def subst_mhs(mhs, targets, opts):
    Perform AXI Stream source/sink substitutions

    def get_override(overrides, name, inst):
        Returns override by instance if one exists, failing which, by core,
        failing which, by default, failing which, None.
        if inst in overrides:
            return overrides[inst]
        if name in overrides:
            return overrides[name]
        if "" in overrides:
            return overrides[""]
        return None

    def do_subst(index, ent):
        Perform substitution with nf10_axis_sim_{record,stim}.
        global result
        global result_1
        global result_2
        core_name = ent.core_name()
        core_inst = mhstools.get_parameter(ent, "INSTANCE")
        m_width = mhstools.get_parameter(ent, "C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH")
        s_width = mhstools.get_parameter(ent, "C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH")
        mhstools.set_disabled_flag(ent, True)
        print "Replacing pcore %s (instance %s):" % (core_name, core_inst)

        # Attempt to infer the correct clock and reset nets
        ports = mhstools.get_ents_by_kw(ent, "PORT")

        clock_net = get_override(opts.clocks, core_name, core_inst)
        if clock_net is None:
            clocks = filter(lambda x: clk_re.match(x[0]), ports)
            if len(clocks) == 0:
                print "\terror: failed to infer clock - no candidates found"
                return False
            if len(clocks) > 1:
                print "\terror: failed to infer clock - ambiguous possibilities:"
                print "\t\t%s" % "\n\t\t".join(["%s (net %s)" % x for x in clocks])
                return False
            clock_net = clocks[0][1]
            if clock_net in opts.xlate:
                clock_net = opts.xlate[clock_net]
            print "\tinferred clock net: %s" % clock_net
            print "\tusing clock net override: %s" % clock_net

        reset_net = get_override(opts.resets, core_name, core_inst)
        if reset_net is None:
            resets = filter(lambda x: rst_re.match(x[0]), ports)
            if len(resets) == 0:
                print "\terror: failed to infer reset - no candidates found"
                return False
            if len(resets) > 1:
                print "\terror: failed to infer reset - ambiguous possibilities:"
                print "\t\t%s" % "\n\t\t".join(["%s (net %s)" % x for x in resets])
                return False
            reset_net = resets[0][1]
            if reset_net in opts.xlate:
                reset_net = opts.xlate[reset_net]
            print "\tinferred reset net: %s" % reset_net
            print "\tusing reset net override: %s" % reset_net

        # Find any AXI Stream ports, and what they're attached to
        bus_args = mhstools.get_ents_by_kw(ent, "BUS_INTERFACE")
        s_axis_nets = [net for cls, net in filter(lambda av: s_axis_re.match(av[0]), bus_args)]
        m_axis_nets = [net for cls, net in filter(lambda av: m_axis_re.match(av[0]), bus_args)]

        # Insert stimulator and recorder cores for AXI Stream nets attached to this entity
        if not s_axis_nets and not m_axis_nets:
            print "\twarning: no AXI Stream nets found, even though core is a candidate\n"
            return True
        if s_axis_nets:
            print "\tnf10_axis_sim_record instance(s) on AXI Stream master net(s):"
            for netno, net in enumerate(s_axis_nets):
                # Attempt to infer correct width parameter
                    other = mhstools.get_other_inst(mhs, ent, net)
                except mhstools.TooManyError, e:
                    print "error: more than one other instance attached to net %s." % net
                    print "       instance name (core name) found:"
                    print "\t\t%s" % "\n\t\t".join(
                        ["%s (%s)" % (mhstools.get_parameter(x, "INSTANCE"), x.core_name()) for x in e.ents]
                    return False
                if not other:
                    print "\twarning: nothing else attached to net %s" % net
                    return True
                other_width = mhstools.get_parameter(other, "C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH")
                if other_width is not None and s_width is not None and other_width != s_width:
                    print "error: width of attached instance's port disagrees with this instance"
                    print "       net %s" % net
                    print "       this inst = %s, inst %s = %s" % (
                        mhstools.get_parameter(other, "INSTANCE"),
                    return False
                width = s_width if other_width is None else other_width

                # Perform substitution
                inst_name_log = "record_%s" % net
                result = result + " & " + "record_%s_activity_rec" % net
                axi_file = os.path.join(
                    opts.axi_path, "%s%s_log.axi" % (core_inst, "_%d" % netno if len(m_axis_nets) != 1 else "")
                    index + 1,
                    "Replacing core %s (instance %s)" % (core_name, core_inst),
                print "\t\t%s (%s)" % (net, axi_file)
        if m_axis_nets:
            print "\tnf10_axis_sim_stim instance(s) on AXI Stream slave net(s):"
            for netno, net in enumerate(m_axis_nets):
                # Attempt to infer correct width parameter
                    other = mhstools.get_other_inst(mhs, ent, net)
                except mhstools.TooManyError, e:
                    print "error: more than one other instance attached to net %s." % net
                    print "       instance name (core name) found:"
                    print "\t\t%s" % "\n\t\t".join(
                        ["%s (%s)" % (mhstools.get_parameter(x, "INSTANCE"), x.core_name()) for x in e.ents]
                    return False
                if not other:
                    print "\twarning: nothing else attached to net %s" % net
                    return True
                other_width = mhstools.get_parameter(other, "C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH")
                if other_width is not None and m_width is not None and other_width != m_width:
                    print "error: width of attached instance's port disagrees with this instance"
                    print "       net %s" % net
                    print "       this inst = %s, inst %s = %s" % (
                        mhstools.get_parameter(other, "INSTANCE"),
                    return False
                width = m_width if other_width is None else other_width

