def plot_rbf_qr(): # in_mesh = mesh.GaussChebyshev_2D(12, 1, 4, 1) in_mesh = mesh.GaussChebyshev_1D(12, 1, 4, 0) - 4 in_vals = func(in_mesh) plot_mesh = np.linspace(np.min(in_mesh), np.max(in_mesh), 2000) # Use a fine mesh for plotting shape_param = 1e-3 print("Proposed shape parameter =", shape_param) rbf_qr = RBF_QR_1D(shape_param, in_mesh, in_vals) fig1 = plt.figure("RBF-QR Interpolation") ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) ax1.set_title("Interpolation on N= " + str(len(in_mesh)) + " nodes with m=" + str(shape_param)) ax1.plot(in_mesh, in_vals, "d") ax1.plot(plot_mesh, func(plot_mesh), "-", label="Original Function") ax1.plot(plot_mesh, rbf_qr(plot_mesh), "--", label="Interpolation RBF_QR_1D, m=" + str(shape_param)) ax1.set_ylabel("y") ax1.set_xlabel("x") ax1.legend(loc=2) ax1.grid() fig2 = plt.figure("Error") ax2 = fig2.add_subplot(111) ax2.set_title("Error of RBF_QR on N=" + str(len(in_mesh)) + " nodes with m=" + str(shape_param)) ax2.plot(plot_mesh, np.abs(func(plot_mesh) - rbf_qr(plot_mesh)), "-", label="Error RBF_QR_1D") ax2.plot(plot_mesh, np.full(plot_mesh.shape, np.finfo(np.float64).eps), "-", label="Machine precision (eps)") ax2.set_yscale("log") ax2.set_ylabel("Error") ax2.set_xlabel("x") ax2.legend(loc=2) ax2.grid()
def combined(): shape_parameter_space = np.logspace(0, -10, num=50) chebgauss_order_space = range(1, 40, 1) X, Y = np.meshgrid(shape_parameter_space, chebgauss_order_space) rmse = np.empty(X.shape) for i, j in tqdm(list(np.ndindex(X.shape))): shape = X[i, j] order = Y[i, j] in_mesh = mesh.GaussChebyshev_1D(order, 1, 4, 0) in_vals = func(in_mesh) test_mesh = np.linspace(np.min(in_mesh), np.max(in_mesh), 100) rbf_qr = RBF_QR_1D(shape, in_mesh, in_vals) rmse[i, j] = rbf_qr.RMSE(func, test_mesh) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.gca(projection='3d') ax.plot_surface(np.log10(X), 4 * Y, np.log10(rmse)) ax.set_xlabel("Shape parameter (log)") ax.set_ylabel("Meshsize") ax.set_zlabel("RMSE (log)")
def evalShapeQR(): in_mesh = mesh.GaussChebyshev_1D(4, 1, 4, 0) in_vals = func(in_mesh) test_mesh = np.linspace(np.min(in_mesh), np.max(in_mesh), 2000) shape_parameter_space = np.logspace(0.8, 0, num=100) rmse = [] for shape_param in shape_parameter_space: print("m = ", shape_param) rbf_qr = RBF_QR_1D(shape_param, in_mesh, in_vals) rmse.append(rbf_qr.RMSE(func, test_mesh)) rmse = np.array(rmse) plt.plot(shape_parameter_space, rmse, "-", label="RMSE") plt.title("RMSE of RBF-QR for different epsilon, both axes log, mapping " + str(len(in_mesh)) + " nodes to " + str(len(test_mesh)) + " nodes") plt.ylabel("RMSE") plt.xlabel("epsilon") plt.yscale("log") # plt.xscale("log") #mplot3d bug plt.legend(loc=2) plt.grid()
def plot_mesh_sizes(): GC = True # mesh_sizes = np.arange(2, 64) if GC else np.linspace(4, 1024, 200) mesh_sizes = np.arange(2, 32) if GC else np.linspace(4, 496, 200) test_mesh = np.linspace(1, 4, 4000) test_vals = func(test_mesh) m = 15 separated = [] integrated = [] no_pol = [] for size in mesh_sizes: in_mesh = mesh.GaussChebyshev_1D(size, 0.25, 4, 1) if GC else np.linspace(1, 4, size) in_vals = func(in_mesh) shape = rescaleBasisfunction(Gaussian, m, in_mesh) print("Computing with in mesh size =", int(size), ", resulting shape parameter =", shape) # bf = functools.partial(Gaussian, shape=shape) bf = create_BFs(Gaussian, m, in_mesh) separated.append(SeparatedConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals)) integrated.append(IntegratedConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals)) no_pol.append(NoneConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals)) if GC: mesh_sizes = mesh_sizes * 4 * 4 # for GC fig, ax1 = plt.subplots() print("Computing RMSE") ax1.semilogy(mesh_sizes, [i.RMSE(func, test_mesh) for i in separated], "--", label="RMSE separated Polynomial") ax1.semilogy(mesh_sizes, [i.RMSE(func, test_mesh) for i in integrated], "--", label="RMSE integrated polynomial") ax1.semilogy(mesh_sizes, [i.RMSE(func, test_mesh) for