    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece

        # list of integers representing ids of pieces needed
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)

        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here

        # count frequency of each needed piece among available pieces from peers,
        # keeping track of owners of each needed piece
        piece_frequency = {piece: 0 for piece in needed_pieces}
        piece_ownerid = {piece: [] for piece in needed_pieces}
        for peer in peers:

            # get pieces that peer has and we need
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)

            # iterate through and update frequency and owner of piece
            for piece in isect:
                piece_frequency[piece] += 1

        # get list of needed pieces as (piece_id, frequency) list and randomly shuffle
        # to make sure that not all agents request same pieces with same rarity at the same time
        # (since all start at rarity 2)
        piece_frequency_items = piece_frequency.items()

        # sort list by rarity (increasing frequency)
        piece_frequency_items = sorted(piece_frequency_items,
                                       key=lambda x: x[1])

        # iterate through list and request each piece from each of its current owners
        if self.pieces:
            for (piece_id, _) in piece_frequency_items:
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                for owner in piece_ownerid[piece_id]:
                    r = Request(self.id, owner, piece_id, start_block)
            start_block = self.pieces[0]
            for owner in piece_ownerid[0]:
                if owner[:4] == 'seed':
                    r = Request(self.id, owner, 0, start_block)

        return requests
    async def run(self) -> NoReturn:
        """Connects to the OBS websocket and endlessly parses MIDI to handle requests and responses."""

        with mido.open_input(self.port) as port:
            async with websockets.connect("ws://localhost:4444") as websocket:

                readTask = asyncio.create_task(self.read(websocket))

                while True:
                    await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
                    for msg in port.iter_pending():

                    for request in self.obs.requests:
                            Request(self._id, request, self.obs))

                    for request in self.requests:
                        await self.send(websocket, request.format())

                    for response in self.responses:

                await readTask
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see
        returns: a list of Request() objects
        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.

        # Find the pieces we need
        needed_pieces = list(
            set(filter(self.piece_needed, range(len(self.pieces)))))

        # Initialize an array to hold the request objects we are going to send
        requests = []

        # Iterate through all peers to make requests for their pieces
        for peer in peers:

            # Start by finding all pieces we need and this peer also has
            # Also find the maximium amount of requests to send to this peer
            available_pieces = set(peer.available_pieces)
            needed_and_available = available_pieces.intersection(needed_pieces)
            max_requests = min(self.max_requests, len(needed_and_available))

            # Iterate through a random sample of the pieces we identified to break symmetry
            for piece_id in random.sample(needed_and_available, max_requests):
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                request = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)

        return requests
    def listen_and_respond(self):
        format_width = 55
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
            s.bind((self.HOST, self.PORT))
        except socket.error as msg:
            print(str(msg) + ". Bind failed.")
        while not self.close_request:
            # Accepts the connection
            conn, addr = s.accept()
            _, time = self.get_datetime()
            print('+-' + '-' * format_width + '-+')
            # print('| {0:^{1}} |'.format('Connected by ' + str(addr) + ' on ' + time, format_width))
            print('| {0:^{1}} |'.format(
                'Connection from ' + str(addr[0]) + ":" + str(addr[1]) +
                ' at ' + time, format_width))
                start_time = t.time()
                # Reads the request

                data = conn.recv(4096)
                request = literal_eval(data)
                request = Request(request['command'], request['parameters'])

                print('+-' + '-' * format_width + '-+')
                print('| {0:^{1}} |'.format(request, format_width))
                camera_op = "CAMERA" in request.command
                # Performs an operation
                response = self.route_request(
                    request)  # Routing function, returns a Response
                # Sends back the data
                data = str(response.__dict__)
                if camera_op:
                # conn.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
                elapsed = t.time() - start_time
                #print('| {0:^{1}} |'.format(response, format_width))
                print('| {0:^{1}} |'.format(
                    "Time elapsed: " + str(round(elapsed, 2)) + "s",
                print('+-' + '-' * format_width + '-+')
                # Closes the connection
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
        # Terminate the server process
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))

        np_set = set(needed_pieces)

        logging.debug("%s here: still need pieces %s" % (
            self.id, needed_pieces))

        logging.debug("%s still here. Here are some peers:" % self.id)
        for p in peers:
            logging.debug("id: %s, available pieces: %s" % (p.id, p.available_pieces))

        logging.debug("And look, I have my entire history available too:")
        logging.debug("look at the AgentHistory class in history.py for details")

        requests = [] 

