class Platform:

    SERVICE_QUERY = 'system.service.query'

    def __init__(self,
                 work_dir: str = None,
                 log_file: str = None,
                 log_level: str = None,
                 max_threads: int = None,
                 network_connector: str = None):
        if sys.version_info.major < 3:
            python_version = str(sys.version_info.major) + "." + str(
            raise RuntimeError("Requires python 3.6 and above. Actual: " +

        self.util = Utility()
        self.origin = 'py' + (''.join(str(uuid.uuid4()).split('-')))
        config = AppConfig()
        my_log_file = (config.LOG_FILE if hasattr(config, 'LOG_FILE') else
                       None) if log_file is None else log_file
        my_log_level = config.LOG_LEVEL if log_level is None else log_level
        self._max_threads = config.MAX_THREADS if max_threads is None else max_threads
        self.work_dir = config.WORK_DIRECTORY if work_dir is None else work_dir
        self.log = LoggingService(
            log_dir=self.util.normalize_path(self.work_dir + "/log"),
        self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        my_distributed_trace = DistributedTrace(
            self, config.DISTRIBUTED_TRACE_PROCESSOR)
        my_connector = config.NETWORK_CONNECTOR if network_connector is None else network_connector
        self._cloud = NetworkConnector(self, my_distributed_trace, self._loop,
                                       my_connector, self.origin)
        self._function_queues = dict()
        self._executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
        self.log.info("Concurrent thread pool = " + str(self._max_threads))
        # Before we figure out how to solve blocking file I/O, we will regulate event output rate.
        my_test_dir = self.util.normalize_path(self.work_dir + "/test")
        if not os.path.exists(my_test_dir):
        self._throttle = Throttle(self.util.normalize_path(my_test_dir +
        self._seq = 0
        self.log.debug("Estimated processing rate is " +
                       format(self._throttle.get_tps(), ',d') +
                       " events per second for this computer")
        self.running = True
        self.stopped = False
        # distributed trace sessions
        self._traces = {}

        # start event loop in a new thread to avoid blocking the main thread
        def main_event_loop():
            self.log.info("Event system started")
            self.log.info("Event system stopped")


    def get_origin(self):
        get the origin ID of this application instance
        :return: origin ID
        return self.origin

    def get_trace_id(self) -> str:
        get trace ID for a transaction
        :return: trace ID
        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        return trace_info.get_id() if trace_info is not None else None

    def get_trace(self) -> TraceInfo:
        get trace info for a transaction
        thread_id = threading.get_ident()
        return self._traces[thread_id] if thread_id in self._traces else None

    def annotate_trace(self, key: str, value: str):
        Annotate a trace at a point of a transaction
        :param key: any key
        :param value: any value
        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        if trace_info is not None and isinstance(trace_info, TraceInfo):
            trace_info.annotate(key, value)

    def start_tracing(self,
                      route: str,
                      trace_id: str = None,
                      trace_path: str = None):
        IMPORTANT: This method is reserved for system use. DO NOT call this from a user application.
        :param route: route name
        :param trace_id: id
        :param trace_path: path such as URI
        :return: None
        thread_id = threading.get_ident()
        self._traces[thread_id] = TraceInfo(route, trace_id, trace_path)

    def stop_tracing(self):
        IMPORTANT: This method is reserved for system use. DO NOT call this from a user application.
        :return: TraceInfo
        thread_id = threading.get_ident()
        if thread_id in self._traces:
            trace_info = self.get_trace()
            return trace_info

    def run_forever(self):
        Tell the platform to run in the background until user presses CTL-C or the application is stopped by admin
        :return: None
        def graceful_shutdown(signum, frame):
            self.log.warn("Control-C detected" if signal.SIGINT ==
                          signum else "KILL signal detected")
            self.running = False

        if threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread():
            signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, graceful_shutdown)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, graceful_shutdown)
            # keep the main thread running so CTL-C can be detected
            self.log.info("To stop this application, press Control-C")
            while self.running:
            # exit forever loop and ask platform to end event loop
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to register Control-C and KILL signals because this is not the main thread'

