def parse_preamble_data(statements, pobj, spec_name, endmatch, logger):
    """Parse module variables or DDT definitions from a module preamble
    or parse program variables from the beginning of a program.
    inspec = True
    mheaders = list()
    var_dict = VarDictionary(spec_name)
    psrc = ParseSource(spec_name, 'MODULE', pobj)
    active_table = None
    while inspec and (statements is not None):
        while len(statements) > 0:
            statement = statements.pop(0)
            # End program or module
            pmatch = endmatch.match(statement)
            asmatch = arg_table_start_re.match(statement)
            type_def = fortran_type_definition(statement)
            if asmatch is not None:
                active_table = asmatch.group(1).lower()
            elif (pmatch is not None) or is_contains_statement(
                    statement, inspec):
                # We are done with the specification
                inspec = False
                if len(var_dict.variable_list()) > 0:
                    mheader = MetadataHeader(title=spec_name,
                # End if
            elif (type_def is not None) and (type_def[0].lower()
                                             == active_table):
                statements, ddt = parse_type_def(statements, type_def,
                                                 spec_name, pobj, logger)
                active_table = None
                # We should have a variable definition to add
                if ((not is_comment_statement(statement, logger)) and
                    (not parse_use_statement({}, statement, pobj, logger))
                        and (active_table == spec_name)):
                    vars = parse_fortran_var_decl(statement,
                    for var in vars:
                    # End for
                # End if
            # End if
        # End while
        if inspec and (len(statements) == 0):
            statements = read_statements(pobj)
        # End if
    # End while
    return statements, mheaders
def write_host_cap(host_model, api, output_dir, logger):
    """Write an API to allow <host_model> to call any configured CCPP suite"""
    module_name = "{}_ccpp_cap".format(host_model.name)
    cap_filename = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}.F90'.format(module_name))
    if logger is not None:
        msg = 'Writing CCPP Host Model Cap for {} to {}'
        logger.info(msg.format(host_model.name, cap_filename))
    # End if
    header = _HEADER.format(host_model=host_model.name)
    with FortranWriter(cap_filename, 'w', header, module_name) as cap:
        # Write module use statements
        maxmod = len(KINDS_MODULE)
        cap.write('   use {kinds}'.format(kinds=KINDS_MODULE), 1)
        modules = host_model.variable_locations()
        if modules:
            mlen = max([len(x[0]) for x in modules])
            maxmod = max(maxmod, mlen)
        # End if
        mlen = max([len(x.module) for x in api.suites])
        maxmod = max(maxmod, mlen)
        maxmod = max(maxmod, len(CONST_DDT_MOD))
        for mod in modules:
            mspc = (maxmod - len(mod[0]))*' '
            cap.write("use {}, {}only: {}".format(mod[0], mspc, mod[1]), 1)
        # End for
        mspc = ' '*(maxmod - len(CONST_DDT_MOD))
        cap.write("use {}, {}only: {}".format(CONST_DDT_MOD, mspc,
                                              CONST_DDT_NAME), 1)
        max_suite_len = 0
        for suite in api.suites:
            max_suite_len = max(max_suite_len, len(suite.module))
        # End for
        cap.write("! Public Interfaces", 1)
        # CCPP_STATE_MACH.transitions represents the host CCPP interface
        for stage in CCPP_STATE_MACH.transitions():
            stmt = "public :: {host_model}_ccpp_physics_{stage}"
            cap.write(stmt.format(host_model=host_model.name, stage=stage), 1)
        # End for
        # Write the host-model interfaces for constituents
        reg_name = constituent_register_subname(host_model)
        cap.write("public :: {}".format(reg_name), 1)
        numconsts_name = constituent_num_consts_funcname(host_model)
        cap.write("public :: {}".format(numconsts_name), 1)
        copyin_name = constituent_copyin_subname(host_model)
        cap.write("public :: {}".format(copyin_name), 1)
        copyout_name = constituent_copyout_subname(host_model)
        cap.write("public :: {}".format(copyout_name), 1)
        cap.write("", 0)
        cap.write("! Private module variables", 1)
        const_dict = add_constituent_vars(cap, host_model, api.suites, logger)
        for stage in CCPP_STATE_MACH.transitions():
            # Create a dict of local variables for stage
            host_local_vars = VarDictionary("{}_{}".format(host_model.name,
            # Create part call lists
            # Look for any loop-variable mismatch
            for suite in api.suites:
                spart_list = suite_part_list(suite, stage)
                for spart in spart_list:
                    spart_args = spart.call_list.variable_list()
                    for sp_var in spart_args:
                        stdname = sp_var.get_prop_value('standard_name')
                        hvar = const_dict.find_variable(standard_name=stdname,
                        if hvar is None:
                            errmsg = 'No host model variable for {} in {}'
                            raise CCPPError(errmsg.format(stdname, spart.name))
                        # End if
                    # End for (loop over part variables)
                # End for (loop of suite parts)
            # End for (loop over suites)
            run_stage = stage == 'run'
            # All interfaces need the suite name
            apivars = [_SUITE_NAME_VAR]
            if run_stage:
                # Only the run phase needs a suite part name
            # End if
            # Create a list of dummy arguments with correct intent settings
            callvars = host_model.call_list(stage) # Host interface dummy args
            hdvars = list()
            subst_dict = {}
            for hvar in callvars:
                protected = hvar.get_prop_value('protected')
                stdname = hvar.get_prop_value('standard_name')
                if stdname in CCPP_LOOP_VAR_STDNAMES:
                    protected = True # Cannot modify a loop variable
                # End if
                if protected:
                    subst_dict['intent'] = 'in'
                    subst_dict['intent'] = 'inout'
                # End if
            # End for
            lnames = [x.get_prop_value('local_name') for x in apivars + hdvars]
            api_vlist = ", ".join(lnames)
                                      stage=stage), 1)
            # Write out any suite part use statements
            for suite in api.suites:
                mspc = (max_suite_len - len(suite.module))*' '
                spart_list = suite_part_list(suite, stage)
                for spart in spart_list:
                    stmt = "use {}, {}only: {}"
                    cap.write(stmt.format(suite.module, mspc, spart.name), 2)
                # End for
            # End for
            # Write out any host model DDT input var use statements
            host_model.ddt_lib.write_ddt_use_statements(hdvars, cap, 2,

