def evaluate_npy(npyfile, csv_path, device, model): """ for npy FIRE EVALUATE """ # set up with open(csv_path, 'r') as f: dice_all = 0 reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader[1:]: fixed_id_name = npyfile + row[0] + '.npy' moving_id_name = npyfile + row[1] + '.npy' refs = np.load(fixed_id_name)[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] movs = np.load(moving_id_name)[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] input_fixed = torch.from_numpy(refs).to(device).float() input_fixed = input_fixed.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) input_moving = torch.from_numpy(movs).to(device).float() input_moving = input_moving.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # Use this to warp segments # trf = SpatialTransformer(input_fixed.shape[2:], mode='nearest') # warp, flow = model(input_moving, input_fixed) # 位移向量场的可视化 # addimage(input_fixed,input_moving,warp,k) # 可视化结果 dice_score = metrics.dice_score(warp, input_fixed) dice_all += dice_score print('总相似性度量dice:', dice_all)
def evaluate_hippocampusMRI(niifile, csv_path, device, model): """ for hippocampus MRI EVALUATE """ # set up with open(csv_path, 'r') as f: dice_all = 0 reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader[1:]: fixed_id_name = niifile + 'hippocampus_' + row[0] + '.nii.gz' moving_id_name = niifile + 'hippocampus_' + row[1] + '.nii.gz' X = sitk.ReadImage(fixed_id_name) X = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(X)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, ...] Y = sitk.ReadImage(moving_id_name) Y = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(Y)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, ...] input_fixed = torch.from_numpy(X).to(device).float() input_fixed = input_fixed.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) input_moving = torch.from_numpy(Y).to(device).float() input_moving = input_moving.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) warp, flow = model(input_moving, input_fixed) dice_score = metrics.dice_score(warp, input_fixed) dice_all += dice_score print('相似性度量dice:', row[0], 'and', row[1], dice_all)
def forward(model, loader, criterion, optimizer=None, force_cpu=False): if optimizer is None: model.eval() else: model.train() metrics = DefaultOrderedDict(list) for inputs, outputs in tqdm(loader, position=0, leave=True): if not force_cpu: inputs = inputs.cuda(non_blocking=True) outputs = outputs.cuda(non_blocking=True) prediction = model(inputs) loss = criterion(prediction, outputs) metrics['loss'].append(loss.item()) hard_prediction = (torch.sigmoid(prediction) > 0.5).float() predicted_volumes = get_batch_volume(hard_prediction) true_volumes = get_batch_volume(outputs) metrics['volume_error'].append( (torch.abs(predicted_volumes - true_volumes) / (true_volumes + 1e-5)).mean().item()) dice = dice_score(hard_prediction, outputs).item() metrics['dice'].append(dice) if optimizer is not None: optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() return OrderedDict({k: np.mean(v) for (k, v) in metrics.items()})
def test(gpu, ref_dir, mov_dir, model, init_model_file): """ model training function :param gpu: integer specifying the gpu to use :param atlas_file: atlas filename. So far we support npz file with a 'vol' variable :param model: either vm1 or vm2 (based on CVPR 2018 paper) :param init_model_file: the model directory to load from """ os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu device = "cuda" # Prepare the vm1 or vm2 model and send to device nf_enc = [16, 32, 32, 32] if model == "vm1": nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 8, 8] elif model == "vm2": nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16] # Set