def povwatch(): if povwatchApp.poll() is not None:'Rendering').getTaskByName( 'Viewer').setImage(povwatchPath) mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')'Rendering complete') mh.removeTimer(povwatchTimer)
def toggleProfiling(self): import profiler if self.actions.profiling.isChecked(): profiler.start() log.notice('profiling started') else: profiler.stop() log.notice('profiling stopped') mh.changeTask('Develop', 'Profile')
def setBackgroundEnabled(self, enable): if enable: if self.isBackgroundSet(): self.setBackgroundImage(self.getCurrentSide()) self.backgroundImageToggle.setChecked(True) mh.redraw() else: mh.changeTask('Textures', 'Background') else: # Disable self.backgroundImage.hide() self.backgroundImageToggle.setChecked(False) mh.redraw()
def povwatch(): if povwatchApp.poll() is not None: if os.path.exists(povwatchPath): imgpath = os.path.join(path, settings['name'] + '.png') shutil.move(povwatchPath, imgpath)'Rendering').getTaskByName( 'Viewer').setImage(imgpath) mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')'Rendering complete. Output path: %s' % imgpath) else: log.notice("POV - Ray did not produce an output file!")'Rendering failed!') mh.removeTimer(povwatchTimer)
def onClicked(event): mh.changeTask('Settings', 'Background')
def gotoshell(): mh.changeTask('Utilities', 'Shell')
def gotodefaultshell(self): mh.changeTask('Utilities', 'Shell')
def onClicked(event): mh.changeTask('Textures', 'Background')
def Render(settings): progress = Progress.begin() if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data") import material human = materialBackup = material.Material(human.material) progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps") diffuse = imgop.Image(data=human.material.diffuseTexture) lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(settings['scene'], border=human.material.sssRScale) progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering") lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13) progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering") lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13) lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap]) if not diffuse.isEmpty: progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures") lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) progress(0.8, 0.9) lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse) lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture" progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer") human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap human.configureShading(diffuse=True) human.shadeless = True progress(0.95, 0.98, None) else: progress(0, 0.99, None) if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer log.message("Fallback render: grab screen") img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) alphaImg = None else: # Render to framebuffer object renderprog = Progress() renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering") width, height = settings['dimensions'] log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height) if settings['AA']: width = width * 2 height = height * 2 img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height) alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height) img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0)) if settings['AA']: renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing") # Resize to 50% using bi-linear filtering img = img.resized(width / 2, height / 2, filter=image.FILTER_BILINEAR) # TODO still haven't figured out where components get swapped, but this hack appears to be necessary[:, :, :] =[:, :, (2, 1, 0, 3)] renderprog.finish() if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data") human.material = materialBackup progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')'Rendering').getTaskByName('Viewer').setImage(img) mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')'Rendering complete')
