def single_test(params, results_logger): acc_all = [] iter_num = 600 few_shot_params = dict(n_way=params.test_n_way, n_support=params.n_shot) if params.dataset in ['omniglot', 'cross_char']: assert params.model == 'Conv4' and not params.train_aug, 'omniglot only support Conv4 without augmentation' params.model = 'Conv4S' if params.method == 'baseline': model = BaselineFinetune(model_dict[params.model], **few_shot_params) elif params.method == 'baseline++': model = BaselineFinetune(model_dict[params.model], loss_type='dist', **few_shot_params) elif params.method == 'protonet': model = ProtoNet(model_dict[params.model], **few_shot_params) elif params.method == 'DKT': model = DKT(model_dict[params.model], **few_shot_params) elif params.method == 'matchingnet': model = MatchingNet(model_dict[params.model], **few_shot_params) elif params.method in ['relationnet', 'relationnet_softmax']: if params.model == 'Conv4': feature_model = backbone.Conv4NP elif params.model == 'Conv6': feature_model = backbone.Conv6NP elif params.model == 'Conv4S': feature_model = backbone.Conv4SNP else: feature_model = lambda: model_dict[params.model](flatten=False) loss_type = 'mse' if params.method == 'relationnet' else 'softmax' model = RelationNet(feature_model, loss_type=loss_type, **few_shot_params) elif params.method in ['maml', 'maml_approx']: backbone.ConvBlock.maml = True backbone.SimpleBlock.maml = True backbone.BottleneckBlock.maml = True backbone.ResNet.maml = True model = MAML(model_dict[params.model], approx=(params.method == 'maml_approx'), **few_shot_params) if params.dataset in ['omniglot', 'cross_char' ]: # maml use different parameter in omniglot model.n_task = 32 model.task_update_num = 1 model.train_lr = 0.1 else: raise ValueError('Unknown method') model = model.cuda() checkpoint_dir = '%s/checkpoints/%s/%s_%s' % ( configs.save_dir, params.dataset, params.model, params.method) if params.train_aug: checkpoint_dir += '_aug' if not params.method in ['baseline', 'baseline++']: checkpoint_dir += '_%dway_%dshot' % (params.train_n_way, params.n_shot) # modelfile = get_resume_file(checkpoint_dir) if not params.method in ['baseline', 'baseline++']: if params.save_iter != -1: modelfile = get_assigned_file(checkpoint_dir, params.save_iter) else: modelfile = get_best_file(checkpoint_dir) if modelfile is not None: tmp = torch.load(modelfile) model.load_state_dict(tmp['state']) else: print("[WARNING] Cannot find 'best_file.tar' in: " + str(checkpoint_dir)) split = params.split if params.save_iter != -1: split_str = split + "_" + str(params.save_iter) else: split_str = split if params.method in ['maml', 'maml_approx', 'DKT']: # maml do not support testing with feature if 'Conv' in params.model: if params.dataset in ['omniglot', 'cross_char']: image_size = 28 else: image_size = 84 else: image_size = 224 datamgr = SetDataManager(image_size, n_eposide=iter_num, n_query=15, **few_shot_params) if params.dataset == 'cross': if split == 'base': loadfile = configs.data_dir['miniImagenet'] + 'all.json' else: loadfile = configs.data_dir['CUB'] + split + '.json' elif params.dataset == 'cross_char': if split == 'base': loadfile = configs.data_dir['omniglot'] + 'noLatin.json' else: loadfile = configs.data_dir['emnist'] + split + '.json' else: loadfile = configs.data_dir[params.dataset] + split + '.json' novel_loader = datamgr.get_data_loader(loadfile, aug=False) if params.adaptation: model.task_update_num = 100 # We perform adaptation on MAML simply by updating more times. model.eval() acc_mean, acc_std = model.test_loop(novel_loader, return_std=True) else: novel_file = os.path.join( checkpoint_dir.replace("checkpoints", "features"), split_str + ".hdf5" ) # defaut split = novel, but you can also test base or val classes cl_data_file = feat_loader.init_loader(novel_file) for i in range(iter_num): acc = feature_evaluation(cl_data_file, model, n_query=15, adaptation=params.adaptation, **few_shot_params) acc_all.append(acc) acc_all = np.asarray(acc_all) acc_mean = np.mean(acc_all) acc_std = np.std(acc_all) print('%d Test Acc = %4.2f%% +- %4.2f%%' % (iter_num, acc_mean, 1.96 * acc_std / np.sqrt(iter_num))) with open('record/results.txt', 'a') as f: timestamp = time.