	def createClearMerkleTree(self, height):
		subsidy = self.SubsidyAlgo(height)
		cbtxn = self.makeCoinbaseTxn(subsidy, False, witness_commitment=None)
		cbtxn.setCoinbase(b'\0\0')  # necessary to avoid triggering segwit marker+flags
		MT = MerkleTree([cbtxn])
		if self.currentMerkleTree:
			self.UpdateClearMerkleTree(MT, self.currentMerkleTree.MP)
		MT.witness_commitment = None
		return MT
	def createClearMerkleTree(self, height):
		subsidy = self.SubsidyAlgo(height)
		blockInfo = (None, None)
		if hasattr(self, 'Rootstock') and self.Rootstock is not None:
			blockInfo = self.Rootstock.getBlockInfo()
		cbtxn = self.makeCoinbaseTxn(subsidy, False, witness_commitment=None)
		cbtxn.setCoinbase(b'\0\0')  # necessary to avoid triggering segwit marker+flags
		MT = MerkleTree([cbtxn])
		if self.currentMerkleTree:
			self.UpdateClearMerkleTree(MT, self.currentMerkleTree.MP)
		MT.witness_commitment = None
		if blockInfo[0] is not None:
			MT.rootstockBlockInfo = blockInfo
		return MT
	def _ProcessGBT(self, MP, TS = None):
		oMP = MP
		MP = deepcopy(MP)
		if MP['version'] & 0xe0000000 != 0x20000000:
			self.logger.error('Template from \'%s\' has non-BIP9 block version (%x)' % (TS['name'], MP['version']))
			return None
		ISupportAllRules = True
		for ruleflag in MP['rules']:
			(MandatoryRule, rule) = SplitRuleFlag(ruleflag)
			if rule not in SupportedRules:
				ISupportAllRules = False
				if MandatoryRule:
					self.logger.error('Template from \'%s\' strictly requires unsupported rule \'%s\'', TS['name'], rule)
					return None
					self.logger.warning('Template from \'%s\' loosely requires unsupported rule \'%s\'', TS['name'], rule)
		MP['_filtered_vbavailable'] = {}
		for ruleflag in MP['vbavailable']:
			rulebit = MP['vbavailable'][ruleflag]
			rulemask = (1 << rulebit)
			if MP['version'] & rulemask:
				MP['_filtered_vbavailable'][ruleflag] = rulebit
		prevBlock = bytes.fromhex(MP['previousblockhash'])[::-1]
		if 'height' not in MP:
			MP['height'] = TS['access'].getinfo()['blocks'] + 1
		height = MP['height']
		bits = bytes.fromhex(MP['bits'])[::-1]
		(MP['_bits'], MP['_prevBlock']) = (bits, prevBlock)
		MP['_BlockVersionBytes'] = struct.pack('<L', MP['version'])
		if (prevBlock, height, bits) != self.currentBlock and (self.currentBlock[1] is None or height > self.currentBlock[1]):
			self.updateBlock(prevBlock, height, bits, _HBH=(MP['previousblockhash'], MP['bits']))
		txnlist = MP['transactions']
		if len(txnlist) and isinstance(txnlist[0], dict):
			txninfo = txnlist
			txnlist = tuple(a['data'] for a in txnlist)
		elif 'transactionfees' in MP:
			# Backward compatibility with pre-BIP22 gmp_fees branch
			txninfo = [{'fee':a} for a in MP['transactionfees']]
			# Backward compatibility with pre-BIP22 hex-only (bitcoind <0.7, Eloipool <future)
			txninfo = [{}] * len(txnlist)
		# TODO: cache Txn or at least txid from previous merkle roots?
		txnlist = [a for a in map(bytes.fromhex, txnlist)]
		self._makeBlockSafe(MP, txnlist, txninfo)
		if len(MP['transactions']) != len(txnlist) and not ISupportAllRules:
			self.logger.error('Template from \'%s\' should be trimmed, but requires unsupported rule(s)', TS['name'])
			return None
		txnobjs = [None]
		for i in range(len(txnlist)):
			iinfo = txninfo[i]
			ka = {}
			if 'txid' in iinfo:
				ka['txid'] = bytes.fromhex(iinfo['txid'])[::-1]
			txnobjs.append(Txn(data=txnlist[i], **ka))
		witness_commitment = CalculateWitnessCommitment(txnobjs, self.WitnessNonce, force=self.ForceWitnessCommitment)
		cbtxn = self.makeCoinbaseTxn(MP['coinbasevalue'], prevBlockHex = MP['previousblockhash'], witness_commitment=witness_commitment)
		txnobjs[0] = cbtxn
		txnobjs = list(txnobjs)
		newMerkleTree = MerkleTree(txnobjs)
		newMerkleTree.POTInfo = MP.get('POTInfo')
		newMerkleTree.MP = MP
		newMerkleTree.oMP = oMP
		newMerkleTree.witness_commitment = witness_commitment
		return newMerkleTree