            cap.write("", 1)
            # Write out dummy arguments
            for var in apivars:
                var.write_def(cap, 2, host_model)
            # End for
            for var in hdvars:
                var.write_def(cap, 2, host_model)
            # End for
            for var in host_local_vars.variable_list():
                var.write_def(cap, 2, host_model)
            # End for
            cap.write('', 0)
            # Write out the body clauses
            errmsg_name, errflg_name = api.get_errinfo_names()
            # Initialize err variables
            cap.write('{errflg} = 0'.format(errflg=errflg_name), 2)
            cap.write('{errmsg} = ""'.format(errmsg=errmsg_name), 2)
            else_str = ''
            for suite in api.suites:
                stmt = "{}if (trim(suite_name) == '{}') then"
                cap.write(stmt.format(else_str, suite.name), 2)
                if stage == 'run':
                    el2_str = ''
                    spart_list = suite_part_list(suite, stage)
                    for spart in spart_list:
                        pname = spart.name[len(suite.name)+1:]
                        stmt = "{}if (trim(suite_part) == '{}') then"
                        cap.write(stmt.format(el2_str, pname), 3)
                        call_str = suite_part_call_list(host_model, const_dict,
                                                        spart, True)
                        cap.write("call {}({})".format(spart.name, call_str), 4)
                        el2_str = 'else '
                    # End for
                    cap.write("else", 3)
                    emsg = "write({errmsg}, '(3a)')".format(errmsg=errmsg_name)
                    emsg += '"No suite part named ", '
                    emsg += 'trim(suite_part), '
                    emsg += '" found in suite {sname}"'.format(sname=suite.name)
                    cap.write(emsg, 4)
                    cap.write("{errflg} = 1".format(errflg=errflg_name), 4)
                    cap.write("end if", 3)
                    spart = suite.phase_group(stage)
                    call_str = suite_part_call_list(host_model, const_dict,
                                                    spart, False)
                    stmt = "call {}_{}({})"
                    cap.write(stmt.format(suite.name, stage, call_str), 3)
                # End if
                else_str = 'else '
            # End for
            cap.write("else", 2)
            emsg = "write({errmsg}, '(3a)')".format(errmsg=errmsg_name)
            emsg += '"No suite named ", '
            emsg += 'trim(suite_name), "found"'
            cap.write(emsg, 3)
            cap.write("{errflg} = 1".format(errflg=errflg_name), 3)
            cap.write("end if", 2)
                                      stage=stage), 1)
        # End for
        # Write the API inspection routines (e.g., list of suites)
        # Write the constituent initialization interfaces
        err_vars = host_model.find_error_variables()
        const_obj_name = constituent_model_object_name(host_model)
        cap.write("", 0)
        const_names_name = constituent_model_const_stdnames(host_model)
        const_indices_name = constituent_model_const_indices(host_model)
        ConstituentVarDict.write_host_routines(cap, host_model, reg_name,
                                               numconsts_name, copyin_name,
                                               copyout_name, const_obj_name,
                                               api.suites, err_vars)
    # End with
    return cap_filename
class MetadataHeader(ParseSource):
    """Class to hold all information from a metadata header
    >>> MetadataHeader(ParseObject("foobar.txt",                              \
                      ["name = foobar", "type = scheme", "module = foo",      \
                       "[ im ]", "standard_name = horizontal_loop_extent",    \
                       "long_name = horizontal loop extent, start at 1",      \
                       "units = index | type = integer",                      \
                       "dimensions = () |  intent = in"])) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <__main__.MetadataHeader foo / foobar at 0x...>