                # Perform substitution
                inst_name = "stim_%s" % net
                result_1 = result_1 + " & " + "stim_%s_activity_stim" % net
                result_2 = result_2 + " & " + "stim_%s_barrier_req" % net
                axi_file = os.path.join(
                    opts.axi_path, "%s%s_stim.axi" % (core_inst, "_%d" % netno if len(m_axis_nets) != 1 else "")
                    index + 1,
                    "Replacing core %s (instance %s)" % (core_name, core_inst),
                print "\t\t%s (%s)" % (net, axi_file)
    def do_subst( index, ent ):
        Perform substitution with nf10_axis_sim_{record,stim}.
	global result
	global result_1
	global result_2        
	core_name = ent.core_name()
        core_inst = mhstools.get_parameter( ent, 'INSTANCE' )
        m_width   = mhstools.get_parameter( ent, 'C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH' )
        s_width   = mhstools.get_parameter( ent, 'C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH' )
        mhstools.set_disabled_flag( ent, True )
        print 'Replacing pcore %s (instance %s):' % (core_name, core_inst)

        # Attempt to infer the correct clock and reset nets
        ports = mhstools.get_ents_by_kw( ent, 'PORT' )

        clock_net = get_override( opts.clocks, core_name, core_inst )
        if clock_net is None:
            clocks = filter( lambda x: clk_re.match(x[0]), ports )
            if len(clocks) == 0:
                print '\terror: failed to infer clock - no candidates found'
                return False
            if len(clocks) > 1:
                print '\terror: failed to infer clock - ambiguous possibilities:'
                print '\t\t%s' % '\n\t\t'.join( ['%s (net %s)' % x for x in clocks] )
                return False
            clock_net = clocks[0][1]
            if clock_net in opts.xlate:
                clock_net = opts.xlate[clock_net]
            print '\tinferred clock net: %s' % clock_net
            print '\tusing clock net override: %s' % clock_net

        reset_net = get_override( opts.resets, core_name, core_inst )
        if reset_net is None:
            resets = filter( lambda x: rst_re.match(x[0]), ports )
            if len(resets) == 0:
                print '\terror: failed to infer reset - no candidates found'
                return False
            if len(resets) > 1:
                print '\terror: failed to infer reset - ambiguous possibilities:'
                print '\t\t%s' % '\n\t\t'.join( ['%s (net %s)' % x for x in resets] )
                return False
            reset_net = resets[0][1]
            if reset_net in opts.xlate:
                reset_net = opts.xlate[reset_net]
            print '\tinferred reset net: %s' % reset_net
            print '\tusing reset net override: %s' % reset_net

        # Find any AXI Stream ports, and what they're attached to
        bus_args = mhstools.get_ents_by_kw( ent, 'BUS_INTERFACE' )
        s_axis_nets = [net for cls, net in filter( lambda av: s_axis_re.match( av[0] ), bus_args )]
        m_axis_nets = [net for cls, net in filter( lambda av: m_axis_re.match( av[0] ), bus_args )]

        # Insert stimulator and recorder cores for AXI Stream nets attached to this entity
        if not s_axis_nets and not m_axis_nets:
            print '\twarning: no AXI Stream nets found, even though core is a candidate\n'
            return True
        if s_axis_nets:
            print '\tnf10_axis_sim_record instance(s) on AXI Stream master net(s):'
            for netno, net in enumerate(s_axis_nets):
                # Attempt to infer correct width parameter
                    other = mhstools.get_other_inst( mhs, ent, net )
                except mhstools.TooManyError, e:
                    print 'error: more than one other instance attached to net %s.' % net
                    print '       instance name (core name) found:'
                    print '\t\t%s' % '\n\t\t'.join( ['%s (%s)' % (
                                                    mhstools.get_parameter( x, 'INSTANCE'),
                                                    x.core_name()) for x in e.ents] )
                    return False
                if not other:
                    print '\twarning: nothing else attached to net %s' % net
                    return True
                other_width = mhstools.get_parameter( other, 'C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH' )
                if other_width is not None and s_width is not None and other_width != s_width:
                    print 'error: width of attached instance\'s port disagrees with this instance'
                    print '       net %s' % net
                    print '       this inst = %s, inst %s = %s' % (s_width,
                                                                   mhstools.get_parameter(other, 'INSTANCE'),
                    return False
                width = (s_width if other_width is None else other_width)

