def __init__(self, model, pop_size=6, mutation_rate=0.005, per_bounds=0.15, max_steps=1000, step_size=0.20, temp=0.3, bounds=(0, 1.0), adaptive=False, sparse=True): super(GeneticAttack, self).__init__() self._model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) self._per_bounds = check_value_positive('per_bounds', per_bounds) self._pop_size = check_int_positive('pop_size', pop_size) self._step_size = check_value_positive('step_size', step_size) self._temp = check_value_positive('temp', temp) self._max_steps = check_int_positive('max_steps', max_steps) self._mutation_rate = check_value_positive('mutation_rate', mutation_rate) self._adaptive = check_param_type('adaptive', adaptive, bool) self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float]) # initial global optimum fitness value self._best_fit = -1 # count times of no progress self._plateau_times = 0 # count times of changing attack step self._adap_times = 0 self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool)
def __init__(self, model, scene, max_queries=10000, top_k=-1, num_class=10, batch_size=128, epsilon=0.3, samples_per_draw=128, momentum=0.9, learning_rate=1e-3, max_lr=5e-2, min_lr=5e-4, sigma=1e-3, plateau_length=20, plateau_drop=2.0, adv_thresh=0.25, zero_iters=10, starting_eps=1.0, starting_delta_eps=0.5, label_only_sigma=1e-3, conservative=2, sparse=True): super(NES, self).__init__() self._model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) self._scene = scene self._max_queries = check_int_positive('max_queries', max_queries) self._num_class = check_int_positive('num_class', num_class) self._batch_size = check_int_positive('batch_size', batch_size) self._samples_per_draw = check_int_positive('samples_per_draw', samples_per_draw) self._goal_epsilon = check_value_positive('epsilon', epsilon) self._momentum = check_value_positive('momentum', momentum) self._learning_rate = check_value_positive('learning_rate', learning_rate) self._max_lr = check_value_positive('max_lr', max_lr) self._min_lr = check_value_positive('min_lr', min_lr) self._sigma = check_value_positive('sigma', sigma) self._plateau_length = check_int_positive('plateau_length', plateau_length) self._plateau_drop = check_value_positive('plateau_drop', plateau_drop) # partial information arguments self._k = top_k self._adv_thresh = check_value_positive('adv_thresh', adv_thresh) # label only arguments self._zero_iters = check_int_positive('zero_iters', zero_iters) self._starting_eps = check_value_positive('starting_eps', starting_eps) self._starting_delta_eps = check_value_positive('starting_delta_eps', starting_delta_eps) self._label_only_sigma = check_value_positive('label_only_sigma', label_only_sigma) self._conservative = check_int_positive('conservative', conservative) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) self.target_imgs = None self.target_img = None self.target_class = None
def __init__(self, network, eps=0.07, alpha=None, bounds=None, loss_fn=None): super(GradientMethod, self).__init__() self._network = check_model('network', network, Cell) self._eps = check_value_positive('eps', eps) self._dtype = None if bounds is not None: self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float]) else: self._bounds = bounds if alpha is not None: self._alpha = check_value_positive('alpha', alpha) else: self._alpha = alpha if loss_fn is None: loss_fn = SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(is_grad=False, sparse=False) with_loss_cell = WithLossCell(self._network, loss_fn) self._grad_all = GradWrapWithLoss(with_loss_cell) self._grad_all.set_train()
def __init__(self, model, step_size=0.5, per_bounds=0.6, c1=2.0, c2=2.0, c=2.0, pop_size=6, t_max=1000, pm=0.5, bounds=None, targeted=False, reduction_iters=3, sparse=True): super(PSOAttack, self).__init__() self._model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) self._step_size = check_value_positive('step_size', step_size) self._per_bounds = check_value_positive('per_bounds', per_bounds) self._c1 = check_value_positive('c1', c1) self._c2 = check_value_positive('c2', c2) self._c = check_value_positive('c', c) self._pop_size = check_int_positive('pop_size', pop_size) self._pm = check_value_positive('pm', pm) self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float]) self._targeted = check_param_type('targeted', targeted, bool) self._t_max = check_int_positive('t_max', t_max) self._reduce_iters = check_int_positive('reduction_iters', reduction_iters) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool)