        # COMPUTE RARITY - number of instances of a given piece
        counts = pd.DataFrame(data=np.zeros(len(self.pieces)))
        for peer in peers:  
            for piece_index in set(peer.available_pieces):
                counts.iloc[piece_index, 0] = counts.iloc[piece_index, 0] + 1

        # RAREST FIRST - request the pieces held by the fewest people
        # shuffle counts to break symmetry, then sort
        counts = counts.sample(frac=1)
        sorted_counts = counts.sort_values(0)

        # filter to only request elements we need
        filtered_sorted_counts = sorted_counts[sorted_counts.index.isin(np_set)]
        max_pieces_to_download = min(self.max_requests, filtered_sorted_counts.size)

        # iterate peers, requesting pieces in order of rarity
        for peer in peers:
            pieces_downloaded_from_peer = 0
            for piece_id in filtered_sorted_counts.index.values:
                if piece_id in peer.available_pieces:     
                    start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                    r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)

                    # check that we do not exceed maximum possible downloads
                    pieces_downloaded_from_peer = pieces_downloaded_from_peer + 1
                    if pieces_downloaded_from_peer == max_pieces_to_download:

        return requests
 def format_request(self, piece_num, block_byte_offset):
     block_num_in_piece = block_byte_offset / constants.REQUEST_LENGTH 
     piece = self.file_downloading.piece_list[piece_num]
     request_len = piece.block_list[block_num_in_piece].expected_length
     index_pack = pack('!l',piece_num)
     begin_pack = pack('!l', block_byte_offset)
     length_pack = pack('!l',request_len) 
     #print 'generating request for piece: ' + str(piece_num)+' and block: ' + str(block_byte_offset / constants.REQUEST_LENGTH)
     request = Request(index=index_pack, begin=begin_pack, length=length_pack)
     return request
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.

        needed_pieces = set(i for i in xrange(len(self.pieces))
                            if self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece)
        logging.debug("Needed pieces: %s" % needed_pieces)

        logging.debug("%s here: still need pieces %s" %
                      (self.id, needed_pieces))

        logging.debug("%s still here. Here are some peers:" % self.id)
        for p in peers:
            logging.debug("id: %s, available pieces: %s" %
                          (p.id, p.available_pieces))

        logging.debug("And look, I have my entire history available too:")
            "look at the AgentHistory class in history.py for details")

        pieces_frequency = Counter(
            itertools.chain(*(p.available_pieces for p in peers)))

        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here

        # request all available pieces from all peers!
        # (up to self.max_requests from each)
        for peer in peers:
            available_pieces = set(peer.available_pieces)
            downloadable_pieces = list(
            # Do a weighted shuffle so that rare pieces are more likely to be at the front
                key=lambda x: random.random() * pieces_frequency[x])
            # More symmetry breaking -- ask for random pieces.
            # This would be the place to try fancier piece-requesting strategies
            # to avoid getting the same thing from multiple peers at a time.
            for piece_id in downloadable_pieces:
                # aha! The peer has this piece! Request it.
                # which part of the piece do we need next?
                # (must get the next-needed blocks in order)
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)

        logging.debug("Requests: %s" % requests)

        return requests
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.

        logging.debug("%s here: still need pieces %s" %
                      (self.id, needed_pieces))

        logging.debug("%s still here. Here are some peers:" % self.id)
        for p in peers:
            logging.debug("id: %s, available pieces: %s" %
                          (p.id, p.available_pieces))

        logging.debug("And look, I have my entire history available too:")
            "look at the AgentHistory class in history.py for details")

        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here
        # Symmetry breaking is good...

