def plot_volumes(volume_files):
    Use fslview to visualize image volume data.

    volume_files : list of strings
        names of image volume files

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_volumes
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> volume_file1 = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 't1weighted.nii.gz')
    >>> volume_file2 = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 't1weighted_brain.nii.gz')
    >>> volume_files = [volume_file1, volume_file2]
    >>> plot_volumes(volume_files)

    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if isinstance(volume_files, str):
        volume_files = [volume_files]
    elif not isinstance(volume_files, list):
        import sys
        sys.error('plot_volumes() requires volume_files to be a list or string.')

    cmd = ["fslview"]
    execute(cmd, 'os')
def ComposeMultiTransform(transform_files, inverse_Booleans,
                          output_transform_file='', ext='.txt'):
    Run ANTs ComposeMultiTransform function to create a single transform.

    transform_files : list of strings
        transform file names
    inverse_Booleans : list of Booleans
        Booleans to indicate which transforms to take the inverse of
    output_transform_file : string
        transform file name
    ext : string
        '.txt' to save transform file as text, '.mat' for data file

    output_transform_file : string
        single composed transform file name

    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import ComposeMultiTransform
    >>> transform_files = ['affine1.mat', 'affine2.mat']
    >>> transform_files = ['/data/Brains/Mindboggle101/antsCorticalThickness/OASIS-TRT-20_volumes/OASIS-TRT-20-1/antsTemplateToSubject0GenericAffine.mat','/data/Brains/Mindboggle101/antsCorticalThickness/OASIS-TRT-20_volumes/OASIS-TRT-20-1/antsTemplateToSubject0GenericAffine.mat']
    >>> inverse_Booleans = [False, False]
    >>> output_transform_file = ''
    >>> ext = '.txt'
    >>> ComposeMultiTransform(transform_files, inverse_Booleans, output_transform_file, ext)

    import os

    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if not output_transform_file:
        output_transform_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'affine' + ext)

    xfms = []
    for ixfm, xfm in enumerate(transform_files):
        if inverse_Booleans[ixfm]:

    cmd = ['ComposeMultiTransform 3', output_transform_file, ' '.join(xfms)]
    execute(cmd, 'os')
    #if not os.path.exists(output_transform_file):
    #    raise(IOError(output_transform_file + " not found"))

    return output_transform_file
def ThresholdImage(volume, output_file='', threshlo=1, threshhi=10000):
    Use the ThresholdImage function in ANTS to threshold image volume::

    Usage: ThresholdImage ImageDimension ImageIn.ext outImage.ext
           threshlo threshhi <insideValue> <outsideValue>

    volume : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    output_file : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    threshlo : integer
        lower threshold
    threshhi : integer
        upper threshold

    output_file : string
        name of output nibabel-readable image volume

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import ThresholdImage
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_volumes
    >>> path = os.path.join(os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA'])
    >>> volume = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 't1weighted.nii.gz')
    >>> output_file = ''
    >>> threshlo = 500
    >>> threshhi = 10000
    >>> output_file = ThresholdImage(volume, output_file, threshlo, threshhi)
    >>> # View
    >>> plot_volumes(output_file)

    import os
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if not output_file:
        output_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                                   'threshold_' + os.path.basename(volume))

    cmd = 'ThresholdImage 3 {0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(volume, output_file,
                                                    threshlo, threshhi)
    execute(cmd, 'os')
    if not os.path.exists(output_file):
        raise(IOError(output_file + " not found"))

    return output_file
def ThresholdImage(volume, output_file='', threshlo=1, threshhi=10000):
    Use the ThresholdImage function in ANTs to threshold image volume::

    Usage: ThresholdImage ImageDimension ImageIn.ext outImage.ext
           threshlo threshhi <insideValue> <outsideValue>

    volume : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    output_file : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    threshlo : integer
        lower threshold
    threshhi : integer
        upper threshold

    output_file : string
        name of output nibabel-readable image volume

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import ThresholdImage
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_volumes
    >>> path = os.path.join(os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA'])
    >>> volume = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 't1weighted.nii.gz')
    >>> output_file = ''
    >>> threshlo = 500
    >>> threshhi = 10000
    >>> output_file = ThresholdImage(volume, output_file, threshlo, threshhi)
    >>> # View
    >>> plot_volumes(output_file)

    import os
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if not output_file:
        output_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                                   'threshold_' + os.path.basename(volume))

    cmd = 'ThresholdImage 3 {0} {1} {2} {3}'.format(volume, output_file,
                                                    threshlo, threshhi)
    execute(cmd, 'os')
    if not os.path.exists(output_file):
        raise (IOError("ThresholdImage did not create " + output_file + "."))

    return output_file
def plot_vtk(vtk_file, mask_file='', masked_output=''):
    Use mayavi2 to visualize VTK surface mesh data.

    vtk_file : string
        name of VTK surface mesh file

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_vtk
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> vtk_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'shapes', 'lh.pial.mean_curvature.vtk')
    >>> mask_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'features', 'folds.vtk')
    >>> masked_output = ''
    >>> plot_vtk(vtk_file, mask_file, masked_output)

    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    # Filter mesh with the non -1 values from a second (same-size) mesh:
    if mask_file:

        from mindboggle.utils.io_vtk import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars

        scalars, name = read_scalars(vtk_file)
        mask, name = read_scalars(mask_file)
        if not masked_output:
            masked_output = 'temp.vtk'
        rewrite_scalars(vtk_file, masked_output, scalars, 'masked', mask)

        cmd = ["mayavi2", "-d", masked_output, "-m", "Surface"]


        cmd = ["mayavi2", "-d", vtk_file, "-m", "Surface"]
    execute(cmd, 'os')
def plot_volumes(volume_files, command='fslview'):
    Use fslview to visualize image volume data.

    volume_files : list of strings
        names of image volume files
    command : string
        plotting software command

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_volumes
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> volume_file1 = os.path.join(path, 'Twins-2-1', 'mri', 't1weighted.nii.gz')
    >>> volume_file2 = os.path.join(path, 'Twins-2-1', 'mri', 't1weighted_brain.nii.gz')
    >>> volume_files = [volume_file1, volume_file2]
    >>> command = 'fslview'
    >>> command = '/Applications/ITK-SNAP.app/Contents/MacOS/InsightSNAP'
    >>> plot_volumes(volume_files, command=command)

    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if isinstance(volume_files, str):
        volume_files = [volume_files]
    elif not isinstance(volume_files, list):
        raise(IOError('plot_volumes() requires volume_files to be a list or string.'))

    if not isinstance(command, str):
        raise(IOError('plot_volumes() requires command to be a string.'))
        command = [command]

    execute(command, 'os')
def plot_mask_surface(vtk_file, mask_file='', nonmask_value=-1,
                      masked_output='', remove_nonmask=False,
                      use_colormap=False, colormap_file=''):
    Use vtkviewer or mayavi2 to visualize VTK surface mesh data.

    If a mask_file is provided, a temporary masked file is saved,
    and it is this file that is viewed.