    def register(self,
                 route: str,
                 user_function: any,
                 total_instances: int,
                 is_private: bool = False) -> None:
        Register a user function
        :param route: ID of the function
        :param user_function: the lambda function given by you
        :param total_instances: 1 for singleton or more for concurrency
        :param is_private: true if internal function within this application instance
        if route in self._function_queues:
            raise ValueError("route " + route + " already registered")
        if not isinstance(total_instances, int):
            raise ValueError("Expect total_instances to be int, actual: " +
        if total_instances < 1:
            raise ValueError("total_instances must be at least 1")
        if total_instances > self._max_threads:
            raise ValueError(
                "total_instances must not exceed max threads of " +
        function_type = self.util.get_function_type(user_function)
        if function_type == FunctionType.NOT_SUPPORTED:
            raise ValueError(
                "Function signature should be (headers: dict, body: any, instance: int) or "
                + "(headers: dict, body: any) or (event: EventEnvelope)")

        queue = asyncio.Queue(loop=self._loop)
        if function_type == FunctionType.INTERCEPTOR:
            self._function_queues[route] = {
                'queue': queue,
                'private': is_private,
                'instances': 1
            ServiceQueue(self._loop, self._executor, queue, route,
                         user_function, 0)
        elif function_type == FunctionType.REGULAR:
            self._function_queues[route] = {
                'queue': queue,
                'private': is_private,
                'instances': total_instances
            ServiceQueue(self._loop, self._executor, queue, route,
                         user_function, total_instances)
            # function_type == FunctionType.SINGLETON
            self._function_queues[route] = {
                'queue': queue,
                'private': is_private,
                'instances': 1
            ServiceQueue(self._loop, self._executor, queue, route,
                         user_function, -1)
        # advertise the new route to the network
        if self._cloud.is_ready() and not is_private:
            self._cloud.send_payload({'type': 'add', 'route': route})

    def cloud_ready(self):
        return self._cloud.is_ready()

    def release(self, route: str) -> None:
        # this will un-register a route
        if not isinstance(route, str):
            raise ValueError("Expect route to be str, actual: " +
        if route not in self._function_queues:
            raise ValueError("route " + route + " not found")
        # advertise the deleted route to the network
        if self._cloud.is_ready() and self.route_is_private(route):
            self._cloud.send_payload({'type': 'remove', 'route': route})

    def has_route(self, route: str) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(route, str):
            raise ValueError("Expect route to be str, actual: " +
        return route in self._function_queues

    def get_routes(self, options: str = 'all'):
        result = list()
        if 'public' == options:
            for route in self._function_queues:
                if not self.route_is_private(route):
            return result
        elif 'private' == options:
            for route in self._function_queues:
                if self.route_is_private(route):
            return result
        elif 'all' == options:
            return list(self._function_queues.keys())
            return result

    def route_is_private(self, route: str) -> bool:
        config = self._function_queues[route]
        if config and 'private' in config:
            return config['private']
            return False

    def route_instances(self, route: str) -> int:
        config = self._function_queues[route]
        if config and 'instances' in config:
            return config['instances']
            return 0

    def parallel_request(self, events: list, timeout_seconds: float):
        timeout_value = self.util.get_float(timeout_seconds)
        if timeout_value <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "timeout value in seconds must be positive number")
        if not isinstance(events, list):
            raise ValueError("events must be a list of EventEnvelope")
        if len(events) == 0:
            raise ValueError("event list is empty")
        if len(events) == 1:
            result = list()
            result.append(self.request(events[0], timeout_value))
            return result
        for evt in events:
            if not isinstance(evt, EventEnvelope):
                raise ValueError("events must be a list of EventEnvelope")

        # retrieve distributed tracing info if any
        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        # emulate RPC
        inbox = Inbox(self)
        temp_route = inbox.get_route()
        inbox_queue = inbox.get_queue()
            for evt in events:
                # restore distributed tracing info from current thread
                if trace_info:
                    if trace_info.get_route(
                    ) is not None and evt.get_from() is None:
                    if trace_info.get_id() is not None and trace_info.get_path(
                    ) is not None:

                route = evt.get_to()
                evt.set_reply_to(temp_route, me=True)
                if route in self._function_queues:
                    self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._send, route,
                    if self._cloud.is_connected():
                            'type': 'event',
                            'event': evt.to_map()
                        raise ValueError("route " + route + " not found")

