def check_metatlas(): """ Checks for invalid runs. """ invalid_runs = find_invalid_runs(_override=True) # Currently there exists a bug (?) where it shows empty files. # It could be a result of the database remembering invalid files # that were removed. Since there is no file associated with these runs, # there will not be any filename. # This can technically be fixed by running: # grouped = grouped.filter(False, str_list) # followed by a run to remove all usernames without any files, # but does not directly solve the problem. # Leaving this to someone in the future to resolve. if invalid_runs: grouped = defaultdict(list) for run in invalid_runs: grouped[run.username].append(run.mzml_file) for (username, filenames) in grouped.items(): body = 'You have runs that are not longer accessible\n' body += 'To remove them from the database, run the following on\n\n' body += 'from metatlas.metatlas_objects import find_invalid_runs, remove_objects\n' body += 'remove_objects(find_invalid_runs())\n\n' body += 'The invalid runs are:\n%s' % ('\n'.join(filenames)) send_mail('Metatlas Runs are Invalid', username, body)
def update_metatlas(directory): readonly_files = defaultdict(set) other_errors = defaultdict(list) directory = os.path.abspath(directory) # Sleep a random amount of time to avoid running at the same time as # other processes. time.sleep(random.random() * 2) mzml_files = check_output('find %s -name "*.mzML"' % directory, shell=True) mzml_files = mzml_files.decode('utf-8').splitlines() # Find valid h5 files newer than the format version timestamp. delta = int((time.time() - VERSION_TIMESTAMP) / 60) check = 'find %s -name "*.h5" -mmin -%s -size +2k' % (directory, delta) valid_files = check_output(check, shell=True).decode('utf-8').splitlines() valid_files = set(valid_files) new_files = [] for mzml_file in mzml_files: if mzml_file.replace('.mzML', '.h5') not in valid_files: new_files.append(mzml_file) patt = re.compile( r".+\/raw_data\/(?P<username>[^/]+)\/(?P<experiment>[^/]+)\/(?P<path>.+)" ) sys.stdout.write('Found %s files\n' % len(new_files)) sys.stdout.flush() for (ind, fname) in enumerate(new_files): sys.stdout.write('(%s of %s): %s\n' % (ind + 1, len(new_files), fname)) sys.stdout.flush() # Get relevant information about the file. info = patt.match(os.path.abspath(fname)) if info: info = info.groupdict() else: sys.stdout.write("Invalid path name: %s\n" % fname) sys.stdout.flush() continue dirname = os.path.dirname(fname) try: username = pwd.getpwuid(os.stat(fname).st_uid).pw_name except OSError: try: username = pwd.getpwuid(os.stat(dirname).st_uid).pw_name except Exception: username = info['username'] # Change to read only. try: os.chmod(fname, 0o660) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n') sys.stderr.flush() # Copy the original file to a pasteur backup. if os.environ['USER'] == 'pasteur': pasteur_path = fname.replace('raw_data', 'pasteur_backup') dname = os.path.dirname(pasteur_path) if not os.path.exists(dname): os.makedirs(dname) try: shutil.copy(fname, pasteur_path) except IOError as e: readonly_files[username].add(dirname) continue # Get a lock on the mzml file to prevent interference. try: fid = open(fname, 'r') fcntl.flock(fid, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError: fid.close() msg = '%s already converting in another process\n' % fname sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.stderr.flush() continue # Convert to HDF and store the entry in the database. try: hdf5_file = fname.replace('mzML', 'h5') mzml_to_hdf(fname, hdf5_file, True) os.chmod(hdf5_file, 0o660) description = info['experiment'] + ' ' + info['path'] ctime = os.stat(fname).st_ctime # Add this to the database unless it is already there try: runs = retrieve('lcmsrun', username='******', mzml_file=fname) except Exception: runs = list() if not len(runs): run = LcmsRun(name=info['path'], description=description, username=info['username'], experiment=info['experiment'], creation_time=ctime, last_modified=ctime, mzml_file=fname, hdf5_file=hdf5_file) store(run) except Exception as e: if 'exists but it can not be written' in str(e): readonly_files[username].add(dirname) else: msg = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) msg.insert(0, 'Cannot convert %s' % fname) other_errors[info['username']].append('\n'.join(msg)) sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n') sys.stderr.flush() try: os.remove(hdf5_file) except: pass finally: fid.close() # Handle errors. from metatlas.metatlas_objects import find_invalid_runs invalid_runs = find_invalid_runs(_override=True) if readonly_files: for (username, dirnames) in readonly_files.items(): body = ("Please log in to NERSC and run 'chmod 777' on the " "following directories:\n%s" % ('\n'.join(dirnames))) send_mail('Metatlas Files are Inaccessible', username, body) if invalid_runs: grouped = defaultdict(list) for run in invalid_runs: grouped[run.username].append(run.mzml_file) for (username, filenames) in grouped.items(): body = 'You have runs that are not longer accessible\n' body += 'To remove them from the database, run the following on\n\n' body += 'from metatlas.metatlas_objects import find_invalid_runs, remove_objects\n' body += 'remove_objects(find_invalid_runs())\n\n' body += 'The invalid runs are:\n%s' % ('\n'.join(filenames)) send_mail('Metatlas Runs are Invalid', username, body) if other_errors: for (username, errors) in other_errors.items(): body = 'Errored files found while loading in Metatlas files:\n\n%s' % '\n********************************\n'.join( errors) send_mail('Errors loading Metatlas files', username, body) sys.stdout.write('Done!\n') sys.stdout.flush()
