    int256 = ugp4.make_parameter(ugp4.parameter.Integer, min=0, max=256)

    # define macros
    assign = ugp4.Macro("{var} := {val}", {'var': variable, 'val': int256})
    jmps = ugp4.Macro(
        "back {back}\nback_loose {back_loose}\ngeneric {generic}\nforward {forward}\nforward_loose {forward_loose}", {
            'back': backward_only,
            'back_loose': backward_loose,
            'generic': generic,
            'forward': forward_only,
            'forward_loose': forward_loose
    filler = ugp4.make_section({assign}, size=(2, 5), instances=(0, 10))

    # library
    library = ugp4.Constraints()
    library['main'] = ["\t; BEGIN", filler, jmps, filler, "\t; END"]

    def f(individual):
        return 42

    library.evaluator = ugp4.fitness.make_evaluator(evaluator=f, fitness_type=ugp4.fitness.Simple)

    # Create a list of operators with their arities_____________________________________________________________________
    operators = ugp4.Operators()
    operators += ugp4.GenOperator(ugp4.create_random_individual, 0)
    operators += ugp4.GenOperator(ugp4.macro_pool_uniform_crossover, 2)

    # Create the object that will manage the evolution__________________________________________________________________
    mu = 10
    nu = 20
    init_macro = ugp4.Macro(
        "    movl	${int_a}, %eax\n" + "    movl	${int_b}, %ebx\n" +
        "    movl	${int_c}, %ecx\n" + "    movl	${int_d}, %edx\n", {
            'int_a': integer,
            'int_b': integer,
            'int_c': integer,
            'int_d': integer

    # Define section
    sec1 = ugp4.make_section({jmp1, instr_op_macro, shift_op_macro},
                             size=(1, 50))

    # Create the instruction library
    library = ugp4.Constraints(file_name='solution{node_id}.s')
    library['main'] = [prologue_macro, init_macro, sec1, epilogue_macro]

    # Define the evaluator script and the fitness type
    if sys.platform == "win32":
        script = "eval.bat"
        script = "./eval.sh"
    library.evaluator = ugp4.fitness.make_evaluator(
        evaluator=script, fitness_type=ugp4.fitness.Lexicographic)

    # Define and set a property. It checks whether the section 'sec1' has or not the same number of 'shr' and 'shl'
    def shift_count(individual, frame, **kk):
        shl_count = 0
        shr_count = 0
        for node in individual.nodes(frame_selector=frame):