class WikiComment(MappedClass): class __mongometa__: session = session name = 'wiki_comment' _id = FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId) page_id = ForeignIdProperty('WikiPage') text = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='') page = RelationProperty('WikiPage')
class DiscussionAttachment(BaseAttachment): DiscussionClass = Discussion ThreadClass = Thread PostClass = Post ArtifactClass = Post thumbnail_size = (100, 100) class __mongometa__: polymorphic_identity = 'DiscussionAttachment' indexes = ['filename', 'discussion_id', 'thread_id', 'post_id'] discussion_id = FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId) thread_id = FieldProperty(str) post_id = FieldProperty(str) artifact_id = FieldProperty(str) attachment_type = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='DiscussionAttachment') @property def discussion(self): return self.DiscussionClass.query.get(_id=self.discussion_id) @property def thread(self): return self.ThreadClass.query.get(_id=self.thread_id) @property def post(self): return self.PostClass.query.get(_id=self.post_id) @classmethod def metadata_for(cls, post): return dict( post_id=post._id, thread_id=post.thread_id, discussion_id=post.discussion_id, app_config_id=post.app_config_id) def url(self): if self.post_id: return ( + 'attachment/' + h.urlquote(self.filename)) elif self.thread_id: return (self.thread.url() + 'attachment/' + h.urlquote(self.filename)) else: return (self.discussion.url() + 'attachment/' + h.urlquote(self.filename))
class WikiPage(MappedClass): class __mongometa__: session = session name = 'pages' _id = FieldProperty(schema.ObjectId) author = FieldProperty(str) title = FieldProperty(str) tags = FieldProperty([str]) date = FieldProperty(datetime.datetime) text = FieldProperty(str) comments = RelationProperty('WikiComment')
class Post(Message, VersionedArtifact, ActivityObject): class __mongometa__: name = 'post' history_class = PostHistory indexes = [ # used in general lookups, last_post, etc ('discussion_id', 'status', 'timestamp'), 'thread_id' ] type_s = 'Post' thread_id = ForeignIdProperty(Thread) discussion_id = ForeignIdProperty(Discussion) subject = FieldProperty(schema.Deprecated) status = FieldProperty(schema.OneOf('ok', 'pending', 'spam', if_missing='pending')) last_edit_date = FieldProperty(datetime, if_missing=None) last_edit_by_id = AlluraUserProperty() edit_count = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) spam_check_id = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='') text_cache = FieldProperty(MarkdownCache) # meta comment - system generated, describes changes to an artifact is_meta = FieldProperty(bool, if_missing=False) thread = RelationProperty(Thread) discussion = RelationProperty(Discussion) def __json__(self): author = return dict( _id=str(self._id), thread_id=self.thread_id, slug=self.slug, subject=self.subject, status=self.status, text=self.text, timestamp=self.timestamp, last_edited=self.last_edit_date, author_id=str(author._id), author=author.username) @property def activity_name(self): return 'a comment' @property def activity_url(self): return self.url_paginated() def has_activity_access(self, perm, user, activity): """Return True if user has perm access to this object, otherwise return False. For the purposes of activitystreams, we're saying that the user does not have access to a 'comment' activity unless he also has access to the artifact on which it was posted (if there is one). """ if self.project is None or self.deleted or self.status != 'ok': return False artifact_access = True if self.thread.artifact: if self.thread.artifact.project is None: return False if self.thread.artifact.deleted: return False artifact_access = security.has_access(self.thread.artifact, perm, user, self.thread.artifact.project) return artifact_access and security.has_access(self, perm, user, self.project) @property def activity_extras(self): d = ActivityObject.activity_extras.fget(self) # For activity summary, convert Post text to html, # strip all tags, and truncate LEN = 500 summary = jinja2.Markup.escape( g.markdown.cached_convert(self, 'text')).striptags() if len(summary) > LEN: split = max(summary.find(' ', LEN), LEN) summary = summary[:split] + '...' d.update(summary=summary) return d def index(self): result = super(Post, self).index() result.update( title='Post by %s on %s' % (, self.subject), name_s=self.subject, type_s='Post', text=self.text) return result @classmethod def discussion_class(cls): return cls.discussion.related @classmethod def thread_class(cls): return cls.thread.related @classmethod def attachment_class(cls): return DiscussionAttachment @property def parent(self): if self.parent_id: return self.query.get(_id=self.parent_id) @property def subject(self): subject = None if self.thread: subject = self.thread.subject if not subject: artifact = self.thread.artifact if artifact: subject = getattr(artifact, 'email_subject', '') return subject or '(no subject)' @LazyProperty def attachments(self): atts = self.attachment_class().query.find(dict( post_id=self._id, type='attachment')).all() return utils.unique_attachments(atts) def