 def bprop(x, indices, axis, out, dout):
     x_shp = shape_op(x)
     if axis == 0:
         indices_size = (size_op(indices), )
         x_tail_shp = x_shp[1:]
         values_shape = indices_size + x_tail_shp
         values = reshape(dout, values_shape)
         indices = reshape(indices, indices_size)
         return RowTensor(indices, values,
                          x_shp), zeros_like(indices), zeros_like(axis)
     if F.rank(dout) == 0:
         dout = P.ExpandDims()(dout, -1)
     if F.rank(indices) == 0:
         indices = P.ExpandDims()(indices, -1)
     out_shp = shape_op(dout)
     ind_shp = shape_op(indices)
     # Example: out_shape:(3,2,3) axis 1 -> (1,0,2)
     perm_1 = _generate_shape_index(out_shp, ind_shp, axis)
     values_transpose = transpose(dout, perm_1)
     params_grad = unsorted_segment_sum(values_transpose, indices,
     # Example: out_shape:(3,2,3) axis 2 -> (1,2,0)
     perm_2 = _generate_inverse_index(x_shp, axis)
     params_grad = transpose(params_grad, perm_2)
     return params_grad, zeros_like(indices), zeros_like(axis)
    def construct(self, input_indices, input_values, field_ids):

        _check_input_2d(F.shape(input_indices), "input_indices", self.cls_name)
        _check_input_2d(F.shape(input_values), "input_values", self.cls_name)
        _check_input_2d(F.shape(field_ids), "field_ids", self.cls_name)
        _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(input_indices), "input_indices", [mstype.int32, mstype.int64], self.cls_name)
        _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(input_values), "input_values", [mstype.float32], self.cls_name)
        _check_input_dtype(F.dtype(field_ids), "field_ids", [mstype.int32], self.cls_name)

        batch_size = self.shape(input_indices)[0]
        num_segments = batch_size * self.field_size
        bias = Range(0, num_segments, self.field_size)()
        bias = self.reshape(bias, (batch_size, -1))
        field_ids = self.bias_add(field_ids, bias)

        if self.target == "CPU":
            out = self.embeddinglookup(self.embedding_table, input_indices, 0)
            if self.forward_unique:
                shp = self.shape(input_indices) + (self.embedding_size,)
                indices_flatten = self.reshape(input_indices, (-1,))
                unique_id, unique_idx = self.unique(indices_flatten)
                weight_unique = self.gatherv2(self.embedding_table, unique_id, 0)
                weight_flatten = self.gather_revert(weight_unique, unique_idx, 0)
                out = self.reshape(weight_flatten, shp)
                out = self.gatherv2(self.embedding_table, input_indices, 0)
        if self.max_norm is not None:
            axis = _make_axis_range(F.rank(input_indices), F.rank(out))
            clip_by_norm = ClipByNorm(axis)
            out = clip_by_norm(out, self.max_norm)

        weights = self.reshape(input_values, (batch_size, self.shape(input_indices)[1], 1))
        embedding = self.mul(weights, out)

        if self.operator == 'MAX':
            # Fill the padding value to -inf, so the padded value will not influence the results
            negative_inf_mask = self.cast(self.equal(weights, 0), mstype.float32)
            inf_mask = self.inf_mask_mul(negative_inf_mask, self.negative_inf_value)
            embedding = self.inf_add(embedding, inf_mask)
            embedding = self.reshape(embedding, (-1, self.embedding_size))
            field_ids = self.reshape(field_ids, (-1,))

        merged_vectors = self.merge_op(embedding, field_ids, num_segments)

        if self.operator == 'MAX':
            value_count = self.count_op(self.abs(self.reshape(input_values, (-1,))), field_ids, num_segments)
            value_zeros = self.cast(self.max_no_equal(value_count, 0.0), mstype.float32)
            count = self.expand(value_zeros, -1)
            merged_vectors = self.max_mask_mul(merged_vectors, count)

        if self.operator == 'MEAN':
            value_count = self.count_op(self.abs(input_values), field_ids, num_segments)
            value_count = self.expand(value_count, -1)
            merged_vectors = self.div_no_nan(merged_vectors, value_count)

