def addProp(self, prop): if self.propWidgets.has_key(prop): return l = Tkinter.Label(self.propWidgetMaster, text=prop) l.grid(padx=2, pady=2, row=len(self.propWidgets) + 1, column=0, sticky='e') if prop in self.booleanProps: var = Tkinter.IntVar() var.set(0) cb = CallBackFunction(self.setBoolean, (prop, var)) widget = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self.propWidgetMaster, variable=var, command=cb) self.propWidgets[prop] = (widget, var) self.setBoolean((prop, var)) else: items = self.choiceProps[prop] var = None cb = CallBackFunction(self.setChoice, (prop, )) widget = Pmw.ComboBox(self.propWidgetMaster, entryfield_entry_width=15, scrolledlist_items=items, selectioncommand=cb) self.propWidgets[prop] = (widget, var) self.setChoice((prop, ), items[0]) widget.grid(row=len(self.propWidgets), column=1, sticky='w')
def updateFastLibs(self): from CADD.nodeLibrariesCADD import libraries for key, value in libraries.items(): try: if hasattr(self, 'fastLibsMenu'): self.fastLibsMenu.index(key) except: if len(value) == 2: func = CallBackFunction(self.loadLibModule, value[0], dependents=value[1]) else: func = CallBackFunction(self.loadLibModule, value) if hasattr(self, 'fastLibsMenu'): self.fastLibsMenu.add_command(label=key, command=func) try: if hasattr(self, 'fastLibsMenu2'): self.fastLibsMenu2.index(key) except: if len(value) == 2: func = CallBackFunction(self.loadLibModule, value[0], dependents=value[1]) else: func = CallBackFunction(self.loadLibModule, value) if hasattr(self, 'fastLibsMenu2'): self.fastLibsMenu2.add_command(label=key, command=func)
def addViewButton(self, name, icon=True): """ Creates an image button .""" viewsContainer = self.idf.entryByName['viewsContainer']['widget'] if self.allViews == 0: self.viewsBalloon.bind( viewsContainer._ring, "Right click on view's image\nto display its menu") if icon == True: self.form.master.lift() photo = self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.GUI.getButtonIcon() b = Tkinter.Button(master=viewsContainer.interior(), compound='left', image=photo, command=CallBackFunction( self.activateView, name)) = photo else: b = Tkinter.Button(master=viewsContainer.interior(), text=name, width=4, height=3, wraplength=50) b.configure(command=CallBackFunction(self.activateView, name, b)) self.viewsBalloon.bind(b, name) = name #print "row=", 1+(len(self.views)-1)/5, "column=", (len(self.views)-1)%5 b.grid(row=1 + (len(self.views) - 1) / 5, column=(len(self.views) - 1) % 5, sticky='w') self.form.autoSize() b.bind('<Button-3>', CallBackFunction(self.showViewMenu_cb, name)) self.allViews = self.allViews + 1
def renameView(self, name): """Give a new name to the selected view. """ from tkSimpleDialog import askstring viewsContainer = self.idf.entryByName['viewsContainer'][ 'widget'].interior() newname = askstring("Rename %s" % name, "Enter new name:", initialvalue=name, parent=viewsContainer) if newname != None and newname != name: if self.views.has_key(newname): from tkMessageBox import showwarning showwarning("Warning", "View name %s already exists" % newname, parent=viewsContainer) return #find cooresponding button, rename it and update the bindings: for b in viewsContainer.grid_slaves(): if hasattr(b, "name"): if == name: = newname b.configure(command=CallBackFunction( self.activateView, newname)) b.bind('<Button-3>', CallBackFunction(self.showViewMenu_cb, newname)) self.viewsBalloon.bind(b, newname) view = self.views.pop(name) self.views[newname] = view dr = self.viewsDirectors.pop(name) self.viewsDirectors[newname] = dr if dr.gui != None: dr.gui.root.title(newname) repr = self.representations.pop(name) self.representations[newname] = repr break
def guiCallback(self): ifd = InputFormDescr(title='Show/Hide VFGUI components ') for name in ['infoBar', 'MESSAGE_BOX']: w = self.getWidget(name) var = Tkinter.IntVar() self.tkvarDict[name] = var cb = CallBackFunction(self.callback, name, var) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'name': name, 'wcfg': { 'text': name, 'command': cb, 'variable': var, }, 'defaultValue': w.winfo_ismapped(), 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': Tkinter.W } }) posy = 0 for name in self.vf.GUI.menuBars.keys(): w = self.getWidget(name) var = Tkinter.IntVar() self.tkvarDict[name] = var cb = CallBackFunction(self.callback, name, var) ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'name': name, 'wcfg': { 'text': name, 'command': cb, 'variable': var, }, 'defaultValue': w.winfo_ismapped(), 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': Tkinter.W, 'column': 1, 'row': posy } }) posy = posy + 1 ifd.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'name': 'dismiss', 'wcfg': { 'text': 'dismiss', 'command': self.dismiss_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2 }, }) self.ifd = ifd val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=0)
def __init__(self, parent, buttonType = Tkinter.Checkbutton, callback=None, buttonwcfg={'text':'function'},textwcfg = {}): buttonwcfg['command'] = CallBackFunction(self.buildText,parent, textwcfg, buttonwcfg) self.button = apply(buttonType,(parent,),buttonwcfg) self.callback = callback
