def choose_next(self, num_config):'LCNet: model-based choosing.') if len(self.incumbent_obj) <= 0: return sample_configurations(self.config_space, num_config)'start to training LCNet, training data shape: %s' % str(self.lc_training_x.shape)) self.lcnet_model.train(self.lc_training_x, self.lc_training_y) next_configs = [] random_configs = sample_configurations(self.config_space, 50 * self.num_config) random_configs_data = convert_configurations_to_array(random_configs) x_test = None for i in range(random_configs_data.shape[0]): x = np.concatenate((random_configs_data[i, None, :], np.array([[1.0]])), axis=1) if x_test is None: x_test = x else: x_test = np.concatenate((x_test, x), 0) m, v = self.lcnet_model.predict(x_test) sorted_configs = [random_configs[i] for i in np.argsort(-m)] print(sorted_configs[:5]) number_flag = False for config in sorted_configs: if config not in next_configs: next_configs.append(config) if len(next_configs) == num_config: number_flag = True break if not number_flag: next_configs = expand_configurations(next_configs, self.config_space, num_config) self.logger.warning('MBHB: add random configuration here.' + '=' * 50) return next_configs
def choose_next(self, num_config): if len(self.target_y[self.iterate_r[-1]]) == 0: return sample_configurations(self.config_space, num_config) conf_cnt = 0 next_configs = [] total_cnt = 0 incumbent = dict() max_r = self.iterate_r[-1] best_index = np.argmin(self.target_y[max_r]) incumbent['config'] = self.target_x[max_r][best_index] approximate_obj = self.weighted_surrogate.predict( convert_configurations_to_array([incumbent['config']]))[0] incumbent['obj'] = approximate_obj self.weighted_acquisition_func.update(model=self.weighted_surrogate, eta=incumbent) while conf_cnt < num_config and total_cnt < 2 * num_config: rand_config = self.weighted_acq_optimizer.maximize(batch_size=1)[0] if rand_config not in next_configs: next_configs.append(rand_config) conf_cnt += 1 total_cnt += 1 if conf_cnt < num_config: next_configs = expand_configurations(next_configs, self.config_space, num_config) return next_configs
def choose_next_weighted(self, num_config): if len(self.target_y[self.iterate_r[-1]]) == 0: return sample_configurations(self.config_space, num_config) conf_cnt = 0 next_configs = [] total_cnt = 0 while conf_cnt < num_config and total_cnt < 2 * num_config: # in Bayesian optimization, eliminate epsilon sampling. incumbent = dict() # TODO: problem-->use the best in maximal resource. # TODO: smac's optmization algorithm. max_r = self.iterate_r[-1] best_index = np.argmin(self.target_y[max_r]) incumbent['config'] = self.target_x[max_r][best_index] approximate_obj = self.weighted_surrogate.predict( convert_configurations_to_array([incumbent['config']]))[0] incumbent['obj'] = approximate_obj self.weighted_acquisition_func.update( model=self.weighted_surrogate, eta=incumbent) rand_config = self.weighted_acq_optimizer.maximize(batch_size=1)[0] if rand_config not in next_configs: next_configs.append(rand_config) conf_cnt += 1 total_cnt += 1 if conf_cnt < num_config: next_configs = expand_configurations(next_configs, self.config_space, num_config) return next_configs
def iterate_parallel(self): # sample n_population configurations. T = sample_configurations(self.config_space, self.n_population)'-' * 20 + str([item.get_dictionary() for item in T])) step_num = 0 result = [] extra_info = None while step_num < self.iter_steps:'=' * 40 + ('start step: %d' % step_num) + '=' * 40) # step_num += self.iter_gap step_num += 1 performance_result, early_stops = self.run_in_parallel( T, self.iter_gap, extra_info) result = [] for i, item in enumerate(performance_result): result.append({ 'loss': item['loss'], 'worker_id': i, 'ref_id': item['ref_id'] }) T, extra_info = self.hp_iterate(T, result) 'p update: ' + str([item.get_dictionary().values() for item in T])) result_sorted = sorted(result, key=lambda x: x['loss']) self.incumbent_configs.append(T[result_sorted[0]['worker_id']]) self.incumbent_obj.append(result_sorted[0]['loss'])
