkId'] is not None] networkIdDict = { } #{'D-serial':['NID','mac','network name','model','device name']} for device in inventory: if device['serial'] and device['networkId']: #networkIdDict[device['networkId']] = [device['mac'],device['serial'],device['model'],temp[device['networkId']]] networkIdDict[device['serial']] = [ device['networkId'], device['mac'], temp[device['networkId']], device['model'], device['name'] ] return networkIdDict
def main(api_key, org_id): # Get the org's inventory inventory = meraki.getorginventory(api_key, org_id, suppressprint=True) # print (inventory) # Filter for only MR devices aps = [ device for device in inventory if device['model'][:2] in ('MR') and device['networkId'] is not None ] print(aps) # Create array to save all the rogue APs accros the organization rogues = [] for ap in aps: roguedata = meraki.getairmarshal(api_key, ap['networkId'], 10800, suppressprint=True) # Chris Added line to print rogue data for debuging print(roguedata) # Extract all rogue SSIDs single line #rogues.append([rogue['ssid'] for rogue in roguedata if 'ssid' in rogue]) # Extract all rogue SSIDs to a file'Preparing the output file. Check your local directory.') timenow = '{:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}'.format( filename = 'rogues_{0}.csv'.format(timenow) output_file = open(filename, mode='w', newline='\n') field_names = ['Rogue SSIDs', 'Channels'] # field_names = ['Rogue SSIDs', 'Channels', 'detectedBy'] csv_writer = csv.writer(output_file, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL) csv_writer.writerow(field_names) for rogue in roguedata: if 'ssid' in rogue: #skip if no data csv_row = [ data_value(rogue, 'ssid'), data_value(rogue, 'channels') ] # csv_row = [data_value(rogue, 'ssid'), data_value(rogue, 'channels'), data_value(rogue, 'detectedBy')] csv_writer.writerow(csv_row) output_file.close()
def pod_status(d): ret = "" netinfo = meraki.getnetworkdetail(merakiapikey, d["role"], suppressprint=True) if netinfo: networkname = netinfo["name"] netid = d["role"] ret += "Network Name: " + networkname + "\nNetwork ID: " + netid + "\n" orgdevinv = meraki.getorginventory(merakiapikey, merakiorgnum, suppressprint=True) devlist = [] for d in devdict: devlist.append(devdict[d]) for d in orgdevinv: if d["serial"] in devlist: if d["networkId"] == netid: ret += "<li>" + d["serial"] + " - Present In Network\n" else: ret += "<li>" + d["serial"] + " - Missing From Network\n" return ret else: return "This Network Does Not Exist\n" + str(d)
def main(argv): # Set default values for command line arguments api_key = org_id = arg_tag = arg_policy = arg_mode = None # Get command line arguments try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hk:o:t:p:m:') except getopt.GetoptError: print_help() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print_help() sys.exit() elif opt == '-k': api_key = arg elif opt == '-o': org_id = arg elif opt == '-t': arg_tag = arg elif opt == '-p': arg_policy = arg elif opt == '-m': arg_mode = arg # Check if all required parameters have been input if api_key == None or org_id == None or arg_tag == None or arg_policy == None: print_help() sys.exit(2) # Assign default mode to "simulate" unless "commit" specified if arg_mode != 'commit': arg_mode = 'simulate' # Get org's inventory inventory = meraki.getorginventory(api_key, org_id) # Filter for only MV devices cameras = [device for device in inventory if device['model'][:2] in ('MV') and device['networkId'] is not None] # Gather the networks (IDs) where cameras have been added camera_network_ids = set([camera['networkId'] for camera in cameras])'Found a total of {0} cameras added to {1} networks in this Dashboard organization'.format(len(cameras), len(camera_network_ids))) # Iterate through camera networks and find cameras with specified tag camera_macs = [] for net_id in camera_network_ids: devices = meraki.getnetworkdevices(api_key, net_id) for device in devices: if device['model'][:2] == 'MV' and 'tags' in device and arg_tag in device['tags']: camera_macs.append(device['mac'])'Found {0} cameras with the tag "{1}"'.format(len(camera_macs), arg_tag)) # Get list of all networks in org networks = meraki.getnetworklist(api_key, org_id) # Iterate through all networks, looking for cameras as clients, and apply group policy for network in networks: # Get the Meraki devices in this network devices = meraki.getnetworkdevices(api_key, network['id']) # Filter for just the first two characters of each device model device_models = [device['model'][:2] for device in devices] # Is there an MX here? If so, get its index in the list of devices if 'MX' in device_models: # We found the MX device in the network mx_device = devices[device_models.index('MX')] else: # No MX in this network, doesn't make sense to apply a group policy to wired clients (cameras), so move on continue # Get list of MX clients clients = meraki.getclients(api_key, mx_device['serial'], timestamp=2592000) # Filter