def showViewMenu_cb(self, name, event=None): edit = self.viewMenu.index("Edit") rn = self.viewMenu.index("Rename") rm = self.viewMenu.index("Remove") update = self.viewMenu.index("Update icon") self.viewMenu.entryconfigure(edit, command=CallBackFunction( self.editView, name)) self.viewMenu.entryconfigure(rn, command=CallBackFunction( self.renameView, name)) self.viewMenu.entryconfigure(rm, command=CallBackFunction( self.removeView, name)) self.viewMenu.entryconfigure(update, command=CallBackFunction( self.updateViewIcon, name)), event.y_root)
def __init__(self, root, buttonType = Tkinter.Button, widgetwcfg={'text':'Save'}, title='Save In File ', idir = None, ifile = None, types = [('All types', '*.*')], callback=None): widgetwcfg['command']= CallBackFunction( self.save_cb, title, idir, ifile, types, callback) self.button = apply(buttonType, (root,), widgetwcfg) #self.master = master self.root = root self.filename = None
def initICOM(self, modifier): # set the callback of continuousPicking to label the picked node # 1- get a handle on the cbManager cbManager = self.vf.startContinuousPicking.cbManager # 2- Save the existing callbacks #self.oldCallBacks = cbManager.callbacks # 3- Set to the new callback cbManager.SetCallback(CallBackFunction(self.labelByName)) self.vf.startContinuousPicking() self.supcb = 0
def showMenu_cb(self, maa, event=None): """ configure callback of menu entried with the current orientation and post menu """ menu = Tkinter.Menu(self.master, title="Animation") from Scenario2 import addTargetsToMenu addTargetsToMenu(menu, maa) menu.add_command(label="Delete", command=CallBackFunction(self.clipboard.removeMaa, maa)) menu.add_command(label="Dismiss"), event.y_root)
def configure(self, title='', idir=None, ifile=None, types=[('All types', '*.*')], callback=None): newcb = CallBackFunction(self.save_cb, title=title, idir=idir, ifile=ifile, types=types, callback=callback) self.button.configure(command=newcb)
def prepareQuickKeys(self): import Tkinter from mglutil.util.callback import CallBackFunction #prepare the QuickKeys one for the root, one for the handler self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.GUI.showHideQuickKeysVar.set(1) xform = 'Object' root = self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.rootObject cbroot = CallBackFunction(self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.GUI.quickKey_cb, xform, root, 1) cbhandler = CallBackFunction(self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.GUI.quickKey_cb, xform, self.geom, 0) label = "Xform Scene" labelHandler = "Xform Handler" # create a button and add it to the Quick Keys panel button = Tkinter.Button(self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.GUI.QuickKeysFrame, text=label, command=cbroot) button.pack(side='top', expand=1, fill='y') # create a button and add it to the Quick Keys panel button = Tkinter.Button(self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.GUI.QuickKeysFrame, text=labelHandler, command=cbhandler) button.pack(side='top', expand=1, fill='y')
def __init__(self, root, buttonType=tkinter.Button, widgetwcfg={'text': 'Load'}, title='Load File', idir=None, ifile=None, types=[('All types', '*.*')], callback=None): self.root = root widgetwcfg['command'] = CallBackFunction(self.load_cb, title, idir, ifile, types, callback) self.button = buttonType(*(root, ), **widgetwcfg) #self.master = master self.filename = None
def initICOM(self, modifier): # Create the form if not existing yet form = self.showForm(formName = 'superimpose', modal=0, blocking=0) self.firstLabel = form.descr.entryByName['firstNode']['widget'] self.secondLabel = form.descr.entryByName['secondNode']['widget'] self.contVar = form.descr.entryByName['continuous']['wcfg']['variable'] self.pairForm = None # set the callback of continuousPicking to label the picked node # 1- get a handle on the cbManager cbManager = self.vf.startContinuousPicking.cbManager # 2- Save the existing callbacks self.oldCallBacks = cbManager.callbacks # 3- Set to the new callback cbManager.SetCallback(CallBackFunction(self.labelByName)) self.vf.startContinuousPicking() self.supcb = 0
def _addMAA(self, maa): """ Create an entry for a MAA """ master = self.MAAContainer.interior() self.maaw[maa] = frame = Tkinter.Frame(master) b = Tkinter.Button(master=frame, compound='left',,, width=25, height=2) = # create the button menu b.bind('<Button-3>', CallBackFunction(self.showMenu_cb, maa)) b.pack(side='top') frame.pack()
def guiCallback(self): molNames = [] for mol in self.vf.Mols: if hasattr(mol, 'spaceGroup'): molNames.append( if not molNames: tkMessageBox.showinfo( "Crystal Info is Needed", "No Molecule in the Viewer has Crystal Info.") return ifd = InputFormDescr(title='Crystal Info') ifd.append({ 'name': 'moleculeList', 'widgetType': Pmw.ScrolledListBox, 'tooltip': 'Select a molecule with Crystal Info.', 'wcfg': { 'label_text': 'Select Molecule: ', 'labelpos': 'nw', 'items': molNames, 'listbox_selectmode': 'single', 'listbox_exportselection': 0, 'usehullsize': 1, 'hull_width': 100, 'hull_height': 150, 'listbox_height': 5 }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'nsew', 'row': 1, 'column': 0 } }) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=1, blocking=1) if val: molecule = self.vf.getMolFromName(val['moleculeList'][0]) matrices = instanceMatricesFromGroup(molecule) geom = molecule.geomContainer.geoms['master'] geom.Set(instanceMatrices=matrices) if not molecule.geomContainer.geoms.has_key('Unit Cell'): fractCoords = ((1, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 1), (0, 1, 1), (0, 0, 1), (1, 0, 1)) coords = [] coords = molecule.crystal.toCartesian(fractCoords) box = Box('Unit Cell', vertices=coords) self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.AddObject(box, parent=geom) molecule.geomContainer.geoms['Unit Cell'] = box ifd = InputFormDescr(title='Crystal Options') visible = molecule.geomContainer.geoms['Unit Cell'].visible if visible: showState = 'active' else: showState = 'normal' ifd.append({ 'name': 'Show Cell', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'text': 'Hide Unit Cell', 'state': showState, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': Tkinter.W }, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.showUnitCell, molecule) }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'Show Packing', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'text': 'Hide Packing', 'state': 'active', 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': Tkinter.W }, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.showPacking, molecule) }) val = self.vf.getUserInput(ifd, modal=0, blocking=1) if not val: geom.Set(instanceMatrices=[numpy.eye(4, 4)]) molecule.geomContainer.geoms['Unit Cell'].Set(visible=False)
def guiCallback(self): idf = InputFormDescr(title="Set User Preferences") categoryList = ['General'] for value in self.vf.userpref.values(): if not value['category'] in categoryList: categoryList.append(value['category']) widgetType = { 'widgetType': Pmw.NoteBook, 'name': 'prefNotebook', 'container': {}, 'wcfg': { 'borderwidth': 2 }, 'componentcfg': [], 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' }, } for item in categoryList: widgetType['container'][item] = "'" + item + "')" widgetType['componentcfg'].append({'name': item, 'cfg': {}}) idf.append(widgetType) for item in categoryList: idf.append({ 'name': item + "Group", 'widgetType': Pmw.Group, 'parent': item, 'container': { item + 'Group': 'w.interior()' }, 'wcfg': { 'tag_text': item }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wne' } }) for key, value in self.vf.userpref.items(): if not self.updateGUI in self.vf.userpref[key]['callbackFunc']: self.vf.userpref.addCallback(key, self.updateGUI) # put a label to have more space between the widget Maybe # could replace it by using the options padx and pady. group = value['category'] + "Group" idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'parent': group, 'wcfg': { 'text': '' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 3 } }) if value.has_key('validValues') and value['validValues']: idf.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.ComboBox, 'parent': group, 'name': key, 'defaultValue': value['value'], 'wcfg': { 'label_text': key, 'labelpos': 'n', 'scrolledlist_items': value['validValues'] }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) else: if value.has_key('validateFunc') and value['validateFunc']: def valid(value, func=value['validateFunc']): test = func(value) if test == 1: return Pmw.OK else: return Pmw.PARTIAL idf.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'parent': group, 'name': key, 'wcfg': { 'label_text': key, 'labelpos': 'n', 'value': value['value'], 'validate': { 'validator': valid } }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) else: idf.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'parent': group, 'name': key, 'wcfg': { 'label_text': key, 'labelpos': 'n' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'parent': group, 'wcfg': { 'bitmap': 'info', 'width': 50, 'height': 40, 'padx': 10, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.info_cb, value['doc']) }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': -1, 'sticky': 'wens' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'parent': group, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Make \nDefault', 'padx': 10, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.default_cb, key) }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': -1, 'sticky': 'wens' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'parent': group, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Set', 'padx': 10, 'height': 2, 'width': 5, 'command': CallBackFunction(self.set_cb, key) }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': -1, 'sticky': 'wens' } }) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Dismiss', 'command': self.dismissForm }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we', 'columnspan': 4 } }) self.form = self.vf.getUserInput(idf, modal=0, blocking=0)