    >>> MetadataHeader(ParseObject("foobar.txt",                              \
                      ["name = foobar", "type = scheme", "module = foobar",   \
                       "[ im ]", "standard_name = horizontal_loop_extent",    \
                       "long_name = horizontal loop extent, start at 1",      \
                       "units = index | type = integer",                      \
                       "dimensions = () |  intent = in"])).get_var(standard_name='horizontal_loop_extent') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <metavar.Var horizontal_loop_extent: im at 0x...>
    >>> MetadataHeader(ParseObject("foobar.txt",                              \
                      ["name = foobar", "module = foo",                       \
                       "[ im ]", "standard_name = horizontal_loop_extent",    \
                       "long_name = horizontal loop extent, start at 1",      \
                       "units = index | type = integer",                      \
                       "dimensions = () |  intent = in",                      \
                       "  subroutine foo()"])).get_var(standard_name='horizontal_loop_extent') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ParseSyntaxError: Missing metadata header type, at foobar.txt:7
    >>> MetadataHeader(ParseObject("foobar.txt",                              \
                      ["name = foobar", "type = scheme", "module=foobar",     \
                       "[ im ]", "standard_name = horizontal_loop_extent",    \
                       "long_name = horizontal loop extent, start at 1",      \
                       "units = index | type = integer",                      \
                       "dimensions = () |  intent = in",                      \
                       ""], line_start=0)).get_var(standard_name='horizontal_loop_extent').get_prop_value('local_name')
    >>> MetadataHeader(ParseObject("foobar.txt",                              \
                      ["name = foobar", "type = scheme"                       \
                       "[ im ]", "standard_name = horizontal loop extent",    \
                       "long_name = horizontal loop extent, start at 1",      \
                       "units = index | type = integer",                      \
                       "dimensions = () |  intent = in",                      \
                       ""], line_start=0)).get_var(standard_name='horizontal_loop_extent') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ParseSyntaxError: Invalid variable property value, 'horizontal loop extent', at foobar.txt:2
    >>> MetadataHeader(ParseObject("foobar.txt",                              \
                      ["[ccpp-arg-table]", "name = foobar", "type = scheme"   \
                       "[ im ]", "standard_name = horizontal loop extent",    \
                       "long_name = horizontal loop extent, start at 1",      \
                       "units = index | type = integer",                      \
                       "dimensions = () |  intent = in",                      \
                       ""], line_start=0)).get_var(standard_name='horizontal_loop_extent') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ParseSyntaxError: Invalid property syntax, '[ccpp-arg-table]', at foobar.txt:1
    >>> MetadataHeader(ParseObject("foobar.txt",                              \
                      ["name = foobar", "module = foo"                        \
                       "[ im ]", "standard_name = horizontal loop extent",    \
                       "long_name = horizontal loop extent, start at 1",      \
                       "units = index | type = integer",                      \
                       "dimensions = () |  intent = in",                      \
                       ""], line_start=0)).get_var(standard_name='horizontal_loop_extent') #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ParseSyntaxError: Invalid metadata header start, no table type, at foobar.txt:2
    >>> MetadataHeader.__var_start__.match('[ qval ]') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>
    >>> MetadataHeader.__var_start__.match('[ qval(hi_mom) ]') #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x...>

