def runMethodC(blastOutputFilePath, fastaFilePath, tmpDir, scoring, onto, configMap, debug): # p("Running Method C") currCwd = os.getcwd() tmpDirPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, "methodC") outputFilePath = os.path.join(tmpDirPath, "output.%s.txt" % (onto)) commandsi = [ "mkdir -p " + tmpDirPath, "cd " + configMap["GROUP_C_PATH"], "./ %s %s %s %s" % (blastOutputFilePath, outputFilePath, scoring, tmpDirPath) ] commandString = ";".join(commandsi) if debug: print >> sys.stderr, commandString os.chdir(currCwd) logFile = None logPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, "logC.txt") if not os.path.exists(logPath): logFile = open(logPath, 'w') else: logFile = open(logPath, 'a') s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(commandString) if True: #s != 0: logFile.write("Command: " + commandString) logFile.write(str(s)) logFile.write(o) if s != 0: print >> sys.stderr, "!!!Error!!! " + commandString print >> sys.stderr, str(s) print >> sys.stderr, o #raise logFile.close() predFilesContent = [] with open(outputFilePath) as f: preds = set([]) for line in f.readlines(): line = line.rstrip() if line.rstrip() == "" or line.startswith( "AUTHOR") or line.startswith("MODEL") or line.startswith( "ACCURACY") or line.startswith( "KEYWORDS") or line.startswith("END"): None else: targetId, goTerm, rel = line.rstrip().split(" ") relFloat = max(min(float(rel), 1.00), 0.00) rel = "%.2f" % (relFloat) line = targetId[:63] + "\t" + goTerm + "\t" + rel if targetId[:63] + "\t" + goTerm not in preds and goTerm.strip( ) != "" and float(rel) > 0.0: predFilesContent.append(line) preds.add(targetId[:63] + "\t" + goTerm) return predFilesContent
def runMethodB(blastOutputFilePath, fastaFilePath, tmpDir, GROUP_B_K, onto, configMap):# p("Running Method B") currCwd = os.getcwd() tmpDirPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, "methodB") if not os.path.exists(tmpDirPath): os.mkdir(tmpDirPath) jarPath = configMap["JAR_INSTALL_FOLDER_PATH"].rstrip("/") outputFilePath = os.path.join(tmpDirPath, onto) os.mkdir(outputFilePath) commandsi = ["mkdir -p " + tmpDirPath, "cd " + configMap["GROUP_B_PATH"], "./knn_weighted -m weighted_knn -j %s -d %s -i %s -o %s -k %s -l %s" % (blastOutputFilePath, blastOutputFilePath, fastaFilePath, outputFilePath, GROUP_B_K, jarPath)] commandString = ";".join(commandsi) #print commandString os.chdir(currCwd) logFile=None logPath=os.path.join(tmpDir, "logB.txt") if not os.path.exists(logPath): logFile = open(logPath, 'w') else: logFile = open(logPath, 'a') s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(commandString) if True:#s != 0: logFile.write("Command: " + commandString + "\n") logFile.write(str(s) + "\n") logFile.write(o+ "\n") if s != 0: print >> sys.stderr,"!!!Error!!! " + commandString print >> sys.stderr,str(s) print >> sys.stderr,o #raise logFile.close() outputFilePath = os.path.join(outputFilePath, os.path.basename(fastaFilePath)+".weighted_knn.predicted_leaves") idToGoTermCount = {} predFilesContent=[] with open(outputFilePath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith("AUTHOR") or line.startswith("MODEL") or line.startswith("ACCURACY") or line.startswith("KEYWORDS") or line.startswith("END"): None else: currId = line.split("\t")[0][:63] restOfLine = "\t".join(line.split("\t")[1:]) if idToGoTermCount.get(currId, 0) < 1000: if float(restOfLine.split("\t")[1]) > 1.0: restOfLine = restOfLine.rstrip("\n").replace("1.01", "1.00") idToGoTermCount[currId] = idToGoTermCount.get(currId, 0) + 1 line = currId + "\t" + restOfLine predFilesContent.append(line) return predFilesContent
def runMethodA(blastOutputFilePath, fastaFilePath, tmpDir, GROUP_A_THRESHOLD, GROUP_A_K, iters, onto, configMap):# p("Running Method A") currCwd = os.getcwd() tmpDirPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, "methodA") jarPath = os.path.join(configMap["JAR_INSTALL_FOLDER_PATH"], "gossip.jar") outputFilePath = os.path.join(tmpDirPath, "output.