def getIfd(self, atNames): #cylinders if not hasattr(self, 'ifd'): ifd = self.ifd = InputFormDescr( title='Show Hydrogen Bonds as Cylinders') ifd.append({ 'name': 'hbondLabel', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'wcfg': { 'text': str(len(atNames)) + ' Atoms in hbonds:\n(1=visible, 0 not visible)' }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'atsLC', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'wcfg': { 'entries': atNames, 'mode': 'multiple', 'title': '', 'command': CallBackFunction(self.showHBondLC, atNames), 'lbwcfg': { 'height': 5, 'selectforeground': 'red', 'exportselection': 0, 'width': 30 }, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'row': 2, 'column': 0, 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'radii', 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'wcfg': { 'label': 'radii', 'minval': .01, 'maxval': 1.0, 'immediate': 1, 'init': .2, 'width': 250, 'command': self.update, 'sliderType': 'float', 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'right' } }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'length', 'widgetType': ExtendedSliderWidget, 'wcfg': { 'label': 'length', 'minval': .01, 'maxval': 5.0, 'immediate': 1, 'init': 1.0, 'width': 250, 'command': self.update, 'sliderType': 'float', 'entrypackcfg': { 'side': 'right' } }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'changeVertsBut', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Set anchors', 'command': self.changeDVerts }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'changeColorBut', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Change color', 'command': self.changeColor }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wes', 'row': -1, 'column': 1 } }) ifd.append({ 'name': 'closeBut', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Dismiss', 'command': self.dismiss_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } })
def changeDVerts(self, event=None): #for all residues in hbonds, pick new donorAttachment # and new acceptorAttachment entries = [] ns = ['N', 'C', 'O', 'CA', 'reset'] for n in ns: entries.append((n, None)) if hasattr(self, 'form2'): self.form2.root.tkraise() return ifd2 = self.ifd2 = InputFormDescr(title='Set Anchor Atoms') ifd2.append({ 'name': 'datsLC', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'wcfg': { 'entries': entries, 'mode': 'single', 'title': 'Donor Anchor', 'command': CallBackFunction(self.setDVerts, entries), 'lbwcfg': { 'height': 5, 'selectforeground': 'red', 'exportselection': 0, #'lbpackcfg':{'fill':'both', 'expand':1}, 'width': 30 }, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd2.append({ 'name': 'aatsLC', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'wcfg': { 'entries': entries, 'mode': 'single', 'title': 'Acceptor Anchor', 'command': CallBackFunction(self.setAVerts, entries), 'lbwcfg': { 'height': 5, 'selectforeground': 'red', #'lbpackcfg':{'fill':'both', 'expand':1}, 'exportselection': 0, 'width': 30 }, }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens', 'columnspan': 2 } }) ifd2.append({ 'name': 'doneBut', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Done', 'command': self.closeChangeDVertLC }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'wens' } }) self.form2 = self.vf.getUserInput(self.ifd2, modal=0, blocking=0) self.form2.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.closeChangeDVertLC)
def guiCallback(self): if self.form: return self.fileWritten = 0 # get a list of povray include files inclist = os.listdir(self.PovrayIncDir) inclist.sort() # get a list of geometries self.geomList = {} = {} for m in self.vf.Mols: for g in m.geomContainer.geoms.values(): if g.visible and g.__class__.__name__ != 'Geom': name = '%s_%s' % (, self.geomList[name] = g[name] = { 'pigment': '', 'finish': 'specular 1 roughness 0.001 ambient 0.3' } for g in self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.rootObject.children: if g.visible and g.__class__.__name__ != 'Geom': name = self.geomList[name] = g[name] = { 'pigment': '', 'finish': 'specular 1 roughness 0.001 ambient 0.3' } idf = InputFormDescr(title="PovRay") incEntries = map(lambda x: (x, None), inclist) idf.append({ 'name': 'includes', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'wcfg': { 'entries': incEntries, 'title': 'Select include files', 'mode': 'extended', 'lbwcfg': { 'height': 5, 'exportselection': 0 } }, 'gridcfg': { 'rowspan': 4, 'column': 0, 'row': 0 }, }) ## idf.append({'name':'includes','title':'Select include files', ## 'widgetType':'ListChooser', ## 'entries': inclist, ## 'mode':'extended', ## 'gridcfg':{'rowspan':4,'column':0,'row':0}, ## 'lbwcfg':{'height':5}} ) geomsEntries = map(lambda x: (x, None), self.geomList.keys()) ## idf.append({'name':'geometries', ## 'widgetType':ListChooser, ## 'wcfg':{'title':'Select geometries', ## 'entries': geomsEntries, ## 'lbwcfg':{'height':5}}, ## 'gridcfg':{'rowspan':4,'column':1,'row':0}} ## ) ## idf.append({'name':'geometries','title':'Select geometries', ## 'widgetType':'ListChooser', ## 'entries': self.geomList.keys(), ## 'gridcfg':{'rowspan':4,'column':1,'row':0}, ## 'lbwcfg':{'height':5}} ) ## idf.append({'name':'AddIncButton', ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, ## 'wcfg':{'text':'->', ## 'command': CallBackFunction( self.addGeometry, ## (idf))}, ## 'gridcfg':{'column':2,'row':1}}) ## idf.append({'name':'RemoveIncButton', ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, ## 'wcfg':{'text':'<-', ## 'command': CallBackFunction( self.removeGeometry, ## (idf))}, ## 'gridcfg':{'column':2,'row':2}}) ## idf.append({'name':'selectedGeometries','title':'Selected