def __init__(self, network, eps=1e-5, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), is_targeted=True, nb_iter=150, search_iters=30, loss_fn=None, sparse=False): super(LBFGS, self).__init__() self._network = check_model('network', network, Cell) self._eps = check_value_positive('eps', eps) self._is_targeted = check_param_type('is_targeted', is_targeted, bool) self._nb_iter = check_int_positive('nb_iter', nb_iter) self._search_iters = check_int_positive('search_iters', search_iters) if loss_fn is None: loss_fn = SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(is_grad=False, sparse=False) with_loss_cell = WithLossCell(self._network, loss_fn) self._grad_all = GradWrapWithLoss(with_loss_cell) self._dtype = None self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float]) box_max, box_min = bounds if box_max < box_min: self._box_min = box_max self._box_max = box_min else: self._box_min = box_min self._box_max = box_max
def __init__(self, model, model_type='classification', targeted=False, reserve_ratio=0.3, sparse=True, step_size=0.5, per_bounds=0.6, c1=2.0, c2=2.0, c=2.0, pop_size=6, t_max=1000, pm=0.5, bounds=None): super(PSOAttack, self).__init__() self._model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) self._step_size = check_value_positive('step_size', step_size) self._per_bounds = check_value_positive('per_bounds', per_bounds) self._c1 = check_value_positive('c1', c1) self._c2 = check_value_positive('c2', c2) self._c = check_value_positive('c', c) self._pop_size = check_int_positive('pop_size', pop_size) self._pm = check_value_non_negative('pm', pm) if self._pm > 1: msg = "pm should not be greater than 1.0, but got {}.".format(self._pm) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._bounds = bounds if self._bounds is not None: self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float]) self._targeted = check_param_type('targeted', targeted, bool) self._t_max = check_int_positive('t_max', t_max) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) self._model_type = check_param_type('model_type', model_type, str) if self._model_type not in ('classification', 'detection'): msg = "Only 'classification' or 'detection' is supported now, but got {}.".format(self._model_type) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._reserve_ratio = check_value_non_negative('reserve_ratio', reserve_ratio) if self._reserve_ratio > 1: msg = "reserve_ratio should not be greater than 1.0, but got {}.".format(self._reserve_ratio) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg)
def __init__(self, model, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), max_iter=100, is_targeted=False, sparse=True): super(SaltAndPepperNoiseAttack, self).__init__() self._model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [tuple, list]) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float]) self._max_iter = check_int_positive('max_iter', max_iter) self._is_targeted = check_param_type('is_targeted', is_targeted, bool) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool)
def __init__(self, initial_seeds, target_model, train_dataset, const_K, mode='L', max_seed_num=1000): self.initial_seeds = initial_seeds self.target_model = check_model('model', target_model, Model) self.train_dataset = check_numpy_param('train_dataset', train_dataset) self.const_k = check_int_positive('const_k', const_K) self.mode = mode self.max_seed_num = check_int_positive('max_seed_num', max_seed_num) self.coverage_metrics = ModelCoverageMetrics(target_model, 1000, 10, train_dataset)
def __init__(self, model, n_jobs=-1): check_param_type("n_jobs", n_jobs, int) if not (n_jobs == -1 or n_jobs > 0): msg = "Value of n_jobs must be either -1 or positive integer, but got {}.".format( n_jobs) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._model = check_model("model", model, Model) self._n_jobs = min(n_jobs, cpu_count()) self._attack_list = []
