class ForestFire(Model):
    Simple Forest Fire model.
    def __init__(self, height, width, density):
        Create a new forest fire model.

            height, width: The size of the grid to model
            density: What fraction of grid cells have a tree in them.
        # Initialize model parameters
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density

        # Set up model objects
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"Fine": lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Fine"),
             "On Fire": lambda m: self.count_type(m, "On Fire"),
             "Burned Out": lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Burned Out")})

        # Place a tree in each cell with Prob = density
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if random.random() < self.density:
                # Create a tree
                new_tree = TreeCell((x, y))
                # Set all trees in the first column on fire.
                if x == 0:
                    new_tree.condition = "On Fire"
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_tree)
        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Advance the model by one step.

        # Halt if no more fire
        if self.count_type(self, "On Fire") == 0:
            self.running = False

    def count_type(model, tree_condition):
        Helper method to count trees in a given condition in a given model.
        count = 0
        for tree in model.schedule.agents:
            if tree.condition == tree_condition:
                count += 1
        return count
    def __init__(self, height, width, density):
        Create a new forest fire model.

            height, width: The size of the grid to model
            density: What fraction of grid cells have a tree in them.
        # Initialize model parameters
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density

        # Set up model objects
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"Fine": lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Fine"),
             "On Fire": lambda m: self.count_type(m, "On Fire"),
             "Burned Out": lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Burned Out")})

        # Place a tree in each cell with Prob = density
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if random.random() < self.density:
                # Create a tree
                new_tree = TreeCell((x, y))
                # Set all trees in the first column on fire.
                if x == 0:
                    new_tree.condition = "On Fire"
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_tree)
        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, height=100, width=100, density=0.7):
        Create a new forest fire model.
            height, width: The size of the grid to model
            density: What fraction of grid cells have a tree in them.
        # Initialize model parameters
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density

        # Set up model objects
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)

        # Place a tree in each cell with Prob = density
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if self.random.random() < self.density:
                # Create a tree
                new_tree = TreeCell((x, y), self)
                # Set all trees in the first column on fire.
                if x == 0:
                    new_tree.condition = "On Fire"
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_tree)
class ForestFire(Model):
    Simple Forest Fire model.
    def __init__(self, height=100, width=100, density=0.7):
        Create a new forest fire model.
            height, width: The size of the grid to model
            density: What fraction of grid cells have a tree in them.
        # Set up model objects
        self.schedule = BaseScheduler(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)

        # Place a tree in each cell with Prob = density
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if self.random.random() < density:
                # Create a tree
                new_tree = TreeCell((x, y), self)
                # Set all trees in the first column on fire.
                if x == 0:
                    new_tree.condition = "On Fire"
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_tree)

    def step(self):
        Advance the model by one step.
    def __init__(self, height=50, width=50, server=True):
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Set up the grid and schedule.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # computing their next state simultaneously.  This needs to
        # be done because each cell's next state depends on the current
        # state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed.
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)
        self.server = server
        # Use a simple grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)

        #Datacollector -- default for this model is no data collection, but one can use OABM to assign one.
        #so this is an empty DataCollector instance from MESA

        self.datacollector = DataCollector()

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD.
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            cell = Cell((x, y), self)
            if self.random.random() < 0.1:
                cell.state = cell.ALIVE
            self.grid.place_agent(cell, (x, y))

        self.running = True
文件: model.py 项目: zykls/whynot
    def __init__(
        """Seed is used to set randomness in the __new__ function of the Model superclass."""
        # pylint: disable-msg=unused-argument,super-init-not-called
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.cop_vision = cop_vision
        self.max_jail_term = max_jail_term

        self.arrest_prob_constant = arrest_prob_constant
        self.movement = True
        self.running = True
        self.max_steps = max_steps
        self.iteration = 0
        self.prison_interaction = prison_interaction
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)
    def __init__(self, height, width, density, esquinas):
        # Parámetros para inicializar modelo
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density

        self.esquinas = esquinas

        self.initialTrees = 0
        self.burnedTrees = 0
        self.percen = 0

        # Creación del planificador y del grid
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(width, height, torus=False)

        # Recolector de datos para gráfica
        self.datacollector = DataCollector({
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Fine"),
            "On Fire":
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "On Fire"),
            "Burned Out":
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Burned Out")

        # Creación de los agentes del modelo y configuración de parámetros

        # Ejecución en navegador despues de crear
        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, height=50, width=50):
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Set up the grid and schedule.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # Computing their next state simultaneously.
        # This needs to be done because each cell's next state depends on
        # the current state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # Use a single grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            cell = Cell((x, y), self)
            if self.random.random() < 0.1:
                cell.state = cell.ALIVE
            # place_agent: Position an agent on the Grid, and set its pos variable
            self.grid.place_agent(cell, (x, y))
            # add(): Add an agent object to the schedule

        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, height=100, width=100, density=0.65):
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)
        self.datacollector = DataCollector({
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Fine"),
            "On Fire":
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "On Fire"),
            "Burned Out":
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Burned Out"),