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime()) aug_str = '-aug' if params.train_aug else '' aug_str += '-adapted' if params.adaptation else '' if params.method in ['baseline', 'baseline++']: exp_setting = '%s-%s-%s-%s%s %sshot %sway_test' % ( params.dataset, split_str, params.model, params.method, aug_str, params.n_shot, params.test_n_way) else: exp_setting = '%s-%s-%s-%s%s %sshot %sway_train %sway_test' % ( params.dataset, split_str, params.model, params.method, aug_str, params.n_shot, params.train_n_way, params.test_n_way) acc_str = '%d Test Acc = %4.2f%% +- %4.2f%%' % ( iter_num, acc_mean, 1.96 * acc_std / np.sqrt(iter_num)) f.write('Time: %s, Setting: %s, Acc: %s \n' % (timestamp, exp_setting, acc_str)) results_logger.log("single_test_acc", acc_mean) results_logger.log("single_test_acc_std", 1.96 * acc_std / np.sqrt(iter_num)) results_logger.log("time", timestamp) results_logger.log("exp_setting", exp_setting) results_logger.log("acc_str", acc_str) return acc_mean
def get_logits_targets(params): acc_all = [] iter_num = 600 few_shot_params = dict(n_way = params.test_n_way , n_support = params.n_shot) if params.dataset in ['omniglot', 'cross_char']: assert params.model == 'Conv4' and not params.train_aug ,'omniglot only support Conv4 without augmentation' params.model = 'Conv4S' if params.method == 'baseline': model = BaselineFinetune( model_dict[params.model], **few_shot_params ) elif params.method == 'baseline++': model = BaselineFinetune( model_dict[params.model], loss_type = 'dist', **few_shot_params ) elif params.method == 'protonet': model = ProtoNet( model_dict[params.model], **few_shot_params ) elif params.method == 'DKT': model = DKT(model_dict[params.model], **few_shot_params) elif params.method == 'matchingnet': model = MatchingNet( model_dict[params.model], **few_shot_params ) elif params.method in ['relationnet', 'relationnet_softmax']: if params.model == 'Conv4': feature_model = backbone.Conv4NP elif params.model == 'Conv6': feature_model = backbone.Conv6NP elif params.model == 'Conv4S': feature_model = backbone.Conv4SNP else: feature_model = lambda: model_dict[params.model]( flatten = False ) loss_type = 'mse' if params.method == 'relationnet' else 'softmax' model = RelationNet( feature_model, loss_type = loss_type , **few_shot_params ) elif params.method in ['maml' , 'maml_approx']: backbone.ConvBlock.maml = True backbone.SimpleBlock.maml = True backbone.BottleneckBlock.maml = True backbone.ResNet.maml = True model = MAML( model_dict[params.model], approx = (params.method == 'maml_approx') , **few_shot_params ) if params.dataset in ['omniglot', 'cross_char']: #maml use different parameter in omniglot model.n_task = 32 model.task_update_num = 1 model.train_lr = 0.1 else: raise ValueError('Unknown method') model = model.cuda() checkpoint_dir = '%s/checkpoints/%s/%s_%s' %(configs.save_dir, params.dataset, params.model, params.method) if params.train_aug: checkpoint_dir += '_aug' if not params.method in ['baseline', 'baseline++'] : checkpoint_dir += '_%dway_%dshot' %( params.train_n_way, params.n_shot) #modelfile = get_resume_file(checkpoint_dir) if not params.method in ['baseline', 'baseline++'] : if params.save_iter != -1: modelfile = get_assigned_file(checkpoint_dir,params.save_iter) else: modelfile = get_best_file(checkpoint_dir) if modelfile is not None: tmp = torch.load(modelfile) model.load_state_dict(tmp['state']) else: print("[WARNING] Cannot find 'best_file.tar' in: " + str(checkpoint_dir)) split = params.split if params.save_iter != -1: split_str = split + "_" +str(params.save_iter) else: split_str = split if params.method in ['maml', 'maml_approx', 'DKT']: #maml do not support testing with feature if 'Conv' in params.model: if params.dataset in ['omniglot', 'cross_char']: image_size = 28 else: image_size = 84 else: image_size = 224 datamgr = SetDataManager(image_size, n_eposide = iter_num, n_query = 15 , **few_shot_params) if params.dataset == 'cross': if split == 'base': loadfile = configs.data_dir['miniImagenet'] + 'all.json' else: loadfile = configs.data_dir['CUB'] + split +'.json' elif params.dataset == 'cross_char': if split == 'base': loadfile = configs.data_dir['omniglot'] + 'noLatin.json' else: loadfile = configs.data_dir['emnist'] + split +'.json' else: loadfile = configs.data_dir[params.dataset] + split + '.json' novel_loader = datamgr.get_data_loader( loadfile, aug = False) if params.adaptation: model.task_update_num = 100 #We perform adaptation on MAML simply by updating more times. model.eval() logits_list = list() targets_list = list() for i, (x,_) in enumerate(novel_loader): logits = model.get_logits(x).detach() targets = torch.tensor(np.repeat(range(params.test_n_way), model.n_query)).cuda() logits_list.append(logits) #.cpu().detach().numpy()) targets_list.append(targets) #.cpu().detach().numpy()) else: novel_file = os.path.join( checkpoint_dir.replace("checkpoints","features"), split_str +".hdf5") cl_data_file = feat_loader.init_loader(novel_file) logits_list = list() targets_list = list() n_query = 15 n_way = few_shot_params['n_way'] n_support = few_shot_params['n_support'] class_list = cl_data_file.keys() for i in range(iter_num): #---------------------- select_class = random.sample(class_list,n_way) z_all = [] for cl in select_class: img_feat = cl_data_file[cl] perm_ids = np.random.permutation(len(img_feat)).tolist() z_all.append( [ np.squeeze( img_feat[perm_ids[i]]) for i in range(n_support+n_query) ] ) # stack each batch z_all = torch.from_numpy(np.array(z_all)) model.n_query = n_query logits = model.set_forward(z_all, is_feature = True).detach() targets = torch.tensor(np.repeat(range(n_way), n_query)).cuda() logits_list.append(logits) targets_list.append(targets) #---------------------- return, 0),, 0)
backbone.BottleneckBlock.maml = True backbone.ResNet.maml = True model = MAML(model_dict[params.model], approx=(params.method == 'maml_approx'), **few_shot_params) if params.dataset in ['omniglot', 'cross_char' ]: #maml use different parameter in omniglot model.n_task = 32 model.task_update_num = 1 model.train_lr = 0.1 else: raise ValueError('Unknown method') device = params.device with torch.cuda.device(device): model = model.cuda() checkpoint_dir = '%s/checkpoints/%s/%s_%s' % ( configs.save_dir, params.dataset, params.model, params.method) if params.dataset == 'CUB' and params.train_class == "CUB_mini": checkpoint_dir = '%s/checkpoints/%s/%s_%s' % ( configs.save_dir, "CUB_mini", params.model, params.method) if params.train_class == "all_Imagenet": checkpoint_dir = '%s/checkpoints/%s/%s_%s' % ( configs.save_dir, "all_Imagenet", params.model, params.method) if params.train_aug: checkpoint_dir += '_aug' if params.selection_classes != -1: checkpoint_dir += "_{0}classes".format(params.selection_classes)
backbone.ResNet.maml = True train_model = MAML(model_dict[params.model], approx=(params.method == 'maml_approx'), **train_few_shot_params) if params.dataset in [ 'omniglot', 'cross_char' ]: # maml use different parameter in omniglot train_model.n_task = 32 train_model.task_update_num = 1 train_model.train_lr = 0.1 test_model = train_model else: raise ValueError('Unknown method') train_model = train_model.cuda() test_model = test_model.cuda() key = "%s_%s_%s_Temp-%s_Margin-%s" % (params.model, time.strftime('%c'), params.loss_type, params.temperature, params.margin) if params.train_aug: key += '_aug' if not params.method == 'baseline': key += '_%dway_%dshot' % (params.train_n_way, params.n_shot) params.checkpoint_dir = '%s/checkpoints/%s/%s' % (configs.save_dir, params.dataset, key) if not os.path.isdir(params.checkpoint_dir): os.makedirs(params.checkpoint_dir) start_epoch = params.start_epoch