    If using vtkviewer, can optionally provide colormap file
    or set $COLORMAP environment variable.

    vtk_file : string
        name of VTK surface mesh file
    mask_file : string
        name of VTK surface mesh file to mask vtk_file vertices
    nonmask_value : integer
        nonmask (usually background) value
    masked_output : string
        temporary masked output file name
    remove_nonmask : Boolean
        remove vertices that are not in mask? (otherwise assign nonmask_value)
    program : string {'vtkviewer', 'mayavi2'}
        program to visualize VTK file
    use_colormap : Boolean
        use Paraview-style XML colormap file set by $COLORMAP env variable?
    colormap_file : string
        use colormap in given file if use_colormap==True?  if empty and
        use_colormap==True, use file set by $COLORMAP environment variable

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_mask_surface
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> vtk_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'labels', 'lh.labels.DKT31.manual.vtk')
    >>> mask_file = os.path.join(path, 'test_one_label.vtk')
    >>> nonmask_value = 0 #-1
    >>> masked_output = ''
    >>> remove_nonmask = True
    >>> program = 'vtkviewer'
    >>> use_colormap = True
    >>> colormap_file = '' #'/software/mindboggle_tools/colormap.xml'
    >>> plot_mask_surface(vtk_file, mask_file, nonmask_value, masked_output, remove_nonmask, program, use_colormap, colormap_file)

    import os
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.utils.mesh import remove_faces, reindex_faces_points
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute
    from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_surfaces
    from mindboggle.utils.io_vtk import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars, \
                                        read_vtk, write_vtk

    # Filter mesh with non-background values from a second (same-size) mesh:
    if mask_file:
        mask, name = read_scalars(mask_file, True, True)
        if not masked_output:
            masked_output = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'temp.vtk')
        file_to_plot = masked_output

        # Remove nonmask-valued vertices:
        if remove_nonmask:
            # Load VTK files:
            faces, lines, indices, points, npoints, scalars, scalar_names, \
            o1 = read_vtk(vtk_file, True, True)
            # Find mask indices, remove nonmask faces, and reindex:
            Imask = [i for i,x in enumerate(mask) if x != nonmask_value]
            mask_faces = remove_faces(faces, Imask)
            mask_faces, points, \
            original_indices = reindex_faces_points(mask_faces, points)
            # Write VTK file with scalar values:
            if np.ndim(scalars) == 1:
                scalar_type = type(scalars[0]).__name__
            elif np.ndim(scalars) == 2:
                scalar_type = type(scalars[0][0]).__name__
                print("Undefined scalar type!")
            write_vtk(file_to_plot, points, [], [], mask_faces,
                      scalars[original_indices].tolist(), scalar_names,
            scalars, name = read_scalars(vtk_file, True, True)
            scalars[mask == nonmask_value] = nonmask_value
            rewrite_scalars(vtk_file, file_to_plot, scalars)
        file_to_plot = vtk_file

    # Display with vtkviewer.py:
    if program == 'vtkviewer':
        plot_surfaces(file_to_plot, use_colormap=use_colormap,
    # Display with mayavi2:
    elif program == 'mayavi2':
        cmd = ["mayavi2", "-d", file_to_plot, "-m", "Surface", "&"]
        execute(cmd, 'os')
def thickinthehead(segmented_file, labeled_file, cortex_value=2,
                   noncortex_value=3, labels=[], names=[], resize=True,
                   propagate=True, output_dir='', save_table=False):
    Compute a simple thickness measure for each labeled cortex region.


      - Cortex, noncortex, and labeled files are the same coregistered brain.
      - Calls ANTs functions: ImageMath, Threshold, ResampleImageBySpacing

    Example preprocessing steps ::

      1. Run Freesurfer and antsCorticalThickness.sh on T1-weighted image.
      2. Convert FreeSurfer volume labels (e.g., wmparc.mgz or aparc+aseg.mgz)
         to cortex (2) and noncortex (3) segments using relabel_volume()
         function [refer to LABELS.py or FreeSurferColorLUT labels file].
      3. Convert ANTs Atropos-segmented volume (tmpBrainSegmentation.nii.gz)
         to cortex and noncortex segments, by converting 1-labels to 0 and
         4-labels to 3 with the relabel_volume() function
         (the latter is to include deep-gray matter with noncortical tissues).
      4. Combine FreeSurfer and ANTs segmentation volumes to obtain a single
         cortex (2) and noncortex (3) segmentation file using the function
         combine_2labels_in_2volumes(). This function takes the union of
         cortex voxels from the segmentations, the union of the noncortex
         voxels from the segmentations, and overwrites intersecting cortex
         and noncortex voxels with noncortex (3) labels.
         ANTs tends to include more cortical gray matter at the periphery of
         the brain than Freesurfer, and FreeSurfer tends to include more white
         matter that extends deep into gyral folds than ANTs, so the above
         attempts to remedy their differences by overlaying ANTs cortical gray
         with FreeSurfer white matter.
      5. Optional, see Step 2 below:
         Fill segmented cortex with cortex labels and noncortex with
         noncortex labels using the PropagateLabelsThroughMask() function
         (which calls ImageMath ... PropagateLabelsThroughMask in ANTs).
         The labels can be initialized using FreeSurfer (e.g. wmparc.mgz)
         or ANTs (by applying the nonlinear inverse transform generated by
         antsCorticalThickness.sh to labels in the Atropos template space).
         [Note: Any further labeling steps may be applied, such as
         overwriting cerebrum with intersecting cerebellum labels.]

    Steps ::

        1. Extract noncortex and cortex.
        2. Either mask labels with cortex or fill cortex with labels.
        3. Resample cortex and noncortex files from 1x1x1 to 0.5x0.5x0.5
           to better represent the contours of the boundaries of the cortex.
        4. Extract outer and inner boundary voxels of the cortex,
           by eroding 1 (resampled) voxel for cortex voxels (2) bordering
           the outside of the brain (0) and bordering noncortex (3).
        5. Estimate middle cortical surface area by the average volume
           of the outer and inner boundary voxels of the cortex.
        6. Compute the volume of a labeled region of cortex.
        7. Estimate the thickness of the labeled cortical region as the
           volume of the labeled region (#6) divided by the surface area (#5).

    segmented_file : string
        image volume with cortex and noncortex (and any other) labels
    labeled_file : string
        corresponding image volume with index labels
    cortex_value : integer
        cortex label value in segmented_file
    noncortex_value : integer
        noncortex label value in segmented_file
    labels : list of integers
        label indices
    names : list of strings
        label names
    resize : Boolean
        resize (2x) segmented_file for more accurate thickness estimates?
    propagate : Boolean
        propagate labels through cortex?
    output_dir : string
        output directory
    save_table : Boolean
        save output table file with labels and thickness values?

    label_volume_thickness : list of lists of integers and floats
        label indices, volumes, and thickness values (default -1)
    output_table : string
        name of output thickness table file (if save_table==True)

    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import thickinthehead
    >>> segmented_file = '/Users/arno/Data/antsCorticalThickness/OASIS-TRT-20-1/tmp23314/tmpBrainSegmentation.nii.gz'
    >>> labeled_file = '/appsdir/freesurfer/subjects/OASIS-TRT-20-1/mri/labels.DKT31.manual.nii.gz'
    >>> cortex_value = 2
    >>> noncortex_value = 3
    >>> #labels = [2]
    >>> labels = range(1002,1036) + range(2002,2036)
    >>> labels.remove(1004)
    >>> labels.remove(2004)
    >>> labels.remove(1032)
    >>> labels.remove(2032)
    >>> labels.remove(1033)
    >>> labels.remove(2033)
    >>> names = []
    >>> resize = True
    >>> propagate = False
    >>> output_dir = ''
    >>> save_table = True
    >>> label_volume_thickness, output_table = thickinthehead(segmented_file, labeled_file, cortex_value, noncortex_value, labels, names, resize, propagate, output_dir, save_table)