        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if self.random.random() < self.density:
                new_tree = TreeCell((x, y), self)
                # Set all trees in the first column on fire.
                if x == 0:
                    new_tree.condition = "On Fire"
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_tree)

        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, height, width):
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Set up the grid and schedule.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # computing their next state simultaneously.  This needs to
        # be done because each cell's next state depends on the current
        # state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed.
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # Use a simple grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD.
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            cell = Cell((x, y), self)
            if random() < .1:
                cell.state = cell.ALIVE
            self.grid.place_agent(cell, (x, y))

        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, height, width):
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Set up the grid and schedule.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # computing their next state simultaneously.  This needs to
        # be done because each cell's next state depends on the current
        # state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed.
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # Use a simple grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD.
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            pos = (x, y)
            init_state = CGoLCell.DEAD
            # Initially, make 10% of the cells ALIVE.
            if random.random() < 0.1:
                init_state = CGoLCell.ALIVE
            cell = CGoLCell(pos, self, init_state)
            # Put this cell in the grid at position (x, y)
            self.grid.place_agent(cell, pos)
            # Add this cell to the scheduler.
        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, height=40, width=40, citizen_density=0.7, cop_density=0.074,
                 citizen_vision=7, cop_vision=7, legitimacy=0.8,
                 max_jail_term=1000, active_threshold=.1, arrest_prob_constant=2.3,
                 movement=True, max_iters=1000):
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.citizen_density = citizen_density
        self.cop_density = cop_density
        self.citizen_vision = citizen_vision
        self.cop_vision = cop_vision
        self.legitimacy = legitimacy
        self.max_jail_term = max_jail_term
        self.active_threshold = active_threshold
        self.arrest_prob_constant = arrest_prob_constant
        self.movement = movement
        self.max_iters = max_iters
        self.iteration = 0
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)
        model_reporters = {
            "Quiescent": lambda m: self.count_type_citizens(m, "Quiescent"),
            "Active": lambda m: self.count_type_citizens(m, "Active"),
            "Jailed": lambda m: self.count_jailed(m)}
        agent_reporters = {
            "x": lambda a: a.pos[0],
            "y": lambda a: a.pos[1],
            'breed': lambda a: a.breed,
            "jail_sentence": lambda a: getattr(a, 'jail_sentence', None),
            "condition": lambda a: getattr(a, "condition", None),
            "arrest_probability": lambda a: getattr(a, "arrest_probability",
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters=model_reporters,
        unique_id = 0
        if self.cop_density + self.citizen_density > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'Cop density + citizen density must be less than 1')
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if self.random.random() < self.cop_density:
                cop = Cop(unique_id, self, (x, y), vision=self.cop_vision)
                unique_id += 1
                self.grid[y][x] = cop
            elif self.random.random() < (
                    self.cop_density + self.citizen_density):
                citizen = Citizen(unique_id, self, (x, y),
                                  regime_legitimacy=self.legitimacy if self.random.random()<0.9 else 0.01,
                unique_id += 1
                self.grid[y][x] = citizen

        self.running = True
    def __init__(self,
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.citizen_density = citizen_density
        self.cop_density = cop_density
        self.citizen_vision = citizen_vision
        self.cop_vision = cop_vision
        self.legitimacy = legitimacy
        self.max_jail_term = max_jail_term
        self.active_threshold = active_threshold
        self.arrest_prob_constant = arrest_prob_constant
        self.movement = movement
        self.max_iters = max_iters
        self.iteration = 0
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)
        model_reporters = {
            "Quiescent": lambda m: self.count_type_citizens(m, "Quiescent"),
            "Active": lambda m: self.count_type_citizens(m, "Active")
        agent_reporters = {
            "x": lambda a: a.pos[0],
            "y": lambda a: a.pos[1],
            'breed': lambda a: a.breed,
            "jail_sentence": lambda a: getattr(a, 'jail_sentence', None),
            "condition": lambda a: getattr(a, "condition", None),
            lambda a: getattr(a, "arrest_probability", None)
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters=model_reporters,
        unique_id = 0
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            citizen = Citizen(unique_id,
                              self, (x, y),
            unique_id += 1
            self.grid[y][x] = citizen

        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, width=100, height=100, density=0.65, wind=0.0):
        Create a new forest fire model.

            width, height: The size of the grid to model
            density: What fraction of grid cells have a tree in them.
        # Set up model objects
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(width, height, torus=False)
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.count_step = 1

        # Variáveis de controle
        self.density = density
        self.wind = wind

        self.datacollector_cluster_fine = DataCollector({
            "Number of clusters (Fine)":
            lambda m: self.count_clusters(m, self.width, self.height, "Fine"),
        self.datacollector_cluster_fireputout = DataCollector({
            "Number of clusters (Fire Put Out)":
            lambda m: self.count_clusters(m, self.width, self.height,
                                          "Fire Put Out"),
        self.datacollector = DataCollector({
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Fine"),
            "On Fire":
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "On Fire"),
            "Burned Out":
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Burned Out"),
            "Fire Put Out":
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Fire Put Out"),