add_multiple_attachments(self, file_info): if isinstance(file_info, list): map(self.add_attachment, file_info) else: self.add_attachment(file_info) def add_attachment(self, file_info): if hasattr(file_info, 'file'): mime_type = file_info.type if not mime_type or '/' not in mime_type: mime_type = utils.guess_mime_type(file_info.filename) self.attach( file_info.filename, file_info.file, content_type=mime_type, post_id=self._id, thread_id=self.thread_id, discussion_id=self.discussion_id) def last_edit_by(self): return User.query.get(_id=self.last_edit_by_id) or User.anonymous() def primary(self): return self.thread.primary() def url(self): if self.thread: return self.thread.url() + h.urlquote(self.slug) + '/' else: # pragma no cover return None def parent_artifact(self): """ :return: the artifact (e.g Ticket, Wiki Page) that this Post belongs to. May return None. """ aref = ArtifactReference.query.get(_id=self.thread.ref_id) if aref and aref.artifact: return aref.artifact else: return None def main_url(self): """ :return: the URL for the artifact (e.g Ticket, Wiki Page) that this Post belongs to, else the default thread URL """ parent_artifact = self.parent_artifact() if parent_artifact: url = parent_artifact.url() else: url = self.thread.url() return url def url_paginated(self): '''Return link to the thread with a #target that poins to this comment. Also handle pagination properly. ''' if not self.thread: # pragma no cover return None limit, p, s = g.handle_paging(None, 0) # get paging limit if self.query.find(dict(thread_id=self.thread._id)).count() <= limit: # all posts in a single page page = 0 else: posts = self.thread.find_posts() posts = self.thread.create_post_threads(posts) def find_i(posts): '''Find the index number of this post in the display order''' q = [] def traverse(posts): for p in posts: if p['post']._id == self._id: return True # found q.append(p) if traverse(p['children']): return True traverse(posts) return len(q) page = find_i(posts) / limit slug = h.urlquote(self.slug) url = self.main_url() if page == 0: return '%s?limit=%s#%s' % (url, limit, slug) return '%s?limit=%s&page=%s#%s' % (url, limit, page, slug) def shorthand_id(self): if self.thread: return '%s#%s' % (self.thread.shorthand_id(), self.slug) else: # pragma no cover return None def link_text(self): return self.subject def reply_subject(self): if self.subject and self.subject.lower().startswith('re:'): return self.subject else: return 'Re: ' + (self.subject or '(no subject)') def delete(self): self.deleted = True session(self).flush(self) self.thread.update_stats() def approve(self, file_info=None, notify=True, notification_text=None): if self.status == 'ok': return self.status = 'ok' author = author_role = ProjectRole.by_user( author, project=self.project, upsert=True) if not author.is_anonymous(): security.simple_grant( self.acl, author_role._id, 'moderate') self.commit() if ('PostingPolicy') == 'ApproveOnceModerated' and author._id != None): security.simple_grant( self.acl, author_role._id, 'unmoderated_post') if notify: self.notify(file_info=file_info, notification_text=notification_text) artifact = self.thread.artifact or self.thread session(self).flush() self.thread.last_post_date = max( self.thread.last_post_date, self.mod_date) self.thread.update_stats() if hasattr(artifact, 'update_stats'): artifact.update_stats() if self.text and not self.is_meta: g.director.create_activity(author, 'posted', self, target=artifact, related_nodes=[self.app_config.project], tags=['comment']) def notify(self, file_info=None, notification_text=None): if self.project.notifications_disabled: return # notifications disabled for entire project artifact = self.thread.artifact or self.thread msg_id = artifact.url() + self._id notification_params = dict( post=self, text=notification_text, file_info=file_info) n = Notification.query.get(_id=msg_id) if n and 'Moderation action required' in n.subject: # Existing notification for this artifact is for moderators only, # this means artifact was not auto approved, and all the # subscribers did not receive notification. Now, moderator approved # artifact/post, so we should re-send actual notification msg_id = u'approved-' + msg_id n = Notification.query.get(_id=msg_id) if n: # 'approved' notification also exists, re-send n.fire_notification_task([artifact, self.thread], 'message') else: # 'approved' notification does not exist, create notification_params['message_id'] = msg_id if not n: # artifact is Forum (or artifact like WikiPage) n =, 'message', additional_artifacts_to_match_subscriptions=self.thread, **notification_params) if not n: return if getattr(artifact, 'monitoring_email', None): if hasattr(artifact, 'notify_post'): if artifact.notify_post: n.send_simple(artifact.monitoring_email) else: # Send if no extra checks required n.send_simple(artifact.monitoring_email) def spam(self, submit_spam_feedback=True): self.status = 'spam' if submit_spam_feedback: g.spam_checker.submit_spam(self.text, artifact=self, session(self).flush(self) self.thread.update_stats() def undo(self, prev_status): if prev_status in ('ok', 'pending'): self.status = prev_status session(self).flush(self) self.thread.update_stats()
