def get_glyph_points_from_db(master, glyphid):
    """ Returns json with information about glyphs' points including coords
        and point parameters.

        Example result:
          width: 1680
             x: 12
             y: 123
             pointnr: 1
             iszpoint: true
               width: 1680
               width_new: 1490
               # then list of another point parameters
    # todo: move mflist to another common module
    glyph = Glyph.get(master_id=master.id, name=glyphid)

    localparam = LocalParam.get(id=master.idlocala)

    # this is still not fast, but it's 5 times faster than without
    # .options(joinedload(GlyphPoint.glyphpoint)) option,
    # FIXME: queries like this belong explicitly into model-land
    points = (GlyphPoint.filter(glyph_id=glyph.id).join(

    _points = []
    for point in points:
        param = point.glyphpoint[
            0]  # FIXME: bad naming here, see comment in GlyphPointParam

        iszpoint = False
        if re.match('z(\d+)[lr]', param.pointname):
            iszpoint = True

        x = point.x
        if localparam:
            x += localparam.px

        params = param.as_dict()
        params.update({'width': glyph.width})
        params.update({'width_new': glyph.width_new})
            'x': x,
            'y': point.y,
            'pointnr': point.pointnr,
            'iszpoint': iszpoint,
            'data': params
    return {'width': glyph.width, 'points': _points}
def get_glyph_points_from_db(master, glyphid):
    """ Returns json with information about glyphs' points including coords
        and point parameters.

        Example result:
          width: 1680
             x: 12
             y: 123
             pointnr: 1
             iszpoint: true
               width: 1680
               width_new: 1490
               # then list of another point parameters
    # todo: move mflist to another common module
    glyph = Glyph.get(master_id=master.id, name=glyphid)
    localparam = LocalParam.get(id=master.idlocala)
    # this is still not fast, but it's 5 times faster than without
    # .options(joinedload(GlyphPoint.glyphpoint)) option,
    # FIXME: queries like this belong explicitly into model-land
    points = (GlyphPoint
    _points = []
    for point in points:
        param = point.glyphpoint[0] # FIXME: bad naming here, see comment in GlyphPointParam
        iszpoint = False
        if re.match('z(\d+)[lr]', param.pointname):
            iszpoint = True

        x = point.x
        if localparam:
            x += localparam.px

        params = param.as_dict()
        params.update({'width': glyph.width})
        params.update({'width_new': glyph.width_new})
        _points.append({'x': x, 'y': point.y, 'pointnr': point.pointnr,
                        'iszpoint': iszpoint, 'data': params})
    return {'width': glyph.width, 'points': _points}
def get_glyph_points_from_db(master, glyphid):
    """ Returns json with information about glyphs' points including coords
        and point parameters.

        Example result:
          width: 1680
             x: 12
             y: 123
             pointnr: 1
             iszpoint: true
               width: 1680
               width_new: 1490
               # then list of another point parameters
    # todo: move mflist to another common module
    glyph = Glyph.get(master_id=master.id, name=glyphid)

    points = GlyphPoint.filter(glyph_id=glyph.id)
    localparam = LocalParam.get(id=master.idlocala)

    _points = []
    for point in points.order_by(GlyphPoint.pointnr.asc()):
        param = GlyphPointParam.get(glyphpoint_id=point.id)
        iszpoint = False
        if re.match('z(\d+)[lr]', param.pointname):
            iszpoint = True

        x = point.x
        if localparam:
            x += localparam.px

        params = param.as_dict()
        params.update({'width': glyph.width})
        params.update({'width_new': glyph.width_new})
            'x': x,
            'y': point.y,
            'pointnr': point.pointnr,
            'iszpoint': iszpoint,
            'data': params

    return {'width': glyph.width, 'points': _points}
def get_glyph_points_from_db(master, glyphid):
    """ Returns json with information about glyphs' points including coords
        and point parameters.

        Example result:
          width: 1680
             x: 12
             y: 123
             pointnr: 1
             iszpoint: true
               width: 1680
               width_new: 1490
               # then list of another point parameters
    # todo: move mflist to another common module
    glyph = Glyph.get(master_id=master.id, name=glyphid)

    points = GlyphPoint.filter(glyph_id=glyph.id)
    localparam = LocalParam.get(id=master.idlocala)

    _points = []
    for point in points.order_by(GlyphPoint.pointnr.asc()):
        param = GlyphPointParam.get(glyphpoint_id=point.id)
        iszpoint = False
        if re.match('z(\d+)[lr]', param.pointname):
            iszpoint = True

        x = point.x
        if localparam:
            x += localparam.px

        params = param.as_dict()
        params.update({'width': glyph.width})
        params.update({'width_new': glyph.width_new})
        _points.append({'x': x, 'y': point.y, 'pointnr': point.pointnr,
                        'iszpoint': iszpoint, 'data': params})

    return {'width': glyph.width, 'points': _points}
def writeParams(project, filename, masters, label=None, master=None):
    # TODO: make global parameter to project related and not master
    globalparam = None

    unitwidth = get_global_param(globalparam, 'unitwidth')
    fontsize = get_global_param(globalparam, 'fontsize')
    mean = get_global_param(globalparam, 'mean')
    cap = get_global_param(globalparam, 'cap')
    asc = get_global_param(globalparam, 'asc')
    des = get_global_param(globalparam, 'des')
    box = get_global_param(globalparam, 'box')

    ifile = open(filename, "w")
    # global parameters
    ifile.write("% parameter file \n")
    if label is not None:
        if label in [0, 1]:
            metapolationCD = 0
            metapolation = 0
            if label == 1:
                metapolation = 1
        if label in [2, 3]:
            metapolation = 0
            metapolationCD = 0
            if label == 3:
                metapolationCD = 1