        # Sort peers by id.  This is probably not a useful sort, but other
        # sorts might be useful
        peers.sort(key=lambda p: p.id)
        # request all available pieces from all peers!
        # (up to self.max_requests from each)
        for peer in peers:
            # determine what the number of pieces the
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
            n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))
            # More symmetry breaking -- ask for random pieces.
            # This would be the place to try fancier piece-requesting strategies
            # to avoid getting the same thing from multiple peers at a time.
            for piece_id in random.sample(isect, n):
                # aha! The peer has this piece! Request it.
                # which part of the piece do we need next?
                # (must get the next-needed blocks in order)
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)

        return requests
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        # get pieces needed
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)

        # map pieces to rarity
        pieces_available = []
        for p in peers:
            pieces_available += p.available_pieces
        pieces_available_count = [(piece, pieces_available.count(piece))
                                  for piece in set(pieces_available)]

        # make max number of requests to each peer ordered by preference
        requests = []
        num_piece_requests = {piece: 0 for piece in set(pieces_available)}

        for peer in peers:
            # use different randomization for each peer
                key=lambda piece: piece[1] + self.state[
                    "request_count_factor"] * num_piece_requests[piece[0]])

            # preference is rarity + need
            piece_preference_order = list(
                filter(lambda piece: piece[0] in np_set,

            num_requests = 0
            for piece, _ in piece_preference_order:
                if piece in peer.available_pieces and num_requests < self.max_requests:
                    num_requests += 1
                    num_piece_requests[piece] += 1

                    start_block = self.pieces[piece]
                    r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece, start_block)

        return requests
	def run (self):
		while not self.stopped():
			# Wait for message
			msg = self.wsconnection.receive_message()

			# Check if client cliosing connection
			if msg.type == CLOSE_MESSAGE:

			# Hendle message
			request = Request()
			resp = None
			if not request.decode(msg.data):
				resp = Response (400)
				if request.path in self.server.paths:
					data = self.server.paths[request.path](request.data)
					resp = Response (200, data)
					resp = Response (404)
			sresp = resp.encode()
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: List of PeerInfo objects.
        history: AgentHistory object.
        returns: List of Request objects.
        requests be called after update_pieces
        sent_requests = []

        needed_pieces = self.needed_pieces_list()



        # Finding which peers have the pieces we need
        # [(piece_id, [holder_id_list])]
        pieces_by_holder_id_list = []
        for piece_id in needed_pieces:
            holder_peer_id_list = []
            for peer in peers:
                if piece_id in peer.available_pieces:
            pieces_by_holder_id_list.append((piece_id, holder_peer_id_list))

        # Sort pieces by rarity
        # Tie breaking the sorting by prioritizing pieces that we're close to completing.
        # This is important to that we can start sharing them as soon as possible.
        pieces_by_rarity_list = sorted(
            key=lambda (piece_id, holders):
            (len(holders), self.conf.blocks_per_piece - self.pieces[piece_id]))

        # Keep track of sent requests to not reach the max
        sent_requests_per_peer = {peer.id: 0 for peer in peers}

        # Requesting the rarest piece first
        for piece_id, holder_id_list in pieces_by_rarity_list:
            for holder_id in holder_id_list:
                # Don't make more requests than the maximum number of requests
                if sent_requests_per_peer[holder_id] < self.max_requests:
                    first_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                    request = Request(self.id, holder_id, piece_id,
                    sent_requests_per_peer[holder_id] += 1

        return sent_requests
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        ** must ask for pieces the peer has **

        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.

        logging.debug("%s here: still need pieces %s" %
                      (self.id, needed_pieces))

        logging.debug("%s still here. Here are some peers:" % self.id)
        for p in peers:
            logging.debug("id: %s, available pieces: %s" %
                          (p.id, p.available_pieces))

        logging.debug("And look, I have my entire history available too:")
            "look at the AgentHistory class in history.py for details")

        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here
        # Symmetry breaking is good...

