def main(): """Main function.""" print("main_test(): start") micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) ## Create the LCD instance. i2c = I2C(1, I2C.MASTER) lcd = I2cLcd(i2c, 0x27, 4, 20) ## Create the keypad instance. keypad = Keypad_uasyncio(queue_size=4, start=True) ## Get a handle to the asyncio event loop. loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() ## Add the keypad scanning and keypad watcher coroutines. loop.create_task(keypad.scan_coro()) loop.create_task(keypad_lcd_task(lcd=lcd, keypad=keypad)) ## Start running the coroutines loop.run_forever() print("main_test(): end")
def start(port=21, verbose=0, splash=True): global ftpsockets, datasocket global verbose_l global client_list global client_busy alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) verbose_l = verbose client_list = [] client_busy = False for interface in [network.AP_IF, network.STA_IF]: wlan = network.WLAN(interface) if not continue ifconfig = wlan.ifconfig() addr = socket.getaddrinfo(ifconfig[0], port) sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.bind(addr[0][4]) sock.listen(1) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, _SO_REGISTER_HANDLER, lambda s : accept_ftp_connect(s, ifconfig[0])) ftpsockets.append(sock) if splash: print("FTP server started on {}:{}".format(ifconfig[0], port)) datasocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) datasocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) datasocket.bind(('', _DATA_PORT)) datasocket.listen(1) datasocket.settimeout(10)
def setup(): global g_Watchdog global g_Blinker global g_User global g_Log global g_MQTT micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) g_Watchdog = Watchdog() Watchdog.__init__ = None g_Blinker = Blinker(2, 100) Blinker.__init__ = None g_Log = Log.Log() Log.Log.__init__ = None l_Wifi = Wifi.Wifi(g_Log, g_Blinker) g_MQTT = MQTT(l_Wifi.f_AP) Wifi.Wifi = None # init done, no longer needed. Saves almost 1 Kbytes!!! MQTT.__init__ = None try: g_User = User(g_MQTT) User.__init__ = None except Exception as l_Exception: g_User = None l_Message = trace2string(l_Exception) g_Log.add("Usr:", l_Message) print(l_Message)
def test(): """Test program - assumes X2 is jumpered to X1.""" micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) print("Starting tach") tach = Tachometer(timer_num=2, channel_num=1, pin_name='X1') print("Starting pulses") t5 = pyb.Timer(5, freq=4) oc_pin = pyb.Pin.board.X2 oc =, pyb.Timer.OC_TOGGLE, pin=oc_pin) for freq in range(0, 600, 100): if freq == 0: freq = 1 else: t5.freq(freq * 4) # x 2 for toggle, x2 for 2 pulses_per_rev pyb.delay(1000) print("RPM =", tach.rpm(), "Freq =", freq, " as RPM =", freq * 60) # stop the pulses print("Stopping pulses") oc_pin.init(pyb.Pin.OUT_PP) # wait for 1.5 seconds pyb.delay(1500) print("RPM =", tach.rpm()) print("RPM =", tach.rpm()) print("Starting pulses again") # start the pulses up again oc =, pyb.Timer.OC_TOGGLE, pin=oc_pin) pyb.delay(2000) print("RPM =", tach.rpm()) print("RPM =", tach.rpm())
def __init__(self): self.screen_x = const(64) self.screen_y = const(20) self.cwd = "/" self.init_fb() self.exp_names = " KMGTE" self.mark = bytearray([32,16,42]) # space, right triangle, asterisk self.diskfile=False self.data_buf=bytearray(554) self.mdv_byte=bytearray(1) self.mdv_phase=bytearray([1]) self.read_dir() self.spi_read_irq = bytearray([1,0xF1,0,0,0,0,0]) self.spi_read_btn = bytearray([1,0xFB,0,0,0,0,0]) self.spi_read_blktyp = bytearray([1,0xD0,0,0,0,0,0]) self.spi_result = bytearray(7) self.spi_enable_osd = bytearray([0,0xFE,0,0,0,1]) self.spi_write_osd = bytearray([0,0xFD,0,0,0]) self.spi_send_mdv_bram = bytearray([0,0xD1,0,0,0]) self.spi_channel = const(2) self.spi_freq = const(3000000) self.init_pinout_sd() self.init_spi() alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) self.enable = bytearray(1) self.timer = Timer(3) self.irq_handler(0) self.irq_handler_ref = self.irq_handler # allocation happens here self.spi_request = Pin(0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.spi_request.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.irq_handler_ref)
def __init__(self): self.screen_x = const(64) self.screen_y = const(20) self.cwd = "/" self.init_fb() self.exp_names = " KMGTE" self.mark = bytearray([32, 16, 42]) # space, right triangle, asterisk self.read_dir() self.spi_read_irq = bytearray([1, 0xF1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) self.spi_read_btn = bytearray([1, 0xFB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) self.spi_result = bytearray(7) self.spi_enable_osd = bytearray([0, 0xFE, 0, 0, 0, 1]) self.spi_write_osd = bytearray([0, 0xFD, 0, 0, 0]) self.spi_channel = const(2) self.spi_freq = const(3000000) self.init_pinout_sd() #self.spi=SPI(self.spi_channel, baudrate=self.spi_freq, polarity=0, phase=0, bits=8, firstbit=SPI.MSB, sck=Pin(self.gpio_sck), mosi=Pin(self.gpio_mosi), miso=Pin(self.gpio_miso)) self.init_spi() alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) self.enable = bytearray(1) self.timer = Timer(3) self.irq_handler(0) self.irq_handler_ref = self.irq_handler # allocation happens here self.spi_request = Pin(0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.spi_request.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.irq_handler_ref)
