 def eval_op_rotr_wflag(self, args, op_size, cast_int):
     r = args[1] & 0x1F
     r %= op_size + 1
     r = uint64(r)
     op_size = uint64(op_size)
     tmpa = uint64((args[0] << 1) | args[2])
     rez = (tmpa >> r) | (tmpa << (op_size + uint64(1) - r))
     return rez
 def eval_op_rem(self, args, op_size, cast_int):
     a = uint64(args[0])
     b = uint64(args[1])
     c = uint64(args[2])
     if c == 0:
         raise ValueError('div by 0')
     big = (a << uint64(op_size)) + b
     ret_value = big - c * (big / c)
     if ret_value > mymaxuint[op_size]: raise ValueError('Divide Error')
     return ret_value
 def eval_op_idiv(self, args, op_size, cast_int):
     a = uint64(args[0])
     b = uint64(args[1])
     c = int64(tab_u2i[cast_int](args[2]))
     if c == 0:
         raise ValueError('div by 0')
     big = (a << uint64(op_size)) + b
     big = tab_intsize[op_size * 2](big)
     ret_value = big / c
         ret_value = tab_u2i[cast_int](ret_value)
     except ValueError:
         raise ValueError('Divide Error')
     return ret_value
def merge_sliceto_slice(args):
    sources = {}
    non_slice = {}
    sources_int = {}
    for a in args:
        if isinstance(a[0], ExprInt):
            # sources_int[a.start] = a
            # copy ExprInt because we will inplace modify arg just below
            # /!\ TODO XXX never ever modify inplace args...
            sources_int[a[1]] = (ExprInt(a[0].arg.__class__(a[0].arg)), a[1],
        elif isinstance(a[0], ExprSlice):
            if not a[0].arg in sources:
                sources[a[0].arg] = []
            non_slice[a[1]] = a
    # find max stop to determine size
    max_size = None
    for a in args:
        if max_size is None or max_size < a[2]:
            max_size = a[2]

    # first simplify all num slices
    final_sources = []
    sorted_s = []
    for x in sources_int.values():
        #mask int
        v = x[0].arg & ((1 << (x[2] - x[1])) - 1)
        x[0].arg = v
        sorted_s.append((x[1], x))
    while sorted_s:
        start, v = sorted_s.pop()
        out = [v[0].copy(), v[1], v[2]]
        while sorted_s:
            if sorted_s[-1][1][2] != start:

            start = sorted_s[-1][1][1]
            a = uint64((int(out[0].arg) << (out[1] - start)) +
            out[0].arg = a
            out[1] = start

        out_type = tab_size_int[max_size]
        out[0].arg = out_type(out[0].arg)
        final_sources.append((start, out))

    final_sources_int = final_sources

    # check if same sources have corresponding start/stop
    # is slice AND is sliceto
    simp_sources = []
    for s, args in sources.items():
        final_sources = []
        sorted_s = []
        for x in args:
            sorted_s.append((x[1], x))
        while sorted_s:
            start, v = sorted_s.pop()
            out = v[0].copy(), v[1], v[2]
            while sorted_s:
                if sorted_s[-1][1][2] != start:
                if sorted_s[-1][1][0].stop != out[0].start:

                start = sorted_s[-1][1][1]
                out[0].start = sorted_s[-1][1][0].start
            out = out[0], start, out[2]

            final_sources.append((start, out))

        simp_sources += final_sources

    simp_sources += final_sources_int

    for i, v in non_slice.items():
        simp_sources.append((i, v))


    simp_sources = [x[1] for x in simp_sources]
    return simp_sources
def _expr_simp(e):
    #print 'simp', e
    if isinstance(e, ExprOp):
        # merge associatif op
        # ((a+b) + c) => (a + b + c)
        args = []
        for a in e.args:
            if e.op in op_assoc and isinstance(a, ExprOp) and e.op == a.op:
                args += a.args
        op = e.op
        if op in op_assoc:
            args = canonize_expr_list(args)
        # simpl integer manip
        # int OP int => int
        if op in op_assoc + ['>>', '<<']:
            while len(args) >= 2 and isinstance(
                    args[-1], ExprInt) and isinstance(args[-2], ExprInt):
                i1 = args.pop()
                i2 = args.pop()
                if i1.get_size() != i2.get_size():
                    raise ValueError("diff size! %s %r %r" %
                                     (str(e), i1.get_size(), i2.get_size()))
                if op == '+':
                    o = i1.arg + i2.arg
                elif op == '*':
                    o = i1.arg * i2.arg
                elif op == '^':
                    o = i1.arg ^ i2.arg
                elif op == '&':
                    o = i1.arg & i2.arg
                elif op == '|':
                    o = i1.arg | i2.arg
                elif op == '>>':
                    o = i1.arg >> i2.arg
                elif op == '<<':
                    o = i1.arg << i2.arg