            total_requests = len(events)
            result_list = list()
            while True:
                    # wait until all response events are delivered to the inbox
                    result_list.append(inbox_queue.get(True, timeout_value))
                    if len(result_list) == len(events):
                        return result_list
                except Empty:
                    raise TimeoutError('Requests timeout for ' +
                                       format(timeout_value, '.3f') +
                                       " seconds. Expect: " +
                                       str(total_requests) +
                                       " responses, actual: " +

    def request(self, event: EventEnvelope, timeout_seconds: float):
        timeout_value = self.util.get_float(timeout_seconds)
        if timeout_value <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "timeout value in seconds must be positive number")
        if not isinstance(event, EventEnvelope):
            raise ValueError("event object must be an EventEnvelope")
        # restore distributed tracing info from current thread
        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        if trace_info:
            if trace_info.get_route() is not None and event.get_from() is None:
            if trace_info.get_id() is not None and trace_info.get_path(
            ) is not None:
                event.set_trace(trace_info.get_id(), trace_info.get_path())
        # emulate RPC
        inbox = Inbox(self)
        temp_route = inbox.get_route()
        inbox_queue = inbox.get_queue()
            route = event.get_to()
            event.set_reply_to(temp_route, me=True)
            if route in self._function_queues:
                self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._send, route,
                if self._cloud.is_connected():
                        'type': 'event',
                        'event': event.to_map()
                    raise ValueError("route " + route + " not found")
            # wait until response event is delivered to the inbox
            return inbox_queue.get(True, timeout_value)
        except Empty:
            raise TimeoutError('Route ' + event.get_to() + ' timeout for ' +
                               format(timeout_value, '.3f') + " seconds")

    def send_event(self, event: EventEnvelope, broadcast=False) -> None:
        if not isinstance(event, EventEnvelope):
            raise ValueError("event object must be an EventEnvelope class")
        # restore distributed tracing info from current thread
        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        if trace_info:
            if trace_info.get_route() is not None and event.get_from() is None:
            if trace_info.get_id() is not None and trace_info.get_path(
            ) is not None:
                event.set_trace(trace_info.get_id(), trace_info.get_path())
        # regulate rate for best performance
        self._seq += 1
        route = event.get_to()
        if broadcast:
        reply_to = event.get_reply_to()
        if reply_to:
            target = reply_to[2:] if reply_to.startswith('->') else reply_to
            if route == target:
                raise ValueError("route and reply_to must not be the same")
        if route in self._function_queues:
            if event.is_broadcast() and self._cloud.is_connected():
                    'type': 'event',
                    'event': event.to_map()
                self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._send, route,
            if self._cloud.is_connected():
                    'type': 'event',
                    'event': event.to_map()
                raise ValueError("route " + route + " not found")

    def exists(self, routes: any):
        if isinstance(routes, str):
            single_route = routes
            if self.has_route(single_route):
                return True
            if self.cloud_ready():
                event = EventEnvelope()
                    'type', 'find').set_header('route', single_route)
                result = self.request(event, 8.0)
                if isinstance(result, EventEnvelope):
                    if result.get_body() is not None:
                        return result.get_body()
        if isinstance(routes, list):
            if len(routes) > 0:
                remote_routes = list()
                for r in routes:
                    if not self.platform.has_route(r):
                if len(remote_routes) == 0:
                    return True
                if self.platform.cloud_ready():
                    # tell service query to use the route list in body
                    event = EventEnvelope()
                    event.set_to(self.SERVICE_QUERY).set_header('type', 'find')
                    event.set_header('route', '*').set_body(routes)
                    result = self.request(event, 8.0)
                    if isinstance(
                            EventEnvelope) and result.get_body() is not None:
                        return result.get_body()
        return False

    def _remove_route(self, route):
        if route in self._function_queues:
            self._send(route, None)

    def _send(self, route, event):
        if route in self._function_queues:
            config = self._function_queues[route]
            if 'queue' in config:

    def connect_to_cloud(self):

    def stop(self):
        # to allow user application to invoke the "stop" method from a registered service,
        # the system must start a new thread so that the service can finish first.
        if not self.stopped:
            # guarantee this stop function to execute only once
            self.stopped = True
            # exit the run_forever loop if any
            self.running = False
            # in case the calling function has just send an event asynchronously

    def _bye(self):
        def stopping():
            route_list = []
            for route in self.get_routes():
            for route in route_list:

        async def full_stop():
            # give time for registered services to stop
            await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
            queue_dir = self.util.normalize_path(self.work_dir + "/queues/" +

        self._cloud.close_connection(1000, 'bye', stop_engine=True)
class PostOffice:
    Convenient class for making RPC, async and callback.
    def __init__(self):
        self.platform = Platform()
        self.util = Utility()

    def get_route(self):
        Obtain my route name for the currently running service.
        This is useful for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to restrict certain user roles for a service.
        Note that RBAC is the responsibility of the user application.

