def test_find_intersections_invalid_direction():
    """Test exception if an invalid direction is given."""
    x = np.linspace(5, 30, 17)
    y1 = 3 * x**2
    y2 = 100 * x - 650
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        find_intersections(x, y1, y2, direction='increaing')
def test_find_intersections_invalid_direction():
    """Test exception if an invalid direction is given."""
    x = np.linspace(5, 30, 17)
    y1 = 3 * x ** 2
    y2 = 100 * x - 650
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        find_intersections(x, y1, y2, direction='increaing')
def test_find_intersections(direction, expected):
    """Test finding the intersection of two curves functionality."""
    x = np.linspace(5, 30, 17)
    y1 = 3 * x**2
    y2 = 100 * x - 650
    # Note: Truth is what we will get with this sampling, not the mathematical intersection
    assert_array_almost_equal(expected, find_intersections(x, y1, y2, direction=direction), 2)
def test_find_intersections(direction, expected):
    """Test finding the intersection of two curves functionality."""
    x = np.linspace(5, 30, 17)
    y1 = 3 * x**2
    y2 = 100 * x - 650
    # Note: Truth is what we will get with this sampling, not the mathematical intersection
    assert_array_almost_equal(expected, find_intersections(x, y1, y2, direction=direction), 2)
def test_find_intersections_no_intersections():
    """Test finding the intersection of two curves with no intersections."""
    x = np.linspace(5, 30, 17)
    y1 = 3 * x + 0
    y2 = 5 * x + 5
    # Note: Truth is what we will get with this sampling, not the mathematical intersection
    truth = np.array([[], []])
    assert_array_equal(truth, find_intersections(x, y1, y2))
def test_find_intersections_units():
    """Test handling of units when logarithmic interpolation is called."""
    x = np.linspace(5, 30, 17) * units.hPa
    y1 = 3 * x.m**2
    y2 = 100 * x.m - 650
    truth = np.array([24.43, 1794.54])
    x_test, y_test = find_intersections(x, y1, y2, direction='increasing', log_x=True)
    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, np.array([x_test.m, y_test.m]).flatten(), 2)
    assert x_test.units == units.hPa
def test_find_intersections_no_intersections():
    """Test finding the intersection of two curves with no intersections."""
    x = np.linspace(5, 30, 17)
    y1 = 3 * x + 0
    y2 = 5 * x + 5
    # Note: Truth is what we will get with this sampling, not the mathematical intersection
    truth = np.array([[],
    assert_array_equal(truth, find_intersections(x, y1, y2))
def test_find_intersections_intersections_in_data_at_ends(direction, expected):
    """Test finding intersections when intersections are in the data.

    Test data includes points of intersection, sequential points of intersection, intersection
    at the ends of the data, and intersections in increasing/decreasing direction.
    x = np.arange(14)
    y1 = np.array([0, 3, 2, 1, -1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, -2, 2, 0])
    y2 = np.zeros_like(y1)
    assert_array_almost_equal(expected, find_intersections(x, y1, y2, direction=direction), 2)
def test_find_intersections_intersections_in_data_at_ends(direction, expected):
    """Test finding intersections when intersections are in the data.

    Test data includes points of intersection, sequential points of intersection, intersection
    at the ends of the data, and intersections in increasing/decreasing direction.
    x = np.arange(14)
    y1 = np.array([0, 3, 2, 1, -1, 2, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0, -2, 2, 0])
    y2 = np.zeros_like(y1)
    assert_array_almost_equal(expected, find_intersections(x, y1, y2, direction=direction), 2)
def test_find_intersections():
    """Test finding the intersection of two curves functionality."""
    x = np.linspace(5, 30, 17)
    y1 = 3 * x**2
    y2 = 100 * x - 650
    # Truth is what we will get with this sampling,
    # not the mathematical intersection
    truth = np.array([[8.88, 24.44], [238.84, 1794.53]])

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, find_intersections(x, y1, y2), 2)
def test_find_intersections():
    """Test finding the intersection of two curves functionality."""
    x = np.linspace(5, 30, 17)
    y1 = 3 * x**2
    y2 = 100 * x - 650
    # Truth is what we will get with this sampling,
    # not the mathematical intersection
    truth = np.array([[8.88, 24.44],
                      [238.84, 1794.53]])

    assert_array_almost_equal(truth, find_intersections(x, y1, y2), 2)
def _find_append_zero_crossings(x, y):
    Find and interpolate zero crossings.

    Estimate the zero crossings of an x,y series and add estimated crossings to series,
    returning a sorted array with no duplicate values.

    x : `pint.Quantity`
        x values of data
    y : `pint.Quantity`
        y values of data

    x : `pint.Quantity`
        x values of data
    y : `pint.Quantity`
        y values of data

    # Find and append crossings to the data
    crossings = find_intersections(x[1:], y[1:],
                                   np.zeros_like(y[1:]) * y.units)
    x = concatenate((x, crossings[0]))
    y = concatenate((y, crossings[1]))

    # Resort so that data are in order
    sort_idx = np.argsort(x)
    x = x[sort_idx]
    y = y[sort_idx]

    # Remove duplicate data points if there are any
    keep_idx = np.ediff1d(x, to_end=[1]) > 0
    x = x[keep_idx]
    y = y[keep_idx]
    return x, y