for MAC addresses of these clients client_macs = [client['mac'] for client in clients] # Cameras in this network = intersection of clients in this network and cameras in the org network_cameras = set(client_macs).intersection(camera_macs) # Assign group policy to these cameras in the network if network_cameras: # Gather group policies of network gps = meraki.getgrouppolicies(api_key, network['id']) # Get human-readable names of all group policies gp_names = [gp['name'] for gp in gps] # Look for the group policy gp_camera = gps[gp_names.index(arg_policy)] # Assign that group policy (by ID) to the camera by MAC address for mac in network_cameras: if arg_mode == 'commit': meraki.updateclientpolicy(api_key, network['id'], mac, policy='group', policyid=gp_camera['groupPolicyId'])'Assigning group policy "{0}" on network "{1}" for MV camera {2}'.format(arg_policy, network['name'], mac)) else:'Simulating group policy "{0}" on network "{1}" for MV camera {2}'.format(arg_policy, network['name'], mac))
# Add the new network else: # Call to create a newtork my_network = meraki.addnetwork(my_key, my_org, my_name, 'wireless', my_tags, my_time) my_netid = my_network['id'] print('Part 1: created network {0} with network ID {1}\n'.format( my_name, my_netid)) # 2. Return the inventory for an organization ######################### ##### START EDITING ##### # Call to return the inventory for an organization # One line similar to above line 33's call on meraki.getnetworklist() inventory = meraki.getorginventory() ###### END EDITING ###### ######################### # Filter out used devices already allocated to networks unused = [device for device in inventory if device['networkId'] is None] print('Part 2: found total of {0} unused devices in inventory\n'.format( len(unused))) # 3. Claim a device into a network # Check if network already contains a device my_network_devices = meraki.getnetworkdevices(my_key, my_netid) # No device in network yet if len(my_network_devices) == 0:
# Add the new network else: # Call to create a newtork my_network = meraki.addnetwork(my_key, my_org, my_name, 'wireless', my_tags, my_time) my_netid = my_network['id'] print('Part 1: created network {0} with network ID {1}\n'.format( my_name, my_netid)) # 2. Return the inventory for an organization ######################### ##### START EDITING ##### # Call to return the inventory for an organization # One line similar to above line 33's call on meraki.getnetworklist() inventory = meraki.getorginventory(my_key, my_org) ###### END EDITING ###### ######################### # Filter out used devices already allocated to networks unused = [device for device in inventory if device['networkId'] is None] print('Part 2: found total of {0} unused devices in inventory\n'.format( len(unused))) # 3. Claim a device into a network # Check if network already contains a device my_network_devices = meraki.getnetworkdevices(my_key, my_netid) # No device in network yet if len(my_network_devices) == 0:
def main(api_key, org_id): # Get the org's inventory inventory = meraki.getorginventory(api_key, org_id, suppressprint=True) # Filter for only MR devices aps = [ device for device in inventory if device['model'][:2] in ('MR') and device['networkId'] is not None ] #networkList needed later on for mapping Device to Network ID networkList = [] for ap in aps: networkList.append([ap['serial'], ap['networkId']]) #used to concat all the dataframes (rows for CSVs) frames = []'Preparing the output file. Check your local directory.') timenow = '{:%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}'.format( filename = 'rogues_{0}.csv'.format(timenow) #####Added CSV writer so that CSV file would write while performing API iteration ##### Helps for when there are unexpected crashes or timeouts, we can still have some data temp_filename = 'temp_rogues_{0}.csv'.format(timenow) output_file = open(temp_filename, mode='w', newline='\n') field_names = [ 'SSID', 'Channels', 'Device SN', 'Network ID', 'First Seen', 'Last Seen', 'Plugged in Time' ] csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(output_file, fieldnames=field_names, restval='') csv_writer.writeheader() ###### End CSV init n = 1000 #used to print screen every n rogue ID found x = 0 for ap in aps: #iterate through all network IDs and store each temporarily in roguedata try: #print(str(ap)) roguedata = meraki.getairmarshal(api_key, ap['networkId'], 3600, suppressprint=True) #go through each rogue SSID per Network ID for rogue in roguedata: if 'ssid' in rogue: #skip if no data ssidName = data_value(rogue, 'ssid') channels = data_value(rogue, 'channels') deviceSN = data_value2(rogue, 'bssids', 'detectedBy', 'device') networkID = get_network_id( networkList, data_value2(rogue, 'bssids', 'detectedBy', 'device')) firstSeen = data_value(rogue, 'firstSeen') lastSeen = data_value(rogue, 'lastSeen') wiredLast = data_value(rogue, 'wiredLastSeen') #Write CSV data row by row