def install(self): micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) self.screen.running = True uos.dupterm(self) self.poller.init(period=10, mode=Timer.ONE_SHOT, callback=self.schedule_poll_ref)
def __init__(self, os_properties): # Read OS properties self.os_properties = os_properties micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) # Logger self.logger = Logger(self.os_properties['log_level'])
def main(): micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) print('simp here') beam = LaserBeam('X1', 'X11') deck = CL1('X17', 'X18', 'X19', 'X20', 'X21', 'X22') piano = Piano(beam) lights = Lights(beam, deck) pushbutton = Switch() verbose = False def show(): lights.update() if not verbose: return print('{}: laser {}'.format(ticks_ms(), beam.interrupted()), end=' ') sleep(0.1) print('deck %s' % deck.status(), end=' ') if piano.playing(): print('Piano being played', end='') print() sleep(1) # stabilize while True: show() if piano.playing() and not deck.recording(): deck.record() print("record") while piano.playing(): show() deck.stop() print("stop")
def main(self): """ Main function where interrupt handler is initialized and a callback function passed :param: None :return: None """ # Allocate exception buffer since heap cannot be allocated within an ISR context micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) # Set up interrupt handler ext_int = pyb.ExtInt(, pyb.ExtInt.IRQ_FALLING, pyb.Pin.PULL_NONE, self.measure) while self.num_seconds < (self.max_duration // self.sample_period): # Sleep for specified interval to count number of interrupts received time.sleep(self.sample_period) # Disable IRQs and process result pyb.disable_irq() rpm = self.irq_count * 60 / (2 * self.blades) output_str = str(self.num_seconds) + "," + "{0:.2f}".format(rpm) # Print the result to serial console print(output_str) # Reset IRQ counter for the next interval self.irq_count = 0 self.num_seconds += self.sample_period # Enable IRQs pyb.enable_irq()
def __init__(self, pin, timer, channel): ''' Initializes the infared receiver @param pin: pin is a pyb.Pin.board object for the interrupt pin that will detect interrupts from the IR reciever @param timer: timer is the timer the interrupt pin will use @param channel: channel is the channel the timer will use ''' #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # Allocate memory so that exceptions raised in interrupt service # routines can generate useful diagnostic printouts # comment this line out after testing alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) #----------------------------------------------------------------------# # assign the pin as an input pin intPin = pyb.Pin(pin, pyb.Pin.IN) # channel is the channel the timer will use, specified by the function # parameter. Has to be brought to the Class scope because it is used in # the irISR callback function = channel # Assign the timer a 16-bit period and a prescaler of 79 to collect # accurate timestamps. Prescaler of 79 to account for 80Mhz clock speed # to output counts as microseconds tim = pyb.Timer(timer, prescaler=79, period=0xFFFF) # set up the timer object to detect rising and fallingedges, pyb.Timer.IC, polarity=pyb.Timer.BOTH, pin=intPin, callback=self.irISR) # A queue to be used as a buffer for interrupt timestamp data. Buffer # size is greater than full pulse count to account for repeat codes # that disrupt a full pulse set. self.ir_data = task_share.Queue('I', 200, thread_protect=False, overwrite=False, name="ir_data") # Data is a class scoped list that is filled with timestamps # from the ir_data queue = [] self.address = task_share.Share('I', thread_protect=False, name="address") self.command = task_share.Share('I', thread_protect=False, name="address") self.command.put(0) self.address.put(0) self.task = cotask.Task(self.readInfaredSensorTask, name='Infared Reading Task', priority=5, profile=True, trace=False)
def emergency_mbuff(): emergency_buff_kb = 1000 if cfgget('extirq') or cfgget("timirq"): from micropython import alloc_emergency_exception_buf console_write("[IRQ] Interrupts was enabled, alloc_emergency_exception_buf={}".format(emergency_buff_kb)) alloc_emergency_exception_buf(emergency_buff_kb) else: console_write("[IRQ] Interrupts disabled, skip alloc_emergency_exception_buf configuration.")
