    def get_attribute_values(self, attrs):
        log.debug("get_attribute_values: attrs=%s", attrs)

        if not isinstance(attrs, (list, tuple)):
            raise PlatformException('get_attribute_values: attrs argument must be a '
                                    'list [(attrName, from_time), ...]. Given: %s', attrs)

        # convert the ION system time from_time to NTP, as this is the time
        # format used by the RSN OMS interface:
        attrs_ntp = [(attr_id, ion_ts_2_ntp(from_time))
                     for (attr_id, from_time) in attrs]

            retval = self._rsn_oms.attr.get_platform_attribute_values(self._platform_id,
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot get_platform_attribute_values: %s" % str(e))

        if not self._platform_id in retval:
            raise PlatformException("Unexpected: response does not include "
                                    "requested platform '%s'" % self._platform_id)

        attr_values = retval[self._platform_id]

        # reported timestamps are already in NTP. Just return the dict:
        return attr_values
    def _handler_connected_set_port_over_current_limits(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise PlatformException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing port_id argument')

        milliamps = kwargs.get('milliamps', None)
        if milliamps is None:
            raise PlatformException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing milliamps argument')

        microseconds = kwargs.get('microseconds', None)
        if milliamps is None:
            raise PlatformException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing microseconds argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise PlatformException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.set_overcurrent_limit(port_id, milliamps, microseconds, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.SET_PORT_OVER_CURRENT_LIMITS,
                                         args, kwargs, e)
    def _verify_response(response, key=None, msg=None):
        if key is not None:
            if key not in response:
                raise PlatformException("Error in %s response: %r" % (msg, response))
            response = response[key]

        if not response.startswith('OK'):
            raise PlatformException("Error in %s for key %s: %r" % (msg, key, response))
        def _verify_response(rsp):
                message = rsp[port_id]

                if not message.startswith('OK'):
                    raise PlatformException(
                        msg="Error in setting overcurrent for port %s: %s" %
                        (port_id, message))
            except KeyError:
                raise PlatformException(msg="Error in response: %s" % rsp)
        def _verify_response(rsp):
                message = rsp[mission_name]

                if not message.startswith('OK'):
                    raise PlatformException(
                        msg="Error in starting mission %s: %s" %
                        (mission_name, message))
            except KeyError:
                raise PlatformException(
                    msg="Error in starting mission response: %s" % rsp)
    def get_attribute_values(self, attrs):
        if not isinstance(attrs, (list, tuple)):
            raise PlatformException(
                'get_attribute_values: attrs argument must be a '
                'list [(attrName, from_time), ...]. Given: %s', attrs)

        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                "Cannot get_platform_attribute_values: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)"

        # convert the ION system time from_time to NTP, as this is the time
        # format used by the RSN OMS interface:

        # also convert the ION parameter names to RSN attribute IDs
        attrs_ntp = [(self.nodeCfgFile.GetAttrFromParameter(attr_id),
                     for (attr_id, from_time) in attrs]

        log.debug("get_attribute_values(ntp): attrs=%s", attrs_ntp)

            retval = self._rsn_oms.attr.get_platform_attribute_values(
                self._platform_id, attrs_ntp)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="Cannot get_platform_attribute_values: %s" % str(e))

        if not self._platform_id in retval:
            raise PlatformException("Unexpected: response does not include "
                                    "requested platform '%s'" %

        attr_values = retval[self._platform_id]

        attrs_return = {}

        #convert back to ION parameter name and scale from OMS to ION
        for key in attr_values:
            newAttrList = []
            scaleFactor = self.nodeCfgFile.GetScaleFactorFromAttr(key)
            for v, ts in attr_values[key]:
                newAttrList.append((v * scaleFactor, ts))
                key)] = newAttrList

        log.debug("Back to ION=%s", attrs_return)