%s.cafa.txt" % (onto)) commandsi = ["mkdir -p " + tmpDirPath, "cd " + configMap["GROUP_A_PATH"], "java -cp %s GOSSIPSTarter %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (jarPath, fastaFilePath, blastOutputFilePath, outputFilePath, GROUP_A_THRESHOLD, GROUP_A_K, iters)] commandString = ";".join(commandsi) os.chdir(currCwd) logFile=None logPath=os.path.join(tmpDir, "logA.txt") if not os.path.exists(logPath): logFile = open(logPath, 'w') else: logFile = open(logPath, 'a') s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(commandString) if True:#s != 0: logFile.write("Command: " + commandString + "\n") logFile.write(str(s)+"\n") logFile.write(o+"\n") if s != 0: print >> sys.stderr,"!!!Error!!! " + commandString print >> sys.stderr,str(s) print >> sys.stderr,o #raise logFile.close() outputFilePath = outputFilePath+".cafa" outputFile = open(outputFilePath) preds = set([]) predFilesContent=[] for line in outputFile: if line.startswith("AUTHOR") or line.startswith("MODEL") or line.startswith("ACCURACY") or line.startswith("KEYWORDS") or line.startswith("END"): None else: targetId, goTerm, rel = line.rstrip().split("\t") targetId = targetId[1:].split("(")[0][:63] relFloat = max(min(float(rel), 1.00), 0.00) rel = "%.2f" % (relFloat) line = targetId + "\t" + goTerm + "\t" + rel if targetId + "\t" + goTerm not in preds and goTerm.strip() != "": predFilesContent.append(line) preds.add(targetId + "\t" + goTerm) return predFilesContent
def runMethodC(blastOutputFilePath, fastaFilePath, tmpDir, scoring, onto, configMap, debug):# p("Running Method C") currCwd = os.getcwd() tmpDirPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, "methodC") outputFilePath = os.path.join(tmpDirPath, "output.%s.txt" % (onto)) commandsi = ["mkdir -p " + tmpDirPath, "cd " + configMap["GROUP_C_PATH"], "./ %s %s %s %s" % (blastOutputFilePath, outputFilePath, scoring, tmpDirPath)] commandString = ";".join(commandsi) if debug: print >> sys.stderr, commandString os.chdir(currCwd) logFile=None logPath=os.path.join(tmpDir, "logC.txt") if not os.path.exists(logPath): logFile = open(logPath, 'w') else: logFile = open(logPath, 'a') s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(commandString) if True:#s != 0: logFile.write("Command: " + commandString) logFile.write(str(s)) logFile.write(o) if s != 0: print >> sys.stderr, "!!!Error!!! " + commandString print >> sys.stderr,str(s) print >> sys.stderr,o #raise logFile.close() predFilesContent = [] with open(outputFilePath) as f: preds = set([]) for line in f.readlines(): line=line.rstrip() if line.rstrip() == "" or line.startswith("AUTHOR") or line.startswith("MODEL") or line.startswith("ACCURACY") or line.startswith("KEYWORDS") or line.startswith("END"): None else: targetId, goTerm, rel = line.rstrip().split(" ") relFloat = max(min(float(rel), 1.00), 0.00) rel = "%.2f" % (relFloat) line = targetId[:63] + "\t" + goTerm + "\t" + rel if targetId[:63] + "\t" + goTerm not in preds and goTerm.strip() != "" and float(rel) > 0.0: predFilesContent.append(line) preds.add(targetId[:63] + "\t" + goTerm) return predFilesContent
def runBlast(inputFilePath, blastDatabasePath, outputFilePath, tmpDir, eValue, iters, configMap): fastaSplits = splitBigFastaFile(inputFilePath, tmpDir, configMap["FASTA_SPLIT_SIZE"]) for i, fastaSplit in enumerate(fastaSplits): blastParas = blastallParameters() blastParas.setBlastExePath(configMap["BLASTPGP_EXE_PATH"]) blastParas.setBlastDatabasePath(blastDatabasePath) blastParas.setEValue(eValue) blastParas.setJ(iters) blastParas.setB(1000) blastParas.setV(1000) blastParas.setInputFilePath(fastaSplit) blastParas.setOutputFilePath(fastaSplit + ".blast") blastCommand = createBlastPGPCommand(blastParas) #print blastCommand # executeCommandInSGELocalAsync(blastCommand, "blast_%d" % i, tmpDir) # # executeCommandInSGELocalAsyncJoin() s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(blastCommand) if s != 0: Logger.log("!!!Error!!! " + blastCommand) Logger.log(s) Logger.log(o) raise Exception p("Merging Blast Output") # allRoundSplits = ["" for bla in range(int(NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS))] bigOutputFile = open(outputFilePath, 'w') for fastaSplit in fastaSplits: blastFile = open(fastaSplit + ".blast") blastOutput = "\n" + blastFile.close() bigOutputFile.write(blastOutput) bigOutputFile.close()