def init(): if False: uart = pyb.UART(6,115200) pyb.repl_uart(uart) print("REPL is also on UART 6 (Y1=Tx Y2=Rx)") if True: bufsize = 100 print("Setting alloc_emergency_exception_buf to", bufsize) micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(bufsize)
def __repr__(self): # See: micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) objState.strState = STATE_RUNNING objState.listErrorMessages = [] timer1.init(freq=0.5) # 0.5 Hz timer1.callback( lambda objTimer: micropython.schedule(schedule_timer1, 4712)) button1.callback(lambda: micropython.schedule(schedule_button, 4712)) return ''
def demo(): # This example requires a servo on X1 and a signal (from a radio) on X4. micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) in_ppm = Ppm(pyb.Pin.board.X4, pyb.Servo(1)) while True: # wait forever pyb.delay(200) print("%d%% %d deg %d speed (%s) %d us" % (in_ppm.percent(), in_ppm.angle(), in_ppm.speed(), "True" if in_ppm.switch() else "False", in_ppm.pulse_width))
def demo(): # This example requires a servo on X1 and a signal (CPPM from a radio) on X4. micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) in_cppm = Cppm(pyb.Pin.board.X4, 8, pyb.Servo(1)) while True: # wait forever pyb.delay(200) for i, ch in enumerate( print("Channel %d: %d%% %d deg %d speed (%s) %d us %s" % (i, ch.percent(), ch.angle(), ch.speed(), "True" if ch.switch() else "False", ch.pulse_width, str(ch.calibration())))
def demo(): # This example requires a servo on X1 and a signal (from a radio) on X4. micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) in_ppm = Ppm(pyb.Pin(3)) while True: # wait forever pyb.delay(200) print("%d%% %d deg %d speed (%s) %d us" % (in_ppm.percent(), in_ppm.angle(), in_ppm.speed(), "True" if in_ppm.switch() else "False", in_ppm.pulse_width))
def __init__(self, pin, mode, pull, customcallback = None, timeout = None): super().__init__() if not Pinblock.initialised: import pyb import micropython micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) Pinblock.initialised = True self.customcallback = customcallback if timeout is None: self.forever = True else: self.setdelay(timeout) self.irq = pyb.ExtInt(pin, mode, pull, self.intcallback) # Porting: needs adaptation
def collect(self): """ Set up Timer interrupt that fires every 10 seconds. Clock used for this in the Micropython board is 84MHz. Prescaler of 83 + 1 sclaes this frequency to 1MHz. Finally, a period of 9999999 + 1 = 10000000 equates to 10 seconds. Call back function is specified in the timer instance. """ header = "Time, Elapsed(s), TMP36(F), SHT31D(F)" self.serial.write(header) print(header) self.timer = pyb.Timer(2, prescaler=83, period=9999999) micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) self.timer.callback(self.schedule)
def demo(): # This example requires a servo on X1 and a signal (CPPM from a radio) on X4. micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) in_cppm = Cppm(pyb.Pin(3), 8) while True: # wait forever time.sleep_ms(200) for i, ch in enumerate( print("Channel %d: %d%% %d deg %d speed (%s) %d us %s" % (i, ch.percent(), ch.angle(), ch.speed(), "True" if ch.switch() else "False", ch.pulse_width, str(ch.calibration())))
def servo_service(): micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) for i in range(0,4): for j in range(0,3): if (abs(site_now[i][j] - site_expect[i][j]) >= abs(temp_speed[i][j])): site_now[i][j] += temp_speed[i][j] else: site_now[i][j] = site_expect[i][j] cartesian_to_polar(alpha, beta, gamma, site_now[i][0], site_now[i][1], site_now[i][2]) polar_to_servo(i, alpha, beta, gamma) rest_counter+=1
def main(): """ Main entry point into this program :param: None :return: None """ micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) connect_wifi() oled.fill(0) oled.text("Waiting for data", 0, 29) timer = Timer(-1) timer.init(mode=Timer.PERIODIC, period=INTERVAL_MS, callback=schedule)
