def val_model(model, criterion): dset_sizes = len(val_dataset) model.eval() running_loss = 0.0 running_corrects = 0 cont = 0 outPre = [] outLabel = [] pres_list = [] labels_list = [] for data in val_loader: inputs, labels, month = data['X']['x'], data['Y'], data['X']['m'] x = inputs[0] labels = labels.type(torch.float).cuda() inputs = [x.cuda()] outputs = model(inputs) loss = criterion(outputs, labels) if cont == 0: outPre = outLabel = else: outPre =,, 0) outLabel =,, 0) pres_list += outputs.cpu().numpy().tolist() labels_list += running_loss += loss.item() * outputs.size(0) cont += 1 # labels_arr = np.array(labels_list) pre_arr = np.array(pres_list) val_score = score(labels_arr, pre_arr) val_rmse = rmse(labels_arr, pre_arr) return val_score, val_rmse
def prediction(f_pred, f_pred_prob, prepare_valid_or_test_batch_image_data, split, iterator, ix_to_word, get_raw_sentences_from_imgid, model_options, prediction_save_n): # prediction_sentences -> imgid to sentence as a list prediction_sentences = {} # prediction_gt_sents -> imgid to list of ground truth sentences prediction_gt_sents = {} # prediction_log_prob -> imgid to log_prob prediction_log_prob = {} for _, valid_index in iterator: imgs, img_ids = prepare_valid_or_test_batch_image_data(valid_index, split) pred = f_pred(imgs) pred_prob = f_pred_prob(imgs) for idx, img_id in enumerate(img_ids): prediction_sentences[img_id] = [utils.convert_idx_to_sentences(ix_to_word, pred[:, idx])] # TODO: Need to fix log prop prediction_log_prob[img_id] = sum(pred_prob[:, idx]) prediction_gt_sents[img_id] = get_raw_sentences_from_imgid(img_id) hypo = {idx:x for idx, x in enumerate(prediction_sentences.values())} ref = {idx:x for idx, x in enumerate(prediction_gt_sents.values())} if numpy.mod(prediction_save_n, model_options['hypo_save_freq']) == 0: save_path = os.path.join(model_options['hypo_save_dir'], 'hypo{0}.pkl'.format(prediction_save_n)) pickle.dump([hypo, ref], open(save_path, 'wb'), -1) print 'Saved hypo to ', os.path.abspath(save_path) scores = metrics.score(ref, hypo) return scores
def classification_validate(model, val_id_type_list, **kwargs): params = dict(kwargs) assert 'seed' in params, "Need seed, params = {}".format(params) assert 'normalize_data' in params, "Need normalize_data" verbose = 1 if 'verbose' not in params else params['verbose'] save_predictions = False if 'save_predictions' not in params else params['save_predictions'] save_predictions_id = '' if 'save_predictions_id' not in params else params['save_predictions_id'] n_classes = len(unique_tags) if 'n_classes' not in params else params['n_classes'] normalize_data = params['normalize_data'] if normalize_data: assert 'normalization' in params, "Need normalization" normalization = params['normalization'] else: normalization = None if normalize_data and normalization == '': params['normalization'] = 'from_save_prefix' val_seq = get_val_imgaug_seq(params['seed']) val_gen, val_flow = get_gen_flow(id_type_list=val_id_type_list, imgaug_seq=val_seq, test_mode=True, **params) y_true_total = np.zeros((len(val_id_type_list), n_classes)) y_pred_total = np.zeros_like(y_true_total) info_total = np.empty((y_true_total.shape[0], ), dtype=np.object) counter = 0 for x, y_true, info in val_flow: if verbose > 0: print("-- %i / %i" % (counter, len(val_id_type_list)), info) s = y_true.shape[0] start = counter * s end = min((counter + 1) * s, len(val_id_type_list)) y_true_total[start:end, :] = y_true info_total[start:end] = ['train_' + i[0] for i in info] y_pred = model.predict(x) y_pred_total[start:end, :] = y_pred counter += 1 if save_predictions: df = pd.DataFrame(columns=('image_name',) + tuple(unique_tags)) df['image_name'] = info_total df[unique_tags] = y_pred_total df.to_csv(os.path.join(OUTPUT_PATH, 'val_predictions_' + save_predictions_id + '.csv'), index=False) if verbose > 0: print("Saved predictions with id: %s" % save_predictions_id) y_pred_total2 = pred_threshold(y_pred_total) total_f2 = score(y_true_total, y_pred_total2) total_mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true_total, y_pred_total2) if verbose > 0: print("Total f2, mae : ", total_f2, total_mae) return total_f2, total_mae
def tune(self, X, y, params, metric, cv=5): from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV from metrics import score gs = GridSearchCV(self, params, cv=cv, scoring=score(metric)), y) print(f"Best score: {gs.best_score_}") print(f"Best parameters: {gs.best_params_}")