class Discussion(Artifact, ActivityObject): class __mongometa__: name = 'discussion' type_s = 'Discussion' parent_id = FieldProperty(schema.Deprecated) shortname = FieldProperty(str) name = FieldProperty(str) description = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='') description_cache = FieldProperty(MarkdownCache) num_topics = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) num_posts = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) subscriptions = FieldProperty({str: bool}) threads = RelationProperty('Thread', via='discussion_id') posts = RelationProperty('Post', via='discussion_id') def __json__(self, limit=None, posts_limit=None, is_export=False): return dict( _id=str(self._id), shortname=self.shortname,, description=self.description, threads=[t.__json__(limit=posts_limit, is_export=is_export) for t in self.thread_class().query.find(dict(discussion_id=self._id)).limit(limit or 0)] ) @property def activity_name(self): return 'discussion %s' % @classmethod def thread_class(cls): return cls.threads.related @classmethod def post_class(cls): return cls.posts.related @classmethod def attachment_class(cls): return DiscussionAttachment def update_stats(self): self.num_topics = self.thread_class().query.find( dict(discussion_id=self._id)).count() self.num_posts = self.post_class().query.find( dict(discussion_id=self._id, status='ok', deleted=False)).count() @LazyProperty def last_post(self): q = self.post_class().query.find(dict( discussion_id=self._id, status='ok', deleted=False, )).sort('timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING).limit(1) return q.first() def url(self): return + '_discuss/' def shorthand_id(self): return self.shortname def index(self): result = Artifact.index(self) result.update(,, text=self.description) return result def delete(self): # Delete all the threads, posts, and artifacts self.thread_class().query.remove(dict(discussion_id=self._id)) self.post_class().query.remove(dict(discussion_id=self._id)) self.attachment_class().remove(dict(discussion_id=self._id)) super(Discussion, self).delete() def find_posts(self, **kw): q = dict(kw, discussion_id=self._id, deleted=False) return self.post_class().query.find(q)
class Thread(Artifact, ActivityObject): class __mongometa__: name = 'thread' indexes = [ ('artifact_id',), ('ref_id',), (('app_config_id', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('last_post_date', pymongo.DESCENDING), ('mod_date', pymongo.DESCENDING)), ('discussion_id',), ] type_s = 'Thread' _id = FieldProperty(str, if_missing=lambda: h.nonce(8)) discussion_id = ForeignIdProperty(Discussion) ref_id = ForeignIdProperty('ArtifactReference') subject = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='') num_replies = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) num_views = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) subscriptions = FieldProperty({str: bool}) first_post_id = ForeignIdProperty('Post') last_post_date = FieldProperty(datetime, if_missing=datetime(1970, 1, 1)) artifact_reference = FieldProperty(schema.Deprecated) artifact_id = FieldProperty(schema.Deprecated) discussion = RelationProperty(Discussion) posts = RelationProperty('Post', via='thread_id') first_post = RelationProperty('Post', via='first_post_id') ref = RelationProperty('ArtifactReference') def should_update_index(self, old_doc, new_doc): """Skip index update if only `num_views` has changed. Value of `num_views` is updated whenever user loads thread page. This generates a lot of unnecessary `add_artifacts` tasks. """ old_doc.pop('num_views', None) new_doc.pop('num_views', None) return old_doc != new_doc def attachment_for_export(self, page): return [dict(bytes=attach.length, url=h.absurl(attach.url()), path=os.path.join( self.artifact.app_config.options.mount_point, str(self.artifact._id), self._id, page.slug, os.path.basename(attach.filename)) ) for attach in page.attachments] def attachments_for_json(self, page): return [dict(bytes=attach.length, url=h.absurl(attach.url())) for attach in page.attachments] def __json__(self, limit=None, page=None, is_export=False): return dict( _id=self._id, discussion_id=str(self.discussion_id), subject=self.subject, limit=limit, page=page, posts=[dict(slug=p.slug, text=p.text, subject=p.subject,, author_icon_url=h.absurl(, timestamp=p.timestamp, last_edited=p.last_edit_date, attachments=self.attachment_for_export(p) if is_export else self.attachments_for_json(p)) for p in self.query_posts(status='ok', style='chronological', limit=limit, page=page) ] ) @property def activity_name(self): return 'thread %s' % self.subject def parent_security_context(self): return self.discussion @classmethod def new(cls, **props): '''Creates a new Thread instance, ensuring a unique _id.''' for i in range(5): try: thread = cls(**props) session(thread).flush(thread) return thread except DuplicateKeyError as err: log.warning( 'Got DuplicateKeyError: attempt #%s, trying again. %s', i, err) if i == 4: raise session(thread).expunge(thread) continue @classmethod def discussion_class(cls): return cls.discussion.related @classmethod def post_class(cls): return