def test_update_covariance(self):
        """Check proposal covariance is updated."""
        constraints = hs.MockedConstraints()
        distribution = pr.ConstrainedDistribution(constraints)

        x = distribution.get_example()
        cov = np.identity(2)
        sampler = sr.MetroSampler(distribution, x, cov, 200, 0, 0)

        samples, _, _ = sampler.sample(200, 1)
        samples = np.append(samples[:-1], x.reshape(1, len(x)), 0)

        x_mean = np.mean(samples, 0)
        x2_sum = np.zeros(cov.shape)
        for val in samples:
            x2_sum += np.outer(val, val)

        nlen = samples.shape[0]
        fact = float(nlen - 1.0)
        x_covariance = (x2_sum - float(nlen) * np.outer(x_mean, x_mean)) / fact

        sd =
        eps = sampler.eps
        delta = sd * eps * np.identity(x_covariance.shape[0])
        covariance = sd * x_covariance + delta

        assert (abs(covariance[0, 0] - sampler.covariance[0, 0])) <= 1.0e-5
        assert (abs(covariance[1, 0] - sampler.covariance[1, 0])) <= 1.0e-5
        assert (abs(covariance[1, 1] - sampler.covariance[1, 1])) <= 1.0e-5
    def test_get_example(self):
        """Test get_example method."""
        constraints = hp.MockedConstraints()
        distribution = sp.ConstrainedDistribution(constraints)

        x = distribution.get_example()
        assert x[0] == .2
        assert x[1] == .5
    def test_prob_invalid_x(self):
        """Test prob method with a state of incompatible size."""
        constraints = hp.MockedConstraints()
        distribution = sp.ConstrainedDistribution(constraints)

        x = np.array([.1, .1, .1])
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    def test_prob_valid_x_size_feasible(self):
        """Test prob method with a feasible state."""
        constraints = hp.MockedConstraints()
        distribution = sp.ConstrainedDistribution(constraints)

        x = np.array([.2, .9])
        valid = distribution.prob(x)

        assert abs(valid - 1.0) <= 1.0e-5
    def test_running_mean(self):
        """Check correctness of the running mean computation."""
        constraints = hs.MockedConstraints()
        distribution = pr.ConstrainedDistribution(constraints)

        x = distribution.get_example()
        cov = np.identity(2)
        sampler = sr.MetroSampler(distribution, x, cov, 0, 0, 0)

        samples, _, _ = sampler.sample(200, 1)
        samples = np.append(samples[:-1], x.reshape(1, len(x)), 0)

        x_mean = np.mean(samples, 0)
        assert abs(x_mean[0] - sampler.x_mean[0]) <= 1.0e-5
        assert abs(x_mean[1] - sampler.x_mean[1]) <= 1.0e-5
def generate_samples():

    # Create distribution and initial covariance matrix for proposal
    constraints = sc.Constraint('./Data/mixture.txt')
    posterior = sp.ConstrainedDistribution(constraints)
    covariance = np.identity(2)

    # Sampler's parameters
    t0 = 1000
    tb = 50000

    # Generate samples
    x0 = posterior.get_example()
    sampler = sr.MetroSampler(posterior, x0, covariance, 200, t0, tb, 0.1)
    vals, accepted, total = sampler.sample(4000, 200)

    # Generate scatter plot
    plt.scatter(vals[:, 0], vals[:, 1], s = 0.2)
    def test_running_covariance(self):
        """Check correctness of the running covariance computation."""
        constraints = hs.MockedConstraints()
        distribution = pr.ConstrainedDistribution(constraints)

        x = distribution.get_example()
        cov = np.identity(2)
        sampler = sr.MetroSampler(distribution, x, cov, 0, 0, 0)

        samples, _, _ = sampler.sample(200, 1)
        samples = np.append(samples[:-1], x.reshape(1, len(x)), 0)

        x_mean = np.mean(samples, 0)
        x2_sum = np.zeros(cov.shape)
        for val in samples:
            x2_sum += np.outer(val, val)

        nlen = samples.shape[0]
        fact = float(nlen - 1.0)
        x_covariance = (x2_sum - float(nlen) * np.outer(x_mean, x_mean)) / fact

        assert abs(x_covariance[0, 0] - sampler.x_covariance[0, 0]) <= 1.0e-5
        assert abs(x_covariance[1, 1] - sampler.x_covariance[1, 1]) <= 1.0e-5
        assert abs(x_covariance[0, 1] - sampler.x_covariance[0, 1]) <= 1.0e-5
def gendist():

    # Arguments descriptions
    descA = 'Generate samples from high-dimensional uniform distribution'
    descI = 'path to file with constraints specification'
    descO = 'path to file where sample will be saved'
    descS = 'number of samples to generate'

    # Initialize parser and parse arguments
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=descA)
    parser.add_argument('inpfile', help=descI)
    parser.add_argument('outfile', help=descO)
    parser.add_argument('samples', help=descS, type=int)
    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Check that constraints file exists
    input_file = args.inpfile
    if not os.path.isfile(input_file):
        print 'Error: the specified input file does not exist !!!'

    # Check that output file can be written
        with open(args.outfile, 'w') as f:
    except IOError as err:
        print 'Cannot write to output file: ', err.errno, ',', err.strerror

    # Create constrained distribution
    constraints = cons.Constraint(input_file)
    posterior = post.ConstrainedDistribution(constraints)

    # Initial state of Markov chain and initial covariance matrix
    x0 = posterior.get_example()
    cov0 = np.identity(x0.shape[0])

    # Initialize sampler parameters
    t0 = 1000
    tb = 10000
    ratio = .0
    gamma = .1
    steps = 0

    # Tune the sampler step size
    print "Adjusting the step size...\n"
    while steps < 8 and (ratio < .20 or ratio > .35):
        sampler = samp.MetroSampler(posterior, x0, cov0, 200, t0, tb, gamma)
        vals, accepted, total = sampler.sample(2000, 10)
        print 'With gamma = %f, the number of accepted and total ' \
              'samples is %d %d' % (gamma, accepted, total)
        ratio = float(accepted) / float(total)
        gamma = adjust_gamma(ratio, gamma)
        steps += 1

    # Start sampling
    print '\nThe optimal step size is gamma = %f' % gamma, '. Start sampling...'
    sampler = samp.MetroSampler(posterior, x0, cov0, 200, t0, tb * 5, gamma)
    vals, accepted, total = sampler.sample(args.samples, 200)

    # Store samples to file
    print 'Sampling completed. The number of accepted and total ' \
          'samples is: %d %d' % (accepted, total), '. Storing data to file..'
    np.savetxt(args.outfile, vals, delimiter=' ', fmt='%1.4e')