        Returns: route name

        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        return "?" if trace_info is None else trace_info.get_route()

    def get_trace_id(self):
        return self.platform.get_trace_id()

    def get_trace(self):
        return self.platform.get_trace()

    def annotate_trace(self, key: str, value: str):
        self.platform.annotate_trace(key, value)

    def broadcast(self,
                  route: str,
                  headers: dict = None,
                  body: any = None) -> None:
        if headers is None and body is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to broadcast because both headers and body are missing'
        event = EventEnvelope().set_to(route)
        if headers is not None:
            if not isinstance(headers, dict):
                raise ValueError('headers must be dict')
            for h in headers:
                event.set_header(h, str(headers[h]))
        if body is not None:
        self.platform.send_event(event, True)

    def send_later(self,
                   route: str,
                   headers: dict = None,
                   body: any = None,
                   reply_to: str = None,
                   seconds: float = 1.0) -> None:
        self.util.validate_service_name(route, True)
        if isinstance(seconds, float) or isinstance(seconds, int):
            if seconds > 0:
                if headers is None and body is None:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Unable to send because both headers and body are missing'
                event = EventEnvelope().set_to(route)
                if headers is not None:
                    if not isinstance(headers, dict):
                        raise ValueError('headers must be dict')
                    for h in headers:
                        event.set_header(str(h), str(headers[h]))
                if body is not None:
                if reply_to is not None:
                    if not isinstance(reply_to, str):
                        raise ValueError('reply_to must be str')
                    # encode 'me' in the "call back" if replying to this instance
                    event.set_reply_to(reply_to, me)
                self.platform.send_event_later(event, seconds)
                raise ValueError('delay in seconds must be larger than zero')
            raise ValueError('delay in seconds must be int or float')

    def send_event_later(self,
                         event: EventEnvelope,
                         seconds: float = 1.0,
        if event.get_reply_to() is not None:
            event.set_reply_to(event.get_reply_to(), me)
        self.platform.send_event_later(event, seconds)

    def send(self,
             route: str,
             headers: dict = None,
             body: any = None,
             reply_to: str = None,
             me=True) -> None:
        self.util.validate_service_name(route, True)
        if headers is None and body is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to send because both headers and body are missing')
        event = EventEnvelope().set_to(route)
        if headers is not None:
            if not isinstance(headers, dict):
                raise ValueError('headers must be dict')
            for h in headers:
                event.set_header(str(h), str(headers[h]))
        if body is not None:
        if reply_to is not None:
            if not isinstance(reply_to, str):
                raise ValueError('reply_to must be str')
            # encode 'me' in the "call back" if replying to this instance
            event.set_reply_to(reply_to, me)

    def send_event(self, event: EventEnvelope, me=True):
        if event.get_reply_to() is not None:
            event.set_reply_to(event.get_reply_to(), me)

    def request(self,
                route: str,
                timeout_seconds: float,
                headers: dict = None,
                body: any = None,
                correlation_id: str = None) -> EventEnvelope:
        self.util.validate_service_name(route, True)
        if headers is None and body is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to make RPC call because both headers and body are missing'
        timeout_value = self.util.get_float(timeout_seconds)
        if timeout_value <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'timeout value in seconds must be positive number')
        event = EventEnvelope().set_to(route)
        if headers is not None:
            if not isinstance(headers, dict):
                raise ValueError('headers must be dict')
            for h in headers:
                event.set_header(h, str(headers[h]))
        if body is not None:
        if correlation_id is not None:
        response = self.platform.request(event, timeout_seconds)
        if isinstance(response, EventEnvelope):
            if response.get_tag('exception') is None:
                return response
                raise AppException(response.get_status(), response.get_body())
        raise ValueError(
            f'Expect response is EventEnvelope, actual: ({response})')

    def single_request(self, event: EventEnvelope, timeout_seconds: float):
        response = self.platform.request(event, timeout_seconds)
        if isinstance(response, EventEnvelope):
            if response.get_tag('exception') is None:
                return response
                raise AppException(response.get_status(), response.get_body())
        raise ValueError(
            f'Expect response is EventEnvelope, actual: ({response})')

    def parallel_request(self, events: list, timeout_seconds: float) -> list:
        return self.platform.parallel_request(events, timeout_seconds)

    def exists(self, routes: any):
        return self.platform.exists(routes)
class PostOffice:
    Convenient class for making RPC, async and callback.