        # get all peices and corresponding counts
         piece_holder_dict) = self.get_piece_presences(peers, np_set)

        num_of_requests = min(self.max_requests,
        while (len(requests) < num_of_requests):
            rarest_piece_id = min(viable_pieces_dict,
            viable_pieces_dict.pop(rarest_piece_id, None)
            request = Request(
                self.id, random.choice(piece_holder_dict[rarest_piece_id]),
                rarest_piece_id, self.pieces[rarest_piece_id])

        return requests
 def api_request(self, method, path, params=[], data=""):
             Request(method, path, params, data).encode())
         sresp = self.connection.receive_message()
         # Check if client cliosing connection
         if sresp.type == CLOSE_MESSAGE:
             if self.onclose_callback != None:
             return None
         resp = Response()
         return resp
     except socket.error:
         if self.onclose_callback != None:
         return None
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.

        # Find all the pieces we ned
        def needed(i):
            return self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece

        needed_pieces = set(filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces))))

        # Create a datastructure for tallying up what pieces are the most rare
        piece_counter = Counter()
        for peer in peers:
            av = set(peer.available_pieces)
            av_needed = av.intersection(needed_pieces)

        # List to keep all requests we want to send out
        requests = []

        # Go through each peer and ask for the n most rare pieces they have and we want
        for peer in peers:
            available_piece_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            # We can only ask for pieces we (1) need and (2) the peer actually has
            needed_and_available = available_piece_set.intersection(
            # Check how many pieces we can maximally request
            num_pieces = min(self.max_requests, len(needed_and_available))

            # Sort the pieces based on how many peers actually have the piece, rarest first
            rarest_first = sorted(
                lambda p1, p2: piece_counter[p1] - piece_counter[p2])
            for piece_id in rarest_first[:num_pieces]:
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                request = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)

        return requests
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.

        # We'll put all the things we want here
        requests = []

        # Create a datastructure for tallying up what pieces are the most rare
        piece_counter = Counter()
        for peer in peers:
            av = set(peer.available_pieces)
            av_needed = av.intersection(np_set)

        # Go through each peer and ask for the most rare pieces they have and we want
        for peer in peers:
            available_piece_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = available_piece_set.intersection(np_set)

            n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))

            lisect = list(isect)

            lisect = sorted(
                lisect, lambda p1, p2: piece_counter[p1] - piece_counter[p2])
            rarest = [lisect.pop(0)] if len(lisect) else []

            pieces = rarest + lisect[:n - 1]

            for piece_id in pieces:
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)

        return requests
文件: jzasstd.py 项目: Zhu-Justin/P2P
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))

        requests = []

        #counts how many of each piece is available
        piece_count = {x: 0 for x in needed_pieces}
        for peer in peers:
            for av in peer.available_pieces:
                if av in piece_count:
                    piece_count[av] += 1

        peer_remain = {
            x.id: min(self.max_requests, len(x.available_pieces))
            for x in peers
        }  #how many pieces left we can request from each peer

        while sum([peer_remain[x] for x in peer_remain
                   ]) > 0:  #while we can still request something
            for peer in peers:
                if peer_remain[
                        peer.id] <= 0:  #don't bother with maxed out peers
                av = [x for x in peer.available_pieces if x in piece_count]
                av.sort(key=lambda x: (piece_count[x], random.random())
                        )  #sort by rarity, random for breaking ties

                if len(av) == 0:
                    #this peer has nothing of interest to me
                    peer_remain[peer.id] = 0

                piece_id = av[0]
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)
                peer_remain[peer.id] -= 1
                piece_count[piece_id] = float(
                )  #I dont want to ask for the same piece from different people in the same round