def mini_smac(learn_delta): sample_num_m = s_mid sample_num_l = s_min if not learn_delta: sample_num_m = s_min start_time = time.time() config_space = create_configspace() types, bounds = get_types(config_space) num_hp = len(bounds) surrogate = RandomForestWithInstances(types=types, bounds=bounds) acquisition_func = EI(model=surrogate) acq_optimizer = RandomSampling(acquisition_func, config_space, n_samples=max(500, 50 * num_hp)) X = [] y = [] y_delta = [] c = [] inc_y = 1. # Initial design. for _ in range(num_init): init_configs = sample_configurations(config_space, num_init) for config in init_configs: perf_t, _ = objective_function((config.get_dictionary(), sample_num_m)) X.append(config) y.append(perf_t) if perf_t < inc_y: inc_y = perf_t c.append([time.time()-start_time, inc_y]) if learn_delta: perf_l, _ = objective_function((config.get_dictionary(), sample_num_l)) y_delta.append(perf_t - perf_l) else: y_delta.append(perf_t) # BO iterations. for _ in range(num_iter - num_init): # Update the surrogate model. surrogate.train(convert_configurations_to_array(X), np.array(y, dtype=np.float64)) # Use EI acq to choose next config. incumbent = dict() best_index = np.argmin(y) incumbent['obj'] = y[best_index] incumbent['config'] = X[best_index] acquisition_func.update(model=surrogate, eta=incumbent) next_config = acq_optimizer.maximize(batch_size=1)[0] perf_t, _ = objective_function((next_config.get_dictionary(), sample_num_m)) X.append(next_config) y.append(perf_t) if perf_t < inc_y: inc_y = perf_t c.append([time.time() - start_time, inc_y]) if learn_delta: perf_l, _ = objective_function((config.get_dictionary(), sample_num_l)) y_delta.append(perf_t - perf_l) else: y_delta.append(perf_t) return [convert_configurations_to_array(X), np.array(y_delta, dtype=np.float64)]
def choose_next_batch(self, num_config): if len(self.target_y[self.iterate_r[-1]]) == 0: configs = [self.config_space.sample_configuration()] configs.extend( sample_configurations(self.config_space, num_config - 1)) self.configs.extend(configs) return configs config_candidates = list() acq_configs = self.get_bo_candidates(num_configs=2 * num_config) acq_idx = 0 for idx in range(1, 1 + 2 * num_config): # Like BOHB, sample a fixed percentage of random configurations. if self.random_configuration_chooser.check(idx): _config = self.config_space.sample_configuration() else: _config = acq_configs[acq_idx] acq_idx += 1 if _config not in config_candidates: config_candidates.append(_config) if len(config_candidates) >= num_config: break if len(config_candidates) < num_config: config_candidates = expand_configurations(config_candidates, self.config_space, num_config) _config_candidates = [] for config in config_candidates: if config not in self.configs: # Check if evaluated _config_candidates.append(config) self.configs.extend(_config_candidates) return _config_candidates
def choose_next(self, num_config): if len(self.incumbent_obj) < 2 * self.num_config: return sample_configurations(self.config_space, num_config) # print('choose next starts!')'train feature is: %s' % str(self.incumbent_configs[-5:]))'train target is: %s' % str(self.incumbent_obj)) self.surrogate.train(convert_configurations_to_array(self.incumbent_configs), np.array(self.incumbent_obj, dtype=np.float64)) conf_cnt = 0 total_cnt = 0 next_configs = [] while conf_cnt < num_config and total_cnt < 5 * num_config: incumbent = dict() best_index = np.argmin(self.incumbent_obj) incumbent['obj'] = self.incumbent_obj[best_index] incumbent['config'] = self.incumbent_configs[best_index] self.acquisition_func.update(model=self.surrogate, eta=incumbent) rand_config = self.acq_optimizer.maximize(batch_size=1)[0] if rand_config not in next_configs: next_configs.append(rand_config) conf_cnt += 1 total_cnt += 1 if conf_cnt < num_config: next_configs = expand_configurations(next_configs, self.config_space, num_config) return next_configs
