def eval(csvspath, runs_path, model_path, dataset_path, output_path): with h5py.File(dataset_path, "r") as data: xtest = data["xtest"][:] ctest = data["ctest"][:] with tf.Session() as sess: fid = create_fid_func(model_path) eval_test(csvspath, runs_path, fid, xtest, ctest, output_path)
def run(cfg, dataset_path, logs_dir, checkpoints_dir, checkpoints=True): with tf.Session() as sess: get_data = from_files.get_data_provider(dataset_path, cfg.batch_size) get_gen = from_files.get_genconst_provider(dataset_path, cfg.batch_size) if cfg.validation: get_valid_data = from_files.get_valid_provider(dataset_path, cfg.batch_size) get_valid_const = from_files.get_validconst_provider(dataset_path, cfg.batch_size) else: get_valid_data = None get_valid_const = None get_noise = cfg.noise_provider(**cfg.noise_provider_args) if cfg.fid_model is not None: fid = create_fid_func(cfg.fid_model, sess) else: fid = lambda x, y: 0 # Building models Z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, cfg.zx, cfg.zx,,), name="Z") X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, cfg.npx, cfg.npx, cfg.channels,), name="X") C = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, cfg.npx, cfg.npx, cfg.channels,), name="C") Cf = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, cfg.npx, cfg.npx, cfg.channels,), name="Cf") D = cfg.discriminator(X, C, **cfg.disc_args) G = cfg.generator(Z, Cf, **cfg.gen_args) D_out = D.output G_out = G.output with tf.name_scope("DG"): DG = D([G_out, Cf]) # Objectives with tf.name_scope("D_real_objective"): D_real_objective = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.log(D_out + 1e-8)) with tf.name_scope("D_fake_objective"): D_fake_objective = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.log(1 - DG + 1e-8)) with tf.name_scope("D_objective"): D_objective = D_real_objective + D_fake_objective with tf.name_scope("G_objective"): G_real_objective = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.log(DG + 1e-8)) G_objective = G_real_objective # Optimizers D_optimizer = cfg.disc_optimizer(**cfg.disc_optimizer_args) G_optimizer = cfg.gen_optimizer(**cfg.gen_optimizer_args) D_cost = D_optimizer.minimize(D_objective, var_list=D.trainable_weights) G_cost = G_optimizer.minimize(G_objective, var_list=G.trainable_weights) # Logging costs drealcostsumm = tf.summary.scalar("D_real_cost", D_real_objective) dfakecostsumm = tf.summary.scalar("D_fake_cost", D_fake_objective) gcostsumm = tf.summary.scalar("G_cost", G_real_objective) # Logging images constimgpl = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, cfg.npx, cfg.npx, 3)) consttrueimgpl = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, cfg.npx, cfg.npx, 3)) imgpl = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, cfg.npx, cfg.npx, cfg.channels)) trueimgpl = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(1, cfg.npx, cfg.npx, cfg.channels)) imgsummaries = [ tf.summary.image("Generated_const", constimgpl), tf.summary.image("Ground_truth_const", consttrueimgpl), tf.summary.image("Generated", imgpl), tf.summary.image("Ground_truth", trueimgpl) ] imgsumm = tf.summary.merge(imgsummaries) # Logging weights histograms weightsumms = [] for layer in D.layers: i = 0 for vect in layer.trainable_weights: weightsumms.append(tf.summary.histogram( "D_" + + str(i), vect)) for layer in G.layers: i = 0 for vect in layer.trainable_weights: weightsumms.append(tf.summary.histogram( "G_" + + str(i), vect)) weightsum = tf.summary.merge(weightsumms) # Setting up the training writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( logs_dir + os.sep +, tf.get_default_graph()) os.mkdir(checkpoints_dir) writer.flush() # Do the actual training for epoch in range(cfg.epochs): bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxvalue=cfg.epoch_iters, redirect_stdout=True) print("----------------------------------------------------Epoch " + str(epoch) + "----------------------------------------------------") for it in bar(range(int(cfg.dataset_size / cfg.batch_size))): # Training D x_real, c_real = get_data() c_fake = get_gen() noise = get_noise(cfg.batch_size) _, drealout, dfakeout =[D_cost, drealcostsumm, dfakecostsumm], feed_dict={X: x_real, Z: noise, C: c_real, Cf: c_fake}) # Training G c_fake = get_gen() noise = get_noise(cfg.batch_size) _, gout =[G_cost, gcostsumm], feed_dict={Z: noise, Cf: c_fake}) # Logging losses t = int(cfg.dataset_size / cfg.batch_size) * epoch + it writer.add_summary(drealout, t) writer.add_summary(dfakeout, t) writer.add_summary(gout, t) # Epoch ended # Logging metrics on validation set curmets = {} generated = [] valid_data = [] valid_consts = [] bar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxvalue=int(cfg.valid_size / cfg.batch_size), redirect_stdout=True) print("Generating on validation") for i in bar(range(int(cfg.valid_size / cfg.batch_size))): real_imgs = get_valid_data() consts = get_valid_const() if len(real_imgs) == cfg.batch_size: noise = get_noise(cfg.batch_size) generated.extend(list(, feed_dict={Z: noise, Cf: consts}))) valid_data.extend(list(real_imgs)) valid_consts.extend(list(consts)) generated = np.asarray(generated) valid_data = np.asarray(valid_data) valid_consts = np.asarray(valid_consts) for m in cfg.metrics: if m not in curmets: curmets[m] = [] curmets[m].append(cfg.metrics[m](valid_data, generated)) metricslist = [ tf.Summary.Value(tag="MSE", simple_value=metrics.mse(generated, valid_consts)), tf.Summary.Value(tag="FID", simple_value=fid(valid_data, generated)) ] for m in curmets.keys(): metricslist.append(tf.Summary.Value(tag=m, simple_value=np.mean(curmets[m]))) metricsout = tf.Summary(value=metricslist) # Logging weights histograms weightout = # Logging images print("Logging images") true_img = np.expand_dims(x_real[0], axis=0) const = np.expand_dims(c_real[0], axis=0) noise = get_noise(1) img =, feed_dict={Z: noise, Cf: const}) imgout = imgsumm, feed_dict={ trueimgpl: true_img, imgpl: img, constimgpl: log.constraints_image(img, const), consttrueimgpl: log.constraints_image(true_img, const) }) writer.flush() # Writing all logs as tensorboard writer.add_summary(metricsout, epoch) writer.add_summary(imgout, epoch) writer.add_summary(weightout, epoch) writer.flush() # Saving weights if checkpoints: + os.sep + "G_" + str(epoch) + ".hdf5", include_optimizer=False) + os.sep + "D_" + str(epoch) + ".hdf5", include_optimizer=False) # Run end writer.close() tf.reset_default_graph()