        # Place a tree in each cell with Prob = density
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if self.random.random() < density:
                # Create a tree
                new_tree = TreeCell((x, y), self, wind)
                # Set all trees in the first column on fire.
                if x == 0:
                    new_tree.condition = "On Fire"
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_tree)

        self.running = True
class ConwaysGameOfLife(Model):
    Represents the 2-dimensional array of cells in Conway's
    Game of Life.
    def __init__(self, height=50, width=50, server=True):
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Set up the grid and schedule.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # computing their next state simultaneously.  This needs to
        # be done because each cell's next state depends on the current
        # state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed.
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)
        self.server = server
        # Use a simple grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)

        #Datacollector -- default for this model is no data collection, but one can use OABM to assign one.
        #so this is an empty DataCollector instance from MESA

        self.datacollector = DataCollector()

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD.
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            cell = Cell((x, y), self)
            if self.random.random() < 0.1:
                cell.state = cell.ALIVE
            self.grid.place_agent(cell, (x, y))

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Have the scheduler advance each cell by one step

    def run_model(self, n=None):
        if n:
            self.num_steps = n
        if self.server == False:
            for _ in range(self.num_steps):
            return self
            from .server import server

class TestBaseGrid(unittest.TestCase):
    Testing a non-toroidal grid.

    torus = False

    def setUp(self):
        Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
        self.grid = Grid(3, 5, self.torus)
        self.agents = []
        counter = 0
        for y in range(3):
            for x in range(5):
                if TEST_GRID[y][x] == 0:
                counter += 1
                # Create and place the mock agent
                a = MockAgent(counter, None)
                self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

    def test_agent_positions(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed properly.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert self.grid[y][x] == agent

    def test_neighbors(self):
        Test the base neighborhood methods on the non-toroid.

        neighborhood = self.grid.get_neighborhood(1, 1, moore=True)
        assert len(neighborhood) == 8

        neighborhood = self.grid.get_neighborhood(4, 1, moore=True)
        assert len(neighborhood) == 5

        neighborhood = self.grid.get_neighborhood(0, 0, moore=False)
        assert len(neighborhood) == 2

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors(4, 1, moore=False)
        assert len(neighbors) == 0

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors(4, 1, moore=True)
        assert len(neighbors) == 2

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors(1, 1, moore=False,
        assert len(neighbors) == 3

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors(3, 1, moore=False, radius=2)
        assert len(neighbors) == 4
    def __init__(self, width, height, key1=103, key2=104):

        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.key1 = (key1, )
        self.key2 = key2
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(width, height, torus=True)

        for (c, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            a = MockAgent(x + y * 100, self, x * y * 3)
            self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))
class InspectionModel(Model):
    Simple Restaurant Inspection model.
    def __init__(self, height, width, density):
        Create a new restaurant inspection model.

            height, width: The size of the grid to model
            density: What fraction of grid cells have a restaurant in them.
        # Initialize model parameters
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density

        # Set up model objects
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"Good": lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Good"),
             "Bad": lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Bad")})

        # Place a restaurant in each cell with Prob = density
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if random.random() < self.density:
                # Create a restaurant
                new_restaurant = RestaurantCell((x, y))
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_restaurant)
        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Advance the model by one step.

    def count_type(model, restaurant_hygiene):
        Helper method to count restaurants in a given condition in a given model.
        count = 0
        for restaurant in model.schedule.agents:
            if restaurant.hygiene == restaurant_hygiene and restaurant.rating != 'Closed':
                count += 1
        return count
文件: model.py 项目: zsvizi/mesa
    def __init__(self,
        # scheduler
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        # grid: instance of Grid with specified width, height and torus=False
        self.grid = Grid(width=width, height=height, torus=False)

        ### TO BE DONE
        # Model parameters
        # Full value: maximum value can be reached by a cell
        self.full_value = None
        # k_full: how many neighbors with full state is needed for changing state of an inactive cell
        self.k_full = None
        # k_active: how many neighbors with active state is needed for changing state of an inactive cell
        self.k_active = None
        # g: accelerates activation of a cell, added to the change of state for an active cell
        self.g = None
        ### TO BE DONE

        # running: needed for interactive visualization
        self.running = True

        # Create molecules and place them in a grid cell
        # Looping through all rows of the grid
        for x in range(height):
            # Looping through all columns of the grid
            for y in range(width):

                ### TO BE DONE
                # Instantiate molecule
                molecule = MoleculeCell(pos=None, model=None)
                # Add molecule to the scheduler
                # Place molecule in the grid
                self.grid.place_agent(pos=None, agent=molecule)
                ### TO BE DONE

        # data collector for plotting
        self.data_collection = DataCollector(
            # collect number of inactive and full molecules at each step
                "Inactives": count_inactive,
                "Fulls": count_full
            agent_reporters={"State": "state"})
    def __init__(self, height, width):
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Set up the grid and schedule.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # computing their next state simultaneously.  This needs to
        # be done because each cell's next state depends on the current
        # state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed.
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # Use a simple grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD.
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            pos = (x, y)
            init_state = CGoLCell.DEAD
            # Initially, make 10% of the cells ALIVE.
            if random.random() < 0.1:
                init_state = CGoLCell.ALIVE
            cell = CGoLCell(pos, self, init_state)
            # Put this cell in the grid at position (x, y)
            self.grid.place_agent(cell, pos)
            # Add this cell to the scheduler.
        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, height, width, density):
        Create a new restaurant inspection model.