        merged_vectors = self.reshape(merged_vectors, (batch_size, self.field_size, -1))
        return merged_vectors
 def construct(self, indices):
     if self.target == "CPU":
         out = self.embeddinglookup(self.embedding_table, indices, 0)
         out = self.gatherv2(self.embedding_table, indices, 0)
     if self.max_norm is not None:
         axis = _make_axis_range(F.rank(indices), F.rank(out))
         clip_by_norm = ClipByNorm(axis)
         out = clip_by_norm(out, self.max_norm)
     return out
 def construct(self, indices):
     if self.target == "CPU":
         out = self.embeddinglookup(self.embedding_table, indices, 0)
         if self.forward_unique:
             shp = self.shape(indices) + (self.embedding_size,)
             indices_flatten = self.reshape_first(indices, (-1,))
             unique_id, unique_idx = self.unique(indices_flatten)
             weight_unique = self.gatherv2(self.embedding_table, unique_id, 0)
             weight_flatten = self.gather_revert(weight_unique, unique_idx, 0)
             out = self.reshape(weight_flatten, shp)
             out = self.gatherv2(self.embedding_table, indices, 0)
     if self.max_norm is not None:
         axis = _make_axis_range(F.rank(indices), F.rank(out))
         clip_by_norm = ClipByNorm(axis)
         out = clip_by_norm(out, self.max_norm)
     return out
def matmul(x1, x2, dtype=None):
    Returns the matrix product of two arrays.

        Numpy arguments `out`, `casting`, `order`, `subok`, `signature`, and `extobj` are
        not supported.
        On GPU, the supported dtypes are np.float16 and np.float32.
        On CPU, the supported dtypes are np.float16 and np.float32.

        x1 (Tensor): Input tensor, scalar not allowed.
        x2 (Tensor): Input tensor, scalar not allowed.
        dtype (:class:`mindspore.dtype`, optional): defaults to None. Overrides the dtype of the
            output Tensor.

        Tensor or scalar, the matrix product of the inputs. This is a scalar only
        when both `x1`, `x2` are 1-d vectors.

        ValueError: If the last dimension of `x1` is not the same size as the
            second-to-last dimension of `x2`, or if a scalar value is passed in.

    Supported Platforms:
        ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU``

        >>> x1 = Tensor(np.arange(2*3*4).reshape(2, 3, 4), mindspore.float32)
        >>> x2 = Tensor(np.arange(4*5).reshape(4, 5), mindspore.float32)
        >>> output = ops.matmul(x1, x2)
        >>> print(output)
        [[[  70.   76.   82.   88.   94.]
        [ 190.  212.  234.  256.  278.]
        [ 310.  348.  386.  424.  462.]]
        [[ 430.  484.  538.  592.  646.]
        [ 550.  620.  690.  760.  830.]
        [ 670.  756.  842.  928. 1014.]]]
    # performs type promotion
    dtype1 = F.dtype(x1)
    dtype2 = F.dtype(x2)
    if not _check_same_type(dtype1, dtype2):
        x1 = x1.astype(mstype.float32)
        x2 = x2.astype(mstype.float32)

    ndim1_orig, ndim2_orig = F.rank(x1), F.rank(x2)
    shape1_orig, shape2_orig = F.shape(x1), F.shape(x2)
    transpose_b = ndim2_orig == 1
    shape_backbone = _check_matmul_shapes(shape1_orig, shape2_orig)
    # infers the shape of the output
    shape_out = shape_backbone + _infer_shape_rem(
        shape1_orig, shape2_orig, ndim1_orig, ndim2_orig, transpose_b)

    x1 = _expand(x1, 2)
    x2 = _expand(x2, 2)
    if F.rank(x2) == 2:
        if F.rank(x1) > 2:
            x1 = F.reshape(x1, (-1, shape1_orig[-1]))
        res = P.MatMul(False, transpose_b)(x1, x2)
        # broadcasts x1.shape[:-2] with x2.shape[:-2]
        ndim_aligned = _max(ndim1_orig, ndim2_orig)
        x1 = _expand(x1, ndim_aligned)
        x2 = _expand(x2, ndim_aligned)
        shape1_aligned, shape2_aligned = F.shape(x1), F.shape(x2)
        x1 = _broadcast_to(x1, shape1_aligned[:-2], shape_backbone,
        x2 = _broadcast_to(x2, shape2_aligned[:-2], shape_backbone,
        res = P.BatchMatMul(False, transpose_b)(x1, x2)

    if dtype is not None:
        res = res.astype(dtype)
    return F.reshape(res, shape_out)
def _expand(x, ndim):
    """Expand x to ndim from axis, which can be 0 or -1."""
    while F.rank(x) < ndim:
        x = F.expand_dims(x, 0)
    return x