def testtextoutput1simpleatom(self): stream = val = list(framing.createtextoutputframe(stream, 1, [(b'foo', [], [])])) self.assertEqual(val, [ ffs(b'1 1 stream-begin text-output 0 ' b"cbor:[{b'msg': b'foo'}]"), ])
def testtextoutput1label(self): stream = val = list(framing.createtextoutputframe(stream, 1, [ (b'foo', [], [b'label']), ])) self.assertEqual(val, [ ffs(b'1 1 stream-begin text-output 0 ' b"cbor:[{b'msg': b'foo', b'labels': [b'label']}]") ])
def testtextoutput2arg(self): stream = val = list(framing.createtextoutputframe(stream, 1, [ (b'foo %s %s', [b'val', b'value'], []), ])) self.assertEqual(val, [ ffs(b'1 1 stream-begin text-output 0 ' b"cbor:[{b'msg': b'foo %s %s', b'args': [b'val', b'value']}]") ])
def testtextoutputlabelbytes(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'must use bytes for labels'): list( framing.createtextoutputframe( None, 1, [(b'foo', [], [b'foo'.decode('ascii')])]))
def testtextoutputformattingstringtype(self): """Formatting string must be bytes.""" with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'must use bytes formatting '): list( framing.createtextoutputframe( None, 1, [(b'foo'.decode('ascii'), [], [])]))