            height, width: The size of the grid to model
            density: What fraction of grid cells have a restaurant in them.
        # Initialize model parameters
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density

        # Set up model objects
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            {"Good": lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Good"),
             "Bad": lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Bad")})

        # Place a restaurant in each cell with Prob = density
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if random.random() < self.density:
                # Create a restaurant
                new_restaurant = RestaurantCell((x, y))
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_restaurant)
        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, height, width):
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Set up the grid and schedule.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # computing their next state simultaneously.  This needs to
        # be done because each cell's next state depends on the current
        # state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed.
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # Use a simple grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD.
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            cell = Cell((x, y), self)
            if random() < .1:
                cell.state = cell.ALIVE
            self.grid.place_agent(cell, (x, y))
        self.running = True
 def setUp(self):
     Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
     self.grid = Grid(3, 5, self.torus)
     self.agents = []
     counter = 0
     for y in range(3):
         for x in range(5):
             if TEST_GRID[y][x] == 0:
             counter += 1
             # Create and place the mock agent
             a = MockAgent(counter, None)
             self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))
    def __init__(self, L, p, direction, strength):
        :param L: size of model's grid
        :param p: probability of tree's occurrence in a cell
        :param direction: tuple (x,y) - direction of the wind:
            (0,0) - no wind,
            (0,1) - North, (0,-1) - South,
            (1,0) - East, (-1,0) - West,
            (1,1) - North-East, (-1,1) - North-West,
            (1,-1) - South-East, (-1,-1) - South-West.
        :param strength: int [0,1] - let's assume 0 - 0 km/h, 1 - 100km/h

        At the beginning we assume that every tree has probability of becoming a burning cell equal to 0.5
        (if has burning neighbour).
        If considered non-burning tree has a burning neighbour tree
        and wind is blowing from the same direction as the burning neighbour,
        then probability of setting considered tree to fire is raising
        by half of the wind strength (not speed).
        On the other side, if source of fire is on the opposite site of source of wind
        then probability of setting considered tree to fire is lowered by half of wind strength.
        Otherwise, probability of setting tree to fire is not changed (trees occurring diagonal and
        perpendicular to wind direction are not affected by wind).


        self.grid = Grid(L, L, False)
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)
        self.running = True
        self.p = p
        self.direction = direction
        self.strength = strength

        for i in range(L):
            for j in range(L):
                if self.random.random() <= self.p:
                    if i == L - 1:
                        tree = TreeAgent((i, j), self, "burning")
                        tree = TreeAgent((i, j), self, "occupied")
                    self.grid.place_agent(tree, (i, j))

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters={
            "p*": compute_p,
            "Cluster": compute_cluster
class ColorPatchModel(Model):
    represents a 2D lattice where agents live
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        Create a 2D lattice with strict borders where agents live
        The agents next state is first determined before updating the grid

        self._grid = Grid(width, height, torus=False)
        self._schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # self._grid.coord_iter()
        #  --> should really not return content + col + row
        #  -->but only col & row
        # for (contents, col, row) in self._grid.coord_iter():
        # replaced content with _ to appease linter
        for (_, row, col) in self._grid.coord_iter():
            cell = ColorCell((row, col), self,
                             ColorCell.OPINIONS[random.randrange(0, 16)])
            self._grid.place_agent(cell, (row, col))

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Advance the model one step.

    # the following is a temporary fix for the framework classes accessing
    # model attributes directly
    # I don't think it should
    #   --> it imposes upon the model builder to use the attributes names that
    #       the framework expects.
    # Traceback included in docstrings

    def grid(self):
        return self._grid

    def schedule(self):
        return self._schedule
    def __init__(self,
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # computing their next state simultaneously.  This needs to
        # be done because each cell's next state depends on the current
        # state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed.
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # Use a simple grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)

        # Use the DataCollector method to store the relevant information of our
        # model. This helps with plotting in the web socke, but also with running
        #more models at the same time using BatchRunner (in batch.py)
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD.
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            cell = Cell((x, y), self, p_inf, p_rec, p_reinf, p_test, p_death,
                        test_n, hood)
            if self.random.random() < density:
                cell.state = cell.INFECTED
            self.grid.place_agent(cell, (x, y))

        self.measure_CA = []
        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, height=100, width=100, density=0.65):
        Create a new forest fire model.