        # reported timestamps are already in NTP. Just return the dict:
        return attrs_return
    def _handler_connected_turn_off_port(self, *args, **kwargs):
        port_id = kwargs.get('port_id', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise PlatformException('turn_off_port: missing port_id argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if port_id is None:
            raise PlatformException('turn_off_port: missing src argument')

            result = self.turn_off_port(port_id, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.TURN_OFF_PORT,
                                         args, kwargs, e)
    def _handler_connected_stop_profiler_mission(self, *args, **kwargs):
        flag = kwargs.get('flag', None)
        if flag is None:
            raise PlatformException('_handler_connected_stop_profiler_mission: missing flag argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise PlatformException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.stop_profiler_mission(flag, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.STOP_PROFILER_MISSION,
                                         args, kwargs, e)
    def _handler_connected_start_profiler_mission(self, *args, **kwargs):
        profile_mission_name = kwargs.get('profile_mission_name')
        if profile_mission_name is None:
            raise PlatformException('start_profiler_mission: missing profile_mission_name argument')

        src = kwargs.get('src', None)
        if src is None:
            raise PlatformException('set_port_over_current_limits: missing src argument')

            result = self.start_profiler_mission(profile_mission_name, src)
            return None, result

        except PlatformConnectionException as e:
            return self._connection_lost(RSNPlatformDriverEvent.START_PROFILER_MISSION,
                                         args, kwargs, e)
    def _verify_platform_id_in_response(self, response):
        Verifies the presence of my platform_id in the response.

        @param response Dictionary returned by _rsn_oms

        @retval response[self._platform_id]
        if not self._platform_id in response:
            msg = "unexpected: response does not contain entry for %r" % self._platform_id
            raise PlatformException(msg=msg)

        if response[self._platform_id] == InvalidResponse.PLATFORM_ID:
            msg = "response reports invalid platform_id for %r" % self._platform_id
            raise PlatformException(msg=msg)
            return response[self._platform_id]
    def set_attribute_values(self, attrs):
        if self._rsn_oms is None:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                "Cannot set_platform_attribute_values: _rsn_oms object required (created via connect() call)"

        error_vals = self._validate_set_attribute_values(attrs)
        if len(error_vals) > 0:
            # remove offending attributes for the request below
            attrs_dict = dict(attrs)
            for bad_attr_name in error_vals:
                del attrs_dict[bad_attr_name]

            # no good attributes at all?
            if len(attrs_dict) == 0:
                # just immediately return with the errors:
                return error_vals

            # else: update attrs with the good attributes:
            attrs = attrs_dict.items()

        # ok, now make the request to RSN OMS:
            retval = self._rsn_oms.attr.set_platform_attribute_values(
                self._platform_id, attrs)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                msg="Cannot set_platform_attribute_values: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("set_platform_attribute_values = %s", retval)

        if not self._platform_id in retval:
            raise PlatformException("Unexpected: response does not include "
                                    "requested platform '%s'" %

        attr_values = retval[self._platform_id]

        # Note that the reported timestamps are in NTP.
        # (Timestamps indicate the time when the value was set for each attribute.)

        # ret_attr_values: dictionary to return, initialized with the error ones
        # determined above, if any:
        ret_attr_values = error_vals

        # add the info returned from RSN OMS:
        for attr_name, attr_val_ts in attr_values.iteritems():
            ret_attr_values[attr_name] = attr_val_ts

        log.debug("set_attribute_values: returning %s", ret_attr_values)

        return ret_attr_values
        def _verify_returned_dict(attr_dict):
                for key in attr_dict.iterkeys():
                    value_list = attr_dict[key]
                    if value_list == 'INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_ID':

                    if not isinstance(value_list, list):
                        raise PlatformException(
                            msg="Error in getting values for attribute %s.  %s"
                            % (key, value_list))

                    if value_list and value_list[0][
                            0] == "ERROR_DATA_REQUEST_TOO_FAR_IN_PAST":
                        raise PlatformException(
                            msg="Time requested for %s too far in the past" %
            except AttributeError:
                raise PlatformException(
                    msg="Error returned in requesting attributes: %s" %
    def _fetch_attrs(proxy, platform_id, attrs):
        with stopwatch(label='get_platform_attribute_values: %s' % platform_id, logger=log.info):
                response = proxy.attr.get_platform_attribute_values(platform_id, attrs).get(platform_id, {})
            except socket.error:
                log.exception('Error connecting to OMS')
                response = {}