cls.posts.related @classmethod def attachment_class(cls): return DiscussionAttachment @property def artifact(self): # Threads attached to a wiki page, ticket, etc will have a .ref.artifact pointing to that WikiPage etc # Threads that are part of a forum will not have that if self.ref is None: return self.discussion return self.ref.artifact # Use wisely - there's .num_replies also @property def post_count(self): return Post.query.find(dict( discussion_id=self.discussion_id, thread_id=self._id, status={'$in': ['ok', 'pending']}, deleted=False, )).count() def primary(self): if self.ref is None: return self return self.ref.artifact def post_to_feed(self, post): if post.status == 'ok': self.primary(), title=post.subject, description=post.text, link=post.url_paginated(), pubdate=post.mod_date, ) def add_post(self, **kw): """Helper function to avoid code duplication.""" p =**kw) p.commit(update_stats=False) session(self).flush(self) self.update_stats() if not self.first_post: self.first_post_id = p._id self.post_to_feed(p) return p def include_subject_in_spam_check(self, post): return (post.primary() == post # only artifacts where the discussion is the main thing i.e. ForumPost and self.num_replies == 0) # only first post in thread def is_spam(self, post): roles = [ for r in c.project.named_roles] spam_check_text = post.text if self.include_subject_in_spam_check(post): spam_check_text = self.subject + u'\n' + spam_check_text spammy = g.spam_checker.check(spam_check_text, artifact=post, user=c.user) if c.user in c.project.users_with_role(*roles): # always run the check, so it's logged. But don't act on it for admins/developers of their own project return False else: return spammy def post(self, text, message_id=None, parent_id=None, notify=True, notification_text=None, timestamp=None, ignore_security=False, is_meta=False, **kw): if not ignore_security: require_access(self, 'post') if self.ref_id and self.artifact: self.artifact.subscribe() if message_id is None: message_id = h.gen_message_id() parent = parent_id and self.post_class().query.get(_id=parent_id) slug, full_slug = self.post_class().make_slugs(parent, timestamp) kwargs = dict( discussion_id=self.discussion_id, full_slug=full_slug, slug=slug, thread_id=self._id, parent_id=parent_id, text=text, status='pending', is_meta=is_meta) if timestamp is not None: kwargs['timestamp'] = timestamp if message_id is not None: kwargs['_id'] = message_id post = self.post_class()(**kwargs) # unmoderated post -> autoapprove # unmoderated post but is spammy -> don't approve it, it goes into moderation # moderated post -> moderation # moderated post but is spammy -> mark as spam spammy = self.is_spam(post) if ignore_security or (not spammy and has_access(self, 'unmoderated_post')):'Auto-approving message from %s', c.user.username) file_info = kw.get('file_info', None) post.approve(file_info, notify=notify, notification_text=notification_text) elif not has_access(self, 'unmoderated_post') and spammy: post.spam(submit_spam_feedback=False) # no feedback since we're marking as spam automatically not manually else: self.notify_moderators(post) return post def notify_moderators(self, post): ''' Notify moderators that a post needs approval [#2963] ''' artifact = self.artifact or self subject = '[%s:%s] Moderation action required' % ( c.project.shortname, author = url = self.discussion_class().query.get(_id=self.discussion_id).url() text = ('The following submission requires approval at %s before ' 'it can be approved for posting:\n\n%s' % (h.absurl(url + 'moderate'), post.text)) n = Notification( ref_id=artifact.index_id(), topic='message', link=artifact.url(), _id=artifact.url() + post._id, from_address=str(author._id) if author != User.anonymous() else None, reply_to_address=g.noreply, subject=subject, text=text, in_reply_to=post.parent_id, author_id=author._id, pubdate=datetime.utcnow()) users = self.app_config.project.users() for u in users: if (has_access(self, 'moderate', u) and Mailbox.subscribed(user_id=u._id, app_config_id=post.app_config_id)): n.send_direct(str(u._id)) def update_stats(self): self.num_replies = self.post_class().query.find( dict(thread_id=self._id, status='ok', deleted=False)).count() @LazyProperty def last_post(self): q = self.post_class().query.find(dict( thread_id=self._id, deleted=False, )).sort('timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING) return q.first() def create_post_threads(self, posts): result = [] post_index = {} for p in sorted(posts, key=lambda p: p.full_slug): pi = dict(post=p, children=[]) post_index[p._id] = pi if p.parent_id in post_index: post_index[p.parent_id]['children'].append(pi) else: result.append(pi) return result def query_posts(self, page=None, limit=None, timestamp=None, style='threaded', status=None): if timestamp: terms = dict(discussion_id=self.discussion_id, thread_id=self._id, status={'$in': ['ok', 'pending']}, timestamp=timestamp) else: terms = dict(discussion_id=self.discussion_id, thread_id=self._id, status={'$in': ['ok', 'pending']}) if status: terms['status'] = status terms['deleted'] = False q = self.post_class().query.find(terms) if style == 'threaded': q = q.sort('full_slug') else: q = q.sort('timestamp') if limit is not None: limit = int(limit) if page is not None: q = q.skip(page * limit) q = q.limit(limit) return q def find_posts(self, page=None, limit=None, timestamp=None, style='threaded'): return self.query_posts(page=page, limit=limit, timestamp=timestamp, style=style).all() def url(self): # Can't use self.discussion because it might change during the req discussion = self.discussion_class().query.get(_id=self.discussion_id) return discussion.url() + 'thread/' + str(self._id) + '/' def shorthand_id(self): return self._id def index(self): result = Artifact.index(self) result.update( title=self.subject or '(no subject)', name_s=self.subject, views_i=self.num_views, text=self.subject) return result def delete(self): for p in self.post_class().query.find(dict(thread_id=self._id)): p.delete() self.attachment_class().remove(dict(thread_id=self._id)) super(Thread, self).delete() def spam(self): """Mark this thread as spam.""" for p in self.post_class().query.find(dict(thread_id=self._id)): p.spam()
class Post(Message, VersionedArtifact, ActivityObject): class __mongometa__: name = 'post' history_class = PostHistory indexes = [ ('discussion_id', 'status', 'timestamp'), # used in general lookups, last_post, etc 'thread_id' ] type_s = 'Post' thread_id = ForeignIdProperty(Thread) discussion_id = ForeignIdProperty(Discussion) subject = FieldProperty(schema.Deprecated) status = FieldProperty( schema.OneOf('ok', 'pending', 'spam', if_missing='pending')) flagged_by = FieldProperty([schema.ObjectId]) flags = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) last_edit_date = FieldProperty(datetime, if_missing=None) last_edit_by_id = ForeignIdProperty(User) edit_count = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) spam_check_id = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='') text_cache = FieldProperty(MarkdownCache) thread = RelationProperty(Thread) discussion = RelationProperty(Discussion) def __json__(self): author = return dict(_id=str(self._id), thread_id=self.thread_id, slug=self.slug, subject=self.subject, status=self.status, text=self.text, flagged_by=map(str, self.flagged_by), timestamp=self.timestamp, author_id=str(author._id), author=author.username) @property def activity_name(self): return 'a comment' def has_activity_access(self, perm, user): """Return True if user has perm access to this object, otherwise return False. For the purposes of activitystreams, we're saying that the user does not have access to a 'comment' activity unless he also has access to the artifact on which it was posted (if there is one). """ artifact_access = True if self.thread.artifact: artifact_access = security.has_access(self.thread.artifact, perm, user, self.thread.artifact.project) return artifact_access and security.has_access(self, perm, user, self.project) def index(self): result = super(Post, self).index() result.update(title='Post by %s on %s' % (, self.subject), name_s=self.subject, type_s='Post', text=self.text) return result @classmethod def discussion_class(cls): return cls.discussion.related @classmethod def thread_class(cls): return cls.thread.related @classmethod def attachment_class(cls): return DiscussionAttachment @property def parent(self): return self.query.get(_id=self.parent_id) @property def subject(self): subject = self.thread.subject if not subject: artifact = self.thread.artifact if artifact: subject = getattr(artifact, 'email_subject', '') return subject or '(no subject)' @LazyProperty def attachments(self): return self.attachment_class().query.find( dict(post_id=self._id, type='attachment')).all() def add_multiple_attachments(self, file_info): if isinstance(file_info, list): map(self.add_attachment, file_info) else: self.add_attachment(file_info) def add_attachment(self, file_info): if hasattr(file_info, 'file'): mime_type = file_info.type if not mime_type or '/' not in mime_type: mime_type = utils.guess_mime_type(file_info.filename) self.attach(file_info.filename, file_info.file, content_type=mime_type, post_id=self._id, thread_id=self.thread_id, discussion_id=self.discussion_id) def last_edit_by(self): return User.query.get(_id=self.last_edit_by_id) or User.anonymous() def primary(self): return self.thread.primary() def url(self): if self.thread: return self.thread.url() + h.urlquote(self.slug) + '/' else: # pragma no cover return None def url_paginated(self): '''Return link to the thread with a #target that poins to this comment. Also handle pagination properly. ''' if not self.thread: # pragma no cover return None limit, p, s = g.handle_paging(None, 0) # get paging limit if self.query.find(dict(thread_id=self.thread._id)).count() <= limit: # all posts in a single page page = 0 else: posts = self.thread.find_posts() posts = self.thread.create_post_threads(posts) def find_i(posts): '''Find the index number of this post in the display order''' q = [] def traverse(posts): for p in posts: if p['post']._id == self._id: return True # found q.append(p) if traverse(p['children']): return True traverse(posts) return len(q) page = find_i(posts) / limit slug = h.urlquote(self.slug) aref = ArtifactReference.query.get(_id=self.thread.ref_id) if aref and aref.artifact: url = aref.artifact.url() else: url = self.thread.url() if page == 0: return '%s?limit=%s#%s' % (url, limit, slug) return '%s?limit=%s&page=%s#%s' % (url, limit, page, slug) def shorthand_id(self): if self.thread: return '%s#%s' % (self.thread.shorthand_id(), self.slug) else: # pragma no cover return None def link_text(self): return self.subject def reply_subject(self): if self.subject and self.subject.lower().startswith('re:'): return self.subject else: return 'Re: ' + (self.subject or '(no subject)') def delete(self): self.attachment_class().remove(dict(post_id=self._id)) super(Post, self).delete() self.thread.num_replies = max(0, self.thread.num_replies - 1) def approve(self, file_info=None, notify=True): if self.status == 'ok': return self.status = 'ok' author = security.simple_grant(self.acl, author.project_role(self.project)._id, 'moderate') self.commit() if ('PostingPolicy') == 'ApproveOnceModerated' and author._id != None): security.simple_grant(self.acl, author.project_role()._id, 'unmoderated_post') if notify: self.notify(file_info=file_info) artifact = self.thread.artifact or self.thread session(self).flush() self.thread.last_post_date = max(self.thread.last_post_date, self.mod_date) self.thread.update_stats() if hasattr(artifact, 'update_stats'): artifact.update_stats() if self.text: g.director.create_activity(author, 'posted', self, target=artifact, related_nodes=[self.app_config.project]) def notify(self, file_info=None, check_dup=False): if self.project.notifications_disabled: return # notifications disabled for entire project artifact = self.thread.artifact or self.thread n = Notification.query.get(_id=artifact.url() + self._id) if check_dup else None if not n: n =, 'message', post=self, file_info=file_info) if not n: return if (hasattr(artifact, "monitoring_email") and artifact.monitoring_email): if hasattr(artifact, 'notify_post'): if artifact.notify_post: n.send_simple(artifact.monitoring_email) else: # Send if no extra checks required n.send_simple(artifact.monitoring_email) def spam(self): self.status = 'spam' self.thread.num_replies = max(0, self.thread.num_replies - 1) g.spam_checker.submit_spam(self.text, artifact=self, user=c.user)
class Thread(Artifact, ActivityObject): class __mongometa__: name = 'thread' indexes = [ ('artifact_id', ), ('ref_id', ), (('app_config_id', pymongo.ASCENDING), ('last_post_date', pymongo.DESCENDING), ('mod_date', pymongo.DESCENDING)), ('discussion_id', ), ] type_s = 'Thread' _id = FieldProperty(str, if_missing=lambda: h.nonce(8)) discussion_id = ForeignIdProperty(Discussion) ref_id = ForeignIdProperty('ArtifactReference') subject = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='') num_replies = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) num_views = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) subscriptions = FieldProperty({str: bool}) first_post_id = ForeignIdProperty('Post') last_post_date = FieldProperty(datetime, if_missing=datetime(1970, 1, 1)) artifact_reference = FieldProperty(schema.Deprecated) artifact_id = FieldProperty(schema.Deprecated) discussion = RelationProperty(Discussion) posts = RelationProperty('Post', via='thread_id') first_post = RelationProperty('Post', via='first_post_id') ref = RelationProperty('ArtifactReference') def __json__(self, limit=None, page=None): return dict( _id=self._id, discussion_id=str(self.discussion_id), subject=self.subject, posts=[ dict(slug=p.slug, text=p.text, subject=p.subject,, timestamp=p.timestamp, attachments=[ dict(bytes=attach.length, url=h.absurl(attach.url())) for attach in p.attachments ]) for p in self.query_posts( status='ok', style='chronological', limit=limit, page=page) ]) @property def activity_name(self): return 'thread %s' % self.subject def parent_security_context(self): return self.discussion @classmethod def new(cls, **props): '''Creates a new Thread instance, ensuring a unique _id.''' for i in range(5): try: thread = cls(**props) session(thread).flush(thread) return thread except DuplicateKeyError as err: log.warning( 'Got DuplicateKeyError: attempt #%s, trying again. %s', i, err) if i == 4: raise session(thread).expunge(thread) continue @classmethod def discussion_class(cls): return cls.discussion.related @classmethod def post_class(cls): return cls.posts.related @classmethod def attachment_class(cls): return DiscussionAttachment @property def artifact(self): if self.ref is None: return self.discussion return self.ref.artifact # Use wisely - there's .num_replies also @property def post_count(self): return Post.query.find( dict(discussion_id=self.discussion_id, thread_id=self._id, status={'$in': ['ok', 'pending']})).count() def primary(self): if self.ref is None: return self return self.ref.artifact def add_post(self, **kw): """Helper function to avoid code duplication.""" p =**kw) p.commit(update_stats=False) self.num_replies += 1 if not self.first_post: self.first_post_id = p._id link = None if == 'tickets': link = p.url_paginated() if self.ref:, title=p.subject, description=p.text, link=link) return p def is_spam(self, post): if c.user in c.project.users_with_role('Admin', 