def __init__(self, pin, mode, pull, customcallback=None, timeout=None): super().__init__() if not Pinblock.initialised: import pyb import micropython micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) Pinblock.initialised = True self.customcallback = customcallback if timeout is None: self.forever = True else: self.setdelay(timeout) self.irq = pyb.ExtInt(pin, mode, pull, self.intcallback) # Porting: needs adaptation
def main(): ''' After the startup this functions collects some data, depending on the state of the WLAN connection. ''' gc.enable() micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(5000) try: nic = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) mqttCounter = 0 eventTimer = time.time() wlanData, connectTime, ntpResult, ntpLastSuccess = startupSequenz(nic) except Exception as e: sys.print_exception(e) machine.reset() eventTimer = eventScheduler(ioEventTimer, ) while True: try: printDebug("wlanData", wlanData) printDebug("connectTime", connectTime) printDebug("eventTimer", eventTimer) printDebug("mqttCounter", mqttCounter) if nic.isconnected(): ( wlanData, connectTime, eventTimer, mqttCounter, ntpResult, ntpLastSuccess, ) = connectedSchedule( nic, wlanData, connectTime, eventTimer, mqttCounter, ntpResult, ntpLastSuccess, ) else: (wlanData, connectTime, eventTimer) = disconnectedSchedule( nic, wlanData, connectTime, eventTimer, ) gc.collect() except Exception as e: sys.print_exception(e) machine.reset()
def set_emergency_buffer(): from micropython import alloc_emergency_exception_buf irqmembuf = cfgget('irqmembuf') emergency_buff_kb = irqmembuf if irqmembuf is not None and isinstance( irqmembuf, int) else 1000 if cfgget('extirq') or cfgget("timirq"): console_write( "[IRQ] Interrupts was enabled, alloc_emergency_exception_buf={}". format(emergency_buff_kb)) alloc_emergency_exception_buf(emergency_buff_kb) else: console_write( "[IRQ] Interrupts disabled, skip alloc_emergency_exception_buf configuration." )
def test(): global keypadTimerFreq from Keypad import * print("test(): start") micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) keys = [ '1', '2', '3', 'A', '4', '5', '6', 'B', '*', '0', '#', 'D', '7', '8', '9', 'C', ] longkeys = { 12: '\bHello, ', 13: '\bWorld', } keypad = Keypad(['PE10', 'PE9', 'PE8', 'PE7'], \ ['PE14', 'PE13', 'PE12', 'PE11'], {12, 13}, \ 5, keypadTimerFreq) hstry = None try: #for i in range(10000): while True: key = keypad.get_key() if key != None: if key >= 100: key = longkeys[key - 100] else: key = keys[key] print(key, end='') if hstry == '*' and key == '*': break hstry = key delay(1) except Exception as ex: pass
def start(port=21, verbose=0, splash=True): global ftpsocket, datasocket global verbose_l global client_list global client_busy global AP_addr, STA_addr alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) verbose_l = verbose client_list = [] client_busy = False ftpsocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) datasocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ftpsocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) datasocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) ftpsocket.bind(('', port)) datasocket.bind(('', _DATA_PORT)) ftpsocket.listen(0) datasocket.listen(0) datasocket.settimeout(10) ftpsocket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, _SO_REGISTER_HANDLER, accept_ftp_connect) wlan = network.WLAN(network.AP_IF) if ifconfig = wlan.ifconfig() # save IP address string and numerical values of IP adress and netmask AP_addr = (ifconfig[0], num_ip(ifconfig[0]), num_ip(ifconfig[1])) if splash: print("FTP server started on {}:{}".format(ifconfig[0], port)) wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) if ifconfig = wlan.ifconfig() # save IP address string and numerical values of IP adress and netmask STA_addr = (ifconfig[0], num_ip(ifconfig[0]), num_ip(ifconfig[1])) if splash: print("FTP server started on {}:{}".format(ifconfig[0], port)) wlan = network.LAN() if ifconfig = wlan.ifconfig() # save IP address string and numerical values of IP adress and netmask STA_addr = (ifconfig[0], num_ip(ifconfig[0]), num_ip(ifconfig[1])) if splash: print("FTP server started on {}:{}".format(ifconfig[0], port))