def update_metatlas(directory): readonly_files = defaultdict(set) other_errors = defaultdict(list) directory = os.path.abspath(directory) # Sleep a random amount of time to avoid running at the same time as # other processes. time.sleep(random.random() * 2) mzml_files = check_output('find %s -name "*.mzML"' % directory, shell=True) mzml_files = mzml_files.decode('utf-8').splitlines() # Find valid h5 files newer than the format version timestamp. delta = int((time.time() - VERSION_TIMESTAMP) / 60) check = 'find %s -name "*.h5" -mmin -%s -size +2k' % (directory, delta) valid_files = check_output(check, shell=True).decode('utf-8').splitlines() valid_files = set(valid_files) new_files = [] for mzml_file in mzml_files: if mzml_file.replace('.mzML', '.h5') not in valid_files: new_files.append(mzml_file) patt = re.compile(r".+\/raw_data\/(?P<username>[^/]+)\/(?P<experiment>[^/]+)\/(?P<path>.+)") sys.stdout.write('Found %s files\n' % len(new_files)) sys.stdout.flush() for (ind, fname) in enumerate(new_files): sys.stdout.write('(%s of %s): %s\n' % (ind + 1, len(new_files), fname)) sys.stdout.flush() # Get relevant information about the file. info = patt.match(os.path.abspath(fname)) if info: info = info.groupdict() else: sys.stdout.write("Invalid path name: %s\n" % fname) sys.stdout.flush() continue dirname = os.path.dirname(fname) try: username = pwd.getpwuid(os.stat(fname).st_uid).pw_name except OSError: try: username = pwd.getpwuid(os.stat(dirname).st_uid).pw_name except Exception: username = info['username'] # Change to read only. try: os.chmod(fname, 0o660) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n') sys.stderr.flush() # Copy the original file to a pasteur backup. if os.environ['USER'] == 'pasteur': pasteur_path = fname.replace('raw_data', 'pasteur_backup') dname = os.path.dirname(pasteur_path) if not os.path.exists(dname): os.makedirs(dname) try: shutil.copy(fname, pasteur_path) except IOError as e: readonly_files[username].add(dirname) continue # Get a lock on the mzml file to prevent interference. try: fid = open(fname, 'r') fcntl.flock(fid, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError: fid.close() msg = '%s already converting in another process\n' % fname sys.stderr.write(msg) sys.stderr.flush() continue # Convert to HDF and store the entry in the database. try: hdf5_file = fname.replace('mzML', 'h5') mzml_to_hdf(fname, hdf5_file, True) os.chmod(hdf5_file, 0o660) description = info['experiment'] + ' ' + info['path'] ctime = os.stat(fname).st_ctime # Add this to the database unless it is already there try: runs = retrieve('lcmsrun', username='******', mzml_file=fname) except Exception: runs = list() if not len(runs): run = LcmsRun(name=info['path'], description=description, username=info['username'], experiment=info['experiment'], creation_time=ctime, last_modified=ctime, mzml_file=fname, hdf5_file=hdf5_file) store(run) except Exception as e: if 'exists but it can not be written' in str(e): readonly_files[username].add(dirname) else: msg = traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()) msg.insert(0, 'Cannot convert %s' % fname) other_errors[info['username']].append('\n'.join(msg)) sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n') sys.stderr.flush() try: os.remove(hdf5_file) except: pass finally: fid.close() # Handle errors. from metatlas.metatlas_objects import find_invalid_runs invalid_runs = find_invalid_runs(_override=True) if readonly_files: for (username, dirnames) in readonly_files.items(): body = ("Please log in to NERSC and run 'chmod 777' on the " "following directories:\n%s" % ('\n'.join(dirnames))) send_mail('Metatlas Files are Inaccessible', username, body) if invalid_runs: grouped = defaultdict(list) for run in invalid_runs: grouped[run.username].append(run.mzml_file) for (username, filenames) in grouped.items(): body = 'You have runs that are not longer accessible\n' body += 'To remove them from the database, run the following on\n\n' body += 'from metatlas.metatlas_objects import find_invalid_runs, remove_objects\n' body += 'remove_objects(find_invalid_runs())\n\n' body += 'The invalid runs are:\n%s' % ('\n'.join(filenames)) send_mail('Metatlas Runs are Invalid', username, body) if other_errors: for (username, errors) in other_errors.items(): body = 'Errored files found while loading in Metatlas files:\n\n%s' % '\n********************************\n'.join(errors) send_mail('Errors loading Metatlas files', username, body) sys.stdout.write('Done!\n') sys.stdout.flush()