    DEFERRED_DELIVERY = 'system.deferred.delivery'

    def __init__(self):
        self.platform = Platform()
        self.util = Utility()

    def get_route(self):
        Obtain my route name for the currently running service.
        This is useful for Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to restrict certain user roles for a service.
        Note that RBAC is the responsibility of the user application.

        :return: route name
        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        return "?" if trace_info is None else trace_info.get_route()

    def get_trace_id(self):
        return self.platform.get_trace_id()

    def get_trace(self):
        return self.platform.get_trace()

    def annotate_trace(self, key: str, value: str):
        self.platform.annotate_trace(key, value)

    def broadcast(self,
                  route: str,
                  headers: dict = None,
                  body: any = None) -> None:
        if headers is None and body is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to broadcast because both headers and body are missing'
        event = EventEnvelope().set_to(route)
        if headers is not None:
            if not isinstance(headers, dict):
                raise ValueError('headers must be dict')
            for h in headers:
                event.set_header(h, str(headers[h]))
        if body is not None:
        self.platform.send_event(event, True)

    def send_later(self,
                   route: str,
                   headers: dict = None,
                   body: any = None,
                   seconds: float = 1.0) -> None:
        self.util.validate_service_name(route, True)
        if isinstance(seconds, float) or isinstance(seconds, int):
            relay = dict()
            relay['route'] = route
            if headers is not None:
                relay_headers = dict()
                for h in headers:
                    relay_headers[str(h)] = str(headers[h])
                relay['headers'] = relay_headers
            if body is not None:
                relay['body'] = body
            relay['seconds'] = seconds
            self.send(self.DEFERRED_DELIVERY, body=relay)
            raise ValueError('delay in seconds must be int or float')

    def send(self,
             route: str,
             headers: dict = None,
             body: any = None,
             reply_to: str = None,
             me=True) -> None:
        self.util.validate_service_name(route, True)
        if headers is None and body is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to send because both headers and body are missing')
        event = EventEnvelope().set_to(route)
        if headers is not None:
            if not isinstance(headers, dict):
                raise ValueError('headers must be dict')
            for h in headers:
                event.set_header(str(h), str(headers[h]))
        if body is not None:
        if reply_to is not None:
            if not isinstance(reply_to, str):
                raise ValueError('reply_to must be str')
            # encode 'me' in the "call back" if replying to this instance
            event.set_reply_to(reply_to, me)

    def request(self,
                route: str,
                timeout_seconds: float,
                headers: dict = None,
                body: any = None,
                correlation_id: str = None) -> EventEnvelope:
        self.util.validate_service_name(route, True)
        if headers is None and body is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to make RPC call because both headers and body are missing'
        timeout_value = self.util.get_float(timeout_seconds)
        if timeout_value <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                "timeout value in seconds must be positive number")
        event = EventEnvelope().set_to(route)
        if headers is not None:
            if not isinstance(headers, dict):
                raise ValueError('headers must be dict')
            for h in headers:
                event.set_header(h, str(headers[h]))
        if body is not None:
        if correlation_id is not None:
        return self.platform.request(event, timeout_seconds)

    def parallel_request(self, events: list, timeout_seconds: float) -> list:
        return self.platform.parallel_request(events, timeout_seconds)

    def exists(self, routes: any):
        return self.platform.exists(routes)
class Platform:
    Event system platform instance
    SERVICE_QUERY = 'system.service.query'