        ifile.write("metapolation:=%.2f;\n" % metapolation)
        ifile.write("metapolationCD:=%.2f;\n" % metapolationCD)
        metap = Metapolation.get(label='AB', project_id=project.id) or 0
        if metap:
            metap = metap.value
        ifile.write("metapolation:=%.2f;\n" % metap)

        metap = Metapolation.get(label='CD', project_id=project.id)
        if metap:
            metap = metap.value
            metap = 0
        ifile.write("metapolationCD:=%.2f;\n" % metap)

    ifile.write("font_size:=%.3fpt#;\n" % fontsize)
    ifile.write("mean#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % mean)
    ifile.write("cap#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % cap)
    ifile.write("asc#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % asc)
    ifile.write("desc#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % des)
    ifile.write("box#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % box)
    ifile.write("u#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % unitwidth)

    lmast = masters[:]
    if len(lmast) < 4:
        lmast += [None] * (4 - len(masters))

    for i, master_obj in enumerate(lmast):
        imlo = None
        if master_obj and not master:
            imlo = LocalParam.get(id=master_obj.idlocala)
        elif master:
            imlo = LocalParam.get(id=master.idlocala)
        uniqletter = chr(ord('A') + i)
        ifile.write("%s_px#:=%.2fpt#;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'px')))
        ifile.write("%s_width:=%.2f;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'width')))
        ifile.write("%s_space:=%.2f;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'space')))
        ifile.write("%s_spacept:=%.2fpt;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'space')))
        ifile.write("%s_xheight:=%.2f;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'xheight')))
        ifile.write("%s_capital:=%.2f;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'capital')))
        ifile.write("%s_ascender:=%.2f;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'ascender')))
        ifile.write("%s_descender:=%.2f;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'descender')))
        ifile.write("%s_skeleton#:=%.2fpt#;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'skeleton')))
        ifile.write("%s_over:=%.2fpt;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'over')))
        ifile.write("%s_jut:=%.2fpt;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'jut')))
        ifile.write("%s_slab:=%.2fpt;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'slab')))
        ifile.write("%s_bracket:=%.2fpt;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'bracket')))
        ifile.write("%s_serif_darkness:=%.2f;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'serif_darkness')))
        ifile.write("%s_slant:=%.2f;\n" %
                    (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'slant')))

    ifile.write("input glyphs\n")
def writeParams(project, filename, masters, label=None, master=None):
    # TODO: make global parameter to project related and not master
    globalparam = None

    unitwidth = get_global_param(globalparam, 'unitwidth')
    fontsize = get_global_param(globalparam, 'fontsize')
    mean = get_global_param(globalparam, 'mean')
    cap = get_global_param(globalparam, 'cap')
    asc = get_global_param(globalparam, 'asc')
    des = get_global_param(globalparam, 'des')
    box = get_global_param(globalparam, 'box')

    ifile = open(filename, "w")
    # global parameters
    ifile.write("% parameter file \n")
    if label is not None:
        if label in [0, 1]:
            metapolationCD = 0
            metapolation = 0
            if label == 1:
                metapolation = 1
        if label in [2, 3]:
            metapolation = 0
            metapolationCD = 0
            if label == 3:
                metapolationCD = 1

        ifile.write("metapolation:=%.2f;\n" % metapolation)
        ifile.write("metapolationCD:=%.2f;\n" % metapolationCD)
        metap = Metapolation.get(label='AB', project_id=project.id) or 0
        if metap:
            metap = metap.value
        ifile.write("metapolation:=%.2f;\n" % metap)

        metap = Metapolation.get(label='CD', project_id=project.id)
        if metap:
            metap = metap.value
            metap = 0
        ifile.write("metapolationCD:=%.2f;\n" % metap)

    ifile.write("font_size:=%.3fpt#;\n" % fontsize)
    ifile.write("mean#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % mean)
    ifile.write("cap#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % cap)
    ifile.write("asc#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % asc)
    ifile.write("desc#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % des)
    ifile.write("box#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % box)
    ifile.write("u#:=%.3fpt#;\n" % unitwidth)

    lmast = masters[:]
    if len(lmast) < 4:
        lmast += [None] * (4 - len(masters))

    for i, master_obj in enumerate(lmast):
        imlo = None
        if master_obj and not master:
            imlo = LocalParam.get(id=master_obj.idlocala)
        elif master:
            imlo = LocalParam.get(id=master.idlocala)
        uniqletter = chr(ord('A') + i)
        ifile.write("%s_px#:=%.2fpt#;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'px')))
        ifile.write("%s_width:=%.2f;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'width')))
        ifile.write("%s_space:=%.2f;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'space')))
        ifile.write("%s_spacept:=%.2fpt;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'space')))
        ifile.write("%s_xheight:=%.2f;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'xheight')))
        ifile.write("%s_capital:=%.2f;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'capital')))
        ifile.write("%s_ascender:=%.2f;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'ascender')))
        ifile.write("%s_descender:=%.2f;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'descender')))
        ifile.write("%s_skeleton#:=%.2fpt#;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'skeleton')))
        ifile.write("%s_over:=%.2fpt;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'over')))
        ifile.write("%s_jut:=%.2fpt;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'jut')))
        ifile.write("%s_slab:=%.2fpt;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'slab')))
        ifile.write("%s_bracket:=%.2fpt;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'bracket')))
        ifile.write("%s_serif_darkness:=%.2f;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'serif_darkness')))
        ifile.write("%s_slant:=%.2f;\n" % (uniqletter, get_local_param(imlo, 'slant')))

    ifile.write("input glyphs\n")