def retrieve_related_attribute(conn, database_srid, region, region_srid,
                               datasource, entitytype, attribute_name, limit):

    with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor:
        attributestore = AttributeStore.get_by_attributes(cursor, datasource, entitytype)
    full_base_tbl_name = attributestore.history_table.render()

    relation_name = get_relation_name(conn, "Cell", entitytype.name)
    relation_cell_site_name = get_relation_name(conn, "Cell", "Site")

    bbox2d = transform_srid(set_srid(make_box_2d(region), region_srid),

    query ="""
SELECT public.first(entity_id) AS entity_id, public.first(related_id) AS related_id, 
min(timestamp) AS "timestamp", \"{0}\" FROM ( 
SELECT entity_id, related_id, timestamp, \"{0}\", sum(change) OVER w2 AS run 
FROM ( SELECT entity_id, related_id, timestamp, \"{0}\", 
  CASE WHEN \"{0}\"  <> lag(\"{0}\" ) OVER w THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS change
  FROM ( SELECT r.source_id as entity_id,  r.target_id as related_id, 
    base_table.timestamp, base_table.\"{0}\" FROM {1} base_table
    JOIN relation.\"{2}\" r ON r.target_id = base_table.entity_id 
    JOIN relation.\"{3}\" site_rel on site_rel.source_id = r.source_id 
    JOIN gis.site site ON site.entity_id = site_rel.target_id AND 
    site.position && {4} ) a WINDOW w AS (PARTITION BY entity_id ORDER BY 
    timestamp asc)) t WINDOW w2 AS (PARTITION BY entity_id ORDER BY 
    timestamp ASC)) runs GROUP BY entity_id, \"{0}\" , run""".format(
        attribute_name, full_base_tbl_name, relation_name, 
        relation_cell_site_name, bbox2d)

    with closing(conn.cursor()) as cursor:
            cursor.execute(query, region)
        except psycopg2.ProgrammingError:
            rows = []
            rows = cursor.fetchall()

    result = {}
    for entity_id, related_id, timestamp, value in rows:
        if not value is None:
            if entity_id not in result:
                result[entity_id] = {}
            if related_id not in result[entity_id]:
                result[entity_id][related_id] = []

                (timestamp, value))

    return result