def _fast_reduction(self, x_ori, best_position, q_times, auxiliary_inputs, gt_boxes, gt_labels, model): """ Decrease the differences between the original samples and adversarial samples in a fast way. Args: x_ori (numpy.ndarray): Original samples. best_position (numpy.ndarray): Adversarial examples. q_times (int): Query times. auxiliary_inputs (tuple): Auxiliary inputs mathced with x_ori. gt_boxes (numpy.ndarray): Ground-truth boxes of x_ori. gt_labels (numpy.ndarray): Ground-truth labels of x_ori. model (BlackModel): Target model. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, adversarial examples after reduction. - int, total query times after reduction. """, 'Reduction begins...') model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) x_ori = check_numpy_param('x_ori', x_ori) _, gt_num = self._detection_scores((x_ori, ) + auxiliary_inputs, gt_boxes, gt_labels, model) best_position = check_numpy_param('best_position', best_position) x_ori, best_position = check_equal_shape('x_ori', x_ori, 'best_position', best_position) _, original_num = self._detection_scores( (best_position, ) + auxiliary_inputs, gt_boxes, gt_labels, model) # pylint: disable=invalid-name REDUCTION_ITERS = 6 # recover 10% difference each time and recover 60% totally. for _ in range(REDUCTION_ITERS): BLOCK_NUM = 30 # divide the image into 30 segments block_width = best_position.shape[0] // BLOCK_NUM if block_width > 0: for i in range(BLOCK_NUM): diff = x_ori[i*block_width: (i+1)*block_width, :, :]\ - best_position[i*block_width:(i+1)*block_width, :, :] if np.max(np.abs(diff)) >= 0.1 * (self._bounds[1] - self._bounds[0]): res = diff * 0.1 best_position[i * block_width:(i + 1) * block_width, :, :] += res _, correct_num = self._detection_scores( (best_position, ) + auxiliary_inputs, gt_boxes, gt_labels, model) q_times += 1 if correct_num[0] > max( original_num[0], gt_num[0] * self._reserve_ratio): best_position[i * block_width:(i + 1) * block_width, :, :] -= res return best_position, q_times
def __init__(self, auto_encoder, false_positive_rate=0.01, bounds=(0.0, 1.0)): super(ErrorBasedDetector, self).__init__() self._auto_encoder = check_model('auto_encoder', auto_encoder, Model) self._false_positive_rate = check_param_in_range('false_positive_rate', false_positive_rate, 0, 1) self._threshold = 0.0 self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float])
def __init__(self, auto_encoder, model, option="jsd", t=1, bounds=(0.0, 1.0)): super(DivergenceBasedDetector, self).__init__(auto_encoder, bounds=bounds) self._auto_encoder = auto_encoder self._model = check_model('targeted model', model, Model) self._threshold = 0.0 self._option = option self._t = check_int_positive('t', t) self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [tuple, list]) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float])
def __init__(self, model, k, n, train_dataset): self._model = check_model('model', model, Model) self._k = k self._n = n train_dataset = check_numpy_param('train_dataset', train_dataset) self._lower_bounds = [np.inf] * n self._upper_bounds = [-np.inf] * n self._var = [0] * n self._main_section_hits = [[0 for _ in range(self._k)] for _ in range(self._n)] self._lower_corner_hits = [0] * self._n self._upper_corner_hits = [0] * self._n self._bounds_get(train_dataset)
def __init__(self, model, ksize=3, is_local_smooth=True, metric='l1', false_positive_ratio=0.05): super(SpatialSmoothing, self).__init__() self._ksize = check_int_positive('ksize', ksize) self._is_local_smooth = check_param_type('is_local_smooth', is_local_smooth, bool) self._model = check_model('model', model, Model) self._metric = metric self._fpr = check_param_in_range('false_positive_ratio', false_positive_ratio, 0, 1) self._threshold = None