data = { 'SSID': ssidName, 'Channels': channels, 'Device SN': deviceSN, 'Network ID': networkID, 'First Seen': firstSeen, 'Last Seen': lastSeen, 'Plugged in Time': wiredLast } csv_writer.writerow(data) #output to screen every n iterations of CSV lines if x % n == 0: "Processing Rogue SSIDs. Count = {0}".format( str(x))) #print("Processing Rogue SSIDs. Count = "+str(x)) x += 1 except Exception as e: print(e) logger.error("Problem with AP: {0}".format(str(ap))) #print("\nProblem with AP: \n"+ str(ap)) output_file.close() #close out temp_rogue file #print("Adding Network names to CSV file")"Adding Network names to CSV file") master_df = pd.read_csv( temp_filename) #reopen temp csv and import to pandas for processing master_df = add_network_name( master_df, api_key) #get network name associated to each AP ID master_df = convert_dates( master_df) #format DateTime to be consistent and readable #reorder CSV data master_df = master_df[[ 'Network Name', 'SSID', 'Channels', 'Device SN', 'Network ID', 'First Seen', 'Last Seen', 'Plugged in Time' ]] master_df = master_df.reset_index(drop=True) #drop dataframe index master_df = master_df.sort_values(['Network Name' ]) #sort CSV by network name master_df.to_csv(filename, index=False) #write to final rogue CSV file #remove temp CSV file because final report was generated if os.path.exists(temp_filename): os.remove(temp_filename) else: #print("The file does not exist") logger.error("The temp CSV file does not exist")
def main(argv): # Set default values for command line arguments api_key = org_id = arg_tag = arg_policy = arg_mode = None # Get command line arguments try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, 'hk:o:t:p:m:') except getopt.GetoptError: print_help() sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print_help() sys.exit() elif opt == '-k': api_key = arg elif opt == '-o': org_id = arg elif opt == '-t': arg_tag = arg elif opt == '-p': arg_policy = arg elif opt == '-m': arg_mode = arg # Check if all required parameters have been input if api_key == None or org_id == None or arg_tag == None or arg_policy == None: print_help() sys.exit(2) # Assign default mode to "simulate" unless "commit" specified if arg_mode != 'commit': arg_mode = 'simulate' # Get org's inventory inventory = meraki.getorginventory(api_key, org_id) # Filter for only MV devices cameras = [ device for device in inventory if device['model'][:2] in ('MV') and device['networkId'] is not None ] # Gather the networks (IDs) where cameras have been added camera_network_ids = set([camera['networkId'] for camera in cameras]) 'Found a total of {0} cameras added to {1} networks in this Dashboard organization' .format(len(cameras), len(camera_network_ids))) # Iterate through camera networks and find cameras with specified tag camera_macs = [] for net_id in camera_network_ids: devices = meraki.getnetworkdevices(api_key, net_id) for device in devices: if device[ 'model'][: 2] == 'MV' and 'tags' in device and arg_tag in device[ 'tags']: camera_macs.append(device['mac'])'Found {0} cameras with the tag "{1}"'.format( len(camera_macs), arg_tag)) # Get list of all networks in org networks = meraki.getnetworklist(api_key, org_id) # Iterate through all networks, looking for cameras as clients, and apply group policy for network in networks: # Get the Meraki devices in this network devices = meraki.getnetworkdevices(api_key, network['id']) # Filter for just the first two characters of each device model device_models = [device['model'][:2] for device in devices] # Is there an MX here? If so, get its index in the list of devices if 'MX' in device_models: # We found the MX device in the network mx_device = devices[device_models.index('MX')] else: # No MX in this network, doesn't make sense to apply a group policy to wired clients (cameras), so move on continue # Get list of MX clients clients = meraki.getclients(api_key, mx_device['serial'], timestamp=2592000) # Filter for MAC addresses of these clients client_macs = [client['mac'] for client in clients] # Cameras in this network = intersection of clients in this network and cameras in the org network_cameras = set(client_macs).intersection(camera_macs) # Assign group policy to these cameras in the network if network_cameras: # Gather group policies of network gps = meraki.getgrouppolicies(api_key, network['id']) # Get human-readable names of all group policies gp_names = [gp['name'] for gp in gps] # Look for the group policy gp_camera = gps[gp_names.index(arg_policy)] # Assign that group policy (by ID) to the camera by MAC address for mac in network_cameras: if arg_mode == 'commit': meraki.updateclientpolicy( api_key, network['id'], mac, policy='group', policyid=gp_camera['groupPolicyId']) 'Assigning group policy "{0}" on network "{1}" for MV camera {2}' .format(arg_policy, network['name'], mac)) else: 'Simulating group policy "{0}" on network "{1}" for MV camera {2}' .format(arg_policy, network['name'], mac))