    def test_save(self):
        """Tests the custom save method."""
        user = User(username='******', password='******', email='*****@*****.**')
        user2 = User(username='******', password='******', email='*****@*****.**')
        p = {
             'title': 'Test Title (1)',
             'author': user,
             'content': 'some content',
             'status': 'U'
        post1 = Post(**p)

        slugexp = 'test-title-1' 
        slugact = post1.slug
        self.failUnlessEqual(slugexp, slugact, 'Slug was %s but expected %s' % (slugact, slugact))
        self.failUnless(post1.pub_date, 'Post1 pub_date was not set!')

        # Test some slug collisions and such.
        p2 = p.copy()
        p2['status'] = 'P'
        post2 = Post(**p2)
        expected = 'test-title-1-2'
        self.failUnlessEqual(post2.slug, expected, 'Post2 slug was %s but expected %s' % (post2.slug, expected))
    def test_published(self):
        '''Tests that only published posts are returned.'''
        actual = Post.objects.raw().count()
        expected = 4 # 4 total posts of all status
        self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual, 'Expected %s posts and returned %s!' % (expected, actual))

        actual = Post.objects.all().count()
        expected = 2 # 2 are actually published.
        self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual, 'Expected %s posts and returned %s!' % (expected, actual))

        # Create a new post with a future publish date
        p = Post(title='test', content='test', status='P')
        p.author = self.author
        actual = Post.objects.all().count()
        expected = 3 # Pubdate defaults to now.
        self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual, 'Expected %s posts and returned %s!' % (expected, actual))

        p.pub_date = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)
        actual = Post.objects.all().count()
        expected = 2 # Should now be 1 with postdated pub_date.
        self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual, 'Expected %s posts and returned %s!' % (expected, actual))

        # Test alt filters to ensure they only return published posts.
        actual = Post.objects.filter(title__isnull=False).count()
        expected = 2 # 4 total posts of all status
        self.failUnlessEqual(expected, actual, 'Expected %s posts and returned %s!' % (expected, actual))
    def _import_post(self, item):
        '''Creates a new Entry object from a post and saves it.'''
        wp_ns = self.wp_ns
        content_ns = self.content_ns

        if item.find(wp_ns + 'post_type').text == 'post':
            # These methods are only for scrubbing my crappy content.
            # @TODO remove after I run on my blog.
            item_title = item.find('title').text
            item_content = item.find(content_ns + 'encoded').text
            if item_title and re.search('From Twitter ', item_title):
                print "Skipping tittinisis post %s" % item_title
                return True
            # @TODO remove after I run on my blog.
            if item_content and re.search('LoudTwitter', item_content):
                print "Skipping loudtwitter post %s" % item.find('title').text
                return True
            post = Post()
            post.author = self.get_author()
            post.title = item_title
            if post.title and len(post.title) > 75:
                post.title = post.title[:75]
            if not post.title:
                post.title = 'ab origine'  # Latin for 'from the source'
            post.content = item_content
            if post.content:
                post.content = post.content.replace("\n", "<br />")
            excerpt = item.find(self.excerpt_ns + 'encoded')
            if excerpt:
                post.teaser = excerpt.text
            # Parse wp:post_date in format 2002-02-27 13:39:00
            postdate = datetime.strptime(
                item.find(wp_ns + 'post_date').text, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            post.pub_date = postdate
            status = item.find(wp_ns + 'status').text
            if status == 'publish':
                post.status = 'P'
                post.status = 'U'

            # modify date_created after save because autonow is on.
            post.date_created = postdate
            # Enrich the rest of the post.
            self._post_meta(post, item)
            self._catalog_post(post, item)