def check_metrics(hyps, refs): # This block of code is extremely ugly hyps = hyps + ".txt" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() refs_list = os.listdir(refs) refs_list = ["%s/%s" % (refs, x) for x in refs_list] parser.add_argument( "refs", type=argparse.FileType('r'), nargs="+" ) # nargs="+":all command-line args present are gathered into a list. parser.add_argument("hyps", type=argparse.FileType('r')) refs_list.append(hyps) args = parser.parse_args(refs_list) references, hypotheses = metrics.load_textfiles(args.refs, args.hyps) scores = metrics.score(references, hypotheses) for k in list(scores): scores[k] = scores[k] * 100 return scores # shift scores from 0-1 to 0-100
def _test_instance_output(): from import imsave from metrics import score from dataset_reader import CoNSeP from performance import OutTime import os os.makedirs('output', exist_ok=True) prefix = 'output/mlflow_refine_point' use_patch_idx = False # use_patch_idx = True dataset = CoNSeP(download=False) for IDX in range(1, 15): # for IDX in range(1, 2367): # observe_idx = 1 # for IDX in range(observe_idx, observe_idx + 1): # for k in np.linspace(1, 2, 21): for k in [2.3]: with OutTime(): res = get_instance_output(True, IDX, k=k, use_patch_idx=use_patch_idx, ckpt="model_01_ckpt_epoch_11", dot_refinement=True) # seg, hor, vet = get_output_from_file(IDX, transform=DEFAULT_TRANSFORM, use_patch_idx=use_patch_idx) # point_mask = dataset.read_points(IDX, 'test') # point_mask = binary_dilation(point_mask, disk(3)) # point_pred = point_mask * 1 # res = _get_instance_output(seg, hor, vet, k=k) # res = _refine_instance_output(res, point_pred) img = get_original_image_from_file(IDX, use_patch_idx=use_patch_idx) label = dataset.read_labels(IDX, 'test')[0]'{}_{}.npy'.format(prefix, IDX), res) img = draw_label_boundaries(img, res.copy()) imsave('{}_{}.png'.format(prefix, IDX), img) s = score(res, label, 'DQ_point') print(k, s['DQ_point'])
params=params train_loss=np.array(train_loss) validation_loss=np.array(validation_loss) plt.plot(np.arange(len(train_loss))+1,np.log10(train_loss),label='train') plt.plot(np.arange(len(train_loss))+1,np.log10(validation_loss),label='valid') plt.xlabel('epoch') plt.ylabel('log10[loss]') plt.legend() #print(f_vect1(params[:,0], inputs),f_vect2(params[:,1], inputs),f_vect3(params[:,2], inputs)) print('specie 1:') score(exact[1,:],f_vect1(params[:,0], inputs_krome)) print('specie 2:') score(exact[2,:],f_vect1(params[:,1], inputs_krome)) print('specie 3:') score(exact[3,:],f_vect1(params[:,2], inputs_krome)) plt.plot(exact[0,:],exact[1,:],label='A_krome',color='red') plt.plot(exact[0,:],exact[2,:],label='B_krome',color='green') plt.plot(exact[0,:],exact[3,:],label='C_krome',color='blue') plt.plot(inputs_krome, f_vect1(params[:,0], inputs_krome),'.', label='A_pred',color='red') plt.plot(inputs_krome, f_vect2(params[:,1], inputs_krome),'.', label='B_pred',color='green') plt.plot(inputs_krome, f_vect3(params[:,2], inputs_krome),'.', label='C_pred',color='blue') plt.legend()
], axis=0) eval_y = np.concatenate([ np.load(os.path.join(PATH, 'test_y.npy')), np.load(os.path.join(PATH, 'noise_test_y.npy')) ], axis=0) n_chan = eval_x.shape[-1] // 2 if config.norm: eval_x = minmax_norm_magphase(eval_x) eval_x = log_magphase(eval_x) eval_y = degree_to_class(eval_y, one_hot=False) # 3. predict pred_y = model.predict(eval_x) if config.verbose: print(pred_y[:5]) print(np.max(pred_y, axis=1)) n_classes = pred_y.shape[-1] pred_y = np.argmax(pred_y, axis=-1) print("GROUND TRUTH\n", eval_y) print("PREDICTIONS\n", pred_y) print("Accuracy:", Accuracy()(eval_y, pred_y).numpy()) print("SCORE:", score(class_to_degree(eval_y), class_to_degree(pred_y)).numpy()) print(confusion_matrix(eval_y, pred_y))
# unstable_x locations to confine in time n_test_samples = [0, 666, 1333, 4000, 6666, 9333, len(test_unstable_x)] days = ['D+1', 'D+2', 'D+3 - D+6', 'D+7 - D+10', 'D+11 - D+14', 'D+15 - D+18'] # test for different models print('AUC Scores') if model_name == 'DCAE': # load model ae = keras.models.load_model('./{}/DCAE.h5'.format(model_dir)) encoder = keras.Model(inputs=ae.input, outputs=ae.get_layer('encoded').output) decoder = keras.Model(inputs=ae.input, outputs=ae.get_layer('decoded').output) y_test_stable_hat = score(ae.predict(test_stable_x), test_stable_x) for n_test_i in range(1, len(n_test_samples)): y_test_unstable_hat = score(ae.predict(test_unstable_x[n_test_samples[n_test_i-1]:n_test_samples[n_test_i]]), \ test_unstable_x[n_test_samples[n_test_i-1]:n_test_samples[n_test_i]]) true_labels = [0.] * len(y_test_stable_hat) + [1.] * len( y_test_unstable_hat) fpr, tpr, th = roc_curve( true_labels, np.concatenate([y_test_stable_hat, y_test_unstable_hat], axis=-1)) auc_score = auc(fpr, tpr) print('{}: {}'.format(days[n_test_i - 1], auc_score)) # test with all y_test_unstable_hat = score(ae.predict(test_unstable_x), test_unstable_x)