            - height: the grid's height
            - width: the grid's width
            - density: what fraction of grid cells have a tree in them (initially)
        Set up model ojects
        RandomActivation is a schedular which actives each agent once per step,
        in random order, with the order reshuffled every step.
        This is equivalent to the NetLogo 'ask agent…' and is generally the
        default behavior for an ABM

        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)

        self.datacollector = DataCollector({
            # lambda function, it is like: lambda x, y: x ** y
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, 'Fine'),
            'On Fire':
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, 'On Fire'),
            'Burned Out':
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, 'Burned Out'),

        # Place a tree in each cell with Prob = density (here is 0.65)
        # coord_iter: returns coordinates as well as cell contents.
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if self.random.random() < density:
                # Create a tree
                new_tree = TreeCell((x, y), self)
                # Set all trees in the first column on fire.
                if x == 0:
                    new_tree.condition = 'On Fire'
                # place_agent: positions an agent on the grid, and set its pos variable.
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_tree)
                # Add an agent object to the schedule.

        self.running = True
 def __init__(self, height, width, citizen_density, cop_density,
              citizen_vision, cop_vision, legitimacy,
              max_jail_term, active_threshold=.1, arrest_prob_constant=2.3,
              movement=True, max_iters=1000):
     super(CivilViolenceModel, self).__init__()
     self.height = height
     self.width = width
     self.citizen_density = citizen_density
     self.cop_density = cop_density
     self.citizen_vision = citizen_vision
     self.cop_vision = cop_vision
     self.legitimacy = legitimacy
     self.max_jail_term = max_jail_term
     self.active_threshold = active_threshold
     self.arrest_prob_constant = arrest_prob_constant
     self.movement = movement
     self.running = True
     self.max_iters = max_iters
     self.iteration = 0
     self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
     self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)
     model_reporters = {
         "Quiescent": lambda m: self.count_type_citizens(m, "Quiescent"),
         "Active": lambda m: self.count_type_citizens(m, "Active"),
         "Jailed": lambda m: self.count_jailed(m)}
     agent_reporters = {
         "x": lambda a: a.pos[0],
         "y": lambda a: a.pos[1],
         'breed': lambda a: a.breed,
         "jail_sentence": lambda a: getattr(a, 'jail_sentence', None),
         "condition": lambda a: getattr(a, "condition", None),
         "arrest_probability": lambda a: getattr(a, "arrest_probability",
     self.dc = DataCollector(model_reporters=model_reporters,
     unique_id = 0
     if self.cop_density + self.citizen_density > 1:
         raise ValueError(
             'Cop density + citizen density must be less than 1')
     for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
         if random.random() < self.cop_density:
             cop = Cop(unique_id, (x, y), vision=self.cop_vision,
             unique_id += 1
             self.grid[y][x] = cop
         elif random.random() < (
                 self.cop_density + self.citizen_density):
             citizen = Citizen(unique_id, (x, y),
                               vision=self.citizen_vision, model=self)
             unique_id += 1
             self.grid[y][x] = citizen
class MockModel(Model):
    """ Test model for testing """
    def __init__(self, width, height, key1=103, key2=104):

        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.key1 = key1,
        self.key2 = key2
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(width, height, torus=True)

        for (c, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            a = MockAgent(x + y * 100, self, x * y * 3)
            self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

    def step(self):
 def setUp(self):
     Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
     width = 3  # width of grid
     height = 5  # height of grid
     self.grid = Grid(width, height, self.torus)
     self.agents = []
     counter = 0
     for x in range(width):
         for y in range(height):
             if TEST_GRID[x][y] == 0:
             counter += 1
             # Create and place the mock agent
             a = MockAgent(counter, None)
             self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))
class MockModel(Model):
    """ Test model for testing """

    def __init__(self, width, height, key1=103, key2=104):

        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.key1 = key1,
        self.key2 = key2
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(width, height, torus=True)

        for (c, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            a = MockAgent(x + y * 100, self, x * y * 3)
            self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

    def step(self):
class ForestFire(Model):
    def __init__(self, height=100, width=100, density=0.65):
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)
        self.datacollector = DataCollector({
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Fine"),
            "On Fire":
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "On Fire"),
            "Burned Out":
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Burned Out"),

        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if self.random.random() < self.density:
                new_tree = TreeCell((x, y), self)
                # Set all trees in the first column on fire.
                if x == 0:
                    new_tree.condition = "On Fire"
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_tree)

        self.running = True

    def step(self):

        # Halt if no more fire
        if self.count_type(self, "On Fire") == 0:
            self.running = False

    def count_type(model, tree_condition):
        count = 0
        for tree in model.schedule.agents:
            if tree.condition == tree_condition:
                count += 1
        return count
    def __init__(self, height, width, density):
        Create a new forest fire model.

            height, width: The size of the grid to model
            density: What fraction of grid cells have a tree in them.
        # Initialize model parameters
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.density = density

        # Set up model objects
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)

        self.datacollector = DataCollector({
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Unelectrified"),
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Transition"),
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, "Electrified")

        # Place a tree in each cell with Prob = density
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if random.random() < self.density:
                # Create a tree
                x = random.randrange(self.width)
                y = random.randrange(self.height)
                new_tree = TreeCell((x, y), self)
                # Set all trees in the first column on fire.
                #  if x == 4:
                #        new_tree.condition = "Transition"
                #    self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_tree)
                #    self.schedule.add(new_tree)
                if (x < 40 & y < 40):
                    new_tree.condition = "Transition"
                self.grid._place_agent((x, y), new_tree)
        self.running = True
class ConwaysGameOfLife(Model):
    Represents the 2-dimensional array of cells in Conway's
    Game of Life.
    def __init__(self, size, **kwargs):
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Set up the grid and schedule.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # computing their next state simultaneously.  This needs to
        # be done because each cell's next state depends on the current
        # state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed.
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # Use a simple grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(size, size, torus=True)