def runBlast(inputFilePath, blastDatabasePath, outputFilePath, tmpDir, eValue, iters, configMap): fastaSplits = splitBigFastaFile(inputFilePath, tmpDir, configMap["FASTA_SPLIT_SIZE"]) for i, fastaSplit in enumerate(fastaSplits): blastParas = blastallParameters() blastParas.setBlastExePath(configMap["BLASTPGP_EXE_PATH"]) blastParas.setBlastDatabasePath(blastDatabasePath) blastParas.setEValue(eValue) blastParas.setJ(iters) blastParas.setB(1000) blastParas.setV(1000) blastParas.setInputFilePath(fastaSplit) blastParas.setOutputFilePath(fastaSplit+".blast") blastCommand = createBlastPGPCommand(blastParas) #print blastCommand # executeCommandInSGELocalAsync(blastCommand, "blast_%d" % i, tmpDir) # # executeCommandInSGELocalAsyncJoin() s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(blastCommand) if s != 0: Logger.log("!!!Error!!! " + blastCommand) Logger.log(s) Logger.log(o) raise Exception p("Merging Blast Output") # allRoundSplits = ["" for bla in range(int(NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS))] bigOutputFile = open(outputFilePath,'w') for fastaSplit in fastaSplits: blastFile = open(fastaSplit+".blast") blastOutput = "\n" + blastFile.close() bigOutputFile.write(blastOutput) bigOutputFile.close()
def runMethodA(blastOutputFilePath, fastaFilePath, tmpDir, GROUP_A_THRESHOLD, GROUP_A_K, iters, onto, configMap): # p("Running Method A") currCwd = os.getcwd() tmpDirPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, "methodA") jarPath = os.path.join(configMap["JAR_INSTALL_FOLDER_PATH"], "gossip.jar") outputFilePath = os.path.join(tmpDirPath, "output.%s.cafa.txt" % (onto)) commandsi = [ "mkdir -p " + tmpDirPath, "cd " + configMap["GROUP_A_PATH"], "java -cp %s GOSSIPSTarter %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (jarPath, fastaFilePath, blastOutputFilePath, outputFilePath, GROUP_A_THRESHOLD, GROUP_A_K, iters) ] commandString = ";".join(commandsi) os.chdir(currCwd) logFile = None logPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, "logA.txt") if not os.path.exists(logPath): logFile = open(logPath, 'w') else: logFile = open(logPath, 'a') s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(commandString) if True: #s != 0: logFile.write("Command: " + commandString + "\n") logFile.write(str(s) + "\n") logFile.write(o + "\n") if s != 0: print >> sys.stderr, "!!!Error!!! " + commandString print >> sys.stderr, str(s) print >> sys.stderr, o #raise logFile.close() outputFilePath = outputFilePath + ".cafa" outputFile = open(outputFilePath) preds = set([]) predFilesContent = [] for line in outputFile: if line.startswith("AUTHOR") or line.startswith( "MODEL") or line.startswith("ACCURACY") or line.startswith( "KEYWORDS") or line.startswith("END"): None else: targetId, goTerm, rel = line.rstrip().split("\t") targetId = targetId[1:].split("(")[0][:63] relFloat = max(min(float(rel), 1.00), 0.00) rel = "%.2f" % (relFloat) line = targetId + "\t" + goTerm + "\t" + rel if targetId + "\t" + goTerm not in preds and goTerm.strip() != "": predFilesContent.append(line) preds.add(targetId + "\t" + goTerm) return predFilesContent
def runMethodB(blastOutputFilePath, fastaFilePath, tmpDir, GROUP_B_K, onto, configMap): # p("Running Method B") currCwd = os.getcwd() tmpDirPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, "methodB") if not os.path.exists(tmpDirPath): os.mkdir(tmpDirPath) jarPath = configMap["JAR_INSTALL_FOLDER_PATH"].rstrip("/") outputFilePath = os.path.join(tmpDirPath, onto) os.mkdir(outputFilePath) commandsi = [ "mkdir -p " + tmpDirPath, "cd " + configMap["GROUP_B_PATH"], "./knn_weighted -m weighted_knn -j %s -d %s -i %s -o %s -k %s -l %s" % (blastOutputFilePath, blastOutputFilePath, fastaFilePath, outputFilePath, GROUP_B_K, jarPath) ] commandString = ";".join(commandsi) #print commandString os.chdir(currCwd) logFile = None logPath = os.path.join(tmpDir, "logB.txt") if not os.path.exists(logPath): logFile = open(logPath, 'w') else: logFile = open(logPath, 'a') s, o = commands.getstatusoutput(commandString) if True: #s != 0: logFile.write("Command: " + commandString + "\n") logFile.write(str(s) + "\n") logFile.write(o + "\n") if s != 0: print >> sys.stderr, "!!!Error!!! " + commandString print >> sys.stderr, str(s) print >> sys.stderr, o #raise logFile.close() outputFilePath = os.path.join( outputFilePath, os.path.basename(fastaFilePath) + ".weighted_knn.predicted_leaves") idToGoTermCount = {} predFilesContent = [] with open(outputFilePath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith("AUTHOR") or line.startswith( "MODEL") or line.startswith("ACCURACY") or line.startswith( "KEYWORDS") or line.startswith("END"): None else: currId = line.split("\t")[0][:63] restOfLine = "\t".join(line.split("\t")[1:]) if idToGoTermCount.get(currId, 0) < 1000: if float(restOfLine.split("\t")[1]) > 1.0: restOfLine = restOfLine.rstrip("\n").replace( "1.01", "1.00") idToGoTermCount[currId] = idToGoTermCount.get(currId, 0) + 1 line = currId + "\t" + restOfLine predFilesContent.append(line) return predFilesContent