        return_dict = {}
        count = 0
        for key, value_list in response.iteritems():
            if value_list == 'INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_ID':
            if not isinstance(value_list, list):
                raise PlatformException(msg="Error in getting values for attribute %s.  %s" % (key, value_list))
            if value_list and value_list[0][0] == "ERROR_DATA_REQUEST_TOO_FAR_IN_PAST":
                raise PlatformException(msg="Time requested for %s too far in the past" % key)
            return_dict[key] = value_list
            count += len(value_list)
        log.info('_fetch_attrs %s returning %d items', platform_id, count)
        return return_dict
    def execute(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        Executes the given command.

        @param cmd   command

        @return  result of the execution

        if self.read_only_mode:
            raise  PlatformException("Command %s not executed: Platform in READ ONLY mode." % cmd)

        return self._fsm.on_event(cmd, *args, **kwargs)
    def get_attribute_values_from_oms(self, attrs):
        Fetch values from the OMS
        :param attrs:
        if not isinstance(attrs, (list, tuple)):
            msg = 'get_attribute_values: attrs argument must be a list [(attrName, from_time), ...]. Given: %s' % attrs
            raise PlatformException(msg)

        response = None

            response = self._rsn_oms.attr.get_platform_attribute_values(
                self._platform_id, attrs)
            response = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)
            return_dict = {}
            for key in response:
                value_list = response[key]
                if value_list == 'INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_ID':

                if not isinstance(value_list, list):
                    raise PlatformException(
                        msg="Error in getting values for attribute %s.  %s" %
                        (key, value_list))
                if value_list and value_list[0][
                        0] == "ERROR_DATA_REQUEST_TOO_FAR_IN_PAST":
                    raise PlatformException(
                        msg="Time requested for %s too far in the past" % key)
                return_dict[key] = value_list
            return return_dict

        except (Fault, ProtocolError, SocketError) as e:
            msg = "get_attribute_values_from_oms Cannot get_platform_attribute_values: %s" % e
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg)
        except AttributeError:
            msg = "Error returned in requesting attributes: %s" % response
            raise PlatformException(msg)
    def get_attribute_values_from_oms(self, attrs):
        def _verify_returned_dict(attr_dict):
                for key in attr_dict.iterkeys():
                    value_list = attr_dict[key]
                    if value_list == 'INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_ID':

                    if not isinstance(value_list, list):
                        raise PlatformException(
                            msg="Error in getting values for attribute %s.  %s"
                            % (key, value_list))

                    if value_list and value_list[0][
                            0] == "ERROR_DATA_REQUEST_TOO_FAR_IN_PAST":
                        raise PlatformException(
                            msg="Time requested for %s too far in the past" %
            except AttributeError:
                raise PlatformException(
                    msg="Error returned in requesting attributes: %s" %

        if not isinstance(attrs, (list, tuple)):
            raise PlatformException(
                'get_attribute_values: attrs argument must be a '
                'list [(attrName, from_time), ...]. Given: %s', attrs)


        log.debug("get_attribute_values: attrs=%s", self._platform_id)
        log.debug("get_attribute_values: attrs=%s", attrs)

            response = self._rsn_oms.attr.get_platform_attribute_values(
                self._platform_id, attrs)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(
                "get_attribute_values_from_oms Cannot get_platform_attribute_values: %s"
                % str(e))

        dic_plat = self._verify_platform_id_in_response(response)

        # reported timestamps are already in NTP. Just return the dict:
        return dic_plat
    def get_metadata(self):
            retval = self._rsn_oms.config.get_platform_metadata(self._platform_id)
        except Exception as e:
            raise PlatformConnectionException(msg="Cannot get_platform_metadata: %s" % str(e))

        log.debug("get_platform_metadata = %s", retval)

        if not self._platform_id in retval:
            raise PlatformException("Unexpected: response does not include "
                                    "requested platform '%s'" % self._platform_id)

        md = retval[self._platform_id]
        return md
 def _verify_response(rsp):
     if not rsp.startswith('OK'):
         raise PlatformException(msg="Error in stopping profiler: %s" %