up model vol_size = [2912, 2912] model = cvpr2018_net(vol_size, nf_enc, nf_dec) model.load_state_dict( torch.load(init_model_file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) # set up ref_vol_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(ref_dir, '*.npy')) mov_vol_names = glob.glob(os.path.join(mov_dir, '*npy')) nums = len(ref_vol_names) for k in range(0, nums): refs, movs = datagenerators.example_gen(ref_vol_names, mov_vol_names, batch_size=1) input_fixed = torch.from_numpy(refs).to(device).float() input_fixed = input_fixed.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) input_moving = torch.from_numpy(movs).to(device).float() input_moving = input_moving.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # Use this to warp segments # trf = SpatialTransformer(input_fixed.shape[2:], mode='nearest') # warp, flow = model(input_moving, input_fixed) flow_save = sitk.GetImageFromArray(flow.cpu().detach().numpy()) # sitk.WriteImage(flow_save,'D:\peizhunsd\data\\flow_img\\' + str(k) + '.nii') # 位移向量场的可视化 # addimage(input_fixed,input_moving,warp,k) # 可视化结果 dice_score = metrics.dice_score(warp, input_fixed) print('相似性度量dice:', dice_score)
def test_npy(gpu, npyfile, csv_path, model, init_model_file): """ for npy FIRE model training function :param gpu: integer specifying the gpu to use :param atlas_file: atlas filename. So far we support npz file with a 'vol' variable :param model: either vm1 or vm2 (based on CVPR 2018 paper) :param init_model_file: the model directory to load from """ os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu device = "cuda" # Prepare the vm1 or vm2 model and send to device nf_enc = [16, 32, 32, 32] if model == "vm1": nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 8, 8] elif model == "vm2": nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16] # Set up model vol_size = [2912, 2912] model = cvpr2018_net(vol_size, nf_enc, nf_dec) model.load_state_dict( torch.load(init_model_file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) # set up with open(csv_path, 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader[1:]: fixed_id_name = npyfile + row[0] + '.npy' moving_id_name = npyfile + row[1] + '.npy' refs = np.load(fixed_id_name)[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] movs = np.load(moving_id_name)[np.newaxis, ..., np.newaxis] input_fixed = torch.from_numpy(refs).to(device).float() input_fixed = input_fixed.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) input_moving = torch.from_numpy(movs).to(device).float() input_moving = input_moving.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # Use this to warp segments # trf = SpatialTransformer(input_fixed.shape[2:], mode='nearest') # warp, flow = model(input_moving, input_fixed) # 位移向量场的可视化 # addimage(input_fixed,input_moving,warp,k) # 可视化结果 dice_score = metrics.dice_score(warp, input_fixed) print('相似性度量dice:', row[0], 'and', row[1], dice_score)
def test_hippocampusMRI(gpu, niifile, csv_path, model, init_model_file): """ for hippocampus MRI model training function :param gpu: integer specifying the gpu to use :param atlas_file: atlas filename. So far we support npz file with a 'vol' variable :param model: either vm1 or vm2 (based on CVPR 2018 paper) :param init_model_file: the model directory to load from """ os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu device = "cuda" # Prepare the vm1 or vm2 model and send to device nf_enc = [16, 32, 32, 32] if model == "vm1": nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 8, 8] elif model == "vm2": nf_dec = [32, 32, 32, 32, 32, 16, 16] # Set up model vol_size = [2912, 2912] model = cvpr2018_net(vol_size, nf_enc, nf_dec) model.load_state_dict( torch.load(init_model_file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage)) # set up with open(csv_path, 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) for row in reader[1:]: fixed_id_name = niifile + 'hippocampus_' + row[0] + '.nii.gz' moving_id_name = niifile + 'hippocampus_' + row[1] + '.nii.gz' X = sitk.ReadImage(fixed_id_name) X = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(X)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, ...] Y = sitk.ReadImage(moving_id_name) Y = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(Y)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, ...] input_fixed = torch.from_numpy(X).to(device).float() input_fixed = input_fixed.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) input_moving = torch.from_numpy(Y).to(device).float() input_moving = input_moving.permute(0, 3, 1, 2) warp, flow = model(input_moving, input_fixed) dice_score = metrics.dice_score(warp, input_fixed) print('相似性度量dice:', row[0], 'and', row[1], dice_score)
def on_batch_close(self, loss: torch.Tensor, np_probs: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor): # np_probs N*2*H*W targets: N*H*W # targets = torch.zeros(size=np_probs.shape).scatter_(dim=1, index=targets.unsqueeze(dim=1).long(), value=1) np_preds = torch.argmax(np_probs, dim=1).squeeze() assert np_preds.shape == targets.shape self.batch_num += 1 if not torch.isnan(loss): self.metrics['loss'] += float(loss) dice: torch.Tensor = metrics.dice_score(np_preds, targets) if not torch.isnan(dice): self.metrics['dice'] += float(dice) # iou: torch.Tensor = metrics.iou_score(np_preds, targets) # if not torch.isnan(iou): # self.metrics['iou'] += float(iou) acc: torch.Tensor = metrics.accuracy_score(np_preds, targets) if not torch.isnan(acc): self.metrics['acc'] += float(acc)
ship_train_loader = DataLoader(ship_train_dataset, batch_size=4, num_workers=32, shuffle=False) for epoch in range(300): epoch_loss = 0 Diceloss = 0 Sen = 0 print('Starting epoch {}/{}.'.format(epoch + 1, 300)) for i, item in enumerate(ship_train_loader): data, label = item # print(data.shape) data = data.cuda() label = label.cuda() prediction = unet(data) dice1 = dice_score(prediction, label) sen1 = sen_score(prediction, label) loss = loss_func(prediction, label) + loss_func2(prediction, label) # 计算两者的误差 # loss = CB_loss(label,prediction, [1],1,"sigmoid", 0.9999, 2.0) Diceloss = Diceloss + dice1 Sen = Sen + sen1 epoch_loss = epoch_loss + loss # print('{0:.4f} --- loss: {1:.6f}'.format(i * batch_size , loss)) optimizer.zero_grad() # 清空上一步的残余更新参数值 loss.backward() # 误差反向传播, 计算参数更新值 optimizer.step() # 将参数更新值施加到 net 的 parameters 上 print('Epoch finished ! Loss: {}'.format(epoch_loss / i) + ' Dice_Loss: {}'.format(Diceloss / i) +
visual_add( np.squeeze(inputs[i_slice, channel, ..., int(n_z / 2)].detach().numpy()), i_slice, i_col, gs, '') i_col += 1 visual_add( np.squeeze(lesions[i_slice, ..., int(n_z / 2)].detach().numpy()), i_slice, i_col, gs, '') visual_add(np.squeeze(pred.detach().numpy()), i_slice, i_col + 1, gs, '') all_loss = FocalTverskyLoss().forward(pred, lesions[i_slice, ..., int(n_z / 2)]).item() visual_add(np.squeeze(torch.sigmoid(pred).detach().numpy()), i_slice, i_col + 2, gs, 'FTL: ' + str(round(all_loss, 4))) hard_prediction = (pred > 0.5).float() dice = dice_score(hard_prediction, np.squeeze(lesions[i_slice, ..., int(n_z / 2)])).item() print(str(dice)) visual_add(np.squeeze(hard_prediction.detach().numpy()), i_slice, i_col + 3, gs, 'D: ' + str(round(dice, 4))) i_slice += 1 import os plt.ioff() plt.switch_backend('agg') figure_path = os.path.join(data_dir, setting + '_prediction_visualisation.png') print(figure_path) figure.savefig(figure_path, dpi='figure', format='png') plt.close(figure)