geometries', ## 'widgetType':'ListChooser', ## 'entries': self.geomList.keys(), ## 'lbwcfg':{'height':5}, ## 'gridcfg':{'rowspan':4, 'column':3, 'row':0}}) idf.append({ 'name': 'selectedGeometries', 'widgetType': ListChooser, 'wcfg': { 'title': 'Selected geometries', 'entries': geomsEntries, 'mode': 'single', 'lbwcfg': { 'height': 5, 'exportselection': 0 } }, 'gridcfg': { 'rowspan': 4, 'column': 3, 'row': 0 } }) ## idf.append({'name':'pigment','label':'Pigment ', ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'wcfg':{'width':40}, ## 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2, 'column':0, ## 'row':4, 'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'name': 'pigment', 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': 'Pigment ', 'validate': None, 'entry_width': 40 }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2, 'column': 0, 'row': 4, 'sticky': 'w' } }) ## idf.append({'name':'finish','label':'Finish ', ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'wcfg':{'width':40}, ## 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2, 'column':0, ## 'row':5, 'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({ 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'name': 'finish', 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': 'Finish ', 'validate': None, 'entry_width': 40 }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2, 'column': 0, 'row': 5, 'sticky': 'w' } }) ## idf.append({'name':'scaleLight', ## 'label':'Light scale factor', 'type':float, ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'wcfg':{'width':5}, ## 'defaultValue': '2.0', ## 'gridcfg':{'column':3, 'row':4, 'sticky':'e'}}) idf.append({ 'name': 'scaleLight', 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'type': float, 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': 'Light scale factor', 'validate': 'real', 'value': 2.0, 'entry_width': 5 }, 'gridcfg': { 'column': 3, 'row': 4, 'sticky': 'e' } }) ## idf.append({'name':'scaleImage', ## 'label':'scale Image', 'type':float, ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'wcfg':{'width':5}, ## 'defaultValue': '1.0', ## 'gridcfg':{'column':3, 'row':5, 'sticky':'e'}}) idf.append({ 'name': 'scaleImage', 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'type': float, 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': 'scale Image', 'entry_width': 5, 'validate': 'real', 'value': 1.0 }, 'gridcfg': { 'column': 3, 'row': 5, 'sticky': 'e' } }) ## idf.append({'name':'bondRadius','label':'bond Radius', 'type':float, ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, 'wcfg':{'width':5}, ## 'defaultValue': '0.15', ## 'gridcfg':{'column':3, 'row':6, 'sticky':'e'}}) idf.append({ 'name': 'bondRadius', 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'type': float, 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': 'bond Radius', 'entry_width': 5, 'validate': 'real', 'value': 0.15 }, 'gridcfg': { 'column': 3, 'row': 6, 'sticky': 'e' } }) ## idf.append({'name':'fileName','label':'File Name', ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, ## 'defaultValue':'test.pov', ## 'wcfg':{'width':40}, ## 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2,'column':0,'row':6,'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({ 'name': 'fileName', 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': 'File Name', 'entry_width': 40, 'value': 'test.pov', }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2, 'column': 0, 'row': 6, 'sticky': 'w' } }) ## idf.append({'name':'povrayBin','label':'Povray binary', ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, ## 'defaultValue':'povray', ## 'wcfg':{'width':40}, ## 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2,'column':0,'row':7,'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({ 'name': 'povrayBin', 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': 'Povray binary', 'value': 'povray', 'entry_width': 40 }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2, 'column': 0, 'row': 7, 'sticky': 'w' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'wbg', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue': 1, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'White Background', 'variable': Tkinter.IntVar() }, 'gridcfg': { 'column': 3, 'row': 7, 'sticky': 'e' } }) ## idf.append({'name':'povrayArgs','label':'cmdline arguments', ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, ## 'defaultValue':'+D0 +P +X -V +FN +QR', ## 'wcfg':{'width':40}, ## 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2,'column':0,'row':8,'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({ 'name': 'povrayArgs', 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': 'cmdline arguments', 'value': '+D0', # +P +X -V +FN +QR', 'entry_width': 40 }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2, 'column': 0, 'row': 8, 'sticky': 'w' } }) ## idf.append({'name':'imageFile','label':'image file', ## 'widgetType':Tkinter.Entry, ## 'wcfg':{'width':40}, ## 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2,'column':0,'row':9,'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({ 'name': 'imageFile', 'widgetType': Pmw.EntryField, 'wcfg': { 'labelpos': 'w', 'label_text': 