def return_from_seh(jitter):
    """Handle the return from an exception handler
    @jitter: jitter instance"""

    # Get object addresses
    seh_address = jitter.vm.get_u32(jitter.cpu.ESP + 0x4)
    context_address = jitter.vm.get_u32(jitter.cpu.ESP + 0x8)

    # Get registers changes
    log.info('Context address: %x', context_address)
    status = jitter.cpu.EAX
    ctxt2regs(jitter, context_address)

    # Rebuild SEH (remove fake SEH)
    tib = NT_TIB(jitter.vm, tib_address)
    seh = tib.ExceptionList.deref
    log.info('Old seh: %x New seh: %x', seh.get_addr(), seh.Next.val)
    tib.ExceptionList.val = seh.Next.val

    # Handle returned values
    if status == 0x0:
        # ExceptionContinueExecution
        log.info('SEH continue')
        jitter.pc = jitter.cpu.EIP
        log.info('Context::Eip: %x', jitter.pc)

    elif status == 1:
        # ExceptionContinueSearch
        log.info("Delegate to the next SEH handler")
        # exception_base_address: context_address - 0xfc
        # -> exception_record_address: exception_base_address + 0xe8
        exception_record = EXCEPTION_RECORD(jitter.vm,
                                            context_address - 0xfc + 0xe8)

        pc = fake_seh_handler(jitter, exception_record.ExceptionCode,
        jitter.pc = pc

        # https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa260344%28v=vs.60%29.aspx
        # But the type _EXCEPTION_DISPOSITION may take 2 others values:
        #  - ExceptionNestedException = 2
        #  - ExceptionCollidedUnwind = 3
        raise ValueError("Valid values are ExceptionContinueExecution and "

    # Jitter's breakpoint compliant
    return True
def fake_seh_handler(jitter, except_code, previous_seh=None):
    Create an exception context
    @jitter: jitter instance
    @except_code: x86 exception code
    @previous_seh: (optional) last SEH address when multiple SEH are used
    global seh_count
    log.warning('Exception at %x %r', jitter.cpu.EIP, seh_count)
    seh_count += 1

    # Get space on stack for exception handling
    new_ESP = jitter.cpu.ESP - 0x3c8
    exception_base_address = new_ESP
    exception_record_address = exception_base_address + 0xe8
    context_address = exception_base_address + 0xfc
    fake_seh_address = exception_base_address + 0x14

    # Save a CONTEXT
    regs2ctxt(jitter, context_address)
    jitter.cpu.ESP = new_ESP

    # Get current seh (fs:[0])
    tib = NT_TIB(jitter.vm, tib_address)
    seh = tib.ExceptionList.deref
    if previous_seh:
        # Recursive SEH
        while seh.get_addr() != previous_seh:
            seh = seh.Next.deref
        seh = seh.Next.deref

    log.info('seh_ptr %x { old_seh %r eh %r} ctx_addr %x', seh.get_addr(),
             seh.Next, seh.Handler, context_address)

    # Write exception_record
    except_record = EXCEPTION_RECORD(jitter.vm, exception_record_address)
    except_record.ExceptionCode = except_code
    except_record.ExceptionAddress = jitter.cpu.EIP

    # Prepare the stack
    jitter.push_uint32_t(context_address)  # Context
    jitter.push_uint32_t(seh.get_addr())  # SEH
    jitter.push_uint32_t(except_record.get_addr())  # ExceptRecords
    jitter.push_uint32_t(return_from_exception)  # Ret address

    # Set fake new current seh for exception
    log.info("Fake seh ad %x", fake_seh_address)
    fake_seh = EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD(jitter.vm, fake_seh_address)
    fake_seh.Next.val = tib.ExceptionList.val
    fake_seh.Handler = 0xaaaaaaaa
    tib.ExceptionList.val = fake_seh.get_addr()

    # Remove exceptions

    # XXX set ebx to nul?
    jitter.cpu.EBX = 0

    log.info('Jumping at %r', seh.Handler)
    return seh.Handler.val
def fake_seh_handler(jitter, except_code, previous_seh=None):
    Create an exception context
    @jitter: jitter instance
    @except_code: x86 exception code
    @previous_seh: (optional) last SEH address when multiple SEH are used
    global seh_count
    log.warning('Exception at %x %r', jitter.cpu.EIP, seh_count)
    seh_count += 1

    # Get space on stack for exception handling
    new_ESP = jitter.cpu.ESP - 0x3c8
    exception_base_address = new_ESP
    exception_record_address = exception_base_address + 0xe8
    context_address = exception_base_address + 0xfc
    fake_seh_address = exception_base_address + 0x14

    # Save a CONTEXT
    regs2ctxt(jitter, context_address)
    jitter.cpu.ESP = new_ESP

    # Get current seh (fs:[0])
    tib = NT_TIB(jitter.vm, tib_address)
    seh = tib.ExceptionList.deref
    if previous_seh:
        # Recursive SEH
        while seh.get_addr() != previous_seh:
            seh = seh.Next.deref
        seh = seh.Next.deref

    log.info('seh_ptr %x { old_seh %r eh %r} ctx_addr %x',
             seh.get_addr(), seh.Next, seh.Handler, context_address)

    # Write exception_record
    except_record = EXCEPTION_RECORD(jitter.vm, exception_record_address)
    except_record.ExceptionCode = except_code
    except_record.ExceptionAddress = jitter.cpu.EIP

    # Prepare the stack
    jitter.push_uint32_t(context_address)               # Context
    jitter.push_uint32_t(seh.get_addr())                # SEH
    jitter.push_uint32_t(except_record.get_addr())      # ExceptRecords
    jitter.push_uint32_t(return_from_exception)         # Ret address

    # Set fake new current seh for exception
    log.info("Fake seh ad %x", fake_seh_address)
    fake_seh = EXCEPTION_REGISTRATION_RECORD(jitter.vm, fake_seh_address)
    fake_seh.Next.val = tib.ExceptionList.val
    fake_seh.Handler = 0xaaaaaaaa
    tib.ExceptionList.val = fake_seh.get_addr()

    # Remove exceptions

    # XXX set ebx to nul?
    jitter.cpu.EBX = 0

    log.info('Jumping at %r', seh.Handler)
    return seh.Handler.val