def train_fn(loaders, model, criterion, optimizer, lr_scheduler, start_epoch, total_epochs, device, device_ids, save_path): model = model = nn.DataParallel(model, device_ids=device_ids) print("Epochs: {}\n".format(total_epochs)) best_epoch = 1 best_dice = 0.0 history = { "train": { "loss": [], "dice": [] }, "eval": { "loss": [], "dice": [] }, "lr": [] } for epoch in range(start_epoch, total_epochs + 1): head = "epoch {:3}/{:3}".format(epoch, total_epochs) print(head + "\n" + "-" * (len(head))) model.train() running_loss = 0.0 running_dice = 0.0 for images, masks in tqdm.tqdm(loaders["train"]): images, masks =, 1).transpose(1, 3).transpose(2, 3) optimizer.zero_grad() outputs5, outputs4, outputs3 = model(images) outputs5, outputs4, outputs3 = outputs5, F.interpolate( outputs4, size=(masks.shape[2], masks.shape[3]), mode="bilinear"), F.interpolate(outputs3, size=(masks.shape[2], masks.shape[3]), mode="bilinear") preds5, preds4, preds3 = torch.sigmoid(outputs5), torch.sigmoid( outputs4), torch.sigmoid(outputs3) loss = criterion(preds5, masks) + criterion( preds4, masks) + criterion(preds3, masks) loss.backward() optimizer.step() running_loss += loss.item() running_dice += dice_score(masks.cpu().numpy(), preds5.cpu().detach().numpy()) epoch_loss = running_loss / len(loaders["train"]) epoch_dice = running_dice / len(loaders["train"]) history["train"]["loss"].append(epoch_loss) history["train"]["dice"].append(epoch_dice) print("{:5} - loss: {:.6f} dice: {:.6f}".format( "train", epoch_loss, epoch_dice)) with torch.no_grad(): model.eval() running_loss = 0.0 running_dice = 0.0 for images, masks in tqdm.tqdm(loaders["eval"]): images, masks =, 1).transpose(1, 3).transpose(2, 3) outputs5, outputs4, outputs3 = model(images) outputs5, outputs4, outputs3 = outputs5, F.interpolate( outputs4, size=(masks.shape[2], masks.shape[3]), mode="bilinear"), F.interpolate(outputs3, size=(masks.shape[2], masks.shape[3]), mode="bilinear") preds5, preds4, preds3 = torch.sigmoid( outputs5), torch.sigmoid(outputs4), torch.sigmoid(outputs3) loss = criterion(preds5, masks) + criterion( preds4, masks) + criterion(preds3, masks) running_loss += loss.item() running_dice += dice_score(masks.cpu().numpy(), preds5.cpu().detach().numpy()) epoch_loss = running_loss / len(loaders["eval"]) epoch_dice = running_dice / len(loaders["eval"]) history["eval"]["loss"].append(epoch_loss) history["eval"]["dice"].append(epoch_dice) print("{:5} - loss: {:.6f} dice: {:.6f}".format( "eval", epoch_loss, epoch_dice)) history["lr"].append(optimizer.param_groups[0]["lr"]) lr_scheduler.step(epoch_loss) if epoch_dice > best_dice: best_epoch = epoch best_dice = epoch_dice state_dicts = { "model_state_dict": model.state_dict(), "optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict(), "lr_scheduler_state_dict": lr_scheduler.state_dict(), "best_metric": best_dice }, save_path) with open("{}.json".format(save_path[:-3]), "w") as f: json.dump(history, f) print("\nFinish: - Best Epoch: {:3} - Best DICE: {:.6f}\n".format( best_epoch, best_dice))
def main_training_loop(base_path, idlist_image_train, idlist_seg_train, idlist_image_val, idlist_seg_val, img_folder, seg_folder, train_unet_with_GAN=False, number_of_gan_samples=BATCH_SIZE, number_of_real_samples=BATCH_SIZE, load_gan_model_path=None, load_unet_model_path=None, augmentation_functions_image=None, augmentation_functions_segmentation=None, augmentation_params=None, threshold_val=None, folder_path=FOLDER_PATH, save_checkpoints=True, only_test=False): # Check mutable default args if augmentation_params == None: augmentation_params = [{}] #Reset