def save_gif_artery(orig_label_pick_path, bound_pick_path): """ :param orig_label_pick_path: str, path of original segmentation label :param bound_pick_path: str, path of boundary detection result figures are arranged in the order of input | GT_seg | GT_bound | pred_bound heatmap[0-256] | heatmap[0-100] | inner bound probmap | outer bound probmap besides, we only consider heatmap with range of 0~(70)~256, namely 0.38438 ~ 0.41066 ~ 0.48048 and 0~(50)~100, namely 0.38438 ~ 0.40315 ~ 0.42192 respectively """ gif_save_dir = '/'.join(bound_pick_path.split('/')[:-1]) print("Processing {}".format(gif_save_dir)) # load original segmentation label with open(orig_label_pick_path, 'rb') as reader: data_seg = pickle.load(reader) labels_seg, start_seg = data_seg["label"], data_seg["start"] with open(bound_pick_path, 'rb') as reader: data_bound = pickle.load(reader) inputs_bound, labels_bound, preds_bound, start_bound, probmaps = \ data_bound['input'], data_bound['label'], data_bound['pred'], data_bound['start'], data_bound['output'] assert len(inputs_bound) == len(labels_bound) == len(preds_bound), "inputs, GT and preds should have the " \ "same number of slices" print(len(inputs_bound), len(labels_seg), start_bound, start_seg) scale, rows, cols = 4, 2, 4 fig = plt.figure(figsize=[scale * cols, scale * rows]) artery_name = '/'.join(gif_save_dir.split('/')[-2:]) # add subplots for each figure ax1 = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, 1) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, 2) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, 3) ax4 = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, 4) ax5 = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, 5) ax6 = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, 6) ax7 = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, 7) ax8 = fig.add_subplot(rows, cols, 8) # create customed colormap top = cm.get_cmap('Reds', 186) bottom = cm.get_cmap('Blues', 70) newcolors = np.vstack( (bottom(np.linspace(1, 0, 70)), top(np.linspace(0, 1, 186)))) bluered = ListedColormap(newcolors, name='BlueReds') labels_seg_cal = labels_seg[(start_bound - start_seg):] # seg labels after calibration lines = [] for i in range(len(inputs_bound)): input, label_seg, label_bound, pred_bound, probmap = \ inputs_bound[i], labels_seg_cal[i], labels_bound[i], preds_bound[i], probmaps[i] # calculate HDF distance between GT bound and pred bound hdf_bound = slicewise_hd95(pred_bound, label_bound, n_classes=3) ax1.set_title("{} \n {}".format(artery_name, 'Input'), loc='left') ax1.axis('off') line1 = ax1.imshow(input, cmap='gray', animated=True) line1_text = ax1.text(48, -3, "Slice {}".format(i + start_bound), color='red', fontsize=10) ax2.set_title('label_seg') ax2.axis('off') line2 = ax2.imshow(mask2rgb(label_seg), animated=True) ax3.set_title('label_bound') ax3.axis('off') line3 = ax3.imshow(mask2rgb(label_bound), animated=True) ax4.set_title("pred_bound", loc='left') ax4.axis('off') line4 = ax4.imshow(mask2rgb(pred_bound), animated=True) line4_text = ax1.text(400, -3, "Hdf: {:.4f}".format(hdf_bound), color='black', fontsize=10) # plot inputs with range [0~256] in colormap ax5.set_title("input colormap HU[0~250]") ax5.axis('off') line5 = ax5.imshow(input, cmap=bluered, vmin=0.38438, vmax=0.48048, animated=True) # crop HU range 0~255 # plot inputs with range [0~100] in colormap ax6.set_title("input colormap HU[0~100]") ax6.axis('off') line6 = ax6.imshow(input, cmap=bluered, vmin=0.38438, vmax=0.42192, animated=True) # crop HU range 0~100 # inner bound probmap ax7.set_title("inner bound