    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb

    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    # Output files:
    if output_dir:
        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
        output_dir = os.getcwd()
    cortex = os.path.join(output_dir, 'cortex.nii.gz')
    noncortex = os.path.join(output_dir, 'noncortex.nii.gz')
    temp = os.path.join(output_dir, 'temp.nii.gz')
    inner_edge = os.path.join(output_dir, 'cortex_inner_edge.nii.gz')
    use_outer_edge = True
    if use_outer_edge:
        outer_edge = os.path.join(output_dir, 'cortex_outer_edge.nii.gz')
    if save_table:
        output_table = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'thickinthehead.csv')
        fid = open(output_table, 'w')
        if names:
            fid.write("Label name, Label number, Volume, "
                      "Thickness (thickinthehead)\n")
            fid.write("Label number, Volume, Thickness (thickinthehead)\n")
        output_table = ''

    # Extract noncortex and cortex:
    cmd = ['ThresholdImage 3', segmented_file,
           noncortex, str(noncortex_value), str(noncortex_value), '1 0']
    cmd = ['ThresholdImage 3', segmented_file,
           cortex, str(cortex_value), str(cortex_value), '1 0']

    # Either mask labels with cortex or fill cortex with labels:
    if propagate:
        cmd = ['ImageMath', '3', cortex, 'PropagateLabelsThroughMask',
               cortex, labeled_file]
        cmd = ['ImageMath 3', cortex, 'm', cortex, labeled_file]

    # Resample cortex and noncortex files from 1x1x1 to 0.5x0.5x0.5
    # to better represent the contours of the boundaries of the cortex:
    if resize:
        rescale = 2.0

        dims = ' '.join([str(1/rescale), str(1/rescale), str(1/rescale)])
        cmd = ['ResampleImageBySpacing 3', cortex, cortex, dims, '0 0 1']
        cmd = ['ResampleImageBySpacing 3', noncortex, noncortex, dims, '0 0 1']

    # Extract outer and inner boundary voxels of the cortex,
    # by eroding 1 (resampled) voxel for cortex voxels (2) bordering
    # the outside of the brain (0) and bordering noncortex (3):
    cmd = ['ImageMath 3', inner_edge, 'MD', noncortex, '1']
    cmd = ['ImageMath 3', inner_edge, 'm', cortex, inner_edge]
    if use_outer_edge:
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage 3', cortex, outer_edge, '1 10000 1 0']
        cmd = ['ImageMath 3', outer_edge, 'ME', outer_edge, '1']
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage 3', outer_edge, outer_edge, '1 1 0 1']
        cmd = ['ImageMath 3', outer_edge, 'm', cortex, outer_edge]
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage 3', inner_edge, temp, '1 10000 1 0']
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage 3', temp, temp, '1 1 0 1']
        cmd = ['ImageMath 3', outer_edge, 'm', temp, outer_edge]

    # Load data:
    compute_real_volume = True
    if compute_real_volume:
        img = nb.load(cortex)
        hdr = img.get_header()
        vv = np.prod(hdr.get_zooms())
        cortex_data = img.get_data().ravel()
        vv = 1
        cortex_data = nb.load(cortex).get_data().ravel()
    inner_edge_data = nb.load(inner_edge).get_data().ravel()
    if use_outer_edge:
        outer_edge_data = nb.load(outer_edge).get_data().ravel()

    # Loop through labels:
    if not labels:
        labeled_data = nb.load(labeled_file).get_data().ravel()
        labels = np.unique(labeled_data)
    labels = [int(x) for x in labels]
    label_volume_thickness = -1 * np.ones((len(labels), 3))
    label_volume_thickness[:, 0] = labels
    for ilabel, label in enumerate(labels):
        if names:
            name = names[ilabel]

        # Compute thickness as a ratio of label volume and edge volume:
        #   - Estimate middle cortical surface area by the average volume
        #     of the outer and inner boundary voxels of the cortex.
        #   - Compute the volume of a labeled region of cortex.
        #   - Estimate the thickness of the labeled cortical region as the
        #     volume of the labeled region divided by the surface area.
        label_cortex_volume = vv * len(np.where(cortex_data==label)[0])
        label_inner_edge_volume = vv * len(np.where(inner_edge_data==label)[0])
        if label_inner_edge_volume:
            if use_outer_edge:
                label_outer_edge_volume = \
                    vv * len(np.where(outer_edge_data==label)[0])
                label_area = (label_inner_edge_volume +
                              label_outer_edge_volume) / 2.0
                label_area = label_inner_edge_volume
            thickness = label_cortex_volume / label_area
            label_volume_thickness[ilabel, 1] = label_cortex_volume
            label_volume_thickness[ilabel, 2] = thickness

            #print('label {0} volume: cortex={1:2.2f}, inner={2:2.2f}, '
            #      'outer={3:2.2f}, area51={4:2.2f}, thickness={5:2.2f}mm'.
            #      format(name, label, label_cortex_volume, label_inner_edge_volume,
            #      label_outer_edge_volume, label_area, thickness))
            if names:
                print('{0} ({1}) volume={2:2.2f}, thickness={3:2.2f}mm'.
                      format(name, label, label_cortex_volume, thickness))
                print('{0}, volume={2:2.2f}, thickness={3:2.2f}mm'.
                      format(label, label_cortex_volume, thickness))

            if save_table:
                if names:
                    fid.write('{0}, {1}, {2:2.4f}, {3:2.4f}\n'.format(name,
                                label, label_cortex_volume, thickness))
                    fid.write('{0}, {1:2.4f}, {2:2.4f}\n'.format(label,
                                label_cortex_volume, thickness))

    label_volume_thickness = label_volume_thickness.transpose().tolist()

    return label_volume_thickness, output_table
def PropagateLabelsThroughMask(mask, labels, mask_index=None,
                               output_file='', binarize=True, stopvalue=''):
    Use ANTs to fill a binary volume mask with initial labels.

    This program uses ThresholdImage and the ImageMath
    PropagateLabelsThroughMask functions in ANTS.