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD.
        for (_contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            cell = Cell((x, y), self)
            if self.random.random() < 0.1:
                cell.state = cell.ALIVE
            self.grid.place_agent(cell, (x, y))

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Have the scheduler advance each cell by one step

    def on_click(self, x, y, **kwargs):
        print(x, y)
        cell = self.grid[x][y]
        cell.state = cell.ALIVE
    def __init__(self, height, width):
        Create a 2D lattice with strict borders where agents live
        The agents next state is first determined before updating the grid

        self._grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)
        self._schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # self._grid.coord_iter()
        #  --> should really not return content + col + row
        #  -->but only col & row
        # for (contents, col, row) in self._grid.coord_iter():
        # replaced content with _ to appease linter
        for (_, col, row) in self._grid.coord_iter():
            cell = ColorCell((col, row), self, ColorCell.OPINIONS[random.randrange(0, 16)])
            self._grid.place_agent(cell, (col, row))

        self.running = True
    def __init__(self, L, p):
        self.grid = Grid(L, L, False)
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)
        self.running = True
        self.p = p

        for i in range(L):
            for j in range(L):
                if self.random.random() <= self.p:
                    if i == L - 1:
                        tree = TreeAgent((i, j), self, "burning")
                        tree = TreeAgent((i, j), self, "occupied")
                    self.grid.place_agent(tree, (i, j))

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(model_reporters={
            "p*": compute_p,
            "Cluster": compute_cluster
    def __init__(self, data, height=10, width=10, part="Part 1"):
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Set up the grid and schedule.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # computing their next state simultaneously.  This needs to
        # be done because each cell's next state depends on the current
        # state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed.
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # Use a simple grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=False)

        self.dc = DataCollector({
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, Cell.DEAD),
            lambda m: self.count_type(m, Cell.ALIVE),

        self.numalive = 0

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD.
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if data[(len(data) - 1) - y][x] == ".":
                state = Cell.FLOOR
                state = Cell.DEAD
            cell = Cell((x, y), self, state, part)

            self.grid.place_agent(cell, (x, y))

        self.running = True
文件: model.py 项目: bangtree/mesa
class ConwaysGameOfLife(Model):
    Represents the 2-dimensional array of cells in Conway's
    Game of Life.

    def __init__(self, height=50, width=50):
        Create a new playing area of (height, width) cells.

        # Set up the grid and schedule.

        # Use SimultaneousActivation which simulates all the cells
        # computing their next state simultaneously.  This needs to
        # be done because each cell's next state depends on the current
        # state of all its neighbors -- before they've changed.
        self.schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # Use a simple grid, where edges wrap around.
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)

        # Place a cell at each location, with some initialized to
        # ALIVE and some to DEAD.
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            cell = Cell((x, y), self)
            if self.random.random() < 0.1:
                cell.state = cell.ALIVE
            self.grid.place_agent(cell, (x, y))

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Have the scheduler advance each cell by one step
 def setUp(self):
     Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
     self.grid = Grid(3, 5, self.torus)
     self.agents = []
     counter = 0
     for y in range(3):
         for x in range(5):
             if TEST_GRID[y][x] == 0:
             counter += 1
             # Create and place the mock agent
             a = MockAgent(counter, None)
             self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))
文件: test_grid.py 项目: GeoESW/mesa
 def setUp(self):
     Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
     width = 3    # width of grid
     height = 5    # height of grid
     self.grid = Grid(width, height, self.torus)
     self.agents = []
     counter = 0
     for x in range(width):
         for y in range(height):
             if TEST_GRID[x][y] == 0:
             counter += 1
             # Create and place the mock agent
             a = MockAgent(counter, None)
             self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))
class CivilViolenceModel(Model):
    Model 1 from "Modeling civil violence: An agent-based computational
    approach," by Joshua Epstein.
        height: grid height
        width: grid width
        citizen_density: approximate % of cells occupied by citizens.
        cop_density: approximate % of calles occupied by cops.
        citizen_vision: number of cells in each direction (N, S, E and W) that
            citizen can inspect
        cop_vision: number of cells in each direction (N, S, E and W) that cop
            can inspect
        legitimacy:  (L) citizens' perception of regime legitimacy, equal
            across all citizens
        max_jail_term: (J_max)
        active_threshold: if (grievance - (risk_aversion * arrest_probability))
            > threshold, citizen rebels
        arrest_prob_constant: set to ensure agents make plausible arrest
            probability estimates
        movement: binary, whether agents try to move at step end
        max_iters: model may not have a natural stopping point, so we set a