probmap") ax7.axis('off') line7 = ax7.imshow(probmap[1], cmap='seismic', animated=True) # crop HU range 0~100 # outer bound probmap ax8.set_title("outer bound probmap") ax8.axis('off') line8 = ax8.imshow(probmap[2], cmap='seismic', animated=True) # crop HU range 0~100 lines.append([ line1, line1_text, line2, line3, line4, line4_text, line5, line6, line7, line8 ]) # Build the animation using ArtistAnimation function ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, lines, interval=50, blit=True) # save into gif and mp4 respectively #'{}/artery.gif'.format(gif_save_dir), writer="imagemagick")'{}/artery.mp4'.format(gif_save_dir), writer="ffmpeg", codec='mpeg4', fps=10) # if __name__ == "__main__": # # file_name = 'test_result_2.pickle' # # print("file name: {}".format(file_name)) # # with open(file_name, 'rb') as reader: # # data = pickle.load(reader) # # labels = data['GT'] # [N, H, W] # # outputs = data['output'] # [N, C, H, W] # # # # binary_class_slice_wise_pr(labels, outputs, fig_name= 'test_2_binary_pr') # # multi_class_slice_wise_pr(labels, outputs, fig_name='test_2_multi_pr_micro') # # average_precision(labels, outputs) # # path of original annotation # orig_label_path = "./PlaqueSegmentation/OrigAnnotation/2d_res_unet_dp_0.001_0.90_0.9_theta-1.0-0.0_100_2_10_dice_Adam_" \ # "r-True_flip-True_w-True_rcp-True_tr-False_ns-Falseptr-False_mv-False_sl-False_ds-2_a-0.5_lr-StepLR_" \ # "wt-None_o-5_b-False_cal0gt-False_cf-config_dp-0.0_ig-None_w0-10.0_sg-5.0_96_wt-1_mo_False" # # # seg_data_path = "/home/mil/huang/CPR_Segmentation_ver7/PlaqueSegmentation/Experiment23/2d_res_unet_dp_0.0001_0.90_" \ # # "0.9_theta-1.0-0.0_100_100_10_ceb_Adam_r-True_flip-True_w-True_rcp-True_tr-False_ns-Falseptr-False_mv" \ # # "-False_sl-False_ds-2_a-0.5_lr-StepLR_wt-None_o-3_b-False_cal0gt-False_cf-config_dp-0.0_ig-None_w0-10.0_" \ # # "sg-5.0_96_wt-1_mo_False" # # bound_data_2d_path = "/home/mil/huang/CPR_Segmentation_ver7/PlaqueBound/Experiment3/2d_res_unet_dp_0.001_0.0_100_100_10" \ # # "_whd_Adam_r-True_flip-True_w-False_ptr-False_mv-False_sl-False_lr-StepLR_wt-None_o-2_b-True_cf-config" \ # # "_dp-0.0_w1-10.0_w2-10.0_sg1-5.0_sg2-5.0_rs-96_wt-2_bt-outer_whda-4_whdb-1" # # bound_data_3d_path = "./BoundDetection/Experiment4/3d_res_unet_0.001_100_100_whd_Adam_w-False_sl-True_lr-StepLR_wt-None_o" \ # # "-2_b-True_cf-config_dp-0.0_rs-96_cc-192_wt-2_bt-outer_whda-4_whdb-1_whdr-0.5" # # fig_save_dir = "/home/mil/huang/CPR_Segmentation_ver7/PlaqueDetection_20181127/ResultsComparison/seg_bound_comp_debug3" # # # seg_bound_comparison(orig_label_path, seg_data_path, bound_data_2d_path, bound_data_3d_path, fig_save_dir, sample_stack_rows=50) # # bound_data_path = "./BoundDetection/Experiment7/HybridResUNet_ds1int15_0.167" # gif_generation(orig_label_path, bound_data_path)
def sample_wnet(data_list, rows=15, start_with=0, show_every=2, scale=4, fig_name=None, start_inx=0, n_class=5, width=1): """ show segmentation result with bound and corresponding hdf calculated plot input, annotation, prediction, bounds and F1 scores :param data_list: list, list of data in which each element is a dictionary :param start_inx: int, starting slice index for current figure """ n_probmaps = data_list[0]['bound'].shape[0] # number of bounds cols = 5 + n_probmaps - 1 n_batch = len(data_list) _, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=[scale * cols, scale * rows]) for ind in range(n_batch): input = data_list[ind]['input'] # print("input shape: {}".format(input.shape)) label = data_list[ind]['GT'] pred = data_list[ind]['pred'] bound_probmap = data_list[ind]['bound'] # predicted