everything from before tf.reset_default_graph() graph = tf.Graph() lib.delete_all_params() lib.delete_param_aliases() iteration = 0 lib.plot.set(iteration) CHECKPOINT_PATH = os.path.join(folder_path, 'checkpoints') with graph.as_default(): with tf.Session(graph=graph) as session: if number_of_real_samples != 0: images, segmentation_images = images_segmentations_from_paths( base_path, idlist_image_train, idlist_seg_train, img_folder, seg_folder, batch_size=number_of_real_samples, resized_image_size=[IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH], shift_params=IMAGE_INTENSITY_SHIFT, rescale_params=IMAGE_INTENSITY_SCALE, image_channels=3, force_to_grayscale=(IMAGE_CHANNELS == 1), shuffle=True) else: images, segmentation_images = images_segmentations_from_paths( base_path, idlist_image_train, idlist_seg_train, img_folder, seg_folder, batch_size=number_of_gan_samples, resized_image_size=[IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH], shift_params=IMAGE_INTENSITY_SHIFT, rescale_params=IMAGE_INTENSITY_SCALE, image_channels=3, force_to_grayscale=(IMAGE_CHANNELS == 1), shuffle=True) if augmentation_functions_segmentation != None and augmentation_functions_image != None: images, segmentation_images = augment_images( images, segmentation_images, augmentation_functions_image, augmentation_functions_segmentation, augmentation_params) val_images, val_segmentation_images = images_segmentations_from_paths( base_path, idlist_image_val, idlist_seg_val, img_folder, seg_folder, batch_size=1, num_preprocess_threads=1, min_queue_examples=1, resized_image_size=[IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH], shift_params=IMAGE_INTENSITY_SHIFT, rescale_params=IMAGE_INTENSITY_SCALE, image_channels=3, force_to_grayscale=(IMAGE_CHANNELS == 1), shuffle=True) # Get number of entries in idlist_image_val so we know how many images to process with open(os.path.join(base_path, idlist_image_val)) as f: file_names = f.readlines() # you may also want to remove whitespace characters like `\n` at the end of each line file_names = [folder_path + x.strip() for x in file_names] num_val_images = len(file_names) segmentation_max = tf.reduce_max(segmentation_images) segmentation_min = tf.reduce_min(segmentation_images) segmentations_normalized = tf.multiply( tf.add( tf.div( tf.subtract(segmentation_images, tf.reduce_min(segmentation_images)), tf.subtract(segmentation_max, segmentation_min)), -0.5), 2) gan_input_plus_segmentation = tf.concat( [images, segmentations_normalized], 3) Generator, Discriminator = gan_model.GeneratorAndDiscriminator() is_training = None # tf.Variable(False, trainable=False) stats_iter_bn = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False)[stats_iter_bn])) if number_of_gan_samples != 0: gen_train_op, disc_train_op, gen_cost, disc_cost = session, gan_input_plus_segmentation, Generator, Discriminator, MODE, LAMBDA, number_of_gan_samples, DEVICES, KERNEL_SIZE, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_CHANNELS, NOISE_DIM, OUTPUT_DIM, SMALLEST_IMAGE_DIM, DIM, is_training, stats_iter_bn) else: gen_train_op, disc_train_op, gen_cost, disc_cost = session, gan_input_plus_segmentation, Generator, Discriminator, MODE, LAMBDA, number_of_real_samples, DEVICES, KERNEL_SIZE, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_CHANNELS, NOISE_DIM, OUTPUT_DIM, SMALLEST_IMAGE_DIM, DIM, is_training, stats_iter_bn) if train_unet_with_GAN == True: gen_data, gen_data_orig_shape = Generator( number_of_gan_samples, KERNEL_SIZE, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_CHANNELS, NOISE_DIM, OUTPUT_DIM, SMALLEST_IMAGE_DIM, DIM, MODE, reuse=True, stats_iter=stats_iter_bn, is_training=is_training) # Make sure