                o = ExprInt(tab_size_int[i1.get_size()](o))
        # --(A) => A
        if op == '-' and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], ExprOp) and \
                args[0].op == '-' and len(args[0].args) == 1:
            return args[0].args[0]

        # -(int) => -int
        if op == '-' and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], ExprInt):
            return ExprInt(-args[0].arg)
        # A op 0 =>A
        if op in ['+', '-', '|', "^", "<<", ">>", "<<<", ">>>"
                  ] and len(args) > 1:
            if isinstance(args[-1], ExprInt) and args[-1].arg == 0:

        # op A => A
        if op in op_assoc + ['>>', '<<', '<<<', '>>>'] and len(args) == 1:
            return args[0]

        # A-B => A + (-B)
        if op == '-' and len(args) > 1:
            if len(args) > 2:
                raise ValueError(
                    'sanity check fail on expr -: should have one or 2 args  %r %s'
                    % (e, e))
            return ExprOp('+', args[0], -args[1])

        # - (A + B +...) => -A + -B + -C
        if op == '-' and len(args) == 1 and isinstance(
                args[0], ExprOp) and args[0].op == '+':
            args = [-a for a in args[0].args]
            return ExprOp('+', *args)

        i = 0
        while i < len(args) - 1:
            j = i + 1
            while j < len(args):
                # A ^ A => 0
                if op == '^' and args[i] == args[j]:
                    args[i] = ExprInt(tab_size_int[args[i].get_size()](0))
                    del (args[j])
                # A + (- A) => 0
                if op == '+' and isinstance(args[j],
                                            ExprOp) and args[j].op == "-":
                    if len(args[j].args) == 1 and args[i] == args[j].args[0]:
                        args[i] = ExprInt(tab_size_int[args[i].get_size()](0))
                        del (args[j])
                # (- A) + A => 0
                if op == '+' and isinstance(args[i],
                                            ExprOp) and args[i].op == "-":
                    if len(args[i].args) == 1 and args[j] == args[i].args[0]:
                        args[i] = ExprInt(tab_size_int[args[i].get_size()](0))
                        del (args[j])
                # A | A => A
                if op == '|' and args[i] == args[j]:
                    del (args[j])
                # A & A => A
                if op == '&' and args[i] == args[j]:
                    del (args[j])
                j += 1
            i += 1

        # A <<< A.size => A
        if op in ['<<<', '>>>'] and isinstance(
                args[1], ExprInt) and args[1].arg == args[0].get_size():
            return args[0]

        # A <<< X <<< Y => A <<< (X+Y) (ou <<< >>>)
        if op in ['<<<', '>>>'] and isinstance(
                args[0], ExprOp) and args[0].op in ['<<<', '>>>']:
            op1 = op
            op2 = args[0].op
            if op1 == op2:
                op = op1
                args1 = args[0].args[1] + args[1]
                op = op2
                args1 = args[0].args[1] - args[1]

            args0 = args[0].args[0]
            args = [args0, args1]

        # ! (!X + int) => X - int
        # TODO

        # ((A & mask) >> shift) whith mask < 2**shift => 0
        if op == ">>" and isinstance(args[1], ExprInt) and isinstance(
                args[0], ExprOp) and args[0].op == "&":
            if isinstance(args[0].args[1],
                          ExprInt) and 2**args[1].arg >= args[0].args[1].arg:
                return ExprInt(tab_size_int[args[0].get_size()](0))