bound probmap # calculate average F1 score label_binary = label_binarize(label.flatten(), classes=range(n_class)) pred_binary = label_binarize(pred.flatten(), classes=range(n_class)) f_score = np.zeros(n_class, dtype=np.float32) slice_effect_class = 0 for i in range(n_class): if np.sum(label_binary[:, i]) == 0: f_score[i] = 0.0 else: slice_effect_class += 1 f_score[i] = f1_score(label_binary[:, i], pred_binary[:, i]) ave_f_score = np.sum(f_score) / slice_effect_class # calculate average HFD label_bound = mask2innerouterbound(label, width=width) pred_bound = mask2innerouterbound(pred, width=width) hdf = slicewise_hd95(pred_bound, label_bound, n_class) if (ind - start_with) % show_every == 0: i = (ind - start_with) // show_every if i < rows: ax[i, 0].imshow(input, cmap='gray') ax[i, 0].set_title("Slice {} : {}".format(ind + start_inx, 'input')) ax[i, 0].axis('off') ax[i, 1].imshow(mask2rgb(label)) ax[i, 1].set_title('Slice %d : %s' % (ind + start_inx, 'ground truth')) ax[i, 1].axis('off') ax[i, 2].imshow(mask2rgb(pred)) ax[i, 2].set_title('Slice %d : %s' % (ind + start_inx, 'prediction')) ax[i, 2].axis('off') # plot overlapping between pred_bound and label_bound overlap = pred_bound.copy() overlap[label_bound != 0] = 4 ax[i, 3].imshow(mask2rgb(overlap)) ax[i, 3].set_title("Slice {:d} : bound hdf={:.4f}".format( ind + start_inx, hdf)) ax[i, 3].axis('off') # plot prob maps for intermediate bounds output_title = [ 'prob map (inner bound)', 'prob map (outer bound)' ] if n_probmaps >= 3 else ['prob map'] for c_inx in range(1, n_probmaps): ax[i, 3 + c_inx].imshow(bound_probmap[c_inx], cmap='seismic') ax[i, 3 + c_inx].set_title("Slice {:d} : {}".format( ind + start_inx, output_title[c_inx - 1])) ax[i, 3 + c_inx].axis('off') ax[i, 3 + n_probmaps].scatter(range(0, n_class), f_score) ax[i, 3 + n_probmaps].set_title('Slice %d : Ave F-score = %0.2f' % (ind + start_inx, ave_f_score)) ax[i, 3 + n_probmaps].set_ylabel('F score') ax[i, 3 + n_probmaps].set_ylim([-0.1, 1.1]) if fig_name: plt.savefig(fig_name + '.pdf') plt.close()
def plot_seg_bound_comparison(data_list, rows, start_with, show_every, start_inx, n_class, fig_name=None, width=2, scale=4): """ plot result comparison between seg and bound detection """ cols = 6 # [input, label_seg, label_bound, pred_bound(converted), pred_bound_2d, pred_bound_3d] n_batch = len(data_list) # print("number of slices: {}".format(n_batch)) _, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=[scale * cols, scale * rows]) for ind in range(n_batch): input = data_list[ind]['input'] label_seg = data_list[ind]['GT_seg'] pred_seg = data_list[ind][ 'pred_seg'] # seg prediction is not plotted here pred_bound_conv = mask2outerbound( pred_seg, width=width) # convert seg to inner-outer bound label_bound = data_list[ind]['GT_bound'] pred_bound_2d = data_list[ind]['pred_2d_bound'] pred_bound_3d = data_list[ind]['pred_3d_bound'] # print("input: {}, seg: {}, pred_seg: {}, label_bound: {}, pred_bound_2d: {}, pred_bound_3d: {}".format(input.shape, # label_seg.shape, pred_seg.shape, label_bound.shape, pred_bound_2d.shape, pred_bound_3d.shape)) # print() # # calculate average F1 score # label_binary = label_binarize(label_seg.flatten(), classes=range(n_class)) # pred_binary = label_binarize(pred_seg.flatten(), classes=range(n_class)) # # f_score = np.zeros(n_class, dtype=np.float32) # slice_effect_class = 0 # for i in range(n_class): # if np.sum(label_binary[:,i]) == 0: # f_score[i] = 0.0 # else: # slice_effect_class += 1 # f_score[i] = f1_score(label_binary[:,i], pred_binary[:,i]) # # ave_f_score = np.sum(f_score) / slice_effect_class # calculate average HFD hdf_seg = slicewise_hd95(pred_bound_conv, label_bound, n_class) hdf_bound_2d = slicewise_hd95(pred_bound_2d, label_bound, n_class) hdf_bound_3d = slicewise_hd95(pred_bound_3d, label_bound, n_class) if (ind - start_with) % show_every == 0: i = (ind - start_with) // show_every if i < rows: ax[i, 0].imshow(input, cmap='gray') ax[i, 0].set_title("Slice {} : {}".format(ind + start_inx, 'input')) ax[i, 0].axis('off') ax[i, 1].imshow(mask2rgb(label_seg)) ax[i, 1].set_title('Slice %d : %s' % (ind + start_inx, 'label_seg')) ax[i, 1].axis('off') label_bound_cp = label_bound.copy() label_bound_cp[label_bound != 0] = 4 ax[i, 2].imshow(mask2rgb(label_bound_cp)) ax[i, 2].set_title('Slice %d : %s' % (ind + start_inx, 'label_bound')) ax[i, 2].axis('off') # plot overlapping between pred_bound_conv and label_bound overlap_seg = pred_bound_conv.copy() overlap_seg[label_bound != 0] = 4 ax[i, 3].imshow(mask2rgb(overlap_seg)) ax[i, 3].set_title( "Slice {:d} : bound from seg (hdf={:.4f})".format( ind + start_inx, hdf_seg)) ax[i, 3].axis('off') overlap_bound_2d = pred_bound_2d.copy() overlap_bound_2d[label_bound != 0] = 4 ax[i, 4].imshow(mask2rgb(overlap_bound_2d)) ax[i, 4].set_title("Slice {:d} : 2D bound (hdf={:.4f})".format( ind + start_inx, hdf_bound_2d)) ax[i, 4].axis('off') overlap_bound_3d = pred_bound_3d.copy() overlap_bound_3d[label_bound != 0] = 4 ax[i, 5].imshow(mask2rgb(overlap_bound_3d)) ax[i, 5].set_title("Slice {:d} : 3D bound (hdf={:.4f})".format( ind + start_inx, hdf_bound_3d)) ax[i, 5].axis('off') if fig_name: plt.savefig(fig_name + '.pdf') plt.close()
def sample_list_hdf(data_list, rows=15, start_with=0, show_every=2, scale=4, fig_name=None, start_inx=0, n_class=5): """ show results as a list with Hausdorff distance calculated from each slice Args: data_list: list, list of data in which each element is a dictionary start_inx: int, starting slice index for current figure """ output_cols = len( data_list[0]['output']) # whether single or multiple channels cols = 5 + output_cols - 1 n_batch = len(data_list) _, ax = plt.subplots(rows, cols, figsize=[scale * cols, scale * rows]) for ind in range(n_batch): input = data_list[ind]['input'] label = data_list[ind]['GT'] pred = data_list[ind]['pred'] output = data_list[ind]['output'] # [C, H, W] hdf = slicewise_hd95(pred, label, n_class) if (ind - start_with) % show_every == 0: i = (ind - start_with) // show_every if i < rows: ax[i, 0].imshow( input, cmap='gray') # we don't consider multiple inputs here ax[i, 0].set_title("Slice {} : {}".format(ind + start_inx, 'input')) ax[i, 0].axis('off') ax[i, 1].imshow(mask2rgb(label)) ax[i, 1].set_title('Slice %d : %s' % (ind + start_inx, 'ground truth')) ax[i, 1].axis('off') ax[i, 2].imshow(mask2rgb(pred)) ax[i, 2].set_title("Slice {:d} : prediction (hdf={:.4f})".format( ind + start_inx, hdf)) ax[i, 2].axis('off') # plot overlapping between pred ang GT annotation overlap = pred.copy() overlap[label != 0] = 4 ax[i, 3].imshow(mask2rgb(overlap)) ax[i, 3].set_title("Slice {:d} : {}".format( ind + start_inx, 'overlap of GT and pred')) ax[i, 3].axis('off') # plot prob map for different channels # if more than 3 channels, plot all channels which are not equal to 0 output_title = [ 'prob map (inner bound)', 'prob map (outer bound)' ] if output_cols >= 3 else ['prob map'] for c_inx in range(1, output_cols): ax[i, 3 + c_inx].imshow(output[c_inx], cmap='seismic') ax[i, 3 + c_inx].set_title("Slice {:d} : {}".format( ind + start_inx, output_title[c_inx - 1])) ax[i, 3 + c_inx].axis('off') # if fig_name: plt.savefig(fig_name + '.pdf') plt.close()