def __init__(self, model, segmented_num, neuron_num, train_dataset): self._model = check_model('model', model, Model) self._segmented_num = check_int_positive('segmented_num', segmented_num) self._neuron_num = check_int_positive('neuron_num', neuron_num) train_dataset = check_numpy_param('train_dataset', train_dataset) self._lower_bounds = [np.inf] * neuron_num self._upper_bounds = [-np.inf] * neuron_num self._var = [0] * neuron_num self._main_section_hits = [[0 for _ in range(self._segmented_num)] for _ in range(self._neuron_num)] self._lower_corner_hits = [0] * self._neuron_num self._upper_corner_hits = [0] * self._neuron_num self._bounds_get(train_dataset)
def __init__(self, network, num_classes, max_iters=50, overshoot=0.02, norm_level=2, bounds=None, sparse=True): super(DeepFool, self).__init__() self._network = check_model('network', network, Cell) self._network.set_grad(True) self._max_iters = check_int_positive('max_iters', max_iters) self._overshoot = check_value_positive('overshoot', overshoot) self._norm_level = check_norm_level(norm_level) self._num_classes = check_int_positive('num_classes', num_classes) self._net_grad = GradWrap(self._network) self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float])
def __init__(self, network, loss_fn=None, optimizer=None): super(AdversarialDefense, self).__init__(network) network = check_model('network', network, Cell) if loss_fn is None: loss_fn = SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(is_grad=False, sparse=True) if optimizer is None: optimizer = Momentum(params=network.trainable_params(), learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9) loss_net = WithLossCell(network, loss_fn) self._train_net = TrainOneStepCell(loss_net, optimizer) self._train_net.set_train()
def __init__(self, network, num_classes, box_min=0.0, box_max=1.0, theta=1.0, max_iteration=1000, max_count=3, increase=True, sparse=True): super(JSMAAttack).__init__() LOGGER.debug(TAG, "init jsma class.") self._network = check_model('network', network, Cell) self._min = check_value_non_negative('box_min', box_min) self._max = check_value_non_negative('box_max', box_max) self._num_classes = check_int_positive('num_classes', num_classes) self._theta = check_value_positive('theta', theta) self._max_iter = check_int_positive('max_iteration', max_iteration) self._max_count = check_int_positive('max_count', max_count) self._increase = check_param_type('increase', increase, bool) self._net_grad = GradWrap(self._network) self._bit_map = None self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool)
def __init__(self, model, init_num_evals=100, max_num_evals=1000, stepsize_search='geometric_progression', num_iterations=20, gamma=1.0, constraint='l2', batch_size=32, clip_min=0.0, clip_max=1.0, sparse=True): super(HopSkipJumpAttack, self).__init__() self._model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) self._init_num_evals = check_int_positive('initial_num_evals', init_num_evals) self._max_num_evals = check_int_positive('max_num_evals', max_num_evals) self._batch_size = check_int_positive('batch_size', batch_size) self._clip_min = check_value_non_negative('clip_min', clip_min) self._clip_max = check_value_non_negative('clip_max', clip_max) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) self._np_dtype = np.dtype('float32') if stepsize_search in ['geometric_progression', 'grid_search']: self._stepsize_search = stepsize_search else: msg = "stepsize_search must be in ['geometric_progression'," \ " 'grid_search'], but got {}".format(stepsize_search) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._num_iterations = check_int_positive('num_iterations', num_iterations) self._gamma = check_value_positive('gamma', gamma) if constraint in ['l2', 'linf']: self._constraint = constraint else: msg = "constraint must be in ['l2', 'linf'], " \ "but got {}".format(constraint) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self.queries = 0 self.is_adv = True self.y_targets = None self.image_targets = None self.y_target = None self.image_target = None