    def __init__(self, height, width, citizen_density, cop_density,
                 citizen_vision, cop_vision, legitimacy,
                 max_jail_term, active_threshold=.1, arrest_prob_constant=2.3,
                 movement=True, max_iters=1000):
        super(CivilViolenceModel, self).__init__()
        self.height = height
        self.width = width
        self.citizen_density = citizen_density
        self.cop_density = cop_density
        self.citizen_vision = citizen_vision
        self.cop_vision = cop_vision
        self.legitimacy = legitimacy
        self.max_jail_term = max_jail_term
        self.active_threshold = active_threshold
        self.arrest_prob_constant = arrest_prob_constant
        self.movement = movement
        self.running = True
        self.max_iters = max_iters
        self.iteration = 0
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.grid = Grid(height, width, torus=True)
        model_reporters = {
            "Quiescent": lambda m: self.count_type_citizens(m, "Quiescent"),
            "Active": lambda m: self.count_type_citizens(m, "Active"),
            "Jailed": lambda m: self.count_jailed(m)}
        agent_reporters = {
            "x": lambda a: a.pos[0],
            "y": lambda a: a.pos[1],
            'breed': lambda a: a.breed,
            "jail_sentence": lambda a: getattr(a, 'jail_sentence', None),
            "condition": lambda a: getattr(a, "condition", None),
            "arrest_probability": lambda a: getattr(a, "arrest_probability",
        self.dc = DataCollector(model_reporters=model_reporters,
        unique_id = 0
        if self.cop_density + self.citizen_density > 1:
            raise ValueError(
                'Cop density + citizen density must be less than 1')
        for (contents, x, y) in self.grid.coord_iter():
            if random.random() < self.cop_density:
                cop = Cop(unique_id, (x, y), vision=self.cop_vision,
                unique_id += 1
                self.grid[y][x] = cop
            elif random.random() < (
                    self.cop_density + self.citizen_density):
                citizen = Citizen(unique_id, (x, y),
                                  vision=self.citizen_vision, model=self)
                unique_id += 1
                self.grid[y][x] = citizen

    def step(self):
        Advance the model by one step and collect data.
        self.iteration += 1
        if self.iteration > self.max_iters:
            self.running = False

    def count_type_citizens(model, condition, exclude_jailed=True):
        Helper method to count agents by Quiescent/Active.
        count = 0
        for agent in model.schedule.agents:
            if agent.breed == 'cop':
            if exclude_jailed and agent.jail_sentence:
            if agent.condition == condition:
                count += 1
        return count

    def count_jailed(model):
        Helper method to count jailed agents.
        count = 0
        for agent in model.schedule.agents:
            if agent.breed == 'citizen' and agent.jail_sentence:
                count += 1
        return count
class TestBaseGrid(unittest.TestCase):
    Testing a non-toroidal grid.

    torus = False

    def setUp(self):
        Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
        self.grid = Grid(3, 5, self.torus)
        self.agents = []
        counter = 0
        for y in range(3):
            for x in range(5):
                if TEST_GRID[y][x] == 0:
                counter += 1
                # Create and place the mock agent
                a = MockAgent(counter, None)
                self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

    def test_agent_positions(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed properly.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert self.grid[y][x] == agent

    def test_cell_agent_reporting(self):
        Ensure that if an agent is in a cell, get_cell_list_contents accurately
        reports that fact.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert agent in self.grid.get_cell_list_contents([(x, y)])

    def test_listfree_cell_agent_reporting(self):
        Ensure that if an agent is in a cell, get_cell_list_contents accurately
        reports that fact, even when single position is not wrapped in a list.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert agent in self.grid.get_cell_list_contents((x, y))

    def test_iter_cell_agent_reporting(self):
        Ensure that if an agent is in a cell, iter_cell_list_contents
        accurately reports that fact.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert agent in self.grid.iter_cell_list_contents([(x, y)])

    def test_listfree_iter_cell_agent_reporting(self):
        Ensure that if an agent is in a cell, iter_cell_list_contents
        accurately reports that fact, even when single position is not
        wrapped in a list.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert agent in self.grid.iter_cell_list_contents((x, y))

    def test_neighbors(self):
        Test the base neighborhood methods on the non-toroid.

        neighborhood = self.grid.get_neighborhood((1, 1), moore=True)
        assert len(neighborhood) == 8

        neighborhood = self.grid.get_neighborhood((4, 1), moore=True)
        assert len(neighborhood) == 5

        neighborhood = self.grid.get_neighborhood((0, 0), moore=False)
        assert len(neighborhood) == 2

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors((4, 1), moore=False)
        assert len(neighbors) == 0

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors((4, 1), moore=True)
        assert len(neighbors) == 2

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors((1, 1), moore=False,
        assert len(neighbors) == 3

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors((3, 1), moore=False, radius=2)
        assert len(neighbors) == 4

    def test_coord_iter(self):
        ci = self.grid.coord_iter()

        # no agent in first space
        first = next(ci)
        assert first[0] is None
        assert first[1] == 0
        assert first[2] == 0

        # first agent in the second space
        second = next(ci)
        assert second[0].unique_id == 1
        assert second[0].pos == (1, 0)
        assert second[1] == 1
        assert second[2] == 0
class TestBaseGrid(unittest.TestCase):
    Testing a non-toroidal grid.