    __header_start__ = re.compile(r"(?i)\s*\[\s*ccpp-arg-table\s*\]")

    __var_start__ = re.compile(r"^\[\s*(" + FORTRAN_ID + r"|" + LITERAL_INT +
                               r"|" + FORTRAN_SCALAR_REF + r")\s*\]$")

    __blank_line__ = re.compile(r"\s*[#;]")

    __html_template__ = """
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<table border="1">

    def __init__(self,
        self._pobj = parse_object
        """If <parse_object> is not None, initialize from the current file and
        location in <parse_object>.
        If <parse_object> is None, initialize from <title>, <type>, <module>,
        and <var_dict>. Note that if <parse_object> is not None, <title>,
        <type>, <module>, and <var_dict> are ignored.
        if parse_object is None:
            if title is None:
                raise ParseInternalError('MetadataHeader requires a title')
                self._table_title = title
            # End if
            if type_in is None:
                raise ParseInternalError(
                    'MetadataHeader requires a header type')
                self._header_type = type
            # End if
            if module is None:
                raise ParseInternalError(
                    'MetadataHeader requires a module name')
                self._module_name = module
            # End if
            #  Initialize our ParseSource parent
            super(MetadataHeader, self).__init__(self.title, self.header_type,
            self._variables = VarDictionary(self.title, logger=logger)
            for var in var_dict.variable_list():  # Let this crash if no dict
            # End for
            self.__init_from_file__(parse_object, logger)
        # End if
        # Categorize the variables
        self._var_intents = {'in': list(), 'out': list(), 'inout': list()}
        for var in self.variable_list():
            intent = var.get_prop_value('intent')
            if intent is not None:
            # End if
        # End for

    def __init_from_file__(self, parse_object, logger):
        # Read the table preamble, assume the caller already figured out
        #  the first line of the header using the table_start method.
        curr_line, curr_line_num = self._pobj.next_line()
        self._table_title = None
        self._header_type = None
        self._module_name = None
        while (curr_line
               is not None) and (not self.variable_start(curr_line)) and (
                   not MetadataHeader.table_start(curr_line)):
            for property in self.parse_config_line(curr_line):
                # Manually parse name, type, and module properties
                key = property[0].strip().lower()
                value = property[1].strip()
                if key == 'name':
                    self._table_title = value
                elif key == 'type':
                    if value not in ['module', 'scheme', 'ddt']:
                        raise ParseSyntaxError("metadata table type",
                    # End if
                    self._header_type = value
                elif key == 'module':
                    if value == "None":
                        raise ParseSyntaxError("metadata table, no module",
                        self._module_name = value
                    # End if
                    raise ParseSyntaxError("metadata table start property",
                # End if
            # End for
            curr_line, curr_line_num = self._pobj.next_line()
        # End while
        if self.title is None:
            raise ParseSyntaxError("metadata header start, no table name",
        elif self.header_type is None:
            raise ParseSyntaxError("metadata header start, no table type",
        elif self.header_type == "ddt":
        # End if
        #  Initialize our ParseSource parent
        super(MetadataHeader, self).__init__(self.title, self.header_type,
        # Read the variables
        valid_lines = True
        self._variables = VarDictionary(self.title, logger=logger)
        while valid_lines:
            newvar, curr_line = self.parse_variable(curr_line)
            valid_lines = newvar is not None
            if valid_lines:
                # Check to see if we hit the end of the table
                valid_lines = not MetadataHeader.table_start(curr_line)
            # No else, we just run off the end of the table
            # End if
        # End while

    def parse_config_line(self, line):
        "Parse a config line and return a list of keyword value pairs."
        parse_items = list()
        if line is None:
            pass  # No properties on this line
        elif MetadataHeader.is_blank(line):
            pass  # No properties on this line
            properties = line.strip().split('|')
            for property in properties:
                pitems = property.split('=', 1)
                if len(pitems) < 2:
                    raise ParseSyntaxError("variable property syntax",
                # End if
            # End for
        # End if
        return parse_items

    def parse_variable(self, curr_line):
        # The header line has the format [ <valid_fortran_symbol> ]
        # Parse header
        valid_line = (curr_line is not None) and (
            not MetadataHeader.table_start(curr_line))
        if valid_line:
            local_name = self.variable_start(
                curr_line)  # caller handles exception
            local_name = None
        # End if
        if local_name is None:
            # This is not a valid variable line, punt (should be end of table)
            valid_line = False
        # End if
        # Parse lines until invalid line is found
        # NB: Header variables cannot have embedded blank lines
        if valid_line:
            var_props = {}
            var_props['local_name'] = local_name
            var_props = None
        # End if
        while valid_line:
            curr_line, curr_line_num = self._pobj.next_line()
            valid_line = ((curr_line is not None)
                          and (not MetadataHeader.is_blank(curr_line))
                          and (not MetadataHeader.table_start(curr_line))
                          and (self.variable_start(curr_line) is None))
            # A valid line may have multiple properties (separated by '|')
            if valid_line:
                properties = self.parse_config_line(curr_line)
                for property in properties:
                        pname = property[0].strip()
                        pval_str = property[1].strip()
                        # Make sure this is a match
                        hp = Var.get_prop(pname)
                        if hp is not None:
                            pval = hp.valid_value(pval_str)
                            raise ParseSyntaxError("variable property name",
                        # End if
                        if pval is None:
                            raise ParseSyntaxError(
                                "'{}' property value".format(pname),
                        # End if
                    except ParseSyntaxError as p:
                        raise p
                    # If we get this far, we have a valid property.
                    var_props[pname] = pval
                # End for
            # End if
        # End while
        if var_props is None:
            return None, curr_line
                newvar = Var(var_props, source=self)
            except CCPPError as ve:
                raise ParseSyntaxError(ve, context=self._pobj)
            return newvar, curr_line
        # End if