def _reduction(x_ori, q_times, label, best_position, model, targeted_attack): """ Decrease the differences between the original samples and adversarial samples. Args: x_ori (numpy.ndarray): Original samples. q_times (int): Query times. label (int): Target label ot ground-truth label. best_position (numpy.ndarray): Adversarial examples. model (BlackModel): Target model. targeted_attack (bool): If True, it means this is a targeted attack. If False, it means this is an untargeted attack. Returns: numpy.ndarray, adversarial examples after reduction. Examples: >>> adv_reduction = self._reduction(self, [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], 20, 1, >>> [0.12, 0.15, 0.25]) """, 'Reduction begins...') model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) x_ori = check_numpy_param('x_ori', x_ori) best_position = check_numpy_param('best_position', best_position) x_ori, best_position = check_equal_shape('x_ori', x_ori, 'best_position', best_position) x_ori_fla = x_ori.flatten() best_position_fla = best_position.flatten() pixel_deep = np.max(x_ori) - np.min(x_ori) nums_pixel = len(x_ori_fla) for i in range(nums_pixel): diff = x_ori_fla[i] - best_position_fla[i] if abs(diff) > pixel_deep * 0.1: best_position_fla[i] += diff * 0.5 cur_label = np.argmax( model.predict(best_position_fla.reshape(x_ori.shape))) q_times += 1 if targeted_attack: if cur_label != label: best_position_fla[i] -= diff * 0.5 else: if cur_label == label: best_position_fla -= diff * 0.5 return best_position_fla.reshape(x_ori.shape), q_times
def __init__(self, network, eps=0.3, eps_iter=0.1, bounds=(0.0, 1.0), nb_iter=5, loss_fn=None): super(IterativeGradientMethod, self).__init__() self._network = check_model('network', network, Cell) self._eps = check_value_positive('eps', eps) self._eps_iter = check_value_positive('eps_iter', eps_iter) self._nb_iter = check_int_positive('nb_iter', nb_iter) self._bounds = None if bounds is not None: self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float]) if loss_fn is None: self._loss_grad = network else: self._loss_grad = GradWrapWithLoss(WithLossCell(self._network, loss_fn)) self._loss_grad.set_train()
def _detection_scores(inputs, gt_boxes, gt_labels, model): """ Evaluate the detection result of inputs, specially for object detection models. Args: inputs (numpy.ndarray): Input samples. gt_boxes (numpy.ndarray): Ground-truth boxes of inputs. gt_labels (numpy.ndarray): Ground-truth labels of inputs. model (BlackModel): Target model. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, detection scores of inputs. - numpy.ndarray, the number of objects that are correctly detected. """ model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) boxes_and_confi, pred_labels = model.predict(*inputs) det_scores = [] correct_labels_num = [] # repeat gt_boxes and gt_labels for all particles cloned from the same sample in PSOAttack/GeneticAttack if gt_boxes.shape[0] == 1 and boxes_and_confi.shape[0] > 1: gt_boxes = np.repeat(gt_boxes, boxes_and_confi.shape[0], axis=0) gt_labels = np.repeat(gt_labels, boxes_and_confi.shape[0], axis=0) iou_thres = 0.5 for boxes, labels, gt_box, gt_label in zip(boxes_and_confi, pred_labels, gt_boxes, gt_labels): gt_box_num = gt_box.shape[0] score = 0 box_num = boxes.shape[0] correct_label_flag = np.zeros(gt_label.shape) for i in range(box_num): pred_box = boxes[i] max_iou_confi = 0 for j in range(gt_box_num): iou = calculate_iou(pred_box[:4], gt_box[j][:4]) if labels[i] == gt_label[ j] and iou > iou_thres and correct_label_flag[ j] == 0: max_iou_confi = max(max_iou_confi, pred_box[-1] + iou) correct_label_flag[j] = 1 score += max_iou_confi det_scores.append(score) correct_labels_num.append(np.sum(correct_label_flag)) return np.array(det_scores), np.array(correct_labels_num)
def __init__(self, trans_model, max_k_neighbor=1000, chunk_size=1000, max_buffer_size=10000, tuning=False, fpr=0.001): super(SimilarityDetector, self).__init__() self._max_k_neighbor = check_int_positive('max_k_neighbor', max_k_neighbor) self._trans_model = check_model('trans_model', trans_model, Model) self._tuning = check_param_type('tuning', tuning, bool) self._chunk_size = check_int_positive('chunk_size', chunk_size) self._max_buffer_size = check_int_positive('max_buffer_size', max_buffer_size) self._fpr = check_param_in_range('fpr', fpr, 0, 1) self._num_of_neighbors = None self._threshold = None self._num_queries = 0 # Stores recently processed queries self._buffer = [] # Tracks indexes of detected queries self._detected_queries = []