    def __init__(self, config_file: str = None):
        if sys.version_info.major < 3:
            python_version = f'{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}'
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'Requires python 3.6 and above. Actual: {python_version}')
        self.origin = 'py-' + (''.join(str(uuid.uuid4()).split('-')))
        self.config = ConfigReader(config_file)
        self.util = Utility()
        log_level = self.config.get_property('log.level')
        self._max_threads = self.config.get('max.threads')
        self.work_dir = self.config.get_property('work.directory')
        self.log = LoggingService(log_level).get_logger()
        self._loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
        # DO NOT CHANGE 'distributed.trace.processor' which is an optional user defined trace aggregator
        my_tracer = DistributedTrace(self, 'distributed.trace.processor')
        my_nc = self.config.get_property('network.connector')
        self._cloud = NetworkConnector(self, my_tracer, self._loop, my_nc,
        self._function_queues = dict()
        self._executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(
        self.log.info(f'Concurrent thread pool = {self._max_threads}')
        # Before we figure out how to solve blocking file I/O, we will regulate event output rate.
        my_test_dir = self.util.normalize_path(
        if not os.path.exists(my_test_dir):
            os.makedirs(my_test_dir, exist_ok=True)
        self._throttle = Throttle(self.util.normalize_path(f'{my_test_dir}/' +
        self._seq = 0
            f'Estimated performance is {format(self._throttle.get_tps(), ",d")} events per second'
        self.running = True
        self.stopped = False
        # distributed trace sessions
        self._traces = {}
        self.trace_aggregation = True

        # start event loop in a new thread to avoid blocking the main thread
        def main_event_loop():
            self.log.info('Event system started')
            self.log.info('Event system stopped')


    def get_origin(self):
        Get the origin ID of this application instance

        Returns: origin ID

        return self.origin

    def get_logger(self):
        Get Logger

        Returns: logger instance

        return self.log

    def is_trace_supported(self):
        return self.trace_aggregation

    def set_trace_support(self, enabled: bool = True):
        self.trace_aggregation = enabled
        status = 'ON' if enabled else 'OFF'
        self.log.info(f'Trace aggregation is {status}')

    def get_trace_id(self) -> str:
        Get trace ID for a transaction

        Returns: trace ID

        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        return trace_info.get_id() if trace_info is not None else None

    def get_trace(self) -> TraceInfo:
        Get trace info for a transaction

        Returns: trace info

        thread_id = threading.get_ident()
        return self._traces[thread_id] if thread_id in self._traces else None

    def annotate_trace(self, key: str, value: str) -> None:
        Annotate a trace at the current point of a transaction

            key: any key
            value: any value

        Returns: None

        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        if trace_info is not None and isinstance(trace_info, TraceInfo):
            trace_info.annotate(key, value)

    def start_tracing(self,
                      route: str,
                      trace_id: str = None,
                      trace_path: str = None) -> None:
        This method is reserved for system use. DO NOT call this from a user application.

            route: route name
            trace_id: id
            trace_path: path such as Method and URI

        Returns: None

        thread_id = threading.get_ident()
        self._traces[thread_id] = TraceInfo(route, trace_id, trace_path)

    def stop_tracing(self) -> TraceInfo:
        This method is reserved for system use. DO NOT call this from a user application.

        Returns: trace info

        thread_id = threading.get_ident()
        if thread_id in self._traces:
            trace_info = self.get_trace()
            return trace_info

    def run_forever(self) -> None:
        Tell the platform to run in the background until user presses CTL-C or the application is stopped by admin

        Returns: None

        def graceful_shutdown(signum, frame):
            self.running = False
            if frame is not None:
                self.log.warn('Control-C detected' if signal.SIGINT ==
                              signum else 'KILL signal detected')

        if threading.current_thread() is threading.main_thread():
            signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, graceful_shutdown)
            signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, graceful_shutdown)
            # keep the main thread running so CTL-C can be detected
            self.log.info('To stop this application, press Control-C')
            while self.running:
            # exit forever loop and ask platform to end event loop
            raise ValueError(
                'Unable to register Control-C and KILL signals because this is not the main thread'

    def register(self,
                 route: str,
                 user_function: any,
                 total_instances: int = 1,
                 is_private: bool = False) -> None:
        Register a user function

            route: ID of the function
            user_function: the lambda function given by you
            total_instances: 1 for singleton or more for concurrency
            is_private: true if internal function within this application instance