that Generator data (NCHW) is transposed correctly before it's used as NHWC again gen_data = tf.reshape(gen_data, (number_of_gan_samples, IMAGE_CHANNELS + 1, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH)) gen_data = util.NCHW_to_NHWC(gen_data) gen_img = tf.squeeze(gen_data[:, :, :, 0:IMAGE_CHANNELS]) if len(gen_img.shape) == 3: gen_img = tf.expand_dims(gen_img, -1) gen_seg = gen_data[:, :, :, IMAGE_CHANNELS] #unnormalize segmentation data for unet gen_seg = tf.add( tf.multiply( tf.multiply(tf.add(gen_seg, 1), 0.5), tf.subtract(segmentation_max, segmentation_min)), segmentation_min) #Threshold the generated GAN data. if threshold_val != None: zeros_like_gen_seg = tf.zeros_like(gen_seg) gen_seg = zeros_like_gen_seg + tf.to_float( tf.greater_equal(gen_seg, threshold_val)) if len(gen_seg.shape) == 3: gen_seg = tf.expand_dims(gen_seg, -1) if augmentation_functions_segmentation != None and augmentation_functions_image != None: gen_img, gen_seg = augment_images( gen_img, gen_seg, augmentation_functions_image, augmentation_functions_segmentation, augmentation_params) if number_of_real_samples != 0: images = tf.concat([images, gen_img], 0) segmentation_images = tf.concat( [segmentation_images, gen_seg], 0) else: images = gen_img segmentation_images = gen_seg gan_input_plus_segmentation = tf.concat( [images, segmentation_images], 3) unet_train_op, unet_loss_train, pred_train, unet_out_nchw, probs_train = unet_train.unet_ops( images, segmentation_images, num_classes=NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTATION_CLASSES, is_training=True, reuse_vars=None) _, unet_loss_val, pred_val, _, _ = unet_train.unet_ops( val_images, val_segmentation_images, num_classes=NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTATION_CLASSES, is_training=False, reuse_vars=True) if only_test == True: test_images, test_segmentation_images = images_segmentations_from_paths( base_path, idlist_image_val, idlist_seg_val, img_folder, seg_folder, batch_size=1, num_preprocess_threads=1, min_queue_examples=1, resized_image_size=[IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH], shift_params=IMAGE_INTENSITY_SHIFT, rescale_params=IMAGE_INTENSITY_SCALE, image_channels=3, force_to_grayscale=(IMAGE_CHANNELS == 1), shuffle=False) # Start training queue coord = tf.train.Coordinator() threads = tf.train.start_queue_runners(sess=session, coord=coord) # Train loop # only restore model stuff var_list = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='g') var_list.extend( tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='d')) saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=var_list) var_list_unet = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='unet') unet_saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=var_list_unet) if load_gan_model_path != None: saver.restore(session, load_gan_model_path) iteration = 0 print("GAN Model restored.") else: iteration = 0 if load_unet_model_path != None: unet_saver.restore(session, load_unet_model_path) iteration = 0 print("UNet Model restored.") else: iteration = 0 imgs_in = for k in range(BATCH_SIZE): imgs_folder = os.path.join(folder_path, 'in/iter_%d/') % 0 if not os.path.exists(imgs_folder): os.makedirs(imgs_folder) img_channel = imgs_in[k][:, :, 0:IMAGE_CHANNELS] img_seg = imgs_in[k][:, :, IMAGE_CHANNELS] imsave( os.path.join(imgs_folder, 'img_%d.png') % k, img_channel.reshape(IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_CHANNELS).squeeze()) imsave( os.path.join(imgs_folder, 'seg_%d.png') % k, img_seg.reshape(IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_WIDTH)) if not os.path.exists(folder_path): os.makedirs(folder_path) if only_test == True: #Get