def __init__(self): self.screen_x = const(64) self.screen_y = const(20) self.cwd = "/" self.init_fb() self.exp_names = " KMGTE" self.mark = bytearray([32, 16, 42]) # space, right triangle, asterisk self.diskfile = [open("", "rb"), open("", "rb")] # any dummy file that can open self.imgtype = bytearray( 2) # [0]=0:.mac/.bin 1638400 bytes, [0]=1:.dsk 819200 bytes = bytearray(1) # [0]=0:1st drive, [0]=1:2nd drive self.conv_dataIn12K = bytearray(12 * 1024) # memoryview for each track//16 datainmv = memoryview(self.conv_dataIn12K) self.conv_dataIn = [] for i in range(5): self.conv_dataIn.append(memoryview(datainmv[0:(12 - i) * 1024])) self.conv_nibsOut = bytearray(1024) dsk2mac.init_nibsOut(self.conv_nibsOut) self.track2sector = bytearray(81 * 2) self.init_track2sector() self.read_dir() self.spi_read_irq = bytearray([1, 0xF1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) self.spi_read_btn = bytearray([1, 0xFB, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) self.spi_read_trackno = bytearray([1, 0xD0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) self.spi_result = bytearray(7) self.spi_enable_osd = bytearray([0, 0xFE, 0, 0, 0, 1]) self.spi_write_osd = bytearray([0, 0xFD, 0, 0, 0]) self.spi_write_track = [ bytearray([0, 0xD1, 0, 0, 0]), bytearray([0, 0xD1, 0, 0x60, 0]) ] self.spi_channel = const(2) self.spi_freq = const(3000000) self.init_pinout_sd() self.init_spi() alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) self.enable = bytearray(1) self.timer = Timer(3) self.irq_handler(0) self.irq_handler_ref = self.irq_handler # allocation happens here self.spi_request = Pin(0, Pin.IN, Pin.PULL_UP) self.spi_request.irq(trigger=Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=self.irq_handler_ref)
def __init__(self, ps2socket): self.command_client, self.remote_addr = ps2socket.accept() self.command_client.setblocking(False) self.command_client.sendall(bytes([255, 252, 34])) # dont allow line mode self.command_client.sendall(bytes([255, 251, 1])) # turn off local echo self.command_client.recv(32) # drain junk sleep_ms(20) self.command_client.recv(32) # drain junk self.remote_addr = self.remote_addr[0] #self.command_client.settimeout(_COMMAND_TIMEOUT) log_msg(1, "PS2 Command connection from:", self.remote_addr) self.command_client.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, _SO_REGISTER_HANDLER, self.exec_ps2_command) self.act_data_addr = self.remote_addr = True alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100)
def start(port=23, verbose=0, splash=True): global ps2socket global verbose_l global client_list global client_busy global ps2port alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) verbose_l = verbose client_list = [] client_busy = False ps2socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) ps2socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) ps2socket.bind(('', port)) ps2socket.listen(0) ps2socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, _SO_REGISTER_HANDLER, accept_ps2_connect)
def main(): import statusled import configuration print("Testing Connection...") micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) config = configuration.Configuration() led = statusled.StatusLED() led.start() conn = Connection(config, status_led=led) conn.start() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(led.blink_lights()) loop.create_task(conn.stay_connected()) loop.run_forever()
def main(): # Some ports requires to allocate extra mem for exceptions if hasattr(micropython, 'alloc_emergency_exception_buf'): micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) # Main loop try: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() app = App(loop) loop.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt as e: pass except Exception as e: log = logging.Logger('main') log.exc(e, "Unhandled exception in main loop") # Gracefully stop app app.stop() loop.run_until_complete(shutdown_wait())
def main_test(): import statusled print("Testing keypad...") micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) led = statusled.StatusLED() led.start() kpd = Keypad(layout=TEL_16_KEY, status_led=led) kpd.start() loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.create_task(kpd.scan_keypad()) loop.create_task(keypad_watcher(keypad=kpd)) loop.create_task(led.blink_lights()) loop.run_forever()