def __init__(self, category): super(ShellTaskView, self).__init__(category, 'Shell') self.globals = {'G': G} self.history = [] self.histitem = None #Register shortcut Shift S for the shell tab action = gui.Action('shell', language.getLanguageString('Python Shell'), lambda: mh.changeTask('Utilities', 'Shell')) mh.setShortcut(mh.Modifiers.SHIFT, mh.Keys.s, action) if hasIpython: # Use the more advanced Ipython console self.console = self.addTopWidget(ipythonconsole.IPythonConsoleWidget()) else: # Fall back to old console self.console = None self.main = self.addTopWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget()) self.layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.main) self.layout.setRowStretch(0, 0) self.layout.setRowStretch(1, 0) self.layout.setColumnStretch(0, 1) self.layout.setColumnStretch(1, 0) self.text = gui.DocumentEdit() self.text.setSizePolicy( QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Expanding) self.layout.addWidget(self.text, 0, 0, 1, 2) self.line = ShellTextEdit() self.line.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.StrongFocus) self.layout.addWidget(self.line, 1, 0, 1, 1) self.globals = {'G': G} self.clear = gui.Button("Clear") self.layout.addWidget(self.clear, 1, 1, 1, 1) @self.line.mhEvent def onActivate(text): self.execute(text) self.history.append(text) self.histitem = None self.line.setText('') @self.line.mhEvent def onTabPressed(edit): def _longest_common_substring(s1, s2): """ This is simply the O(n) left-aligned version """ limit = min(len(s1), len(s2)) i = 0 while i < limit and s1[i] == s2[i]: i += 1 return s1[:i] def _largest_common(strings): strings = list(strings) try: strings.remove('...') except: pass if len(strings) == 0: return "" elif len(strings) == 1: return strings[0] else: result = strings[0] for s in strings[1:]: result = _longest_common_substring(result, s) return result line = edit.getText() suggestions = self.getSuggestions(line) if len(suggestions) == 0: return if len(suggestions) > 1: self.write('\n'.join(suggestions)+"\n") scrollbar = self.text.verticalScrollBar() scrollbar.setSliderPosition(scrollbar.maximum()) edit.setText(_largest_common(suggestions)) elif len(suggestions) == 1: edit.setText(suggestions[0]) @self.clear.mhEvent def onClicked(event): self.clearText() @self.line.mhEvent def onUpArrow(_dummy): self.upArrow() @self.line.mhEvent def onDownArrow(_dummy): self.downArrow()
def goToExport(self): mh.changeTask("Files", "Export") self.redraw()
def goToLoad(self): mh.changeTask("Files", "Load") self.redraw()
def goToSave(self): mh.changeTask("Files", "Save") self.redraw()
def Render(settings): progress = Progress.begin() if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): settings['dimensions'] = (G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0, 0.05, "Storing data") import material human = materialBackup = material.Material(human.material) progress(0.05, 0.1, "Projecting lightmaps") diffuse = imgop.Image(data=human.material.diffuseTexture) lmap = projection.mapSceneLighting(settings['scene'], border=human.material.sssRScale) progress(0.1, 0.4, "Applying medium scattering") lmapG = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssGScale, 13) progress(0.4, 0.7, "Applying high scattering") lmapR = imgop.blurred(lmap, human.material.sssRScale, 13) lmap = imgop.compose([lmapR, lmapG, lmap]) if not diffuse.isEmpty: progress(0.7, 0.8, "Combining textures") lmap = imgop.resized(lmap, diffuse.width, diffuse.height) progress(0.8, 0.9) lmap = imgop.multiply(lmap, diffuse) lmap.sourcePath = "Internal_Renderer_Lightmap_SSS_Texture" progress(0.9, 0.95, "Setting up renderer") human.material.diffuseTexture = lmap human.mesh.configureShading(diffuse=True) human.mesh.shadeless = True progress(0.95, 0.98, None) else: progress(0, 0.99, None) if not mh.hasRenderToRenderbuffer(): # Limited fallback mode, read from screen buffer log.message("Fallback render: grab screen") img = mh.grabScreen(0, 0, G.windowWidth, G.windowHeight) alphaImg = None else: # Render to framebuffer object renderprog = Progress() renderprog(0, 0.99 - 0.59 * settings['AA'], "Rendering") width, height = settings['dimensions'] log.message("Rendering at %sx%s", width, height) if settings['AA']: width = width * 2 height = height * 2 img = mh.renderToBuffer(width, height) alphaImg = mh.renderAlphaMask(width, height) img = imgop.addAlpha(img, imgop.getChannel(alphaImg, 0)) if settings['AA']: renderprog(0.4, 0.99, "AntiAliasing") # Resize to 50% using Qt image class qtImg = img.toQImage() del img # Bilinear filtered resize for anti-aliasing scaledImg = qtImg.scaled( width / 2, height / 2, transformMode=gui.QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation) del qtImg img = scaledImg #img = image.Image(scaledImg) # Convert back to MH image #del scaledImg renderprog.finish() if settings['lightmapSSS']: progress(0.98, 0.99, "Restoring data") human.material = materialBackup progress(1, None, 'Rendering complete')'Rendering').getTaskByName('Viewer').setImage(img) mh.changeTask('Rendering', 'Viewer')'Rendering complete.')