number of entries in idlist_image_val so we know how many images to process with open(os.path.join(base_path, idlist_image_val)) as f: file_names = f.readlines() file_names = [os.path.basename(x.strip()) for x in file_names] num_images = len(file_names) _, unet_loss_test, pred_test, _, _ = unet_train.unet_ops( test_images, test_segmentation_images, num_classes=NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTATION_CLASSES, is_training=False, reuse_vars=True) dice_scores_test = [] seg_test_0_1 = tf.multiply( tf.add(test_segmentation_images, 1.0), 0.5) * (NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTATION_CLASSES - 1) dice_unet_test = dice_score( tf.squeeze(pred_test), tf.squeeze(test_segmentation_images), num_classes=NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTATION_CLASSES, session=session) test_imgs_out = [] test_segs_out = [] test_preds_out = [] with open(folder_path + '/test_out.txt', mode='wt') as myfile: for img_index in range(num_images): dice_score_test_value, test_pred, test_img, test_seg = [ dice_unet_test, pred_test, test_images, test_segmentation_images ]) test_imgs_out.append(test_img) test_segs_out.append(test_seg) test_preds_out.append(test_pred) dice_scores_test.append(dice_score_test_value) out_string = 'Dice ' + str( img_index + 1) + ' / ' + str( num_images) + ': ' + str(dice_score_test_value) print(out_string) myfile.write(out_string + '\n') print('Average Dice: ' + str(np.asarray(dice_scores_test).mean()) + ' (stddev: ' + str(np.asarray(dice_scores_test).std()) + ')') myfile.write('Average Dice: ' + str(np.asarray(dice_scores_test).mean()) + ' (stddev: ' + str(np.asarray(dice_scores_test).std()) + ')' + '\n') counter = 0 if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(folder_path, 'test_out')): os.makedirs(os.path.join(folder_path, 'test_out')) for img, seg, pred, filename in zip(test_imgs_out, test_segs_out, test_preds_out, file_names): img = ((img + 0) * (255.99)).astype('int32') seg = seg.astype('int32') pred = pred.astype('int32') imsave( os.path.join(os.path.join(folder_path, 'test_out'), 'img_%d.png') % counter, np.squeeze(img)) scipy.misc.toimage(np.squeeze(seg), cmin=0, cmax=255).save( os.path.join(os.path.join(folder_path, 'test_out'), 'seg_%d.png') % counter) scipy.misc.toimage( np.squeeze(pred), cmin=0, cmax=255).save(os.path.join( os.path.join(folder_path, 'test_out'), filename), format='png') counter = counter + 1 coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return _, _, _, _ # The dice score expects labels to be [0 1], but the labels were brought to the range of [-1 1] # Therefore we need to bring it back to [0 1] seg_0_1 = tf.multiply(tf.add(segmentation_images, 1.0), 0.5) * (NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTATION_CLASSES - 1) seg_val_0_1 = tf.multiply( tf.add(val_segmentation_images, 1.0), 0.5) * (NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTATION_CLASSES - 1) dice_unet_train = dice_score( pred_train, tf.squeeze(segmentation_images), num_classes=NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTATION_CLASSES) dice_unet_val = dice_score( pred_val, tf.squeeze(val_segmentation_images), num_classes=NUMBER_OF_SEGMENTATION_CLASSES) test_pred_1 = test_seg_1 = test_seg_0_1 = test_rounded = loss_vals = [] last_loss_avg = 9999999 unet_val_loss_value = float('nan') dice_value_val = 0 dice_value_train = 0 unet_train_loss_value = float('nan') while iteration < ITERS: start_time = time.time() if TRAIN_GAN == True: # Train generator if iteration > 0: _ = # Train critic if (MODE == 'dcgan') or (MODE == 'lsgan'): disc_iters = 1 else: disc_iters = CRITIC_ITERS for i in xrange(disc_iters): _disc_cost, _ =[disc_cost, disc_train_op]) lib.plot.plot('train disc cost', _disc_cost) if TRAIN_UNET == True: dice_value_train = unet_train_loss_value, _ = [unet_loss_train, unet_train_op]) if iteration % 20 == 0: dice_scores_val = [] val_losses = [] for img_index in range(num_val_images): dice_value_val = val_loss = dice_scores_val.append(dice_value_val) val_losses.append(val_loss) print('Average Dice: ' + str(np.asarray(dice_scores_val).mean()) + ' (stddev: ' + str(np.asarray(dice_scores_val).std()) + ')') dice_value_val = np.asarray(dice_scores_val).mean() unet_val_loss_value = np.asarray(val_losses).mean() print('Average validation loss: ' + str(unet_val_loss_value)) lib.plot.plot('train unet dice', dice_value_train) lib.plot.plot('train unet cost', unet_train_loss_value) lib.plot.plot('val unet cost', unet_val_loss_value) lib.plot.plot('val unet dice', dice_value_val) if iteration % ITERS_BETWEEN_OUTPUTS == 1: t = time.time() # Save Checkpoints / Iteration count if not os.path.exists(CHECKPOINT_PATH): os.makedirs(CHECKPOINT_PATH), ITERATIONS_NAME), iteration) if TRAIN_GAN == True and save_checkpoints == True: # Generate Samples gan_model.generate_image( iteration, session, Generator, KERNEL_SIZE, OUTPUT_DIM, SMALLEST_IMAGE_DIM, DIM, BATCH_SIZE, NOISE_DIM, DEVICES, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_CHANNELS, MODE, folder_path, stats_iter_bn, is_training) session, os.path.join(CHECKPOINT_PATH, CHECKPOINT_NAME)) if TRAIN_UNET == True and save_checkpoints == True: util.save_tensor_image_to_folder( session, pred_train, BATCH_SIZE, iteration, os.path.join(folder_path, 'pred_train')) util.save_tensor_image_to_folder( session, pred_val, 1, iteration, os.path.join(folder_path, 'pred_val')) session, os.path.join(CHECKPOINT_PATH, UNET_CHECKPOINT_NAME)) if iteration > 10000 and TRAIN_GAN == True: loss_vals.append(_disc_cost) if len(loss_vals) > 100: avg_loss = np.asarray(loss_vals).mean() if avg_loss > last_loss_avg: print( 'Loss increased over the last 100 iterations, stopping!' ) break else: last_loss_avg = avg_loss del loss_vals[:] if iteration > 500 and TRAIN_UNET == True: # After 3000 iters, check if the loss is decreasing still loss_vals.append(unet_val_loss_value) if len(loss_vals) > 50: avg_loss = np.asarray(loss_vals).mean() if avg_loss > last_loss_avg: print( 'Loss increased over the last 50 iterations, stopping!' ) lib.plot.flush( os.path.join(folder_path, CSV_LOG_NAME)) break else: last_loss_avg = avg_loss del loss_vals[:] lib.plot.plot('time', time.time() - start_time) if (iteration < 5) or (iteration % 20 == 0): #print('Before flush: dice: ' + str(dice_value_val) + ' loss: ' + str(unet_val_loss_value)) lib.plot.flush(os.path.join(folder_path, CSV_LOG_NAME)) lib.plot.tick() iteration = iteration + 1 coord.request_stop() coord.join(threads) return dice_value_train, dice_value_val, unet_val_loss_value, unet_train_loss_value
elif model_type == 'BB_Unet': var_bbox = batch["bboxes"].reshape( -1, 1, size, size) var_bbox = torch.tensor(var_bbox, dtype=torch.float) var_bbox = Variable(var_bbox, requires_grad=True) preds = model(var_input, var_bbox) loss = losses.dice_loss('cpu'), gt_samples) print('loss for batch {} on epoch {} is {}'.format( i, epoch, loss)) predicted_output = threshold('cpu')) predicted_output = predicted_output.type(torch.float32) d_metric, dict = dice_score('cpu'),'cpu')) if phase in ['train_ancillary', 'train']: train_loss_total += loss tr_dice_total += d_metric optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() print('training on batch' + str(i) + 'with accuracy' + str(d_metric)) else: val_loss_total += loss val_dice_total += d_metric print('validating on batch : ' + str(i) + 'with accuracy' + str(d_metric))