    def aclips(self, translation, basenames, audiodir):
			creates Audio childs from a translation

			@param string translation => translation of the original text
			@param list basenames => list of basenames to be used in filename generation
			@param string audiodir => full path to the directory where the audio file is located
			@return list of Audio instances
        i = 0
        tags = []
        translation = messagehelper.stripparamtype(translation)
        param = re.compile("\{\w+\}")
        m = param.search(translation)
        while m != None:
            if m.start != 0:
                text = translation[0 : m.start()].lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ")
                if len(text) > 0:
                    tags.append((i, text))
                    i += 1
            translation = translation[m.end() :].lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ")
            m = param.search(translation)
        if len(translation) > 0:
            tags.append((i, translation))
        al = []
        for tag in tags:
            if len(basenames) > 0:
                al.append(Audio.Audio(tag[0], tag[1], basenames.pop(0), audiodir))
                al.append(Audio.Audio(tag[0], tag[1], None, audiodir))
        return al
	def exists(self,cursor,messageId):
			checks if instance already exist in database

			@param object cursor => a cursor instance
			@param integer messageId => the id of a Message instance
			@return boolean

			returns True if the instance already exist in the database and sets id to the value obtained from the database,
			otherwise returns False
		text = unicode(messagehelper.stripparamtype(self.text),'utf-8)').encode('utf-8')
		t = (messageId, text, self.language)
		cursor.execute('SELECT rowid FROM messagetranslation WHERE message_id = ? AND translation = ? AND language = ?', t)
		row = cursor.fetchone()
		if not row == None:
			self.id = row[0]
			return True
		return False
    def insert(self, cursor, messageId):
			inserts the instance and its childs in a database if it does not already exist

			@param object cursor => a cursor instance
			@param interger messageId => the id of a Message instance
			@return boolean

			returns True and sets id to the value obtained from the database
        if not self.exists(cursor, messageId):
            text = unicode(messagehelper.stripparamtype(self.text), "utf-8)").encode("latin1")
            t = (messageId, text, self.language, self.tags(self.text))
            cursor.execute("INSERT INTO messagetranslation VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", t)
            self.id = cursor.lastrowid
        for parameter in self.parameters:
            parameter.insert(cursor, messageId)
        for audioclip in self.audioclips:
            audioclip.insert(cursor, self.id)
        return True
    def resample(self, destination, voice):
			invokes operation resample() for its audioclip
			and returns False if operation failed, otherwise True

			@param destination => path to destination folder
			@param boolean/string voice => generate missing audio files using this espeak voice

        # create tags from key string
        i = 0
        tags = []
        key = messagehelper.stripparamtype(self.key)
        param = re.compile("\{\w+\}")
        m = param.search(key)
        while m != None:
            if m.start != 0:
                text = key[0 : m.start()].lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ")
                if len(text) > 0:
                    tags.append((i, text))
                    i += 1
            key = key[m.end() :].lstrip(" ").rstrip(" ")
            m = param.search(key)
        if len(key) > 0:
            tags.append((i, key))

        if len(tags) > 1 and len(self.audioclips) > 1:
            sys.stderr.write("Error: key or translation can contain ONLY one tag\n")
            sys.stderr.write('       key is: "' + self.key + '"\n')
            sys.stderr.write('       translation is: "' + self.text + '"\n')
            return False

        result = True
        tag = tags[0]
        audioclip = self.audioclips[0]
        filename = messagehelper.genfilename(tag[1], None, destination, "wav")
        retval = audioclip.resample(filename, voice)
        if retval != True:
            result = False
        return result
	def tags(self,translation):
			generates a tag representation from a translation

			@param string translation => a translation string
			@return string
		i = 0
		tags = []
		translation = messagehelper.stripparamtype(translation)
		param = re.compile('\{\w+\}')
		m = param.search(translation)
		while m != None:
			if m.start() != 0:
				tags.append('[' + str(i) + ']')
				i += 1
			translation = translation[m.end():].lstrip(' ').rstrip(' ')
			m = param.search(translation)
		if len(translation) > 0: tags.append('[' + str(i) + ']')
		return ' '.join(str(tag) for tag in tags)