def test_output_transaction():
    """Test OutputTransaction class"""

    public = generate_public_key(
    output = OutputTransaction(public, 10)

    assert repr(output) == \
           '55d83bb921c148822bfe7057604bf3bb6d499976ea1054943f91c9caf28f2717bfcdf5e5b8c1fc0d18d510691765506c (10)'
def test_unspent_transaction():
    """Test UnspentTransaction class"""

    account = generate_public_key(

    unspent = UnspentTransaction(
        'd749929fe94b9a37dbe5d74cb297ad24b46e467898545f4e109eb21835046ac4', 5,
        account, 12)

    assert unspent.hash_id == 'd749929fe94b9a37dbe5d74cb297ad24b46e467898545f4e109eb21835046ac4'
    assert unspent.index == 5
    assert unspent.address == account
    assert unspent.amount == 12
    def __init__(self, private=None, blockchain=None):
        """Generate a new Wallet

        Generate a new Wallet using a private key of from zero

            private (String): the private key for the wallet. Where it is not
                              indicate it will generate a new pair.
            blockchain (Blockchain): an object with the blockchain

        if private is None:
            sk = SigningKey.generate()
            self.private = sk.to_string().hex()
            self.public = sk.get_verifying_key().to_string().hex()
            self.private = private
            self.public = generate_public_key(private)

        self.unspent = None
        self.blockchain = blockchain
def test_generate_public_key():
    """Test conversion of private key to public key"""

    key = generate_public_key('d1aa1463063a412e92fbc11dd1c65bff72ae862ea3f888a6')

    assert key == '388d9128602032c62e3fda1e1d595bc2b03a4482fc896cee33c439e673a0094213e5120b88f1725bca72bbe07520e643'
def test_wallet_creation():
    """Test Wallet creation"""

    wallet = Wallet()

    assert wallet.public == generate_public_key(wallet.private)
def test_basic_transaction():
    """"Test basic transactions"""

    # List of users accounts
    private_1 = 'aedc3975fa118bec4a1d203cd2b996c4ceb5aa398b7f7518'
    private_2 = '7d6433bcc63f973580dc7562d2ca79fcb12bb4e08c7e7333'
    private_3 = '3d66f0ea52a2c5cf42893560d5522e82621790edeb7f609b'

    public_1 = generate_public_key(private_1)
    public_2 = generate_public_key(private_2)
    public_3 = generate_public_key(private_3)

    # List of unspent transactions
    unspent = UnspentList()

    # Assign 10 coins to user 1
            0, public_1, 10))

    # Assign 10 coins to user 2
            0, public_2, 10))

    # Validate users amount
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_1) == 10
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_2) == 10
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_3) == 0

    # Move 10 coins from account 1 to account 3
    transaction_input = InputTransaction(
        'd749929fe94b9a37dbe5d74cb297ad24b46e467898545f4e109eb21835046ac4', 0)
    transaction_output = OutputTransaction(public_3, 10)
    transaction = Transaction(transaction_input, transaction_output)

    # The transaction is no signed
    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
                              public_1) is False
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction) is False
    assert unspent.spend_transaction(transaction) is False

    # The transaction is signed by user 3

    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
                              public_1) is False
    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction) is False
    assert unspent.spend_transaction(transaction) is False

    # The transaction is signed by user 1

    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction)
    assert unspent.spend_transaction(transaction)
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction) is False

    # Validate users amount
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_1) == 0
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_2) == 10
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_3) == 10
def test_multiple_transaction():
    """"Test multiple transactions"""

    # List of users accounts
    private_1 = 'aedc3975fa118bec4a1d203cd2b996c4ceb5aa398b7f7518'
    private_2 = '7d6433bcc63f973580dc7562d2ca79fcb12bb4e08c7e7333'
    private_3 = '3d66f0ea52a2c5cf42893560d5522e82621790edeb7f609b'

    public_1 = generate_public_key(private_1)
    public_2 = generate_public_key(private_2)
    public_3 = generate_public_key(private_3)

    # List of unspent transactions
    unspent = UnspentList()

    # Assign 10 coins to user 1
            0, public_1, 10))

    # Assign 10 coins to user 2
            0, public_2, 10))

    # Validate users amount
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_1) == 10
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_2) == 10
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_3) == 0

    # Cannot validate None transactions
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(None) is False
    assert unspent.spend_transaction(None) is False

    # Cannot validate other validations
    assert unspent.validate_transaction('transactions') is False
    assert unspent.spend_transaction('transactions') is False

    # Account 1 move 5 to account 2
    input = InputTransaction(
        'd749929fe94b9a37dbe5d74cb297ad24b46e467898545f4e109eb21835046ac4', 0)
    output = OutputTransaction(public_3, 5)
    transaction = Transaction(input, output)

    # The transaction is no signed
    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
                              public_1) is False
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction) is False
    assert unspent.spend_transaction(transaction) is False

    # The transaction is signed by user 2

    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
                              public_1) is False
    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction) is False
    assert unspent.spend_transaction(transaction) is False

    # The transaction is signed by user 1

    # The transaction is not valid because he don't spend all currencies
    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction) is False
    assert unspent.spend_transaction(transaction) is False

    # Account 1 move 5 to account 2 ans 5 to himself
    input = InputTransaction(
        'd749929fe94b9a37dbe5d74cb297ad24b46e467898545f4e109eb21835046ac4', 0)
    output = [OutputTransaction(public_1, 5), OutputTransaction(public_2, 5)]
    transaction = Transaction(input, output)

    # The transaction is signed by user 1

    # The transaction is valid and can be spend
    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction)
    assert unspent.spend_transaction(transaction)
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction) is False

    # Validate users amount
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_1) == 5
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_2) == 15
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_3) == 0

    # User 2 move 12 coins to 3 and 3 to himself
    user_transactions = unspent.address_transactions(public_2)
    input_transactions = []

    for user in user_transactions:
        input_transactions.append(InputTransaction(user.hash_id, user.index))

    output = [OutputTransaction(public_2, 3), OutputTransaction(public_3, 12)]
    transaction = Transaction(input_transactions, output)

    # The transaction is signed by user 2

    # The transaction is valid and can be spend
    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction)
    assert unspent.spend_transaction(transaction)
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction) is False

    assert unspent.address_amount(public_1) == 5
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_2) == 3
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_3) == 12

    # User 3 spend 3 in 1 and 2
    input_transactions = []
    user_transactions = unspent.address_transactions(public_3)

    for user in user_transactions:
        input_transactions.append(InputTransaction(user.hash_id, user.index))

    output = [
        OutputTransaction(public_1, 3),
        OutputTransaction(public_2, 3),
        OutputTransaction(public_3, 6)
    transaction = Transaction(input_transactions, output)

    # The transaction is signed by user 3

    # The transaction is valid and can be spend
    assert is_signature_valid(transaction.hash_id, transaction.signature,
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction)
    assert unspent.spend_transaction(transaction)
    assert unspent.validate_transaction(transaction) is False

    assert unspent.address_amount(public_1) == 8
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_2) == 6
    assert unspent.address_amount(public_3) == 6