    ThresholdImage ImageDimension ImageIn.ext outImage.ext
        threshlo threshhi <insideValue> <outsideValue>

    PropagateLabelsThroughMask: Final output is the propagated label image.
        ImageMath ImageDimension Out.ext PropagateLabelsThroughMask
        speed/binaryimagemask.nii.gz initiallabelimage.nii.gz ...

    mask : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    labels : string
        nibabel-readable image volume with integer labels
    mask_index : integer (optional)
        mask with just voxels having this value
    output_file : string
        nibabel-readable labeled image volume
    binarize : Boolean
        binarize mask?
    stopvalue : integer
        stopping value

    output_file : string
        name of labeled output nibabel-readable image volume

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import PropagateLabelsThroughMask
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_volumes
    >>> path = os.path.join(os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA'])
    >>> labels = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'labels', 'labels.DKT25.manual.nii.gz')
    >>> mask = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 't1weighted_brain.nii.gz')
    >>> mask_index = None
    >>> output_file = ''
    >>> binarize = True
    >>> stopvalue = None
    >>> output_file = PropagateLabelsThroughMask(mask, labels, mask_index, output_file, binarize, stopvalue)
    >>> # View
    >>> plot_volumes(output_file)

    import os
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if not output_file:
        output_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
        output_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                                   os.path.basename(labels) + '_through_' +

    print('mask: {0}, labels: {1}'.format(mask, labels))

    # Binarize image volume:
    if binarize:
        temp_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage', '3', mask, temp_file, '0 1 0 1']
        execute(cmd, 'os')
        mask = temp_file

    # Mask with just voxels having mask_index value:
    if mask_index:
        mask2 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'temp.nii.gz')
        cmd = 'ThresholdImage 3 {0} {1} {2} {3} 1 0'.format(mask, mask2,
               mask_index, mask_index)
        mask2 = mask

    # Propagate labels:
    cmd = ['ImageMath', '3', output_file, 'PropagateLabelsThroughMask',
            mask2, labels]
    if stopvalue:
    execute(cmd, 'os')
    if not os.path.exists(output_file):
        raise(IOError(output_file + " not found"))

    return output_file
def ImageMath(volume1, volume2, operator='m', output_file=''):
    Use the ImageMath function in ANTs to perform operation on two volumes::

        m         : Multiply ---  use vm for vector multiply
        +         : Add ---  use v+ for vector add
        -         : Subtract ---  use v- for vector subtract
        /         : Divide
        ^         : Power
        exp       : Take exponent exp(imagevalue*value)
        addtozero : add image-b to image-a only over points where image-a has zero values
        overadd   : replace image-a pixel with image-b pixel if image-b pixel is non-zero
        abs       : absolute value
        total     : Sums up values in an image or in image1*image2 (img2 is the probability mask)
        mean      :  Average of values in an image or in image1*image2 (img2 is the probability mask)
        vtotal    : Sums up volumetrically weighted values in an image or in image1*image2 (img2 is the probability mask)
        Decision  : Computes result=1./(1.+exp(-1.0*( pix1-0.25)/pix2))
        Neg       : Produce image negative

    volume1 : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    volume2 : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    operator : string
        ImageMath string corresponding to mathematical operator
    output_file : string
        nibabel-readable image volume

    output_file : string
        name of output nibabel-readable image volume

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import ImageMath
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_volumes
    >>> path = os.path.join(os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA'])
    >>> volume1 = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 't1weighted.nii.gz')
    >>> volume2 = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 'mask.nii.gz')
    >>> operator = 'm'
    >>> output_file = ''
    >>> output_file = ImageMath(volume1, volume2, operator, output_file)
    >>> # View
    >>> plot_volumes(output_file)

    import os
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if not output_file:
        output_file = os.path.join(
            os.path.basename(volume1) + '_' + os.path.basename(volume2))

    cmd = ['ImageMath', '3', output_file, operator, volume1, volume2]
    execute(cmd, 'os')
    if not os.path.exists(output_file):
        raise (IOError("ImageMath did not create " + output_file + "."))

    return output_file
def ImageMath(volume1, volume2, operator='m', output_file=''):
    Use the ImageMath function in ANTS to perform operation on two volumes::

        m         : Multiply ---  use vm for vector multiply
        +         : Add ---  use v+ for vector add
        -         : Subtract ---  use v- for vector subtract
        /         : Divide
        ^         : Power
        exp       : Take exponent exp(imagevalue*value)
        addtozero : add image-b to image-a only over points where image-a has zero values
        overadd   : replace image-a pixel with image-b pixel if image-b pixel is non-zero
        abs       : absolute value
        total     : Sums up values in an image or in image1*image2 (img2 is the probability mask)
        mean      :  Average of values in an image or in image1*image2 (img2 is the probability mask)
        vtotal    : Sums up volumetrically weighted values in an image or in image1*image2 (img2 is the probability mask)
        Decision  : Computes result=1./(1.+exp(-1.0*( pix1-0.25)/pix2))
        Neg       : Produce image negative

    volume1 : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    volume2 : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    operator : string
        ImageMath string corresponding to mathematical operator
    output_file : string
        nibabel-readable image volume

    output_file : string
        name of output nibabel-readable image volume

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import ImageMath
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_volumes
    >>> path = os.path.join(os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA'])
    >>> volume1 = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 't1weighted.nii.gz')
    >>> volume2 = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 'mask.nii.gz')
    >>> operator = 'm'
    >>> output_file = ''
    >>> output_file = ImageMath(volume1, volume2, operator, output_file)
    >>> # View
    >>> plot_volumes(output_file)

    import os
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if not output_file:
        output_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
                                   os.path.basename(volume1) + '_' +

    cmd = ['ImageMath', '3', output_file, operator, volume1, volume2]
    execute(cmd, 'os')
    if not os.path.exists(output_file):
        raise(IOError(output_file + " not found"))

    return output_file
def antsApplyTransformsToPoints(points, transform_files, inverse_booleans=[0]):
    Run ANTs antsApplyTransformsToPoints function to transform points.
    (Creates pre- and post-transformed .csv points files for ANTs.)

    points : list of lists of three integers
        point coordinate data
    transform_files : list
        transform file names
    inverse_booleans : list
        for each transform, one to apply inverse of transform (otherwise zero)

    transformed_points : list of lists of three integers
        transformed point coordinate data

    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import antsApplyTransformsToPoints
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.io_vtk import read_vtk
    >>> transform_files = ['/Users/arno/mindboggle_working/OASIS-TRT-20-1/Mindboggle/Compose_affine_transform/affine.txt']
    >>> vtk_file = '/Users/arno/mindboggle_working/OASIS-TRT-20-1/Mindboggle/_hemi_lh/Surface_to_vtk/lh.pial.vtk'
    >>> faces, lines, indices, points, npoints, scalars, name, foo1 = read_vtk(vtk_file)
    >>> inverse_booleans = [0]
    >>> transformed_points = antsApplyTransformsToPoints(points, transform_files, inverse_booleans)

    import os

    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    # Write points (x,y,z,1) to a .csv file:
    points_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'points.csv')
    fid = open(points_file, 'wa')
    for point in points:
        fid.write(','.join([str(x) for x in point]) + '\n')

    # Apply transforms to points in .csv file:
    transformed_points_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
    transform_string = ''
    for ixfm, transform_file in enumerate(transform_files):
        transform_string += "--t [{0},{1}]".format(transform_file,
    cmd = ['antsApplyTransformsToPoints', '-d', '3', '-i', points_file,
           '-o', transformed_points_file, transform_string]
    execute(cmd, 'os')
    if not os.path.exists(transformed_points_file):
        raise(IOError(transformed_points_file + " not found"))

    # Return transformed points:
    fid = open(transformed_points_file, 'r')
    lines = fid.readlines()
    transformed_points = []
    for iline, line in enumerate(lines):
        if iline > 0:
            point_xyz1 = [float(x) for x in line.split(',')]

    return transformed_points
def PropagateLabelsThroughMask(mask_volume, label_volume, output_file='',
    Use ANTs to fill a binary volume mask with initial labels.

    This program uses ThresholdImage and the ImageMath
    PropagateLabelsThroughMask functions in ANTS.

