def comment(request, template="generic/comments.html"):
    Handle a ``ThreadedCommentForm`` submission and redirect back to its
    related object.
    response = initial_validation(request, "comment")
    if isinstance(response, HttpResponse):
        return response
    obj, post_data = response
    form = ThreadedCommentForm(request, obj, post_data)
    if form.is_valid():
        url = obj.get_absolute_url()
        if is_spam(request, form, url):
            return redirect(url)
        comment = form.save(request)
        response = redirect(add_cache_bypass(comment.get_absolute_url()))
        # Store commenter's details in a cookie for 90 days.
        for field in ThreadedCommentForm.cookie_fields:
            cookie_name = ThreadedCommentForm.cookie_prefix + field
            cookie_value = post_data.get(field, "")
            set_cookie(response, cookie_name, cookie_value)
        return response
    elif request.is_ajax() and form.errors:
        return HttpResponse(dumps({"errors": form.errors}))
    # Show errors with stand-alone comment form.
    context = {"obj": obj, "posted_comment_form": form}
    response = render(request, template, context)
    return response
def comment(request, template="generic/comments.html"):
    Handle a ``ThreadedCommentForm`` submission and redirect back to its
    related object.
        model = get_model(*request.POST["content_type"].split(".", 1))
        obj = model.objects.get(id=request.POST["object_pk"])
        if request.method != "POST":
            raise ObjectDoesNotExist()
    except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
        # Something was missing from the post so abort.
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
    form = ThreadedCommentForm(request, obj, request.POST or None)
    if form.is_valid():
        comment = form.get_comment_object()
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            comment.user = request.user
        comment.by_author = request.user == getattr(obj, "user", None)
        comment.ip_address = request.META.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR",
        comment.replied_to_id = request.POST.get("replied_to")
        response = HttpResponseRedirect(comment.get_absolute_url())
        # Store commenter's details in a cookie for 90 days.
        cookie_expires = 60 * 60 * 24 * 90
        for field in ThreadedCommentForm.cookie_fields:
            cookie_name = ThreadedCommentForm.cookie_prefix + field
            cookie_value = request.POST.get(field, "")
            set_cookie(response, cookie_name, cookie_value, cookie_expires)
        return response
        # Show errors with stand-alone comment form.
        context = {"obj": obj, "posted_comment_form": form}
        return render(request, template, context)
def comment(request, template="generic/comments.html"):
    Handle a ``ThreadedCommentForm`` submission and redirect back to its
    related object.

    post_data = request.POST
        if not request.user.is_authenticated():
            # Account required but user isn't authenticated - store
            # their post data in the session and redirect to login.
            request.session["unauthenticated_comment"] = post_data
            error(request, _("You must log in to comment. Please log in or "
                             "sign up, and your comment will be posted."))
            url = "%s?next=%s" % (settings.LOGIN_URL, reverse("comment"))
            return redirect(url)
        elif "unauthenticated_comment" in request.session:
            # User has logged in after post data being stored in the
            # session for an unauthenticated comment post, so use it.
            post_data = request.session.pop("unauthenticated_comment")

        model = get_model(*post_data["content_type"].split(".", 1))
        obj = model.objects.get(id=post_data["object_pk"])
    except (KeyError, TypeError, AttributeError, ObjectDoesNotExist):
        # Something was missing from the post so abort.
        return HttpResponseRedirect("/")