'Developer'): return False else: return g.spam_checker.check(post.text, artifact=post, user=c.user) def post(self, text, message_id=None, parent_id=None, timestamp=None, ignore_security=False, **kw): if not ignore_security: require_access(self, 'post') if self.ref_id and self.artifact: self.artifact.subscribe() if message_id is None: message_id = h.gen_message_id() parent = parent_id and self.post_class().query.get(_id=parent_id) slug, full_slug = self.post_class().make_slugs(parent, timestamp) kwargs = dict(discussion_id=self.discussion_id, full_slug=full_slug, slug=slug, thread_id=self._id, parent_id=parent_id, text=text, status='pending') if timestamp is not None: kwargs['timestamp'] = timestamp if message_id is not None: kwargs['_id'] = message_id post = self.post_class()(**kwargs) if ignore_security or not self.is_spam(post) and has_access( self, 'unmoderated_post')():'Auto-approving message from %s', c.user.username) file_info = kw.get('file_info', None) post.approve(file_info, notify=kw.get('notify', True)) else: self.notify_moderators(post) return post def notify_moderators(self, post): ''' Notify moderators that a post needs approval [#2963] ''' artifact = self.artifact or self subject = '[%s:%s] Moderation action required' % ( c.project.shortname, author = url = self.discussion_class().query.get(_id=self.discussion_id).url() text = ('The following submission requires approval at %s before ' 'it can be approved for posting:\n\n%s' % (h.absurl(url + 'moderate'), post.text)) n = Notification(ref_id=artifact.index_id(), topic='message', link=artifact.url(), _id=artifact.url() + post._id, from_address=str(author._id) if author != User.anonymous() else None, reply_to_address=u'*****@*****.**', subject=subject, text=text, in_reply_to=post.parent_id, author_id=author._id, pubdate=datetime.utcnow()) users = self.app_config.project.users() for u in users: if (has_access(self, 'moderate', u) and Mailbox.subscribed(user_id=u._id, app_config_id=post.app_config_id)): n.send_direct(str(u._id)) def update_stats(self): self.num_replies = self.post_class().query.find( dict(thread_id=self._id, status='ok')).count() - 1 @property def last_post(self): q = self.post_class().query.find(dict(thread_id=self._id)).sort( 'timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING) return q.first() def create_post_threads(self, posts): result = [] post_index = {} for p in sorted(posts, key=lambda p: p.full_slug): pi = dict(post=p, children=[]) post_index[p._id] = pi if p.parent_id in post_index: post_index[p.parent_id]['children'].append(pi) else: result.append(pi) return result def query_posts(self, page=None, limit=None, timestamp=None, style='threaded', status=None): if timestamp: terms = dict(discussion_id=self.discussion_id, thread_id=self._id, status={'$in': ['ok', 'pending']}, timestamp=timestamp) else: terms = dict(discussion_id=self.discussion_id, thread_id=self._id, status={'$in': ['ok', 'pending']}) if status: terms['status'] = status q = self.post_class().query.find(terms) if style == 'threaded': q = q.sort('full_slug') else: q = q.sort('timestamp') if limit is not None: limit = int(limit) if page is not None: q = q.skip(page * limit) q = q.limit(limit) return q def find_posts(self, page=None, limit=None, timestamp=None, style='threaded'): return self.query_posts(page=page, limit=limit, timestamp=timestamp, style=style).all() def url(self): # Can't use self.discussion because it might change during the req discussion = self.discussion_class().query.get(_id=self.discussion_id) return discussion.url() + 'thread/' + str(self._id) + '/' def shorthand_id(self): return self._id def index(self): result = Artifact.index(self) result.update(title=self.subject or '(no subject)', name_s=self.subject, views_i=self.num_views, text=self.subject) return result def _get_subscription(self): return self.subscriptions.get(str(c.user._id)) def _set_subscription(self, value): if value: self.subscriptions[str(c.user._id)] = True else: self.subscriptions.pop(str(c.user._id), None) subscription = property(_get_subscription, _set_subscription) def delete(self): for p in self.post_class().query.find(dict(thread_id=self._id)): p.delete() self.attachment_class().remove(dict(thread_id=self._id)) super(Thread, self).delete() def spam(self): """Mark this thread as spam.""" for p in self.post_class().query.find(dict(thread_id=self._id)): p.spam()