        Returns: None

        if not isinstance(total_instances, int):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Expect total_instances to be int, actual: {type(total_instances)}'
        if total_instances < 1:
            raise ValueError('total_instances must be at least 1')
        if total_instances > self._max_threads:
            raise ValueError(
                f'total_instances must not exceed max threads of {self._max_threads}'
        function_type = self.util.get_function_type(user_function)
        if function_type == FunctionType.NOT_SUPPORTED:
            raise ValueError(
                'Function signature should be (headers: dict, body: any, instance: int) or '
                + '(headers: dict, body: any) or (event: EventEnvelope)')
        if route in self._function_queues:
            self.log.warn(f'{route} will be reloaded')
        queue = asyncio.Queue()
        if function_type == FunctionType.INTERCEPTOR:
            self._function_queues[route] = {
                'queue': queue,
                'private': is_private,
                'instances': 1
            ServiceQueue(self._loop, self._executor, queue, route,
                         user_function, 0)
        elif function_type == FunctionType.REGULAR:
            self._function_queues[route] = {
                'queue': queue,
                'private': is_private,
                'instances': total_instances
            ServiceQueue(self._loop, self._executor, queue, route,
                         user_function, total_instances)
            # function_type == FunctionType.SINGLETON
            self._function_queues[route] = {
                'queue': queue,
                'private': is_private,
                'instances': 1
            ServiceQueue(self._loop, self._executor, queue, route,
                         user_function, -1)
        # advertise the new route to the network
        if self._cloud.is_ready() and not is_private:
            self._cloud.send_payload({'type': 'add', 'route': route})

    def cloud_ready(self):
        return self._cloud.is_ready()

    def subscribe_life_cycle(self, callback: str):

    def unsubscribe_life_cycle(self, callback: str):

    def release(self, route: str) -> None:
        # this will un-register a route
        if not isinstance(route, str):
            raise ValueError(f'Expect route to be str, actual: {type(route)}')
        if route not in self._function_queues:
            raise ValueError(f'route {route} not found')
        # advertise the deleted route to the network
        if self._cloud.is_ready() and self.route_is_private(route):
            self._cloud.send_payload({'type': 'remove', 'route': route})

    def has_route(self, route: str) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(route, str):
            raise ValueError(f'Expect route to be str, actual: {type(route)}')
        return route in self._function_queues

    def get_routes(self, options: str = 'all'):
        result = list()
        if 'public' == options:
            for route in self._function_queues:
                if not self.route_is_private(route):
            return result
        elif 'private' == options:
            for route in self._function_queues:
                if self.route_is_private(route):
            return result
        elif 'all' == options:
            return list(self._function_queues.keys())
            return result

    def route_is_private(self, route: str) -> bool:
        config = self._function_queues[route]
        if config and 'private' in config:
            return config['private']
            return False

    def route_instances(self, route: str) -> int:
        config = self._function_queues[route]
        if config and 'instances' in config:
            return config['instances']
            return 0

    def parallel_request(self, events: list, timeout_seconds: float):
        timeout_value = self.util.get_float(timeout_seconds)
        if timeout_value <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'timeout value in seconds must be positive number')
        if not isinstance(events, list):
            raise ValueError('events must be a list of EventEnvelope')
        if len(events) == 0:
            raise ValueError('event list is empty')
        if len(events) == 1:
            result = list()
            result.append(self.request(events[0], timeout_value))
            return result
        for evt in events:
            if not isinstance(evt, EventEnvelope):
                raise ValueError('events must be a list of EventEnvelope')

        # retrieve distributed tracing info if any
        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        # emulate RPC
        inbox = Inbox(self)
        temp_route = inbox.get_route()
        inbox_queue = inbox.get_queue()
            for evt in events:
                # restore distributed tracing info from current thread
                if trace_info:
                    if trace_info.get_route(
                    ) is not None and evt.get_from() is None:
                    if trace_info.get_id() is not None and trace_info.get_path(
                    ) is not None:

                route = evt.get_to()
                evt.set_reply_to(temp_route, me=True)
                if route in self._function_queues:
                    self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._send, route,
                    if self._cloud.is_connected():
                            'type': 'event',
                            'event': evt.to_map()
                        raise ValueError(f'route {route} not found')

            total_requests = len(events)
            result_list = list()
            while True:
                    # wait until all response events are delivered to the inbox
                    result_list.append(inbox_queue.get(True, timeout_value))
                    if len(result_list) == len(events):
                        return result_list
                except Empty:
                    raise TimeoutError(
                        f'Requests timeout for {round(timeout_value, 3)} seconds. '
                        f'Expect: {total_requests} responses, actual: {len(result_list)}'

