def compute_determinant_of_jacobian_forward_differences(phi, spacing):
    fdt = FD.FD_torch(spacing)
    dim = len(spacing)

    if dim == 1:
        p0x = fdt.dXf(phi[0:1, 0, ...])
        det = p0x

    elif dim == 2:
        p0x = fdt.dXf(phi[0:1, 0, ...])
        p0y = fdt.dYf(phi[0:1, 0, ...])
        p1x = fdt.dXf(phi[0:1, 1, ...])
        p1y = fdt.dYf(phi[0:1, 1, ...])

        det = p0x * p1y - p0y * p1x
    elif dim == 3:
        p0x = fdt.dXf(phi[0:1, 0, ...])
        p0y = fdt.dYf(phi[0:1, 0, ...])
        p0z = fdt.dZf(phi[0:1, 0, ...])
        p1x = fdt.dXf(phi[0:1, 1, ...])
        p1y = fdt.dYf(phi[0:1, 1, ...])
        p1z = fdt.dZf(phi[0:1, 1, ...])
        p2x = fdt.dXf(phi[0:1, 2, ...])
        p2y = fdt.dYf(phi[0:1, 2, ...])
        p2z = fdt.dZf(phi[0:1, 2, ...])

        det = p0x * p1y * p2z + p0y * p1z * p2x + p0z * p1x * p2y - p0z * p1y * p2x - p0y * p1x * p2z - p0x * p1z * p2y
        raise ValueError(
            'Can only compute the determinant of Jacobian for dimensions 1, 2 and 3'

    det = det.data[0, ...].detach().cpu().numpy()
    return det
 def scale_reg_loss(self, sched='l2'):
     disp = self.disp_field
     fd = fdt.FD_torch(self.spacing * 2)
     dfx = fd.dXc(disp[:, 0, ...])
     dfy = fd.dYc(disp[:, 1, ...])
     dfz = fd.dZc(disp[:, 2, ...])
     l2 = dfx**2 + dfy**2 + dfz**2
     reg = l2.mean()
     return reg
def compute_jacobi(phi,spacing):
    spacing = spacing  # the disp coorindate is [-1,1]
    fd = fdt.FD_torch(spacing)
    dfx = fd.dXc(phi[:, 0, ...])
    dfy = fd.dYc(phi[:, 1, ...])
    jacobi_det = dfx * dfy
    jacobi_abs = - torch.sum(jacobi_det[jacobi_det < 0.])
    print("the current  sum of neg determinant of the  jacobi is {}".format(jacobi_abs))
    return jacobi_abs.item()
 def setUp(self):
     self.spacing = np.array([0.1, 0.2, 0.5])
     self.fd_torch = FD.FD_torch(self.spacing)
     self.inArray = torch.FloatTensor([[[[0., 1., 2.], [3., 4., 5.],
                                         [6., 7., 8.]],
                                        [[9., 10., 11.], [12., 13., 14.],
                                         [15., 16., 17.]],
                                        [[18., 19., 20.], [21., 22., 23.],
                                         [24., 25., 26.]]]])
    def prec_loss(self, disp):  ##!!!!!!!!
        a more manual implementation of the precision matrix term
                mu * P * mu    where    P = D - A
        where D is the degree matrix and A is the adjacency matrix
                mu * P * mu = 0.5 * sum_i mu_i sum_j (mu_i - mu_j) = 0.5 * sum_i,j (mu_i - mu_j) ^ 2
        where j are neighbors of i

        Note: could probably do with a difference filter,
        but the edges would be complicated unless tensorflow allowed for edge copying
        fd = fdt.FD_torch(np.array([1., 1., 1.]))
        dfx = fd.dXc(disp[:, 0, ...])
        dfy = fd.dYc(disp[:, 1, ...])
        dfz = fd.dZc(disp[:, 2, ...])
        l2 = dfx**2 + dfy**2 + dfz**2
        reg = l2.mean()
        return reg * 0.5
    def scale_reg_loss(self):
        def __compute_contour(seg_data):
            contours = pynd_segutils.seg2contour(seg_data,
            contours[contours > 0] = 1
            return torch.Tensor(contours).cuda()

        if self.mask is None:
            import SimpleITK as sitk
            atlas_path = '/playpen-raid/zyshen/data/oai_seg/atlas_label.nii.gz'
            seg = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(sitk.ReadImage(atlas_path))
            contour = __compute_contour(seg)
            self.mask = 1.0 - contour

        delta = self.delta
        fd = fdt.FD_torch(self.spacing * 2)
        dfx = fd.dXc(delta[:, 0, ...])
        dfy = fd.dYc(delta[:, 0, ...])
        dfz = fd.dZc(delta[:, 0, ...])
        dabs = dfx.abs() + dfy.abs() + dfz.abs()
        l2 = self.mask * dabs
        reg = l2.mean()
        return reg
 def setUp(self):
     self.spacing = np.array([0.1, 0.2])
     self.fd_torch = FD.FD_torch(self.spacing)
 def setUp(self):
     self.spacing = np.array([0.1, 0.2])
     self.fd_torch = FD.FD_torch(self.spacing, mode='neumann_zero')