def __init__(self): #com1 = pyb.USB_VCP() # A Virtual COM port self.mpu = MPU9250('y') self.mpu.sample_rate = 254 self.mpu.accel_filter_range = 5 self.mpu.gyro_filter_range = 2 self.led1 = pyb.LED(1) self.led2 = pyb.LED(2) self.led3 = pyb.LED(3) self.led4 = pyb.LED(4) self.led3.on() self.kalmanX = kalmanFilter() self.led4.on() self.timeX = pyb.micros() self.kalmanY = kalmanFilter() self.timeY = pyb.micros() self.kalmanZ = kalmanFilter() self.timeZ = pyb.micros() micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(5) self.led4.on() self.display = NextionUartDriver.NextionDisplay(1,115200)
import pyb, micropython, array, uctypes micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) class MutexException(OSError): pass class Mutex: @micropython.asm_thumb def _acquire(r0, r1): # Spinlock: wait on the semaphore. Return on success. label(LOOP) ldr(r0, [r1, 0]) # Wait for lock to be zero cmp(r0, 0) bne(LOOP) # Another process has the lock: spin on it cpsid(0) # OK, we have lock at this instant disable interrupts ldr(r0, [r1, 0]) # and re-check in case an interrupt occurred cmp(r0, 0) itt(ne) # if someone got in first re-enable ints cpsie(0) # and start polling again b(LOOP) mov(r0, 1) # We have an exclusive access str(r0, [r1, 0]) # set the lock cpsie(0) @micropython.asm_thumb def _attempt(r0, r1): # Nonblocking. Try to lock. Return 0 on success, 1 on fail cpsid(0) # disable interrupts ldr(r0, [r1, 0]) cmp(r0, 0) bne(FAIL) # Another process has the lock: fail mov(r2, 1) # No lock str(r2, [r1, 0]) # set the lock
import time import machine import micropython from machine import Pin # HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor # 2 pins: Trigger and Echo # Trigger triggers the wave to get the distance # Echo listen to the wave 'comeback' # To trigger: send during 10us a HIGH signal on the Trigger # Then, on echo, the signal is HIGH while listening to the wave comeback # Formulae to calculate: t * 10^-2 * 1,7 micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) # To allow error trace in IRQ handler MIN_TO_SEC = 60 # Number of sec in 1 min SEC_TO_USEC = 1000 # Number of msec in 1 sec TRIGGER_TIME = 100 # Trigger time during which send the HIGH signal TRIGGER_PIN = 'GP11' # Pin associated to the trigger ECHO_PIN = 'GP12' # Pin associated to the echo LOW = 0 HIGH = 1 class DistanceSensor: def __init__(self, triggerGPIO, echoGPIO): self.triggerPin = Pin(triggerGPIO, mode = Pin.OUT) self.echoPin = Pin(echoGPIO, mode = Pin.IN) # The var to know if we have 28 or 028 in the decimal part self.mm_decimal = "" # Distance initated to -1 while nothing
def main(): micropython.alloc_emergency_exception_buf(100) print('simp here') beam = LaserBeam('X1', 'X11') mic = Mic('X12') deck = CL1('X17', 'X18', 'X19', 'X20', 'X21', 'X22') piano = Piano(mic, beam) lights = Lights(mic, beam, deck) pushbutton = Switch() verbose = False def was_show(): # BAD lights.update() #if pushbutton(): if True: print('laser {}, mic {}'.format(beam.interrupted(), mic.excited()), end=' ') print('deck %s' % deck.status(), end=' ') if piano.playing(): print('Piano being played', end='') print() def show(): lights.update() print('laser {}'.format(beam.interrupted()), end=' ') print('deck %s' % deck.status(), end=' ') if piano.playing(): print('Piano being played', end='') print() def s11(): # BAD mic.excited() print('deck %s' % deck.status()) def s12(): # ok mic.excited() sleep(0.1) print('deck %s' % deck.status()) def s13(): # BAD mic.excited() sleep(0.001) print('deck %s' % deck.status()) def s14(): # BAD: prints "deck" (or maybe "deck ") only mic.excited() sleep(0.01) print('deck %s' % deck.status()) def s15(): # BAD mic.excited() gc.collect() print('deck %s' % deck.status()) def foo(): # ok print('deck %s' % deck.status(), end=' ') sleep(1) # stabilize while True: show() if piano.playing() and not deck.recording(): deck.record() print("record") while piano.playing(): show() deck.stop() print("stop")