        return requests
 def requests(self, peers, history):
     peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
     history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see
     returns: a list of Request() objects
     This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
     needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
     needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
     np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.
     requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here
     # Symmetry breaking is good...
     # id sorting useless, we shuffle insteas for symmetry breaking
     # let's now find the rarest pieces
     # this is a list
     rarest_first_needed_pieces = count_pieces(needed_pieces, peers)
     # sanity check
     if rarest_first_needed_pieces == []:
         return requests  # no needed pieces available
     # loop over all our pieces, rarest first
     for piece_count, piece_id_lst in rarest_first_needed_pieces:
         # let's shuffle so we don't always pick the same pieces (we had
         # problems before were all peers always wanted the same pieces)
         # loop over all out pieces and request
         for piece_id in piece_id_lst:
             # request all available pieces from all peers!
             # (up to self.max_requests from each)
             for peer in peers:
                 av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
                 isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
                 n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))
                 # if n >= 0, we still have requests we can make
                 if n > 0:
                     if piece_id in av_set:
                         start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                         r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id,
                         n -= 1  # one more request done
     # done!!
     return requests
文件: tyrant2.py 项目: Zhu-Justin/P2P
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))

        requests = []

        piece_count = {x: 0 for x in needed_pieces}
        for peer in peers:
            for av in peer.available_pieces:
                if av in piece_count:
                    piece_count[av] += 1

        peer_remain = {
            x.id: min(self.max_requests, len(x.available_pieces))
            for x in peers
        }  #how many pieces left we can request from each peer

        while sum([peer_remain[x] for x in peer_remain]) > 0:
            # print(peer_remain)
            for peer in peers:
                if peer_remain[peer.id] <= 0:
                av = [[piece_count[x], random.random(), x]
                      for x in peer.available_pieces
                      if x in piece_count]  #random for breaking ties

                if len(av) == 0:
                    peer_remain[peer.id] = 0

                piece_id = av[0][-1]
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)
                peer_remain[peer.id] -= 1
                piece_count[piece_id] = float('inf')

        return requests
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see
        returns: a list of Request() objects
        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.

        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here

        av_dict = {}
        for i in np_set:
            av_dict[i] = 0
            for peer in peers:
                if (i in peer.available_pieces):
                    av_dict[i] += 1

        for peer in peers:
            av_dict_tmp = av_dict.copy()
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
            n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))
            """    if piece_id in av_set:"""

            while n > 0:
                piece_id = min(av_dict_tmp, key=av_dict.get)
                if piece_id in av_set:
                    start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                    r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)
                    n -= 1
                if len(av_set) == 0:

        return requests
    def requests(self, peers, history):

        # make set of pieces I need
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.
        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here
        random.shuffle(needed_pieces)  # break symmetry
        peers.sort(key=lambda p: p.id)  # just some sorting to break symmetry

        # pieceCounts[pieceNum] -> countOfPieces
        # initialize countOfPieces to 0
        pieceCounts = dict(
            zip(range(len(self.pieces)), [0] * (len(self.pieces))))

        # count appearances of each piece in network
        for peer in peers:
            for pieceNum in list(peer.available_pieces):
                pieceCounts[pieceNum] += 1

        # sort by rarest first
        pieceCountsSorted = sorted(pieceCounts, key=pieceCounts.get)

        for peer in peers:
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
            n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))

            # filter sorted dictionary to keep only if in isect
            isectFiltered = [k for k in pieceCountsSorted if k in list(isect)]

            # ask for first n pieces in isectFiltered
            for piece_id in isectFiltered[0:n]:
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)

        return requests
    def requests(self, peers, history):

        # make set of pieces I need
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.
        requests = []   # We'll put all the things we want here
        random.shuffle(needed_pieces)   # break symmetry
        peers.sort(key=lambda p: p.id)   # just some sorting

        # dictionary of zero counts
        pieceCounts = dict(zip(range(len(self.pieces)), [0 for _ in range(len(self.pieces))]))