    def variable_list(self):
        "Return an ordered list of the header's variables"
        return self._variables.variable_list()

    def to_html(self, outdir, props):
        """Write html file for metadata table and return filename.
        Skip metadata headers without variables"""
        if not self._variables.variable_list():
            return None
        # Write table header
        header = "<tr>"
        for prop in props:
            header += "<th>{}</th>".format(prop)
        header += "</tr>\n"
        # Write table contents, one row per variable
        contents = ""
        for var in self._variables.variable_list():
            row = "<tr>"
            for prop in props:
                value = var.get_prop_value(prop)
                # Pretty-print for dimensions
                if prop == 'dimensions':
                    value = '(' + ', '.join(value) + ')'
                elif value is None:
                    value = "n/a"
                row += "<td>{}</td>".format(value)
            row += "</tr>\n"
            contents += row
        filename = os.path.join(outdir, self.title + '.html')
        with open(filename, "w") as f:
                self.__html_template__.format(title=self.title +
                                              ' argument table',
        return filename

    def get_var(self, standard_name=None, intent=None):
        if standard_name is not None:
            var = self._variables.find_variable(standard_name)
            return var
        elif intent is not None:
            if intent not in self._var_intents:
                raise ParseInternalError(
                    "Illegal intent type, '{}', in {}".format(
                        intent, self.title),
            # End if
            return self._var_intents[intent]
            return None

    def prop_list(self, prop_name):
        "Return list of <prop_name> values for this scheme's arguments"
        return self._variables.prop_list(prop_name)

    def variable_start(self, line):
        """Return variable name if <line> is an interface metadata table header
        if line is None:
            match = None
            match = MetadataHeader.__var_start__.match(line)
        # End if
        if match is not None:
            name = match.group(1)
            if not MetadataHeader.is_scalar_reference(name):
                raise ParseSyntaxError("local variable name",
            # End if
            name = None
        # End if
        return name

    def __repr__(self):
        base = super(MetadataHeader, self).__repr__()
        pind = base.find(' object ')
        if pind >= 0:
            pre = base[0:pind]
            pre = '<MetadataHeader'
        # End if
        bind = base.find('at 0x')
        if bind >= 0:
            post = base[bind:]
            post = '>'
        # End if
        return '{} {} / {} {}'.format(pre, self.module, self.title, post)

    def __del__(self):
            del self._variables
            super(MetadataHeader, self).__del__()
        except Exception as e:
            pass  # Python does not guarantee much about __del__ conditions
        # End try

    def title(self):
        'Return the name of the metadata arg_table'
        return self._table_title

    def module(self):
        'Return the module name for this header (if it exists)'
        return self._module_name

    def header_type(self):
        'Return the type of structure this header documents'
        return self._header_type

    def is_blank(cls, line):
        "Return True iff <line> is a valid config format blank or comment line"
        return (len(line) == 0) or (cls.__blank_line__.match(line) is not None)

    def table_start(cls, line):
        """Return variable name if <line> is an interface metadata table header
        if (line is None) or cls.is_blank(line):
            match = None
            match = MetadataHeader.__header_start__.match(line)
        # End if
        return match is not None

    def is_scalar_reference(cls, test_val):
        return check_fortran_ref(test_val) is not None

    def parse_metadata_file(cls, filename):
        "Parse <filename> and return list of parsed metadata headers"
        # Read all lines of the file at once
        mheaders = list()
        with open(filename, 'r') as file:
            fin_lines = file.readlines()
            for index in range(len(fin_lines)):
                fin_lines[index] = fin_lines[index].rstrip('\n')
            # End for
        # End with
        # Look for a header start
        parse_obj = ParseObject(filename, fin_lines)
        curr_line, curr_line_num = parse_obj.curr_line()
        while curr_line is not None:
            if MetadataHeader.table_start(curr_line):
                curr_line, curr_line_num = parse_obj.curr_line()
                curr_line, curr_line_num = parse_obj.next_line()
            # End if
        # End while
        return mheaders