'image file', 'entry_width': 40 }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2, 'column': 0, 'row': 9, 'sticky': 'w' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'WriteFile', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'WriteFile', 'command': self.writeFile }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 1, 'column': 0, 'row': 10, 'sticky': 'ew' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'Render', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Render', 'command': CallBackFunction(self.runPovray, (idf)) }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2, 'column': 1, 'row': 10, 'sticky': 'ew' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'Dismiss', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'Dismiss', 'command': self.dismissCB }, 'gridcfg': { 'column': 3, 'row': 10, 'sticky': 'ew' } }) self.form = self.vf.getUserInput(idf, modal=0, blocking=0) lb = idf.entryByName['selectedGeometries']['widget'].lb lb.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.updateProps, '+') e1 = idf.entryByName['pigment']['widget'] e1.bind("<Return>", self.bindPigment) e2 = idf.entryByName['finish']['widget'] e2.bind("<Return>", self.bindFinish)
def guiCallback(self): if self.form: return self.fileWritten = 0 # get a list of geometries self.geomList = {} = {} for m in self.vf.Mols: for g in m.geomContainer.geoms.values(): if g.visible and g.__class__.__name__ != 'Geom': name = '%s_%s'%(, self.geomList[name] = g[name] = {'pigment':'', 'finish':''} for g in self.vf.GUI.VIEWER.rootObject.children: if g.visible and g.__class__.__name__ != 'Geom': name = self.geomList[name] = g[name] = {'pigment':'', 'finish':''} idf = InputFormDescr(title ="Gelato") geomsEntries = map(lambda x: (x,None),self.geomList.keys()) idf.append({'name':'selectedGeometries', 'widgetType':ListChooser, 'wcfg':{'title':'Selected geometries', 'entries': geomsEntries, 'mode':'multiple', 'lbwcfg':{'height':5,'exportselection':0}}, 'gridcfg':{'rowspan':4, 'column':0, 'row':0}}) from DejaVu.gelato import Shader #shaderD = Shader.ShaderDic #shaderEntries = map(lambda x: (x,None),Shader.ShaderDic.keys()) shaderEntries = Shader.ShaderDic.keys() idf.append({'widgetType':Pmw.ComboBox, 'name':'pigment', 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':'Shader', 'scrolledlist_items' : shaderEntries, 'scrolledlist_listbox_width':7, #'width':40 }, 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2, 'column':0, 'row':4, 'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({'name':'Apply', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'ApplyToSelection','command': self.applyShader}, 'gridcfg':{'column':1, 'row':4,'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({'name':'edit', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'defaultValue':0, 'wcfg':{'text':'Edit','command': self.editShader}, 'gridcfg':{'column':2, 'row':4,'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'name':'finish', 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':'Finish ', 'validate':None, 'entry_width':40}, 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2, 'column':0, 'row':5, 'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({'name':'scaleLight', 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'type':float, 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':'Light scale factor', 'validate':'real', 'value':2.0, 'entry_width':5}, 'gridcfg':{'column':3, 'row':4, 'sticky':'e'}}) idf.append({'name':'scaleImage', 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'type':float, 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':'scale Image', 'entry_width':5, 'validate':'real', 'value':1.0}, 'gridcfg':{'column':3, 'row':5, 'sticky':'e'}}) idf.append({'name':'bondRadius', 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'type':float, 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':'bond Radius', 'entry_width':5, 'validate':'real', 'value': 0.15}, 'gridcfg':{'column':3, 'row':6, 'sticky':'e'}}) idf.append({'name':'fileName', 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':'File Name', 'entry_width':40, 'value':'test.pyg',}, 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2,'column':0,'row':6,'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({'name':'gelatoBin', 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':'Gelato binary', 'value':'gelato', 'entry_width':40}, 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2,'column':0, 'row':7,'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({'name':'wbg', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue':1, 'wcfg':{'text':'White Background', 'variable': Tkinter.IntVar()}, 'gridcfg':{'column':3, 'row':7,'sticky':'e'}}) idf.append({'name':'inter', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Checkbutton, 'defaultValue':0, 'wcfg':{'text':'catmull-clark', 'variable': Tkinter.IntVar()}, 'gridcfg':{'column':3, 'row':8,'sticky':'e'}}) idf.append({'name':'gelatoArgs', 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':'cmdline arguments', 'value':'-iv',# +P +X -V +FN +QR', 'entry_width':40}, 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2,'column':0, 'row':8,'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({'name':'imageFile', 