class Post(Message, VersionedArtifact, ActivityObject): class __mongometa__: name = 'post' history_class = PostHistory indexes = ['discussion_id', 'thread_id'] type_s = 'Post' thread_id = ForeignIdProperty(Thread) discussion_id = ForeignIdProperty(Discussion) subject = FieldProperty(schema.Deprecated) status = FieldProperty( schema.OneOf('ok', 'pending', 'spam', if_missing='pending')) flagged_by = FieldProperty([schema.ObjectId]) flags = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) last_edit_date = FieldProperty(datetime, if_missing=None) last_edit_by_id = ForeignIdProperty(User) edit_count = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) thread = RelationProperty(Thread) discussion = RelationProperty(Discussion) def __json__(self): author = return dict(_id=str(self._id), thread_id=self.thread_id, slug=self.slug, subject=self.subject, status=self.status, text=self.text, flagged_by=map(str, self.flagged_by), timestamp=self.timestamp, author_id=str(author._id), author=author.username) @property def activity_name(self): return 'post %s' % self.subject def index(self): result = super(Post, self).index() result.update(title_s='Post by %s on %s' % (, self.subject), name_s=self.subject, type_s='Post', text=self.text) return result @classmethod def discussion_class(cls): return cls.discussion.related @classmethod def thread_class(cls): return cls.thread.related @classmethod def attachment_class(cls): return DiscussionAttachment @property def parent(self): return self.query.get(_id=self.parent_id) @property def subject(self): subject = self.thread.subject if not subject: artifact = self.thread.artifact if artifact: subject = getattr(artifact, 'email_subject', '') return subject or '(no subject)' @property def attachments(self): return self.attachment_class().query.find( dict(post_id=self._id, type='attachment')) def last_edit_by(self): return User.query.get(_id=self.last_edit_by_id) or User.anonymous() def primary(self): return self.thread.primary() def summary(self): return '<a href="%s">%s</a> %s' % (,'display_name'), h.ago(self.timestamp)) def url(self): if self.thread: return self.thread.url() + h.urlquote(self.slug) + '/' else: # pragma no cover return None def shorthand_id(self): if self.thread: return '%s#%s' % (self.thread.shorthand_id(), self.slug) else: # pragma no cover return None def link_text(self): return self.subject def reply_subject(self): if self.subject and self.subject.lower().startswith('re:'): return self.subject else: return 'Re: ' + (self.subject or '(no subject)') def delete(self): self.attachment_class().remove(dict(post_id=self._id)) super(Post, self).delete() self.thread.num_replies = max(0, self.thread.num_replies - 1) def approve(self, file_info=None): from allura.model.notification import Notification if self.status == 'ok': return self.status = 'ok' if self.parent_id is None: thd = self.thread_class().query.get(_id=self.thread_id) g.post_event('discussion.new_thread', thd._id) author = security.simple_grant(self.acl, author.project_role()._id, 'moderate') self.commit() if ('PostingPolicy') == 'ApproveOnceModerated' and author._id != None): security.simple_grant(self.acl, author.project_role()._id, 'unmoderated_post') g.post_event('discussion.new_post', self.thread_id, self._id) artifact = self.thread.artifact or self.thread n =, 'message', post=self, file_info=file_info) if hasattr(self.discussion, "monitoring_email") and self.discussion.monitoring_email: n.send_simple(self.discussion.monitoring_email) session(self).flush() self.thread.last_post_date = max(self.thread.last_post_date, self.mod_date) self.thread.update_stats() self.discussion.update_stats() def spam(self): self.status = 'spam' self.thread.num_replies = max(0, self.thread.num_replies - 1) g.post_event('spam', self.index_id())
class Discussion(Artifact, ActivityObject): class __mongometa__: name = 'discussion' type_s = 'Discussion' parent_id = FieldProperty(schema.Deprecated) shortname = FieldProperty(str) name = FieldProperty(str) description = FieldProperty(str, if_missing='') num_topics = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) num_posts = FieldProperty(int, if_missing=0) subscriptions = FieldProperty({str: bool}) threads = RelationProperty('Thread') posts = RelationProperty('Post') def __json__(self): return dict( _id=str(self._id), shortname=self.shortname,, description=self.description, threads=[dict(_id=t._id, subject=t.subject) for t in self.threads]) @property def activity_name(self): return 'discussion %s' % @classmethod def thread_class(cls): return cls.threads.related @classmethod def post_class(cls): return cls.posts.related @classmethod def attachment_class(cls): return DiscussionAttachment def update_stats(self): self.num_topics = self.thread_class().query.find( dict(discussion_id=self._id)).count() self.num_posts = self.post_class().query.find( dict(discussion_id=self._id, status='ok')).count() @LazyProperty def last_post(self): q = self.post_class().query.find(dict( discussion_id=self._id))\ .sort('timestamp', pymongo.DESCENDING)\ .limit(1)\ .hint([('discussion_id', pymongo.ASCENDING)]) # hint is to try to force the index to be used, since mongo wouldn't select it sometimes #!topic/mongodb-user/0TEqPfXxQU8 return q.first() def url(self): return + '_discuss/' def shorthand_id(self): return self.shortname def index(self): result = Artifact.index(self) result.update( title_s='Discussion: %s' %,, text=self.description) return result def subscription(self): return self.subscriptions.get(str(c.user._id)) def delete(self): # Delete all the threads, posts, and artifacts self.thread_class().query.remove(dict(discussion_id=self._id)) self.post_class().query.remove(dict(discussion_id=self._id)) self.attachment_class().remove(dict(discussion_id=self._id)) super(Discussion, self).delete() def find_posts(self, **kw): q = dict(kw, discussion_id=self._id) return self.post_class().query.find(q)