    torus = False

    def setUp(self):
        Create a test non-toroidal grid and populate it with Mock Agents
        width = 3    # width of grid
        height = 5    # height of grid
        self.grid = Grid(width, height, self.torus)
        self.agents = []
        counter = 0
        for x in range(width):
            for y in range(height):
                if TEST_GRID[x][y] == 0:
                counter += 1
                # Create and place the mock agent
                a = MockAgent(counter, None)
                self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))

    def test_agent_positions(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed properly.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert self.grid[x][y] == agent

    def test_cell_agent_reporting(self):
        Ensure that if an agent is in a cell, get_cell_list_contents accurately
        reports that fact.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert agent in self.grid.get_cell_list_contents([(x, y)])

    def test_listfree_cell_agent_reporting(self):
        Ensure that if an agent is in a cell, get_cell_list_contents accurately
        reports that fact, even when single position is not wrapped in a list.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert agent in self.grid.get_cell_list_contents((x, y))

    def test_iter_cell_agent_reporting(self):
        Ensure that if an agent is in a cell, iter_cell_list_contents
        accurately reports that fact.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert agent in self.grid.iter_cell_list_contents([(x, y)])

    def test_listfree_iter_cell_agent_reporting(self):
        Ensure that if an agent is in a cell, iter_cell_list_contents
        accurately reports that fact, even when single position is not
        wrapped in a list.
        for agent in self.agents:
            x, y = agent.pos
            assert agent in self.grid.iter_cell_list_contents((x, y))

    def test_neighbors(self):
        Test the base neighborhood methods on the non-toroid.

        neighborhood = self.grid.get_neighborhood((1, 1), moore=True)
        assert len(neighborhood) == 8

        neighborhood = self.grid.get_neighborhood((1, 4), moore=False)
        assert len(neighborhood) == 3

        neighborhood = self.grid.get_neighborhood((1, 4), moore=True)
        assert len(neighborhood) == 5

        neighborhood = self.grid.get_neighborhood((0, 0), moore=False)
        assert len(neighborhood) == 2

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors((4, 1), moore=False)
        assert len(neighbors) == 0

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors((4, 1), moore=True)
        assert len(neighbors) == 0

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors((1, 1), moore=False,
        assert len(neighbors) == 3

        neighbors = self.grid.get_neighbors((1, 3), moore=False, radius=2)
        assert len(neighbors) == 2

    def test_coord_iter(self):
        ci = self.grid.coord_iter()

        # no agent in first space
        first = next(ci)
        assert first[0] is None
        assert first[1] == 0
        assert first[2] == 0

        # first agent in the second space
        second = next(ci)
        assert second[0].unique_id == 1
        assert second[0].pos == (0, 1)
        assert second[1] == 0
        assert second[2] == 1

    def test_agent_move(self):
        # get the agent at [0, 1]
        agent = self.agents[0]
        self.grid.move_agent(agent, (1, 1))
        assert agent.pos == (1, 1)
        # move it off the torus and check for the exception
        if not self.torus:
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                self.grid.move_agent(agent, [-1, 1])
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                self.grid.move_agent(agent, [1, self.grid.height + 1])
            self.grid.move_agent(agent, [-1, 1])
            assert agent.pos == (self.grid.width - 1, 1)
            self.grid.move_agent(agent, [1, self.grid.height + 1])
            assert agent.pos == (1, 1)

    def test_agent_remove(self):
        agent = self.agents[0]
        x, y = agent.pos
        assert agent.pos is None
        assert self.grid.grid[x][y] is None
文件: model.py 项目: GeoESW/mesa
class ColorPatchModel(Model):
    represents a 2D lattice where agents live

    def __init__(self, width, height):
        Create a 2D lattice with strict borders where agents live
        The agents next state is first determined before updating the grid

        self._grid = Grid(width, height, torus=False)
        self._schedule = SimultaneousActivation(self)

        # self._grid.coord_iter()
        #  --> should really not return content + col + row
        #  -->but only col & row
        # for (contents, col, row) in self._grid.coord_iter():
        # replaced content with _ to appease linter
        for (_, row, col) in self._grid.coord_iter():
            cell = ColorCell((row, col), self,
                             ColorCell.OPINIONS[random.randrange(0, 16)])
            self._grid.place_agent(cell, (row, col))

        self.running = True

    def step(self):
        Advance the model one step.

    # the following is a temporary fix for the framework classes accessing
    # model attributes directly
    # I don't think it should
    #   --> it imposes upon the model builder to use the attributes names that
    #       the framework expects.
    # Traceback included in docstrings

    def grid(self):
        is directly accessing Model.grid
             76     def render(self, model):
             77         grid_state = defaultdict(list)
        ---> 78         for y in range(model.grid.height):
             79             for x in range(model.grid.width):
             80                 cell_objects = model.grid.get_cell_list_contents([(x, y)])

        AttributeError: 'ColorPatchModel' object has no attribute 'grid'
        return self._grid

    def schedule(self):
        line 278, in run_model
            while self.model.schedule.steps < self.max_steps and self.model.running:
        AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'steps'
        return self._schedule