'widgetType':Pmw.EntryField, 'wcfg':{'labelpos':'w', 'label_text':'image file', 'entry_width':40}, 'gridcfg':{'columnspan':2,'column':0, 'row':9,'sticky':'w'}}) idf.append({'name':'WriteFile', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'WriteFile','command': self.writeFile}, 'gridcfg':{'column':0, 'row':10,'sticky':'ew'}}) idf.append({'name':'Render', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'Render', 'command': CallBackFunction( self.runGelato, (idf))}, 'gridcfg':{'column':1, 'row':10,'sticky':'ew'}}) idf.append({'name':'help', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'defaultValue':0, 'wcfg':{'text':'Help','command': self.helpGelato}, 'gridcfg':{'column':2, 'row':10,'sticky':'ew'}}) idf.append({'name':'Dismiss', 'widgetType':Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg':{'text':'Dismiss', 'command':self.dismissCB}, 'gridcfg':{'column':3, 'row':10,'sticky':'ew'}}) self.form = self.vf.getUserInput(idf, modal = 0, blocking = 0) lb = idf.entryByName['selectedGeometries']['widget'].lb lb.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.updateProps, '+') e1 = idf.entryByName['pigment']['widget'] e1.bind("<Return>", self.bindPigment) e2 = idf.entryByName['finish']['widget'] e2.bind("<Return>", self.bindFinish)
def buildForm(self): if self.node is None: return row = 0 column = 0 l1 = Tkinter.Label( #group.interior(), self.gridFrame, text='Label Conf') l2 = Tkinter.Label( #group.interior(), self.gridFrame, text='Widget Conf') l1.grid(row=0, column=0) l2.grid(row=0, column=1) row = row + 1 for i in range(len(self.node().inputPorts)): port = self.node().inputPorts[i] if port.widget is None: continue widgetDescr = port.widget.getDescr() name = group = Pmw.Group( self.gridFrame, tag_text='Widget '+\ #widgetDescr['class']+\ ' '+name) group.grid(row=row, column=column, columnspan=2, padx=6, pady=6, sticky='wens') f1 = Tkinter.Frame(group.interior()) f2 = Tkinter.Frame(group.interior()) cb = CallBackFunction(self.ApplyToOneGrid, self.gridCounter) g1 = OneGrid(f1, port=port, label=True, callback=cb) g2 = OneGrid(f2, port=port, label=False, callback=cb) self.gridCounter += 1 # append to self.grids self.grids.append((g1, g2)) # get current grid_info and set gui accordingly # we do not use widgetDescr, because this might not be up do date! g1.set(port.widget.tklabel.grid_info()) g1.set({ 'labelName': widgetDescr['labelCfg']['text'], 'labelSide': widgetDescr['widgetGridCfg']['labelSide'] }) g2.set(port.widget.widgetFrame.grid_info()) #l1.grid(row=0, column=0) f1.grid(row=2, column=0, padx=6, pady=6) #l2.grid(row=0, column=1) f2.grid(row=2, column=1, padx=6, pady=6) row = row + 1 # add buttons ok = Tkinter.Button(self.buttonFrame, text='Ok', command=self.OK_cb) ok.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='x') apply = Tkinter.Button(self.buttonFrame, text='Apply', command=self.Apply_cb) apply.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='x') cancel = Tkinter.Button(self.buttonFrame, text='Cancel', command=self.Cancel_cb) cancel.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='x')
def __init__(self, master=None, viewerGui=None): if master is None: self.master = Tkinter.Toplevel() self.master.withdraw() self.master.title('Selection Settings') self.master.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.master.withdraw) else: self.master = master self.mainFrame = Tkinter.Frame(self.master, relief='ridge', borderwidth=3) # CONTOUR WIDTH if DejaVu.enableSelectionContour is True: lLabel = Tkinter.Label(self.mainFrame, text='Contour width:') lLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w') self.contourSizeSlider = Slider.Slider(self.mainFrame, minval=0, maxval=10, immediate=1, incr=1, labelformat='%d', cursortype='int') self.contourSizeSlider.frame.grid(row=0, column=1, columnspan=3) def setContourWidthSliderValue_cb(val): DejaVu.selectionContourSize = val viewerGui.viewer.Redraw() self.contourSizeSlider.AddCallback(setContourWidthSliderValue_cb) else: lLabel = Tkinter.Label(self.mainFrame, text='Contour selection is disabled') lLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=3, sticky='w') # BACKGROUND COLOR lLabel = Tkinter.Label(self.mainFrame, text='Contour color:') lLabel.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='w') lFunc = CallBackFunction(viewerGui.colorChooser.showColorChooser, 'selection contour') self.contourColorButton = Tkinter.Button( self.mainFrame, #text='Contour color', width=7, background=TkColor(DejaVu.selectionContourColor), command=lFunc) self.contourColorButton.grid(row=1, column=1, columnspan=3) # PATTERN SIZE lLabel = Tkinter.Label(self.mainFrame, text='Pattern size:') lLabel.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='w') def setPatternSizeSliderValue_cb(val): DejaVu.selectionPatternSize = val viewerGui.viewer.Redraw() self.patternSizeThumbwheel = ThumbWheel( self.mainFrame, width=70, height=16, type=int, value=DejaVu.selectionPatternSize, callback=setPatternSizeSliderValue_cb, continuous=True, oneTurn=10, wheelPad=2, min=0, max=50) self.patternSizeThumbwheel.grid(row=2, column=1, columnspan=3) self.mainFrame.pack(side='top') self.updateWidgets()
