    def delete_node(self, lb_id, node_id, current_timestamp):
        Determines whether the node to be deleted exists in the session store,
        deletes the node, and returns the response code.
        if lb_id in self.lbs:

            _verify_and_update_lb_state(self, lb_id, False, current_timestamp)

            if self.lbs[lb_id]["status"] != "ACTIVE":
                # Error message verified as of 2015-04-22
                resource = invalid_resource(
                    "Load Balancer '{0}' has a status of '{1}' and is considered "
                    "immutable.".format(lb_id, self.lbs[lb_id]["status"]), 422)
                return (resource, 422)

            _verify_and_update_lb_state(self, lb_id,

            if _delete_node(self, lb_id, node_id):
                return None, 202
                return not_found_response("node"), 404

        return not_found_response("loadbalancer"), 404
    def delete_node(self, lb_id, node_id):
        Determines whether the node to be deleted exists in the session store,
        deletes the node, and returns the response code.
        current_timestamp = self.clock.seconds()
        if lb_id in self.lbs:

            _verify_and_update_lb_state(self, lb_id, False, current_timestamp)

            if self.lbs[lb_id]["status"] != "ACTIVE":
                # Error message verified as of 2015-04-22
                return considered_immutable_error(self.lbs[lb_id]["status"],


            if _delete_node(self, lb_id, node_id):
                return None, 202
                return not_found_response("node"), 404

        return not_found_response("loadbalancer"), 404
    def delete_nodes(self, lb_id, node_ids):
        Bulk-delete multiple LB nodes.
        if not node_ids:
            resp = {
                "Must supply one or more id's to process this request.",
                "code": 400
            return resp, 400

        if lb_id not in self.lbs:
            return not_found_response("loadbalancer"), 404

        current_timestamp = self.clock.seconds()
        _verify_and_update_lb_state(self, lb_id, False, current_timestamp)

        if self.lbs[lb_id]["status"] != "ACTIVE":
            # Error message verified as of 2015-04-22
            resp = {"message": "LoadBalancer is not ACTIVE", "code": 422}
            return resp, 422

        # We need to verify all the deletions up front, and only allow it through
        # if all of them are valid.
        all_ids = [node.id for node in self.lbs[lb_id].nodes]
        non_nodes = set(node_ids).difference(all_ids)
        if non_nodes:
            nodes = ','.join(map(str, non_nodes))
            resp = {
                "validationErrors": {
                    "messages": [
                        "Node ids {0} are not a part of your loadbalancer".
                "message": "Validation Failure",
                "code": 400,
                "details": "The object is not valid"
            return resp, 400

        for node_id in node_ids:
            # It should not be possible for this to fail, since we've already
            # checked that they all exist.
            assert _delete_node(self, lb_id, node_id) is True

        return EMPTY_RESPONSE, 202
    def delete_nodes(self, lb_id, node_ids):
        Bulk-delete multiple LB nodes.
        if not node_ids:
            resp = {
                "message": "Must supply one or more id's to process this request.",
                "code": 400}
            return resp, 400

        if lb_id not in self.lbs:
            return not_found_response("loadbalancer"), 404

        current_timestamp = self.clock.seconds()
        _verify_and_update_lb_state(self, lb_id, False, current_timestamp)

        if self.lbs[lb_id]["status"] != "ACTIVE":
            # Error message verified as of 2015-04-22
            resp = {"message": "LoadBalancer is not ACTIVE",
                    "code": 422}
            return resp, 422

        # We need to verify all the deletions up front, and only allow it through
        # if all of them are valid.
        all_ids = [node.id for node in self.lbs[lb_id].nodes]
        non_nodes = set(node_ids).difference(all_ids)
        if non_nodes:
            nodes = ','.join(map(str, non_nodes))
            resp = {
                "validationErrors": {
                    "messages": [
                        "Node ids {0} are not a part of your loadbalancer".format(nodes)
                "message": "Validation Failure",
                "code": 400,
                "details": "The object is not valid"}
            return resp, 400

        for node_id in node_ids:
            # It should not be possible for this to fail, since we've already
            # checked that they all exist.
            assert _delete_node(self, lb_id, node_id) is True

        _verify_and_update_lb_state(self, lb_id,
        return EMPTY_RESPONSE, 202
    def delete_node(self, lb_id, node_id):
        Determines whether the node to be deleted exists in the session store,
        deletes the node, and returns the response code.
        current_timestamp = self.clock.seconds()
        if lb_id in self.lbs:

            _verify_and_update_lb_state(self, lb_id, False, current_timestamp)

            if self.lbs[lb_id]["status"] != "ACTIVE":
                # Error message verified as of 2015-04-22
                return considered_immutable_error(
                    self.lbs[lb_id]["status"], lb_id)

            _verify_and_update_lb_state(self, lb_id,

            if _delete_node(self, lb_id, node_id):
                return None, 202
                return not_found_response("node"), 404

        return not_found_response("loadbalancer"), 404