 def send_inv(self, obj):
     mtype = 2 if isinstance(obj, CBlock) else 1
     self.conn.send_message(msg_inv([CInv(mtype, obj.sha256)]))
    def run(self):
        # Wait until verack is received

        test_number = 1
        for test_instance in self.test_generator.get_tests():
            # We use these variables to keep track of the last block
            # and last transaction in the tests, which are used
            # if we're not syncing on every block or every tx.
            [ block, block_outcome ] = [ None, None ]
            [ tx, tx_outcome ] = [ None, None ]
            invqueue = []

            for b_or_t, outcome in test_instance.blocks_and_transactions:
                # Determine if we're dealing with a block or tx
                if isinstance(b_or_t, CBlock):  # Block test runner
                    block = b_or_t
                    block_outcome = outcome
                    # Add to shared block_store, set as current block
                    with mininode_lock:
                        for c in self.connections:
                            c.cb.block_request_map[block.sha256] = False
                    # Either send inv's to each node and sync, or add
                    # to invqueue for later inv'ing.
                    if (test_instance.sync_every_block):
                        [ c.cb.send_inv(block) for c in self.connections ]
                        self.sync_blocks(block.sha256, 1)
                        if (not self.check_results(block.sha256, outcome)):
                            raise AssertionError("Test failed at test %d" % test_number)
                        invqueue.append(CInv(2, block.sha256))
                else:  # Tx test runner
                    assert(isinstance(b_or_t, CTransaction))
                    tx = b_or_t
                    tx_outcome = outcome
                    # Add to shared tx store and clear map entry
                    with mininode_lock:
                        for c in self.connections:
                            c.cb.tx_request_map[tx.sha256] = False
                    # Again, either inv to all nodes or save for later
                    if (test_instance.sync_every_tx):
                        [ c.cb.send_inv(tx) for c in self.connections ]
                        self.sync_transaction(tx.sha256, 1)
                        if (not self.check_mempool(tx.sha256, outcome)):
                            raise AssertionError("Test failed at test %d" % test_number)
                        invqueue.append(CInv(1, tx.sha256))
                # Ensure we're not overflowing the inv queue
                if len(invqueue) == MAX_INV_SZ:
                    [ c.send_message(msg_inv(invqueue)) for c in self.connections ]
                    invqueue = []

            # Do final sync if we weren't syncing on every block or every tx.
            if (not test_instance.sync_every_block and block is not None):
                if len(invqueue) > 0:
                    [ c.send_message(msg_inv(invqueue)) for c in self.connections ]
                    invqueue = []
                if (not self.check_results(block.sha256, block_outcome)):
                    raise AssertionError("Block test failed at test %d" % test_number)
            if (not test_instance.sync_every_tx and tx is not None):
                if len(invqueue) > 0:
                    [ c.send_message(msg_inv(invqueue)) for c in self.connections ]
                    invqueue = []
                self.sync_transaction(tx.sha256, len(test_instance.blocks_and_transactions))
                if (not self.check_mempool(tx.sha256, tx_outcome)):
                    raise AssertionError("Mempool test failed at test %d" % test_number)

            print "Test %d: PASS" % test_number, [ c.rpc.getblockcount() for c in self.connections ]
            test_number += 1

        [ c.disconnect_node() for c in self.connections ]