def buildPanel(self): # prevent re-creation if self.panel is not None: return root = self.panel = Tkinter.Toplevel() # add menu bar self.menuBar = Tkinter.Menu(root) self.optionsMenu = Tkinter.Menu(self.menuBar, tearoff=0) self.optionsMenu.add_command(label="Hide Search Options", command=self.showHideOptions_cb) self.menuBar.add_cascade(label="Options", menu=self.optionsMenu) root.config(menu=self.menuBar) frame = Tkinter.Frame(root, borderwidth=2, relief='sunken') frame.pack(side='top', expand=1, fill='both') # build infrastructure for search panes with scrolled canvas sFrame = Tkinter.Frame(frame) sFrame.pack(expand=1, fill='both') # add panes self.searchPane = Pmw.PanedWidget(sFrame, orient='horizontal', hull_relief='sunken', hull_width=120, hull_height=120, ) self.searchPane.pack(expand=1, fill="both") searchPane = self.searchPane.add("SearchNodes", min=60) self.searchPane.configurepane("SearchNodes", min=10) usedPane = self.searchPane.add("UsedNodes", min=10) # this is the canvas we use to display found nodes self.searchCanvas = kbScrolledCanvas( searchPane, borderframe=1, #usehullsize=1, hull_width=60, hull_height=80, #vscrollmode='static',#hscrollmode='static', vertscrollbar_width=8, horizscrollbar_width=8, labelpos='n', label_text="Found Nodes", ) self.searchCanvas.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='both') self.editor.idToNodes[self.searchCanvas] = {} # this is the canvas we use to display nodes we have drag-and-dropped # to the network self.libCanvas = kbScrolledCanvas( usedPane, borderframe=1, #usehullsize=1, hull_width=60, hull_height=80, #vscrollmode='static',#hscrollmode='static', vertscrollbar_width=8, horizscrollbar_width=8, labelpos='n', label_text="Used Nodes", ) self.libCanvas.pack(side='right', expand=1, fill='both') self.editor.idToNodes[self.libCanvas] = {} lowerFrame = Tkinter.Frame(frame) lowerFrame.pack() # no expand # add options buttons self.optionsGroup = Pmw.Group(lowerFrame, tag_text="Search Options") self.optionsGroup.grid(row=0,column=0, sticky='we',padx=6, pady=6) cb = Tkinter.Checkbutton(self.optionsGroup.interior(), text="Case sensitive", variable=self.cbVarTk) cb.grid(row=0, column=0, columnspan=2, sticky='we') for i in range(len(self.choices)): b = Tkinter.Radiobutton( self.optionsGroup.interior(), variable = self.choicesVarTk, value=self.choices[i]) l = Tkinter.Label(self.optionsGroup.interior(), text=self.choices[i]) b.grid(row=i+1, column=0, sticky='we') l.grid(row=i+1, column=1, sticky='w') self.choicesVarTk.set(self.choices[1]) # add Entry eFrame = Tkinter.Frame(lowerFrame) eFrame.grid(row=1, column=0, sticky='we') eLabel = Tkinter.Label(eFrame, text='Search string:') eLabel.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='x') entry = Tkinter.Entry(eFrame, textvariable=self.entryVarTk) entry.bind('<Return>', entry.pack(side='right', expand=1, fill='x') # add buttons bFrame = Tkinter.Frame(lowerFrame) bFrame.grid(row=2, column=0, sticky='we') button1 = Tkinter.Button(bFrame, text="Search", relief="raised", command=self.Apply_cb) button2 = Tkinter.Button(bFrame, text="Dismiss", relief="raised", command=self.Cancel_cb) button1.pack(side='left', expand=1, fill='x') button2.pack(side='right', expand=1, fill='x') # Pmw Balloon self.balloons = Pmw.Balloon(master=None, yoffset=10) # Drag-and-Drop callback for searchCanvas cb = CallBackFunction(self.editor.startDNDnode, self.searchCanvas) self.searchCanvas.component('canvas').bind('<Button-1>', cb ) # Drag-and-Drop callback for libCanvas cb = CallBackFunction(self.editor.startDNDnode, self.libCanvas) self.libCanvas.component('canvas').bind('<Button-1>', cb )
def buildMenu(self): = T.Menu(self.widget.master) for k in self.widget.keys(): if k in self.optionWidgets.keys(): cb = CallBackFunction(self.setOption_cb, k), command=cb)
def addTargetsToMenu(menu, maa): for name in _MAATargets.targetNames: cb = CallBackFunction(_MAATargets.addToTarget, name, maa) menu.add_command(label='Add to ' + name, command=cb)
def guiCallback(self): """called each time the 'Delete Selected Atoms' button is pressed""" z = self.vf.getSelection() hats = None if z: ats = z.findType(Atom) if ats: hats = ats.get(lambda x: x.element == 'H') else: self.vf.warningMsg('no atoms selected') return 'ERROR' if hats is None: self.vf.warningMsg('no hydrogens selected') return 'ERROR' #only get to this point if hats if self.vf.undoCmdStack == []: self.doitWrapper(hats, redraw=0) else: text = """WARNING: This command cannot be undone. if you choose to continue the undo list will be reset. Do you want to continue?""" idf = self.idf = InputFormDescr(title="WARNING") idf.append({ 'widgetType': Tkinter.Label, 'wcfg': { 'text': text }, 'gridcfg': { 'columnspan': 2, 'sticky': 'w' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'continueBut', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'CONTINUE', 'command': CallBackFunction(self.continue_cb, hats) }, 'gridcfg': { 'sticky': 'we' } }) idf.append({ 'name': 'cancelBut', 'widgetType': Tkinter.Button, 'wcfg': { 'text': 'CANCEL', 'command': self.cancel_cb }, 'gridcfg': { 'row': -1, 'sticky': 'we' } }) self.form = self.vf.getUserInput(idf, modal=0, blocking=0) self.form.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.cancel_cb)