        # list of how common pieces are
        for peer in peers:
            for pieceNum in list(peer.available_pieces):
                pieceCounts[pieceNum] = pieceCounts[pieceNum] + 1

        # sort by rarest first
        pieceCountsSorted = sorted(pieceCounts, key=pieceCounts.get)

        for peer in peers:
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
            n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))

            # filter dictionary to keep only if in isect
            isectFiltered = [k for k in pieceCountsSorted if k in list(isect)]

            # print "success!"
            # ask for first n pieces in isectFiltered
            m = min(len(isectFiltered),n)
            for piece_id in isectFiltered[0:m]:
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)

        return requests
    def requests(self, peers, history):

        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.

        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here

        av_dict = {}

        # Count the number of each available piece.
        for i in np_set:
            av_dict[i] = 0
            for peer in peers:
                if (i in peer.available_pieces):
                    av_dict[i] += 1

        # print "needed pieces with availibility" + str(av_dict)
        # For each peer, find n pieces to request, in order of rearest.
        for peer in peers:
            av_dict_tmp = av_dict.copy()
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
            n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))

            while n > 0:
                # Find the rearest piece.
                piece_id = min(av_dict_tmp, key=av_dict.get)
                if piece_id in av_set:
                    start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                    r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)
                    n -= 1
                if len(av_set) == 0:
        return requests
    def __init__(self, path: str, port: str, debug: bool) -> None:
        """Initializes websocket handler with config from the path."""

        self.config: dict = getConfig(path)
        if debug == True:
            print(f"Config: {self.config}")
        self.port: str = ""
        for option in mido.get_input_names():
            if option.startswith(port):
                self.port = option
        if debug == True:
            print(f"Port: {self.port}")
        self.debug: bool = debug

        self._id: Generator[str, None, None] = Id()

        self.obs: OBS = OBS()
        self.requests: list[Request] = []  #type: ignore
        self.responses: list[Response] = []  #type: ignore

            Request(self._id, {"type": "GetSceneList"}, self.obs))
    def parse(self, msg: mido.Message) -> None:
        """Parses MIDI message and creates requests based off of the loaded configuration."""

        if self.debug:

        trigger: str = msg.type
        value: int = -1
        data: int = -1

        if trigger == "note_on" or trigger == "note_off":
            value = msg.note
            data = msg.velocity
        elif trigger == "control_change":
            value = msg.control
            data = msg.value

        for command in self.config[trigger][value]:
            request = command.copy()
            request["data"] = data
            self.requests.append(Request(self._id, request, self.obs))
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.

        # count number of peers that have each needed piece
        piecedict = {}
        for piece in needed_pieces:
            numhaving = 0
            for peer in peers:
                if piece in peer.available_pieces:
                    numhaving += 1
            piecedict[piece] = numhaving

        logging.debug("%s here: still need pieces %s" %
                      (self.id, needed_pieces))

        logging.debug("%s still here. Here are some peers:" % self.id)
        for p in peers:
            logging.debug("id: %s, available pieces: %s" %
                          (p.id, p.available_pieces))

        logging.debug("And look, I have my entire history available too:")
            "look at the AgentHistory class in history.py for details")

        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here
        # Symmetry breaking is good...

        # Sort peers by id.  This is probably not a useful sort, but other
        # sorts might be useful
        round = history.current_round()
        if round == 0:
        # request all available pieces from all peers!
        # (up to self.max_requests from each)
        for peer in peers:
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
            if isect == set():
            n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))

            # More symmetry breaking -- ask for random pieces.
            # This would be the place to try fancier piece-requesting strategies
            # to avoid getting the same thing from multiple peers at a time.
            # in first 5 rounds, request pieces randomly
            # after that, look for rarest pieces first
            # sort by which pieces are rarer
            ilist = sorted(isect, key=lambda x: piecedict[x])
            if round >= 5:
                for piece_id in ilist[:n]:  #rarest first
                    # aha! The peer has this piece! Request it.
                    # which part of the piece do we need next?
                    # (must get the next-needed blocks in order)
                    start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                    req = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)
                for piece_id in random.sample(isect, n):
                    # aha! The peer has this piece! Request it.
                    # which part of the piece do we need next?
                    # (must get the next-needed blocks in order)
                    start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                    req = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)
        return requests
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.