def __init__(self, model, max_iter=1000, search_iter=10, is_targeted=False, init_attack=None, sparse=True): super(PointWiseAttack, self).__init__() self._model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) self._max_iter = check_int_positive('max_iter', max_iter) self._search_iter = check_int_positive('search_iter', search_iter) self._is_targeted = check_param_type('is_targeted', is_targeted, bool) if init_attack is None: self._init_attack = SaltAndPepperNoiseAttack( model, is_targeted=self._is_targeted) else: self._init_attack = init_attack self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool)
def __init__(self, model, neuron_num, segmented_num, train_dataset): self._model = check_model('model', model, Model) self._segmented_num = check_int_positive('segmented_num', segmented_num) self._neuron_num = check_int_positive('neuron_num', neuron_num) if self._neuron_num > 1e+9: msg = 'neuron_num should be less than 1e+10, otherwise a MemoryError would occur' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) train_dataset = check_numpy_param('train_dataset', train_dataset) self._lower_bounds = [np.inf] * self._neuron_num self._upper_bounds = [-np.inf] * self._neuron_num self._var = [0] * self._neuron_num self._main_section_hits = [[0 for _ in range(self._segmented_num)] for _ in range(self._neuron_num)] self._lower_corner_hits = [0] * self._neuron_num self._upper_corner_hits = [0] * self._neuron_num self._bounds_get(train_dataset)
def __init__(self, model, number_points=10, initial_radius=0.0, max_radius=1.0, search_step=0.01, degrade_limit=0.0, sparse=False): super(RegionBasedDetector, self).__init__() self._model = check_model('targeted model', model, Model) self._number_points = check_int_positive('number_points', number_points) self._initial_radius = check_value_non_negative( 'initial_radius', initial_radius) self._max_radius = check_value_positive('max_radius', max_radius) self._search_step = check_value_positive('search_step', search_step) self._degrade_limit = check_value_non_negative('degrade_limit', degrade_limit) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) self._radius = None
def __init__(self, network, num_classes, box_min=0.0, box_max=1.0, bin_search_steps=5, max_iterations=1000, confidence=0, learning_rate=5e-3, initial_const=1e-2, abort_early_check_ratio=5e-2, targeted=False, fast=True, abort_early=True, sparse=True):, "init CW object.") super(CarliniWagnerL2Attack, self).__init__() self._network = check_model('network', network, Cell) self._network.set_grad(True) self._num_classes = check_int_positive('num_classes', num_classes) self._min = check_param_type('box_min', box_min, float) self._max = check_param_type('box_max', box_max, float) self._bin_search_steps = check_int_positive('search_steps', bin_search_steps) self._max_iterations = check_int_positive('max_iterations', max_iterations) self._confidence = check_param_multi_types('confidence', confidence, [int, float]) self._learning_rate = check_value_positive('learning_rate', learning_rate) self._initial_const = check_value_positive('initial_const', initial_const) self._abort_early = check_param_type('abort_early', abort_early, bool) self._fast = check_param_type('fast', fast, bool) self._abort_early_check_ratio = check_value_positive( 'abort_early_check_ratio', abort_early_check_ratio) self._targeted = check_param_type('targeted', targeted, bool) self._net_grad = GradWrap(self._network) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) self._dtype = None