    ThresholdImage ImageDimension ImageIn.ext outImage.ext
        threshlo threshhi <insideValue> <outsideValue>

    PropagateLabelsThroughMask: Final output is the propagated label image.
        ImageMath ImageDimension Out.ext PropagateLabelsThroughMask
        speed/binaryimagemask.nii.gz initiallabelimage.nii.gz ...

    label_volume : string
        nibabel-readable image volume with integer labels
    mask_volume : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    output_file : string
        nibabel-readable labeled image volume
    binarize : Boolean
        binarize mask_volume?

    output_file : string
        name of labeled output nibabel-readable image volume

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import PropagateLabelsThroughMask
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_volumes
    >>> path = os.path.join(os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA'])
    >>> label_volume = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'labels', 'labels.DKT25.manual.nii.gz')
    >>> mask_volume = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 't1weighted_brain.nii.gz')
    >>> output_file = ''
    >>> binarize = True
    >>> output_file = PropagateLabelsThroughMask(mask_volume, label_volume,
    >>>                                          output_file, binarize)
    >>> # View
    >>> plot_volumes(output_file)

    import os
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if not output_file:
        output_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'propagated_labels.nii.gz')

    # Binarize image volume:
    if binarize:
        temp_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'propagated_labels.nii.gz')
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage', '3', mask_volume, temp_file, '0 1 0 1']
        execute(cmd, 'os')
        mask_volume = temp_file

    # Propagate labels:
    cmd = ['ImageMath', '3', output_file, 'PropagateLabelsThroughMask',
            mask_volume, label_volume]
    execute(cmd, 'os')
    if not os.path.exists(output_file):
        raise(IOError(output_file + " not found"))

    return output_file
def thickinthehead(segmented_file,
    Compute a simple thickness measure for each labeled cortex region.


      - Cortex, noncortex, & label files are from the same coregistered brain.
      - Calls ANTs functions: ImageMath, Threshold, ResampleImageBySpacing
      - There may be slight discrepancies between volumes computed by
        thickinthehead() and volumes computed by volume_per_label();
        in 31 of 600+ ADNI 1.5T images, some volume_per_label() volumes
        were slightly larger (in the third decimal place), presumably due to
        label propagation through the cortex.

    Example preprocessing steps ::

      1. Run Freesurfer and antsCorticalThickness.sh on T1-weighted image.
      2. Convert FreeSurfer volume labels (e.g., wmparc.mgz or aparc+aseg.mgz)
         to cortex (2) and noncortex (3) segments using relabel_volume()
         function [refer to LABELS.py or FreeSurferColorLUT labels file].
      3. Convert ANTs Atropos-segmented volume (tmpBrainSegmentation.nii.gz)
         to cortex and noncortex segments, by converting 1-labels to 0 and
         4-labels to 3 with the relabel_volume() function
         (the latter is to include deep-gray matter with noncortical tissues).
      4. Combine FreeSurfer and ANTs segmentation volumes to obtain a single
         cortex (2) and noncortex (3) segmentation file using the function
         combine_2labels_in_2volumes(). This function takes the union of
         cortex voxels from the segmentations, the union of the noncortex
         voxels from the segmentations, and overwrites intersecting cortex
         and noncortex voxels with noncortex (3) labels.
         ANTs tends to include more cortical gray matter at the periphery of
         the brain than Freesurfer, and FreeSurfer tends to include more white
         matter that extends deep into gyral folds than ANTs, so the above
         attempts to remedy their differences by overlaying ANTs cortical gray
         with FreeSurfer white matter.
      5. Optional, see Step 2 below:
         Fill segmented cortex with cortex labels and noncortex with
         noncortex labels using the PropagateLabelsThroughMask() function
         (which calls ImageMath ... PropagateLabelsThroughMask in ANTs).
         The labels can be initialized using FreeSurfer (e.g. wmparc.mgz)
         or ANTs (by applying the nonlinear inverse transform generated by
         antsCorticalThickness.sh to labels in the Atropos template space).
         [Note: Any further labeling steps may be applied, such as
         overwriting cerebrum with intersecting cerebellum labels.]

    Steps ::

        1. Extract noncortex and cortex.
        2. Either mask labels with cortex or fill cortex with labels.
        3. Resample cortex and noncortex files from 1x1x1 to 0.5x0.5x0.5
           to better represent the contours of the boundaries of the cortex.
        4. Extract outer and inner boundary voxels of the cortex,
           by eroding 1 (resampled) voxel for cortex voxels (2) bordering
           the outside of the brain (0) and bordering noncortex (3).
        5. Estimate middle cortical surface area by the average volume
           of the outer and inner boundary voxels of the cortex.
        6. Compute the volume of a labeled region of cortex.
        7. Estimate the thickness of the labeled cortical region as the
           volume of the labeled region (#6) divided by the surface area (#5).

    segmented_file : string
        image volume with cortex and noncortex (and any other) labels
    labeled_file : string
        corresponding image volume with index labels
    cortex_value : integer
        cortex label value in segmented_file
    noncortex_value : integer
        noncortex label value in segmented_file
    labels : list of integers
        label indices
    names : list of strings
        label names
    resize : Boolean
        resize (2x) segmented_file for more accurate thickness estimates?
    propagate : Boolean
        propagate labels through cortex?
    output_dir : string
        output directory
    save_table : Boolean
        save output table file with label volumes and thickness values?
    output_table : string
        name of output table file with label volumes and thickness values

    label_volume_thickness : list of lists of integers and floats
        label indices, volumes, and thickness values (default -1)
    output_table : string
        name of output table file with label volumes and thickness values

    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import thickinthehead
    >>> segmented_file = '/Users/arno/Data/antsCorticalThickness/OASIS-TRT-20-1/antsBrainSegmentation.nii.gz'
    >>> labeled_file = '/appsdir/freesurfer/subjects/OASIS-TRT-20-1/mri/labels.DKT31.manual.nii.gz'
    >>> cortex_value = 2
    >>> noncortex_value = 3
    >>> #labels = [2]
    >>> labels = range(1002,1036) + range(2002,2036)
    >>> labels.remove(1004)
    >>> labels.remove(2004)
    >>> labels.remove(1032)
    >>> labels.remove(2032)
    >>> labels.remove(1033)
    >>> labels.remove(2033)
    >>> names = []
    >>> resize = True
    >>> propagate = False
    >>> output_dir = ''
    >>> save_table = True
    >>> output_table = ''
    >>> label_volume_thickness, output_table = thickinthehead(segmented_file, labeled_file, cortex_value, noncortex_value, labels, names, resize, propagate, output_dir, save_table, output_table)

    import os
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb

    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    # Output files:
    if output_dir:
        if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
        output_dir = os.getcwd()
    cortex = os.path.join(output_dir, 'cortex.nii.gz')
    noncortex = os.path.join(output_dir, 'noncortex.nii.gz')
    temp = os.path.join(output_dir, 'temp.nii.gz')
    inner_edge = os.path.join(output_dir, 'cortex_inner_edge.nii.gz')
    use_outer_edge = True
    if use_outer_edge:
        outer_edge = os.path.join(output_dir, 'cortex_outer_edge.nii.gz')

    if save_table:
        if output_table:
            output_table = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), output_table)
            output_table = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
        fid = open(output_table, 'w')
        if names:
                "Label name,Label number,Volume,Thickness (thickinthehead)\n")
            fid.write("Label number,Volume,Thickness (thickinthehead)\n")
        output_table = ''