    form = ThreadedCommentForm(request, obj, post_data)
    if form.is_valid():
        url = obj.get_absolute_url()
        if is_spam(request, form, url):
            return redirect(url)
        comment = form.get_comment_object()
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            comment.user = request.user
        comment.by_author = request.user == getattr(obj, "user", None)
        comment.ip_address = request.META.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR",
        comment.replied_to_id = post_data.get("replied_to")
        comment_was_posted.send(sender=comment.__class__, comment=comment,
        url = add_cache_bypass(comment.get_absolute_url())
        response = HttpResponseRedirect(url)
        # Store commenter's details in a cookie for 90 days.
        cookie_expires = 60 * 60 * 24 * 90
        for field in ThreadedCommentForm.cookie_fields:
            cookie_name = ThreadedCommentForm.cookie_prefix + field
            cookie_value = post_data.get(field, "")
            set_cookie(response, cookie_name, cookie_value, cookie_expires)
        return response
        # Show errors with stand-alone comment form.
        context = {"obj": obj, "posted_comment_form": form}
        return render(request, template, context)
文件: utils.py 项目: rekbi/mezzanine
def handle_comments(obj, request):
    A problem exists with having a single URL to handle posting
    generic data. If there's an error with the form, we have to either
    display the form with errors on a different page than the page
    where the form was originally rendered, or redirect back to the
    original page and lose the form errors.

    This function can be called from any view that contains comments.
    It returns a 3-item sequence containing two forms, one with posted
    data and one without, which are each used to build the threaded
    comment tree with forms for replying. The third item returned is
    a response object to redirect to if a comment is successfully

    # Create two comment forms - one with posted data and errors that will be
    # matched to the form submitted via comment_id, and an empty one for all
    # other instances.
    cookie_prefix = "mezzanine-comment-"
    cookie_fields = ("user_name", "user_email", "user_url")
    initial = {}
    for field in cookie_fields:
        initial[field] = request.COOKIES.get(cookie_prefix + field, "")
    posted = request.POST or None
    posted_comment_form = ThreadedCommentForm(obj, posted, initial=initial)
    unposted_comment_form = ThreadedCommentForm(obj, initial=initial)
    response = None
    if request.method == "POST" and posted_comment_form.is_valid():
        comment = posted_comment_form.get_comment_object()
        comment.by_author = request.user == getattr(obj, "user", None)
        comment.ip_address = request.META.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR",
        comment.replied_to_id = request.POST.get("replied_to")
        response = HttpResponseRedirect(comment.get_absolute_url())
        # Store commenter's details in a cookie for 90 days.
        cookie_expires = 60 * 60 * 24 * 90
        for field in cookie_fields:
            cookie_name = cookie_prefix + field
            cookie_value = request.POST.get(field, "")
            set_cookie(response, cookie_name, cookie_value, cookie_expires)
    return posted_comment_form, unposted_comment_form, response
def comments_for(context, obj):
    Provides a generic context variable name for the object that
    comments are being rendered for.
    form = ThreadedCommentForm(context["request"], obj)
    except KeyError:
        context["posted_comment_form"] = form
    context["unposted_comment_form"] = form
    context["comment_url"] = reverse("comment")
    context["object_for_comments"] = obj
    return context
def ajax_comments(request, pk):
    Render to string the comments for a given BlogPost (or
    other object with comments).
    # Returns either object matching pk or None
    obj = BlogPost.objects.filter(pk=pk).first()
    response_data = {}
    if not obj:
        response_data['success'] = 'false'
        context = {}
        context["request"] = request
        # First if `COMMENTS_ORDERBYSCORE` setting, we
        # need to call `order_comments_by_score_for` first.
        # This simulates how in a template we'd call
        # the `order_comments_by_score_for` tag before the
        # `comments_for` tag, setting the `all_comments` var
        # in the context in advance, so `comments_thread` tag doesn't
        # need to touch it.
        if settings.COMMENTS_ORDERBYSCORE:
            # Context passed by ref
            order_comments_by_score_for(context, obj)

        # Replicate context building of `comments_for`
        # (I should try and understand the posted/unposted distinction better.)
        context["object_for_comments"] = obj
        context["comment_url"] = reverse("comment")
        form = ThreadedCommentForm(context["request"], obj)
        except KeyError:
            context["posted_comment_form"] = form
        context["unposted_comment_form"] = form

        # Now pretend we are `comments_for` tag, and get the string resp it would.
        comments_str = render_to_string("generic/includes/comments.html",
                                        RequestContext(request, context))
        response_data = {}
        response_data['comments'] = comments_str
        response_data['success'] = 'true'
    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response_data),