def __init__(self, model, model_type='classification', targeted=True, reserve_ratio=0.3, sparse=True, pop_size=6, mutation_rate=0.005, per_bounds=0.15, max_steps=1000, step_size=0.20, temp=0.3, bounds=(0, 1.0), adaptive=False, c=0.1): super(GeneticAttack, self).__init__() self._model = check_model('model', model, BlackModel) self._model_type = check_param_type('model_type', model_type, str) if self._model_type not in ('classification', 'detection'): msg = "Only 'classification' or 'detection' is supported now, but got {}.".format(self._model_type) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._targeted = check_param_type('targeted', targeted, bool) self._reserve_ratio = check_value_non_negative('reserve_ratio', reserve_ratio) if self._reserve_ratio > 1: msg = "reserve_ratio should not be greater than 1.0, but got {}.".format(self._reserve_ratio) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) self._per_bounds = check_value_positive('per_bounds', per_bounds) self._pop_size = check_int_positive('pop_size', pop_size) self._step_size = check_value_positive('step_size', step_size) self._temp = check_value_positive('temp', temp) self._max_steps = check_int_positive('max_steps', max_steps) self._mutation_rate = check_value_non_negative('mutation_rate', mutation_rate) if self._mutation_rate > 1: msg = "mutation_rate should not be greater than 1.0, but got {}.".format(self._mutation_rate) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._adaptive = check_param_type('adaptive', adaptive, bool) # initial global optimum fitness value self._best_fit = -np.inf # count times of no progress self._plateau_times = 0 # count times of changing attack step_size self._adap_times = 0 self._bounds = bounds if self._bounds is not None: self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float]) self._c = check_value_positive('c', c)
def __init__(self, network, num_classes, model_type='classification', reserve_ratio=0.3, max_iters=50, overshoot=0.02, norm_level=2, bounds=None, sparse=True): super(DeepFool, self).__init__() self._network = check_model('network', network, Cell) self._max_iters = check_int_positive('max_iters', max_iters) self._overshoot = check_value_positive('overshoot', overshoot) self._norm_level = check_norm_level(norm_level) self._num_classes = check_int_positive('num_classes', num_classes) self._net_grad = GradWrap(self._network) self._bounds = bounds if self._bounds is not None: self._bounds = check_param_multi_types('bounds', bounds, [list, tuple]) for b in self._bounds: _ = check_param_multi_types('bound', b, [int, float]) self._sparse = check_param_type('sparse', sparse, bool) self._model_type = check_param_type('model_type', model_type, str) if self._model_type not in ('classification', 'detection'): msg = "Only 'classification' or 'detection' is supported now, but got {}.".format( self._model_type) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) self._reserve_ratio = check_value_non_negative('reserve_ratio', reserve_ratio) if self._reserve_ratio > 1: msg = 'reserve_ratio should be less than 1.0, but got {}.'.format( self._reserve_ratio) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(TAG, msg)
def __init__(self, target_model, train_dataset, neuron_num, segmented_num=1000): self._target_model = check_model('model', target_model, Model) train_dataset = check_numpy_param('train_dataset', train_dataset) self._coverage_metrics = ModelCoverageMetrics(target_model, neuron_num, segmented_num, train_dataset) # Allowed mutate strategies so far. self._strategies = { 'Contrast': Contrast, 'Brightness': Brightness, 'Blur': Blur, 'Noise': Noise, 'Translate': Translate, 'Scale': Scale, 'Shear': Shear, 'Rotate': Rotate, 'FGSM': FastGradientSignMethod, 'PGD': ProjectedGradientDescent, 'MDIIM': MomentumDiverseInputIterativeMethod } self._affine_trans_list = ['Translate', 'Scale', 'Shear', 'Rotate'] self._pixel_value_trans_list = [ 'Contrast', 'Brightness', 'Blur', 'Noise' ] self._attacks_list = ['FGSM', 'PGD', 'MDIIM'] self._attack_param_checklists = { 'FGSM': { 'eps': { 'dtype': [float], 'range': [0, 1] }, 'alpha': { 'dtype': [float], 'range': [0, 1] }, 'bounds': { 'dtype': [tuple] } }, 'PGD': { 'eps': { 'dtype': [float], 'range': [0, 1] }, 'eps_iter': { 'dtype': [float], 'range': [0, 1] }, 'nb_iter': { 'dtype': [int], 'range': [0, 100000] }, 'bounds': { 'dtype': [tuple] } }, 'MDIIM': { 'eps': { 'dtype': [float], 'range': [0, 1] }, 'norm_level': { 'dtype': [str, int], 'range': [1, 2, '1', '2', 'l1', 'l2', 'inf', 'np.inf'] }, 'prob': { 'dtype': [float], 'range': [0, 1] }, 'bounds': { 'dtype': [tuple] } } }