def iterate(self, skip_last=0): for s in reversed(range(self.s_max + 1)): # Initial number of configurations n = int(ceil(self.B / self.max_iter / (s + 1) * self.eta**s)) # Initial number of iterations per config r = self.max_iter * self.eta**(-s) # Sample n configurations uniformly. T = sample_configurations(self.configuration_space, n) incumbent_loss = np.inf extra_info = None last_run_num = None for i in range((s + 1) - int(skip_last)): # Changed from s + 1 # Run each of the n configs for <iterations> # and keep best (n_configs / eta) configurations. n_configs = n * self.eta**(-i) n_iterations = r * self.eta**(i) n_iter = n_iterations if last_run_num is not None and not self.restart_needed: n_iter -= last_run_num last_run_num = n_iterations"HB: %d configurations x %d iterations each" % (int(n_configs), int(n_iterations))) ret_val, early_stops = self.run_in_parallel( T, n_iter, extra_info) val_losses = [item['loss'] for item in ret_val] ref_list = [item['ref_id'] for item in ret_val] # select a number of best configurations for the next loop # filter out early stops, if any indices = np.argsort(val_losses) if len(T) == sum(early_stops): break if len(T) >= self.eta: T = [T[i] for i in indices if not early_stops[i]] extra_info = [ ref_list[i] for i in indices if not early_stops[i] ] reduced_num = int(n_configs / self.eta) T = T[0:reduced_num] extra_info = extra_info[0:reduced_num] else: T = [T[indices[0]]] extra_info = [ref_list[indices[0]]] incumbent_loss = val_losses[indices[0]] self.add_stage_history( self.stage_id, min(self.global_incumbent, incumbent_loss)) self.stage_id += 1 if not np.isnan(incumbent_loss): self.incumbent_configs.append(T[0]) self.incumbent_perfs.append(incumbent_loss) self.remove_immediate_model()
def choose_next(self, num_config): if len(self.incumbent_obj) < 3: return sample_configurations(self.config_space, num_config)'BO Training - X: %s' % str(self.incumbent_configs[-5:]))'BO Training - Y: %s' % str(self.incumbent_obj)) self.surrogate.train( convert_configurations_to_array(self.incumbent_configs), np.array(self.incumbent_obj, dtype=np.float64)) conf_cnt = 0 total_cnt = 0 _next_configs = [] while conf_cnt < num_config and total_cnt < 5 * num_config: incumbent = dict() best_index = np.argmin(self.incumbent_obj) incumbent['obj'] = self.incumbent_obj[best_index] incumbent['config'] = self.incumbent_configs[best_index] self.acquisition_func.update(model=self.surrogate, eta=incumbent) rand_config = self.acq_optimizer.maximize(batch_size=1)[0] if rand_config not in _next_configs: _next_configs.append(rand_config) conf_cnt += 1 total_cnt += 1 if conf_cnt < num_config: _next_configs = expand_configurations(_next_configs, self.config_space, num_config) next_configs = [] # Epsilon greedy for config in _next_configs: if random.random() < self.p: next_configs.append( sample_configurations(self.config_space, 1)[0]) else: next_configs.append(config) return next_configs
def iterate(self): configs = sample_configurations(self.config_space, self.num_workers) extra_info = None ret_val, early_stops = self.run_in_parallel(configs, self.R, extra_info) val_losses = [item['loss'] for item in ret_val] self.incumbent_configs.extend(configs) self.incumbent_obj.extend(val_losses) self.add_stage_history(self.stage_id, self.global_incumbent) self.stage_id += 1 self.remove_immediate_model()