    def request(self, event: EventEnvelope, timeout_seconds: float):
        timeout_value = self.util.get_float(timeout_seconds)
        if timeout_value <= 0:
            raise ValueError(
                'timeout value in seconds must be positive number')
        if not isinstance(event, EventEnvelope):
            raise ValueError('event object must be an EventEnvelope')
        # restore distributed tracing info from current thread
        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        if trace_info:
            if trace_info.get_route() is not None and event.get_from() is None:
            if trace_info.get_id() is not None and trace_info.get_path(
            ) is not None:
                event.set_trace(trace_info.get_id(), trace_info.get_path())
        # emulate RPC
        inbox = Inbox(self)
        temp_route = inbox.get_route()
        inbox_queue = inbox.get_queue()
            route = event.get_to()
            event.set_reply_to(temp_route, me=True)
            if route in self._function_queues:
                self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._send, route,
                if self._cloud.is_connected():
                        'type': 'event',
                        'event': event.to_map()
                    raise ValueError(f'route {route} not found')
            # wait until response event is delivered to the inbox
            return inbox_queue.get(True, timeout_value)
        except Empty:
            raise TimeoutError(
                f'Route {event.get_to()} timeout for {round(timeout_value, 3)} seconds'

    def send_event(self, event: EventEnvelope, broadcast=False) -> None:
        if not isinstance(event, EventEnvelope):
            raise ValueError('event object must be an EventEnvelope class')
        # restore distributed tracing info from current thread
        trace_info = self.get_trace()
        if trace_info:
            if trace_info.get_route() is not None and event.get_from() is None:
            if trace_info.get_id() is not None and trace_info.get_path(
            ) is not None:
                event.set_trace(trace_info.get_id(), trace_info.get_path())
        # regulate rate for best performance
        self._seq += 1
        route = event.get_to()
        if broadcast:
        reply_to = event.get_reply_to()
        if reply_to:
            target = reply_to[2:] if reply_to.startswith('->') else reply_to
            if route == target:
                raise ValueError('route and reply_to must not be the same')
        if route in self._function_queues:
            if event.is_broadcast() and self._cloud.is_connected():
                    'type': 'event',
                    'event': event.to_map()
                self._loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._send, route,
            if self._cloud.is_connected():
                    'type': 'event',
                    'event': event.to_map()
                raise ValueError(f'route {route} not found')

    def send_event_later(self, event: EventEnvelope,
                         delay_in_seconds: float) -> None:
        self._loop.call_later(delay_in_seconds, self.send_event, event)

    def exists(self, routes: any):
        if isinstance(routes, str):
            single_route = routes
            if self.has_route(single_route):
                return True
            if self.cloud_ready():
                event = EventEnvelope()
                    'type', 'find').set_header('route', single_route)
                result = self.request(event, 8.0)
                if isinstance(result, EventEnvelope):
                    if result.get_body() is not None:
                        return result.get_body()
        if isinstance(routes, list):
            if len(routes) > 0:
                remote_routes = list()
                for r in routes:
                    if not self.has_route(r):
                if len(remote_routes) == 0:
                    return True
                if self.cloud_ready():
                    # tell service query to use the route list in body
                    event = EventEnvelope()
                    event.set_to(self.SERVICE_QUERY).set_header('type', 'find')
                    event.set_header('route', '*').set_body(routes)
                    result = self.request(event, 8.0)
                    if isinstance(
                            EventEnvelope) and result.get_body() is not None:
                        return result.get_body()
        return False

    def _remove_route(self, route):
        if route in self._function_queues:
            self._send(route, None)

    def _send(self, route, event):
        if route in self._function_queues:
            config = self._function_queues[route]
            if 'queue' in config:

    def connect_to_cloud(self):

    def stop(self):
        # to allow user application to invoke the "stop" method from a registered service,
        # the system must start a new thread so that the service can finish first.
        if not self.stopped:
            # guarantee this stop function to execute only once
            self.stopped = True
            # exit the run_forever loop if any
            self.running = False
            # in case the calling function has just send an event asynchronously

    def _bye(self):
        def stopping():
            route_list = []
            for route in self.get_routes():
            for route in route_list:

        async def full_stop():
            # give time for registered services to stop
            await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
            queue_dir = self.util.normalize_path(

            f'Application {self.get_origin()} is stopping',