i in no_pol], "--", label="RMSE no polynomial") ax1.set_ylabel("RMSE") # ax1.legend(loc = 3) ax2 = ax1.twinx() print("Computing conditon") ax2.semilogy(mesh_sizes, [i.condC for i in separated], label="Condition separated / no polynomial") ax2.semilogy(mesh_sizes, [i.condC for i in integrated], label="Condition integrated polynomial") ax2.set_ylabel("Condition Number") # ax2.legend(loc = 2, framealpha = 1) multi_legend(ax1, ax2, loc=7) ax1.set_xlabel("Input Mesh Size") # ax1.set_xlabel("Gauss-Chebyshev Order") # plt.title("m = " + str(m)) rm = [i.RMSE(func, test_mesh) for i in separated] plt.grid() # plt.savefig("rc-gc-size.pdf")
def gc_m_order(): """ Keep number of elements constant, increase order, thus also points. Different plots for different m's. to have a comparision to equi-distant meshes """ ms = [2, 4, 6, 8] gc_orders = np.arange(2, 24) test_mesh = np.linspace(1, 4, 5000) test_vals = func(test_mesh) f, sp = plt.subplots(2, 2, sharex='col', sharey='row') sp_lin = [sp[0][0], sp[0][1], sp[1][0], sp[1][1]] for i, m in enumerate(ms): print("Working on m =", m) separated = [] integrated = [] no_pol = [] for gc_order in gc_orders: in_mesh = mesh.GaussChebyshev_1D(gc_order, 1, 4, 1) in_vals = func(in_mesh) # shape = rescaleBasisfunction(Gaussian, m, in_mesh) shape = -1 bf = create_BFs(Gaussian, m, in_mesh) # bf = functools.partial(Gaussian, shape=shape) separated.append(SeparatedConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals)) integrated.append(IntegratedConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals)) no_pol.append(NoneConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals)) ax1 = sp_lin[i] ax1.semilogy(gc_orders, [i.RMSE(func, test_mesh) for i in separated], "--", label="RMSE separated Polynomial") ax1.semilogy(gc_orders, [i.RMSE(func, test_mesh) for i in integrated], "--", label="RMSE integrated polynomial") ax1.semilogy(gc_orders, [i.RMSE(func, test_mesh) for i in no_pol], "--", label="RMSE no polynomial") ax1.set_ylabel("RMSE") # ax1.set_ylim(10e-6, 10e0) ax1.legend(loc=3) ax2 = ax1.twinx() ax2.semilogy(gc_orders, [i.condC for i in separated], label="Condition separated / no polynomial") ax2.semilogy(gc_orders, [i.condC for i in integrated], label="Condition integrated polynomial") ax2.set_ylabel("Condition Number") ax2.legend() ax1.set_xlabel("Gauss-Chebyshev Order") ax1.set_title( "m = {} (shape parameter = {:.3f}), element size = 1, domain size = 4" .format(m, shape)) ax1.grid()
""" Demo for conservative error metrics. """ import csv import numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, pandas as pd import mesh, basisfunctions, rbf, testfunctions testfunction = testfunctions.Highfreq() in_mesh = mesh.GaussChebyshev_1D(order=12, element_size=0.25, domain_size=1, domain_start=0) # in_mesh = np.linspace(0, 1, 48) out_mesh = np.linspace(np.min(in_mesh), np.max(in_mesh), 20) # in_mesh = np.geomspace(1, 100, 90) # in_mesh = in_mesh / 100 # out_mesh = np.linspace(0, 1, 80) in_vals = testfunction(in_mesh) m = 6 bf = basisfunctions.Gaussian( basisfunctions.Gaussian.shape_param_from_m(m, in_mesh)) interp = rbf.SeparatedConservative(bf, in_mesh, in_vals) one_interp = rbf.NoneConservative(bf, in_mesh, np.ones_like(in_vals), rescale=False)
tf = lambda x: testfunctions.Highfreq()(x * 0.5 + 0.5) # tf = func BF = basisfunctions.Gaussian test_mesh = np.linspace(-0.6, 0.6, 4000) # test_mesh = np.linspace(0.2, 0.8, 4000) test_vals = tf(test_mesh) orders = np.arange(4, 128, 1) # element_size = 0.0625 res = [] for order in orders: in_mesh = mesh.GaussChebyshev_1D(order=order, element_size=0.25, domain_size=2, domain_start=-1) # in_mesh = np.polynomial.chebyshev.chebgauss(order)[0] in_vals = tf(in_mesh) shape_param = BF.shape_param_from_m(6, in_mesh) bf = BF(shape_param) interp = rbf.SeparatedConsistent(bf, in_mesh, in_vals) rbfqr = rbf_qr.RBF_QR_1D(1e-5, in_mesh, in_vals) out = interp(test_mesh) outq = rbfqr(test_mesh) res.append({