    # Extract noncortex and cortex:
    cmd = [
        'ThresholdImage 3', segmented_file, noncortex,
        str(noncortex_value), '1 0'
    cmd = [
        'ThresholdImage 3', segmented_file, cortex,
        str(cortex_value), '1 0'

    # Either mask labels with cortex or fill cortex with labels:
    if propagate:
        cmd = [
            'ImageMath', '3', cortex, 'PropagateLabelsThroughMask', cortex,
        cmd = ['ImageMath 3', cortex, 'm', cortex, labeled_file]

    # Load data and dimensions:
    if resize:
        rescale = 2.0
        rescale = 1.0
    compute_real_volume = True
    if compute_real_volume:
        img = nb.load(cortex)
        hdr = img.get_header()
        vv_orig = np.prod(hdr.get_zooms())
        vv = np.prod([x / rescale for x in hdr.get_zooms()])
        cortex_data = img.get_data().ravel()
        vv = 1 / rescale
        cortex_data = nb.load(cortex).get_data().ravel()

    # Resample cortex and noncortex files from 1x1x1 to 0.5x0.5x0.5
    # to better represent the contours of the boundaries of the cortex:
    if resize:
        dims = ' '.join([str(1 / rescale), str(1 / rescale), str(1 / rescale)])
        cmd = ['ResampleImageBySpacing 3', cortex, cortex, dims, '0 0 1']
        cmd = ['ResampleImageBySpacing 3', noncortex, noncortex, dims, '0 0 1']

    # Extract outer and inner boundary voxels of the cortex,
    # by eroding 1 (resampled) voxel for cortex voxels (2) bordering
    # the outside of the brain (0) and bordering noncortex (3):
    cmd = ['ImageMath 3', inner_edge, 'MD', noncortex, '1']
    cmd = ['ImageMath 3', inner_edge, 'm', cortex, inner_edge]
    if use_outer_edge:
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage 3', cortex, outer_edge, '1 10000 1 0']
        cmd = ['ImageMath 3', outer_edge, 'ME', outer_edge, '1']
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage 3', outer_edge, outer_edge, '1 1 0 1']
        cmd = ['ImageMath 3', outer_edge, 'm', cortex, outer_edge]
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage 3', inner_edge, temp, '1 10000 1 0']
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage 3', temp, temp, '1 1 0 1']
        cmd = ['ImageMath 3', outer_edge, 'm', temp, outer_edge]

    # Load data:
    inner_edge_data = nb.load(inner_edge).get_data().ravel()
    if use_outer_edge:
        outer_edge_data = nb.load(outer_edge).get_data().ravel()

    # Loop through labels:
    if not labels:
        labeled_data = nb.load(labeled_file).get_data().ravel()
        labels = np.unique(labeled_data)
    labels = [int(x) for x in labels]
    label_volume_thickness = -1 * np.ones((len(labels), 3))
    label_volume_thickness[:, 0] = labels
    for ilabel, label in enumerate(labels):
        if names:
            name = names[ilabel]

        # Compute thickness as a ratio of label volume and edge volume:
        #   - Estimate middle cortical surface area by the average volume
        #     of the outer and inner boundary voxels of the cortex.
        #   - Compute the volume of a labeled region of cortex.
        #   - Estimate the thickness of the labeled cortical region as the
        #     volume of the labeled region divided by the surface area.
        label_cortex_volume = vv_orig * len(np.where(cortex_data == label)[0])
        label_inner_edge_volume = vv * len(
            np.where(inner_edge_data == label)[0])
        if label_inner_edge_volume:
            if use_outer_edge:
                label_outer_edge_volume = \
                    vv * len(np.where(outer_edge_data==label)[0])
                label_area = (label_inner_edge_volume +
                              label_outer_edge_volume) / 2.0
                label_area = label_inner_edge_volume
            thickness = label_cortex_volume / label_area
            label_volume_thickness[ilabel, 1] = label_cortex_volume
            label_volume_thickness[ilabel, 2] = thickness

            #print('label {0} volume: cortex={1:2.2f}, inner={2:2.2f}, '
            #      'outer={3:2.2f}, area51={4:2.2f}, thickness={5:2.2f}mm'.
            #      format(name, label, label_cortex_volume, label_inner_edge_volume,
            #      label_outer_edge_volume, label_area, thickness))
            if names:
                print('{0} ({1}) volume={2:2.2f}, thickness={3:2.2f}mm'.format(
                    name, label, label_cortex_volume, thickness))
                print('{0}, volume={2:2.2f}, thickness={3:2.2f}mm'.format(
                    label, label_cortex_volume, thickness))

            if save_table:
                if names:
                    fid.write('{0}, {1}, {2:2.4f}, {3:2.4f}\n'.format(
                        name, label, label_cortex_volume, thickness))
                    fid.write('{0}, {1:2.4f}, {2:2.4f}\n'.format(
                        label, label_cortex_volume, thickness))

    label_volume_thickness = label_volume_thickness.transpose().tolist()

    return label_volume_thickness, output_table
def PropagateLabelsThroughMask(mask,
    Use ANTs to fill a binary volume mask with initial labels.

    This program uses ThresholdImage and the ImageMath
    PropagateLabelsThroughMask functions in ANTs.

    ThresholdImage ImageDimension ImageIn.ext outImage.ext
        threshlo threshhi <insideValue> <outsideValue>

    PropagateLabelsThroughMask: Final output is the propagated label image.
        ImageMath ImageDimension Out.ext PropagateLabelsThroughMask
        speed/binaryimagemask.nii.gz initiallabelimage.nii.gz ...

    mask : string
        nibabel-readable image volume
    labels : string
        nibabel-readable image volume with integer labels
    mask_index : integer (optional)
        mask with just voxels having this value
    output_file : string
        nibabel-readable labeled image volume
    binarize : Boolean
        binarize mask?
    stopvalue : integer
        stopping value

    output_file : string
        name of labeled output nibabel-readable image volume

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import PropagateLabelsThroughMask
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_volumes
    >>> path = os.path.join(os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA'])
    >>> labels = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'labels', 'labels.DKT25.manual.nii.gz')
    >>> mask = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 't1weighted_brain.nii.gz')
    >>> mask_index = None
    >>> output_file = ''
    >>> binarize = True
    >>> stopvalue = None
    >>> output_file = PropagateLabelsThroughMask(mask, labels, mask_index, output_file, binarize, stopvalue)
    >>> # View
    >>> plot_volumes(output_file)

    import os
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if not output_file:
        output_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
        output_file = os.path.join(
            os.path.basename(labels) + '_through_' + os.path.basename(mask))

    print('mask: {0}, labels: {1}'.format(mask, labels))

    # Binarize image volume:
    if binarize:
        temp_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
        cmd = ['ThresholdImage', '3', mask, temp_file, '0 1 0 1']
        execute(cmd, 'os')
        mask = temp_file

    # Mask with just voxels having mask_index value:
    if mask_index:
        mask2 = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'temp.nii.gz')
        cmd = 'ThresholdImage 3 {0} {1} {2} {3} 1 0'.format(
            mask, mask2, mask_index, mask_index)
        mask2 = mask

    # Propagate labels:
    cmd = [
        'ImageMath', '3', output_file, 'PropagateLabelsThroughMask', mask2,
    if stopvalue:
    execute(cmd, 'os')
    if not os.path.exists(output_file):
        raise (IOError("ImageMath did not create " + output_file + "."))

    return output_file
def ANTS(source, target, iterations='30x99x11', output_stem=''):
    Use ANTs to register a source image volume to a target image volume.