        # count number of each piece among peers
        piece_count = {}
        for p in peers:
            for piece in p.available_pieces:
                if piece in piece_count.keys():
                    piece_count[piece] = piece_count[piece] + 1
                    piece_count[piece] = 1

        logging.debug("%s here: still need pieces %s" %
                      (self.id, needed_pieces))

        logging.debug("%s still here. Here are some peers:" % self.id)
        for p in peers:
            logging.debug("id: %s, available pieces: %s" %
                          (p.id, p.available_pieces))

        logging.debug("And look, I have my entire history available too:")
            "look at the AgentHistory class in history.py for details")

        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here
        # Symmetry breaking is good...

        # Sort peers by id.  This is probably not a useful sort, but other
        # sorts might be useful
        peers.sort(key=lambda p: p.id)
        # request all available pieces from all peers!
        # (up to self.max_requests from each)
        for peer in peers:
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
            ###n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))
            n = len(isect)
            available = list(isect)
            available.sort(key=lambda p: piece_count[p])
            available2 = []
            inside = []
            i = 0
            if n > 0:
                v = piece_count[available[0]]
            while i < len(available):
                inside = []
                v = piece_count[available[i]]
                while i < len(available) and v == piece_count[available[i]]:
                    i += 1

            for s in available2:
                for piece_id in s:
                    start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                    r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)

        return requests
文件: a000std.py 项目: frw/CS136
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.

        logging.debug("%s here: still need pieces %s" %
                      (self.id, needed_pieces))

        logging.debug("%s still here. Here are some peers:" % self.id)
        for p in peers:
            logging.debug("id: %s, available pieces: %s" %
                          (p.id, p.available_pieces))

        logging.debug("And look, I have my entire history available too:")
            "look at the AgentHistory class in history.py for details")

        # combine all pieces, and flatten the list

        # a simple assumption: when we say 'rarest pieces'
        # we mean only those among everyone else!
        # (this is a fine assumption, so we won't request
        # own pieces anyway)
        all_available_pieces = list(
            itertools.chain(*[p.available_pieces for p in peers]))
        # now order by frequency
        pieces_by_frequency = Counter(all_available_pieces).most_common()

        logging.debug("Here are the most frequent pieces: " +

        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here
        # Symmetry breaking is good...

        # Sort peers by id.  This is probably not a useful sort, but other
        # sorts might be useful
        peers.sort(key=lambda p: p.id)
        # request all available pieces from all peers!
        # (up to self.max_requests from each)
        for peer in peers:
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
            n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))
            # **Implement rarest pieces first**
            # A simple assumption we can make is to ask for as many
            # as possible from each peer, as in the dummy, but
            # ordering by rarest-first instead of randomly
            num_requested = 0
            curr_rare_piece = 1
            while num_requested < n and curr_rare_piece <= len(
                rare_id = pieces_by_frequency[-1 * curr_rare_piece][0]
                if rare_id in isect:
                    num_requested += 1
                    # aha! The peer has this piece! Request it.
                    # which part of the piece do we need next?
                    # (must get the next-needed blocks in order)
                    start_block = self.pieces[rare_id]
                    r = Request(self.id, peer.id, rare_id, start_block)
                curr_rare_piece += 1

        return requests
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        #Calculate the pieces you still need
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = list(filter(needed, list(range(len(self.pieces)))))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.

        logging.debug("%s here: still need pieces %s" %
                      (self.id, needed_pieces))

        #This code shows you what you have access to in peers and history
        #You won't need it in your final solution, but may want to uncomment it
        #and see what it does to help you get started
        logging.debug("%s still here. Here are some peers:" % self.id)
        for p in peers:
            logging.debug("id: %s, available pieces: %s" % (p.id, p.available_pieces))

        logging.debug("And look, I have my entire history available too:")
        logging.debug("look at the AgentHistory class in history.py for details")

        requests = []  # We'll put all the things we want here
        # Symmetry breaking is good...