        # int == int => 0 or 1
        if op == '==' and isinstance(args[0], ExprInt) and isinstance(
                args[1], ExprInt):
            if args[0].arg == args[1].arg:
                return ExprInt(tab_size_int[args[0].get_size()](1))
                return ExprInt(tab_size_int[args[0].get_size()](0))
        #(A|int == 0)  => 0  with int != 0
        if op == '==' and isinstance(args[1], ExprInt) and args[1].arg == 0:
            if isinstance(args[0], ExprOp) and args[0].op == '|' and\
                    isinstance(args[0].args[1], ExprInt) and \
                    args[0].args[1].arg != 0:
                return ExprInt(tab_size_int[args[0].get_size()](0))

        # parity(int) => int
        if op == 'parity' and isinstance(args[0], ExprInt):
            return ExprInt(tab_size_int[args[0].get_size()](parity(

        return ExprOp(op, *args)

    # Slice optimization
    elif isinstance(e, ExprSlice):
        # slice(A, 0, a.size) => A
        if e.start == 0 and e.stop == e.arg.get_size():
            return e.arg
        # Slice(int) => int
        elif isinstance(e.arg, ExprInt):
            total_bit = e.stop - e.start
            mask = uint64((1 << (e.stop - e.start)) - 1)
            if total_bit in tab_size_int:
                return ExprInt(
                    tab_size_int[total_bit]((uint64((e.arg.arg) >> e.start))
                                            & mask))
                # XXX TODO fix correct size
                return e
        # Slice(Slice(A, x), y) => Slice(A, z)
        elif isinstance(e.arg, ExprSlice):
            if e.stop - e.start > e.arg.stop - e.arg.start:
                raise ValueError('slice in slice: getting more val', str(e))

            new_e = ExprSlice(e.arg.arg, e.start + e.arg.start,
                              e.start + e.arg.start + (e.stop - e.start))
            return new_e
        # Slice(Compose(A), x) => Slice(A, y)
        elif isinstance(e.arg, ExprCompose):
            for a in e.arg.args:
                if a[1] <= e.start and a[2] >= e.stop:
                    new_e = a[0][e.start - a[1]:e.stop - a[1]]
                    return new_e
        # XXXX todo hum, is it safe?
        elif isinstance(
                e.arg, ExprMem
        ) and e.start == 0 and e.arg.size > e.stop and e.stop % 8 == 0:
            e = ExprMem(e.arg.arg, size=e.stop)
            return e

        return e

    elif isinstance(e, ExprCompose):
        args = merge_sliceto_slice(e.args)
        # Compose(a) with a.size = compose.size => a
        if len(args) == 1 and args[0][1] == 0 and args[0][2] == e.get_size():
            return args[0][0]

        return ExprCompose(args)

    elif isinstance(e, ExprCond):
        # -A ? B:C => A ? B:C
        if isinstance(e.cond, ExprOp) and e.cond.op == '-' and len(
                e.cond.args) == 1:
            e = ExprCond(e.cond.args[0], e.src1, e.src2)
        # int ? A:B => A or B
        elif isinstance(e.cond, ExprInt):
            if e.cond.arg == 0:
                e = e.src2
                e = e.src1
        return e
        return e
    ExprCond, ExprInt, ExprMem
from miasmX.expression.expression import canonize_expr_list

tab_size_int = {
    1: uint1,
    8: uint8,
    16: uint16,
    32: uint32,
    64: uint64,

tab_max_uint = {
    8: uint8(0xFF),
    16: uint16(0xFFFF),
    32: uint32(uint32.limit - 1),
    64: uint64(uint64.limit - 1)

def parity(a):
    tmp = (a) & 0xFF
    cpt = 1
    while tmp != 0:
        cpt ^= tmp & 1
        tmp >>= 1
    return cpt

def merge_sliceto_slice(args):
    sources = {}
    non_slice = {}
 def eval_op_mullo(self, args, op_size, cast_int):
     a = uint64(args[0])
     b = uint64(args[1])
     ret_value = (a * b) & mymaxuint[op_size]
     return ret_value
 def eval_op_mulhi(self, args, op_size, cast_int):
     a = uint64(args[0])
     b = uint64(args[1])
     ret_value = (a * b) >> uint64(op_size)
     return ret_value
文件: expression.py 项目: LRGH/miasmX
def ExprInt64(i):
    return ExprInt(uint64(i))