    This program uses the ANTs SyN registration method.

    source : string
        file name of source image volume
    target : string
        file name of target image volume
    iterations : string
        number of iterations ("0" for affine, "30x99x11" default)
    output_stem : string
        file name stem for output transform matrix

    affine_transform : string
        file name for affine transform matrix
    nonlinear_transform : string
        file name for nonlinear transform nifti file
    nonlinear_inverse_transform : string
        file name for nonlinear inverse transform nifti file
    output_stem : string
        file name stem for output transform matrix

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import ANTS
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> source = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'mri', 't1weighted_brain.nii.gz')
    >>> target = os.path.join(path, 'atlases', 'MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz')
    >>> iterations = "0"
    >>> output_stem = ""
    >>> #
    >>> ANTS(source, target, iterations, output_stem)

    import os
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if not output_stem:
        src = os.path.basename(source).split('.')[0]
        tgt = os.path.basename(target).split('.')[0]
        output_stem = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), src+'_to_'+tgt)

    cmd = ['ANTS', '3', '-m CC[' + target + ',' + source + ',1,2]',
            '-r Gauss[2,0]', '-t SyN[0.5] -i', iterations,
            '-o', output_stem, '--use-Histogram-Matching',
            '--number-of-affine-iterations 10000x10000x10000x10000x10000']
    execute(cmd, 'os')

    affine_transform = output_stem + 'Affine.txt'
    nonlinear_transform = output_stem + 'Warp.nii.gz'
    nonlinear_inverse_transform = output_stem + 'InverseWarp.nii.gz'

    if not os.path.exists(affine_transform):
        raise(IOError(affine_transform + " not found"))
    if not os.path.exists(nonlinear_transform):
        raise(IOError(nonlinear_transform + " not found"))
    if not os.path.exists(nonlinear_inverse_transform):
        raise(IOError(nonlinear_inverse_transform + " not found"))

    return affine_transform, nonlinear_transform,\
           nonlinear_inverse_transform, output_stem
def label_with_classifier(subject, hemi, left_classifier='',
                          right_classifier='', annot_file=''):
    Label a brain with the DKT atlas using FreeSurfer's mris_ca_label

    FreeSurfer documentation ::

        mris_ca_label [options] <subject> <hemi> <surf> <classifier> <output>

        For a single subject, produces an annotation file, in which each
        cortical surface vertex is assigned a neuroanatomical label.
        This automatic procedure employs data from a previously-prepared atlas
        file. An atlas file is created from a training set, capturing region
        data manually drawn by neuroanatomists combined with statistics on
        variability correlated to geometric information derived from the
        cortical model (sulcus and curvature). Besides the atlases provided
        with FreeSurfer, new ones can be prepared using mris_ca_train).

    Notes regarding creation and use of FreeSurfer Gaussian classifier atlas:

    Create the DKT classifier atlas (?h.DKTatlas40.gcs) --NEED TO VERIFY THIS:
    $ mris_ca_train -t $FREESURFERHOME/average/colortable_desikan_killiany.txt \
                    $hemi sphere.reg aparcNMMjt.annot $SCANS ./$hemi.DKTatlas40.gcs

    Label a brain with the DKT atlas (surface annotation file ?h.DKTatlas40.annot):
    $ mris_ca_label -l ./$x/label/$hemi.cortex.label $x/ $hemi sphere.reg \
                    ./$hemi.DKTatlas40.gcs ./$x/label/$hemi.DKTatlas40.annot

    Label the cortex of a subject's segmented volume according
    to the edited surface labels (?h.aparcNMMjt.annot):
    $ mri_aparc2aseg --s ./x --volmask --annot aparcNMMjt

    Label a brain with the DKT atlas using FreeSurfer's mris_ca_label:
    $ mris_ca_label MMRR-21-1 lh lh.sphere.reg ../lh.DKTatlas40.gcs ../out.annot

    subject : string
        subject corresponding to FreeSurfer subject directory
    hemi : string
        hemisphere ['lh' or 'rh']
    left_classifier : string
        name of left hemisphere FreeSurfer classifier atlas (full path)
    right_classifier : string
        name of right hemisphere FreeSurfer classifier atlas (full path)
    annot_file : string
        name of output .annot file

    annot_file : string
        name of output .annot file

    >>> # This example requires a FreeSurfer subjects/<subject> subdirectory
    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.labels.label_free import label_with_classifier
    >>> subject = 'Twins-2-1'
    >>> hemi = 'lh'
    >>> left_classifier = '/homedir/mindboggle_cache/b28a600a713c269f4c561f66f64337b2/lh.DKTatlas40.gcs'
    >>> right_classifier = ''
    >>> annot_file = './lh.classifier.annot'
    >>> label_with_classifier(subject, hemi, left_classifier, right_classifier, annot_file)
    >>> #
    >>> # View:
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.io_free import annot_to_vtk
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_vtk
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> vtk_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'freesurfer', 'lh.pial.vtk')
    >>> output_vtk = './lh.classifier.vtk'
    >>> #
    >>> labels, output_vtk = annot_to_vtk(annot_file, vtk_file, output_vtk)
    >>> plot_vtk(output_vtk)

    import os
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if not annot_file:
        annot_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), hemi + '.classifier.annot')

    if hemi == 'lh':
        classifier = left_classifier
    elif hemi == 'rh':
        classifier = right_classifier
        print("label_with_classifier()'s hemi should be 'lh' or 'rh'")

    cmd = ['mris_ca_label', subject, hemi, hemi+'.sphere.reg', classifier,
    if not os.path.exists(annot_file):
        raise(IOError(annot_file + " not found"))

    return annot_file
def WarpImageMultiTransform(source, target, output='',
                            interp='--use-NN', xfm_stem='',
                            affine_transform='', nonlinear_transform='',
                            inverse=False, affine_only=False):
    Use ANTs to transform a source image volume to a target image volume.

    This program uses the ANTs WarpImageMultiTransform function.

    source : string
        file name of source image volume
    target : string
        file name of target (reference) image volume
    output : string
        file name of output image volume
    interp : string
        interpolation type ("--use-NN" for nearest neighbor)
    xfm_stem : string
        file name stem for output transform
    affine_transform : string
        file containing affine transform
    nonlinear_transform : string
        file containing nonlinear transform
    inverse : Boolean
        apply inverse transform?
    affine_only : Boolean
        apply only affine transform?

    output : string
        output label file name

    import os
    import sys
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    if xfm_stem:
        affine_transform = xfm_stem + 'Affine.txt'
        if inverse:
            nonlinear_transform = xfm_stem + 'InverseWarp.nii.gz'
            nonlinear_transform = xfm_stem + 'Warp.nii.gz'
    elif not affine_transform and not nonlinear_transform:
        sys.exit('Provide either xfm_stem or affine_transform and '

    if not output:
        output = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'WarpImageMultiTransform.nii.gz')

    if not os.path.exists(nonlinear_transform):
        affine_only = True

    if affine_only:
        if inverse:
            cmd = ['WarpImageMultiTransform', '3', source, output, '-R',
                   target, interp, '-i', affine_transform]
            cmd = ['WarpImageMultiTransform', '3', source, output, '-R',
                   target, interp, affine_transform]
        if inverse:
            cmd = ['WarpImageMultiTransform', '3', source, output, '-R',
                   target, interp, '-i', affine_transform, nonlinear_transform]
            cmd = ['WarpImageMultiTransform', '3', source, output, '-R',
                   target, interp, nonlinear_transform, affine_transform]
    execute(cmd, 'os')

    if not os.path.exists(output):
        raise(IOError(output + " not found"))

    return output
def plot_mask_surface(vtk_file, mask_file='', nonmask_value=-1,
                      masked_output='', remove_nonmask=False,
                      use_colormap=False, colormap_file=''):
    Use vtkviewer or mayavi2 to visualize VTK surface mesh data.