                # Perform substitution
                inst_name_log = 'record_%s' % net
		result = result + ' & ' + 'record_%s_activity_rec' % net
                axi_file  = os.path.join( opts.axi_path, '%s%s_log.axi' % (core_inst,
                                                  '_%d' % netno if len(m_axis_nets) != 1 else '' ) )
                insert_recorder( mhs, index+1,
                                 'Replacing core %s (instance %s)' % (core_name, core_inst),
                                 inst_name_log, RECORDER_VER, axi_file, width, net, clock_net )
                print '\t\t%s (%s)' % (net, axi_file)
    def do_subst( index, ent ):
        Perform substitution with nf10_axis_sim_{record,stim}.
	global result
	global result_1
	global result_2        
	core_name = ent.core_name()
        core_inst = mhstools.get_parameter( ent, 'INSTANCE' )
        m_width   = mhstools.get_parameter( ent, 'C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH' )
        s_width   = mhstools.get_parameter( ent, 'C_S_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH' )
        mhstools.set_disabled_flag( ent, True )
        print 'Replacing pcore %s (instance %s):' % (core_name, core_inst)

        # Attempt to infer the correct clock and reset nets
        ports = mhstools.get_ents_by_kw( ent, 'PORT' )

        clock_net = get_override( opts.clocks, core_name, core_inst )
        if clock_net is None:
            clocks = filter( lambda x: clk_re.match(x[0]), ports )
            if len(clocks) == 0:
                print '\terror: failed to infer clock - no candidates found'
                return False
            if len(clocks) > 1:
                print '\terror: failed to infer clock - ambiguous possibilities:'
                print '\t\t%s' % '\n\t\t'.join( ['%s (net %s)' % x for x in clocks] )
                return False
            clock_net = clocks[0][1]
            if clock_net in opts.xlate:
                clock_net = opts.xlate[clock_net]
            print '\tinferred clock net: %s' % clock_net
            print '\tusing clock net override: %s' % clock_net

        reset_net = get_override( opts.resets, core_name, core_inst )
        if reset_net is None:
            resets = filter( lambda x: rst_re.match(x[0]), ports )
            if len(resets) == 0:
                print '\terror: failed to infer reset - no candidates found'
                return False
            if len(resets) > 1:
                print '\terror: failed to infer reset - ambiguous possibilities:'
                print '\t\t%s' % '\n\t\t'.join( ['%s (net %s)' % x for x in resets] )
                return False
            reset_net = resets[0][1]
            if reset_net in opts.xlate:
                reset_net = opts.xlate[reset_net]
            print '\tinferred reset net: %s' % reset_net
            print '\tusing reset net override: %s' % reset_net

        # Find any AXI Stream ports, and what they're attached to
        bus_args = mhstools.get_ents_by_kw( ent, 'BUS_INTERFACE' )
        s_axis_nets = [net for cls, net in filter( lambda av: s_axis_re.match( av[0] ), bus_args )]
        m_axis_nets = [net for cls, net in filter( lambda av: m_axis_re.match( av[0] ), bus_args )]

        # Insert stimulator and recorder cores for AXI Stream nets attached to this entity
        if not s_axis_nets and not m_axis_nets:
            print '\twarning: no AXI Stream nets found, even though core is a candidate\n'
            return True
        if s_axis_nets:
            print '\tnf10_axis_sim_record instance(s) on AXI Stream master net(s):'
            for netno, net in enumerate(s_axis_nets):
                # Attempt to infer correct width parameter
                    other = mhstools.get_other_inst( mhs, ent, net )
                except mhstools.TooManyError, e:
                    print 'error: more than one other instance attached to net %s.' % net
                    print '       instance name (core name) found:'
                    print '\t\t%s' % '\n\t\t'.join( ['%s (%s)' % (
                                                    mhstools.get_parameter( x, 'INSTANCE'),
                                                    x.core_name()) for x in e.ents] )
                    return False
                if not other:
                    print '\twarning: nothing else attached to net %s' % net
                    return True
                other_width = mhstools.get_parameter( other, 'C_M_AXIS_DATA_WIDTH' )
                if other_width is not None and s_width is not None and other_width != s_width:
                    print 'error: width of attached instance\'s port disagrees with this instance'
                    print '       net %s' % net
                    print '       this inst = %s, inst %s = %s' % (s_width,
                                                                   mhstools.get_parameter(other, 'INSTANCE'),
                    return False
                width = (s_width if other_width is None else other_width)

                # Perform substitution
                inst_name_log = 'record_%s' % net
		result = result + ' & ' + 'record_%s_activity_rec' % net
                axi_file  = os.path.join( opts.axi_path, '%s%s_log.axi' % (core_inst,
                                                  '_%d' % netno if len(m_axis_nets) != 1 else '' ) )
                insert_recorder( mhs, index+1,
                                 'Replacing core %s (instance %s)' % (core_name, core_inst),
                                 inst_name_log, RECORDER_VER, axi_file, width, net, clock_net )
                print '\t\t%s (%s)' % (net, axi_file)