        # count frequencies of all pieces that the other peers have
        # this will be useful for implementing rarest first
        # you'll need to write the code to compute these yourself #
        frequencies = {}

        # Python syntax to perform a sort using a user defined sort key
        # This exact sort is probably not a useful sort, but other sorts might be useful
        # peers.sort(key=lambda p: p.id)

        # request all available pieces from all peers!
        # (up to self.max_requests from each)
        # This code asks for pieces at random, you need to adapt it to rarest first #
        for peer in peers:
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
            n = min(self.max_requests, len(isect))
            # More symmetry breaking -- ask for random pieces.
            # You could try fancier piece-requesting strategies
            # to avoid getting the same thing from multiple peers at a time.
            for piece_id in random.sample(isect, int(n)):
                # aha! The peer has this piece! Request it.
                # which part of the piece do we need next?
                # (must get the next-needed blocks in order)
                # If you loop over the piece_ids you want to request above
                # you don't need to change the rest of this code
                start_block = self.pieces[piece_id]
                r = Request(self.id, peer.id, piece_id, start_block)

        return requests
                data_in = self.socket.recv(4096)
            self.connection_close()  # Close the connection
            response = data_in

        except EOFError:
            response = Response(False, "Reception error")
        return response

    def connection_close(self):

if __name__ == "__main__":
    client = Client()

    response = client.send_image_request(Request("CAMERA", None))
    img_value = literal_eval(response)['values']
    buff = base64.b64decode(img_value)
    buff_arr = np.fromstring(buff, dtype=np.uint8)
    img = cv.imdecode(buff_arr, cv.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
    cv.imshow("", img)
    def requests(self, peers, history):
        peers: available info about the peers (who has what pieces)
        history: what's happened so far as far as this peer can see

        returns: a list of Request() objects

        This will be called after update_pieces() with the most recent state.
        needed = lambda i: self.pieces[i] < self.conf.blocks_per_piece
        needed_pieces = filter(needed, range(len(self.pieces)))
        np_set = set(needed_pieces)  # sets support fast intersection ops.

        logging.debug("%s here: still need pieces %s" %
                      (self.id, needed_pieces))

        logging.debug("%s still here. Here are some peers:" % self.id)
        for p in peers:
            logging.debug("id: %s, available pieces: %s" %
                          (p.id, p.available_pieces))

        logging.debug("And look, I have my entire history available too:")
            "look at the AgentHistory class in history.py for details")

        requests = []
        # Symmetry breaking is good...

        # Sort peers by id.  This is probably not a useful sort, but other
        # sorts might be useful
        peers.sort(key=lambda p: p.id)

        piece_directory = {}
        piece_to_peer = {}
        num_requests = {}

        for peer in peers:
            num_requests[peer.id] = 0
            av_set = set(peer.available_pieces)
            isect = av_set.intersection(np_set)
            for piece_id in list(isect):
                if piece_id in piece_directory:
                    piece_directory[piece_id] += 1
                    piece_to_peer[piece_id] = [peer]
                    piece_directory[piece_id] = 1

        while piece_directory:
            most_rare_value = min(piece_directory.values())
            rare_pieces = [
                k for k in piece_directory
                if piece_directory[k] == most_rare_value
            rand_piece = random.choice(rare_pieces)
            rarest_list = piece_to_peer[rand_piece]
            while rarest_list != []:
                peer = random.choice(rarest_list)
                if num_requests[peer.id] < self.max_requests:
                    start_block = self.pieces[rand_piece]
                    r = Request(self.id, peer.id, rand_piece, start_block)
                    num_requests[peer.id] += 1

        return requests