    If a mask_file is provided, a temporary masked file is saved,
    and it is this file that is viewed.

    If using vtkviewer, can optionally provide colormap file
    or set $COLORMAP environment variable.

    vtk_file : string
        name of VTK surface mesh file
    mask_file : string
        name of VTK surface mesh file to mask vtk_file vertices
    nonmask_value : integer
        nonmask (usually background) value
    masked_output : string
        temporary masked output file name
    remove_nonmask : Boolean
        remove vertices that are not in mask? (otherwise assign nonmask_value)
    program : string {'vtkviewer', 'mayavi2'}
        program to visualize VTK file
    use_colormap : Boolean
        use Paraview-style XML colormap file set by $COLORMAP env variable?
    colormap_file : string
        use colormap in given file if use_colormap==True?  if empty and
        use_colormap==True, use file set by $COLORMAP environment variable

    >>> import os
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_mask_surface
    >>> path = os.environ['MINDBOGGLE_DATA']
    >>> vtk_file = os.path.join(path, 'arno', 'labels', 'lh.labels.DKT31.manual.vtk')
    >>> mask_file = os.path.join(path, 'test_one_label.vtk')
    >>> nonmask_value = 0 #-1
    >>> masked_output = ''
    >>> remove_nonmask = True
    >>> program = 'vtkviewer'
    >>> use_colormap = True
    >>> colormap_file = '' #'/software/mindboggle_tools/colormap.xml'
    >>> plot_mask_surface(vtk_file, mask_file, nonmask_value, masked_output, remove_nonmask, program, use_colormap, colormap_file)

    import os
    import numpy as np

    from mindboggle.utils.mesh import remove_faces, reindex_faces_points
    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute
    from mindboggle.utils.plots import plot_surfaces
    from mindboggle.utils.io_vtk import read_scalars, rewrite_scalars, \
                                        read_vtk, write_vtk

    # Filter mesh with non-background values from a second (same-size) mesh:
    if mask_file:
        mask, name = read_scalars(mask_file, True, True)
        if not masked_output:
            masked_output = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'temp.vtk')
        file_to_plot = masked_output

        # Remove nonmask-valued vertices:
        if remove_nonmask:
            # Load VTK files:
            faces, lines, indices, points, npoints, scalars, scalar_names, \
            o1 = read_vtk(vtk_file, True, True)
            # Find mask indices, remove nonmask faces, and reindex:
            Imask = [i for i,x in enumerate(mask) if x != nonmask_value]
            mask_faces = remove_faces(faces, Imask)
            mask_faces, points, \
            original_indices = reindex_faces_points(mask_faces, points)
            # Write VTK file with scalar values:
            if np.ndim(scalars) == 1:
                scalar_type = type(scalars[0]).__name__
            elif np.ndim(scalars) == 2:
                scalar_type = type(scalars[0][0]).__name__
                print("Undefined scalar type!")
            write_vtk(file_to_plot, points, [], [], mask_faces,
                      scalars[original_indices].tolist(), scalar_names,
            scalars, name = read_scalars(vtk_file, True, True)
            scalars[mask == nonmask_value] = nonmask_value
            rewrite_scalars(vtk_file, file_to_plot, scalars)
        file_to_plot = vtk_file

    # Display with vtkviewer.py:
    if program == 'vtkviewer':
        plot_surfaces(file_to_plot, use_colormap=use_colormap,
    # Display with mayavi2:
    elif program == 'mayavi2':
        cmd = ["mayavi2", "-d", file_to_plot, "-m", "Surface", "&"]
        execute(cmd, 'os')
def antsApplyTransformsToPoints(points, transform_files, inverse_booleans=[0]):
    Run ANTs antsApplyTransformsToPoints function to transform points.
    (Creates pre- and post-transformed .csv points files for ANTs.)

    points : list of lists of three integers
        point coordinate data
    transform_files : list
        transform file names
    inverse_booleans : list
        for each transform, one to apply inverse of transform (otherwise zero)

    transformed_points : list of lists of three integers
        transformed point coordinate data

    >>> from mindboggle.utils.ants import antsApplyTransformsToPoints
    >>> from mindboggle.utils.io_vtk import read_vtk
    >>> transform_files = ['/Users/arno/Data/antsCorticalThickness/Twins-2-1/antsTemplateToSubject1GenericAffine.mat','/Users/arno/Data/antsCorticalThickness/Twins-2-1/antsTemplateToSubject0Warp.nii.gz','/Users/arno/Data/antsCorticalThickness/Twins-2-1/antsSubjectToTemplate0GenericAffine.mat','/Users/arno/Data/antsCorticalThickness/Twins-2-1/antsSubjectToTemplate1Warp.nii.gz']
    >>> transform_files = [transform_files[0],transform_files[1],'/Users/arno/Data/mindboggle_cache/f36e3d5d99f7c4a9bb70e2494ed7340b/OASIS-30_Atropos_template_to_MNI152_affine.txt']
    >>> vtk_file = '/Users/arno/mindboggle_working/Twins-2-1/Mindboggle/_hemi_lh/Surface_to_vtk/lh.pial.vtk'
    >>> faces, lines, indices, points, npoints, scalars, name, foo1 = read_vtk(vtk_file)
    >>> inverse_booleans = [0,0,1]
    >>> transformed_points = antsApplyTransformsToPoints(points, transform_files, inverse_booleans)

    import os

    from mindboggle.utils.utils import execute

    # Write points (x,y,z,1) to a .csv file:
    points_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'points.csv')
    fid = open(points_file, 'wa')
    for point in points:
        string_of_zeros = (4 - len(point)) * ',0'
        fid.write(','.join([str(x) for x in point]) + string_of_zeros + '\n')

    # Apply transforms to points in .csv file:
    transformed_points_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),
    transform_string = ''
    for ixfm, transform_file in enumerate(transform_files):
        transform_string += " --t [{0},{1}]".\
            format(transform_file, str(inverse_booleans[ixfm]))
    cmd = [
        'antsApplyTransformsToPoints', '-d', '3', '-i', points_file, '-o',
        transformed_points_file, transform_string
    execute(cmd, 'os')
    if not os.path.exists(transformed_points_file):
        str1 = "antsApplyTransformsToPoints did not create "
        raise (IOError(str1 + transformed_points_file + "."))

    # Return transformed points:
    fid = open(transformed_points_file, 'r')
    lines = fid.readlines()
    transformed_points = []
    for iline, line in enumerate(lines):
        if iline > 0:
            point_xyz1 = [float(x) for x in line.split(',')]

    return transformed_points