def choose_next(self, num_config, r, mode): # different types of mode. if mode == 'Hybrid': mode = 'Backward' if self.iterate_id % 2 == 0 else 'Forward' if mode == 'Forward': if r != self.R: r *= self.eta elif mode == 'Backward': if r != 1: r /= self.eta else: r = self.R # TODO: in different types, this condition may not needed any more. n_exp = len(self.target_y[r]) if n_exp < 2 * self.num_config: return sample_configurations(self.config_space, num_config)'train feature is: %s' % str(self.target_x[r]))'train target is: %s' % str(self.target_y[r])) self.surrogate.train(convert_configurations_to_array(self.target_x[r]), np.array(self.target_y[r], dtype=np.float64)) conf_cnt = 0 next_configs = [] total_cnt = 0 # TODO: acceleration, maximize a batch of candidates. while conf_cnt < num_config and total_cnt < 5 * num_config: rand_config = None if random.uniform(0, 1) < self.init_tradeoff: rand_config = self.config_space.sample_configuration(1) else: # print('use surrogate to produce candidate.') incumbent = dict() incumbent['obj'] = np.min(self.target_y[r]) incumbent['config'] = self.target_x[r][np.argmin( self.target_y[r])] self.acquisition_func.update(model=self.surrogate, eta=incumbent) rand_config = self.acq_optimizer.maximize(batch_size=1)[0] if rand_config not in next_configs: next_configs.append(rand_config) conf_cnt += 1 total_cnt += 1 if conf_cnt < num_config: next_configs = expand_configurations(next_configs, self.config_space, num_config) return next_configs
def get_neighbour_hp(self, T, worker_id): neighbours = get_random_neighborhood(T[worker_id], 10 * self.n_population, self.rand_int) for item in neighbours: if item not in T: return item # for _ in range(self.n_population): # hp = random.choice(neighbours) # if hp not in T: # return hp return sample_configurations(self.config_space, 1)[0]
def iterate(self): # sample n_population configurations. T = sample_configurations(self.config_space, self.n_population) step_num = 0 result = [] while step_num < self.iter_steps: step_num += self.iter_gap result = [] for worker in self.workers: res = worker.step(step_num, T[worker.worker_id]) result.append(res) T = self.hp_iterate(T, result) result_sorted = sorted(result, key=lambda x: x['loss']) self.incumbent_configs.append(T[result_sorted[0]['worker_id']]) self.incumbent_obj.append(result_sorted[0]['loss'])
def choose_next(self, num_config): if len(self.incumbent_obj) < 3: return sample_configurations(self.config_space, num_config)'Train feature is: %s' % str(self.incumbent_configs[:5]))'Train target is: %s' % str(self.incumbent_obj)) self.surrogate.train( convert_configurations_to_array(self.incumbent_configs), np.array(self.incumbent_obj, dtype=np.float64)) config_cnt = 0 total_sample_cnt = 0 config_candidates = [] while config_cnt < num_config and total_sample_cnt < 3 * num_config: if random.random() < self.p: rand_config = self.config_space.sample_configuration(1) else: # print('use surrogate to produce candidate.') incumbent = dict() best_index = np.argmin(self.incumbent_obj) incumbent['obj'] = self.incumbent_obj[best_index] incumbent['config'] = self.incumbent_configs[best_index] self.acquisition_func.update(model=self.surrogate, eta=incumbent) rand_config = self.acq_optimizer.maximize(batch_size=1)[0] if rand_config not in config_candidates: config_candidates.append(rand_config) config_cnt += 1 total_sample_cnt += 1 if config_cnt < num_config: config_candidates = expand_configurations(config_candidates, self.config_space, num_config) return config_candidates
def tse(run_id, train_base_models=True): start_time = time.time() from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor pool = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=args.worker) X, y = [], [] c = [] inc = 1. X_l, y_l = [], [] weight = np.array([1/K]*(K+1)) config_evaluated = [] config_space = create_configspace() # Initialize config L. config_L = sample_configurations(config_space, num_L_init) if train_base_models: func_configs = list() for iter_t in range(K): print('Build mid fidelity model', iter_t) func_configs.append(True) func_configs.append(False) training_data = run_parallel_async(pool, mini_smac, func_configs) with open('data/xgb/base_tse_data_%d.pkl' % run_id, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(training_data, f) else: with open('data/xgb/base_tse_data_%d.pkl' % 10, 'rb') as f: training_data = pickle.load(f) print('Load training data for M evaluations!') # Create base models. base_models = list() config_space = create_configspace() types, bounds = get_types(config_space) for iter_t in range(K+1): config_x, config_y = training_data[iter_t] model = RandomForestWithInstances(types=types, bounds=bounds) model.train(config_x, config_y) base_models.append(model) low_fidelity_model = base_models[K] X_l.extend(training_data[K][0].tolist()) y_l.extend(training_data[K][1].tolist()) print('Base model building finished!') # The framework of TSE. for iter_t in range(iter_H): print('Iteration in TSE', iter_t) # Sample a batch of configurations according to tse model. configs = sample_configurations(config_space, iter_L * 10) config_arrays = convert_configurations_to_array(configs) perfs, _ = low_fidelity_model.predict(config_arrays) perfs = perfs[:, 0] if len(y) > 3: preds = [] for i in range(K): m, _ = base_models[i].predict(config_arrays) preds.append(m[:, 0].tolist()) preds = np.array(preds).T preds = np.mat(np.hstack((preds, np.ones((len(configs), 1))))) # Add the delta. delta = preds*np.mat(weight.reshape(-1, 1)) perfs += delta.getA()[:, 0] configs_candidate = [] indexes = np.argsort(perfs)[:iter_L] for index in indexes: configs_candidate.append(configs[index]) # Evaluate the low-fidelity configurations. print('='*10 + 'Evaluating the low-fidelity configurations') config_params = [] for config in configs_candidate: config_params.append((config.get_dictionary(), s_min)) result_perf = run_parallel_async(pool, objective_function, config_params) for index, item in enumerate(result_perf): X_l.append(configs_candidate[index].get_array().tolist()) y_l.append(item[0]) print(np.array(X_l).shape, np.array(y_l, dtype=np.float64).shape) # Update f_L. print('=' * 10 + 'Retrain the f_L') low_fidelity_model.train(np.array(X_l), np.array(y_l, dtype=np.float64)) config_L.extend(configs_candidate) configs_input = [] for config in config_L: if config not in config_evaluated: configs_input.append(config) # Choose the next configuration. config_arrays = convert_configurations_to_array(configs_input) perfs, _ = low_fidelity_model.predict(config_arrays) perfs = perfs[:, 0] if len(y) > 3: preds = [] for i in range(K): m, _ = base_models[i].predict(config_arrays) preds.append(m[:, 0].tolist()) preds = np.array(preds).T preds = np.mat(np.hstack((preds, np.ones((len(configs_input), 1))))) # Add the delta. delta = preds * np.mat(weight.reshape(-1, 1)) perfs += delta.getA()[:, 0] next_config = configs_input[np.argmin(perfs)] # Evaluate this config with a high-fidelity setting. print('=' * 10 + 'Evaluate the high-fidelity configuration') perf, _ = objective_function((next_config.get_dictionary(), s_max)) X.append(next_config) y.append(perf) if perf < inc: inc = perf c.append([time.time()-start_time, inc]) print('Current inc', inc) if len(y) < 3: continue # Learn the weight in TSE. Z = [] for i in range(K): m, v = base_models[i].predict(convert_configurations_to_array(X)) Z.append(m[:, 0].tolist()) Z = np.mat(np.hstack((np.array(Z).T, np.ones((len(y), 1))))) f = np.mat(np.array(y).reshape((-1, 1))) # Compute the weight. try: ZtZ_inv = np.linalg.inv(Z.T * Z) weight = (ZtZ_inv * Z.T * f)[:, 0] print('The weight updated is', weight) except np.linalg.LinAlgError as err: if 'Singular matrix' in str(err): print('Singular matrix encountered, and do not update the weight!') else: raise ValueError('Unexpected error!') # Save the result.'data/xgb/tse_%d.npy' % run_id, np.array(c)) plt.plot(np.array(c)[:, 0], np.array(c)[:, 1]) plt.xlabel('time_elapsed (s)') plt.ylabel('validation error') plt.savefig("data/xgb/tse_%d.png" % run_id) if time.time() - start_time > 21600: raise ValueError('Runtime budget meets!') pool.shutdown(wait=True)