def test_ssh(self): print('\nTesting ssh ...') try: if self.execution_type == 'manual': username = self.username elif self.execution_type == 'scheduled': username = '******' node_service = self.dbsession.query(models.Node, models.NodeService, models.Service). \ filter(models.Node.node == self.node_ip_address). \ filter( == models.NodeService.id_node). \ filter(models.NodeService.id_service == \ filter(models.Service.service == 'ssh').first() command = '' service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(node_service.Node.node, username, self.password, command) node_service.NodeService.status = service_ssh node_service.NodeService.log = service_ssh_status self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for ssh test on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error))
def create_minisecbgpuser(self): print('\nCreating user "minisecbgpuser" ...') try: node_configuration = self.dbsession.query(models.Node, models.NodeConfiguration, models.Configuration). \ filter(models.Node.node == self.node_ip_address). \ filter( == models.NodeConfiguration.id_node). \ filter(models.NodeConfiguration.id_configuration == \ filter(models.Configuration.configuration == 'user').first() if node_configuration_status(self.dbsession, self.node_ip_address): commands = [ 'echo %s | sudo -S apt install whois -y' % self.password, 'echo %s | sudo -S killall -9 -u minisecbgpuser 2>/dev/null || exit 0' % self.password, 'echo %s | sudo -S userdel -r minisecbgpuser 2>/dev/null || exit 0' % self.password, 'echo %s | sudo -S useradd -m -p $(mkpasswd -m sha-512 -S saltsalt -s <<< %s) -s /bin/bash minisecbgpuser' % (self.password, self.password), 'echo %s | sudo -S bash -c "sed --i \'/minisecbgpuser/d\' /etc/sudoers | sudo -S tee --append /etc/sudoers"' % self.password, 'echo %s | sudo -S bash -c "echo \'minisecbgpuser ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL\' | sudo -S tee --append /etc/sudoers"' % self.password, 'echo %s | sudo -S bash -c "echo \'%s ALL=(minisecbgpuser) NOPASSWD: ALL\' | sudo -S tee --append /etc/sudoers"' % (self.password, self.username) ] for command in commands: service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(self.node_ip_address, self.username, self.password, command) if service_ssh == 1: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 1 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = service_ssh_status[: 250] self.dbsession.flush() return else: if command_status != 0: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 1 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = service_ssh_status[: 250] self.dbsession.flush() return node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 0 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = '' else: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 1 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = 'Aborted' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print( 'Database error for "minisecbgpuser" creation on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error))
def install_containernet(self): print('\nInstalling Containernet ...') try: node_install = self.dbsession.query(models.Node, models.NodeInstall, models.Install). \ filter(models.Node.node == self.node_ip_address). \ filter( == models.NodeInstall.id_node). \ filter(models.NodeInstall.id_install == \ filter(models.Install.install == 'containernet').first() if node_install_status(self.dbsession, self.node_ip_address): commands = ['grep "localhost ansible_connection=local" /etc/ansible/hosts >/dev/null; ' 'if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "localhost ansible_connection=local" | ' 'sudo tee -a /etc/ansible/hosts; fi', 'sudo rm -rf /home/minisecbgpuser/openflow &> /dev/null', 'git clone git:// /home/minisecbgpuser/containernet', 'cd /home/minisecbgpuser/containernet/ansible; ' 'sudo ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local install.yml', 'cd /home/minisecbgpuser/containernet/; sudo python3 install', 'sudo pip uninstall backports.ssl-match-hostname -y', 'sudo apt-get install python-backports.ssl-match-hostname -y'] for command in commands: service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(self.node_ip_address, 'minisecbgpuser', self.password, command) if service_ssh == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = service_ssh print(service_ssh) node_install.NodeInstall.log = service_ssh_status[:250] print(service_ssh_status) self.dbsession.flush() return else: if command_status != 0: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = command_error_warning[:250] print(command_error_warning) self.dbsession.flush() return node_install.NodeInstall.status = 0 node_install.NodeInstall.log = '' else: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = 'Aborted' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for Containernet installation on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error))
def install_linux_prerequisites(self): print('\nInstalling Linux prerequisites ...') try: node_install = self.dbsession.query(models.Node, models.NodeInstall, models.Install). \ filter(models.Node.node == self.node_ip_address). \ filter( == models.NodeInstall.id_node). \ filter(models.NodeInstall.id_install == \ filter(models.Install.install == 'prerequisites').first() if node_install_status(self.dbsession, self.node_ip_address): commands = ['export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive; ' 'sudo -E apt update; ' 'sudo -E apt upgrade -yq', 'sudo apt install git autoconf screen cmake build-essential sysstat expect ' 'python-matplotlib uuid-runtime ansible aptitude python-pip python3-pip -y', 'pip install pathlib termcolor pexpect setuptools docker', 'pip3 install --upgrade --force-reinstall -U Pyro4 docker', 'sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/Sao_Paulo'] for command in commands: service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(self.node_ip_address, 'minisecbgpuser', self.password, command) if service_ssh == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = service_ssh node_install.NodeInstall.log = service_ssh_status[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return else: if command_status != 0: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = command_error_warning[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return node_install.NodeInstall.status = 0 node_install.NodeInstall.log = '' else: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = 'Aborted' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for remote prerequisites installation on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error))
def validate_hostname(self): print('\nValidating unique hostname ...') try: node_configuration = self.dbsession.query(models.Node, models.NodeConfiguration, models.Configuration). \ filter(models.Node.node == self.node_ip_address). \ filter( == models.NodeConfiguration.id_node). \ filter(models.NodeConfiguration.id_configuration == \ filter(models.Configuration.configuration == 'hostname').first() if node_configuration_status(self.dbsession, self.node_ip_address): nodes = self.dbsession.query(models.Node).all() command = 'hostname' service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(self.node_ip_address, self.username, self.password, command) if service_ssh == 1: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 1 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = service_ssh_status[: 250] self.dbsession.flush() return else: if command_status != 0: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 1 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = service_ssh_status[: 250] self.dbsession.flush() return for node in nodes: if node.hostname == command_output and != node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 1 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = \ 'Hostname already configured on another cluster node: %s' % node.node self.dbsession.flush() return node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 0 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = '' node_configuration.Node.hostname = command_output else: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 1 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = 'Aborted' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for hostname validation on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error))
def install_mininet(self): print('\nInstalling Mininet ...\n' 'take a coffee and wait ...') try: node_install = self.dbsession.query(models.Node, models.NodeInstall, models.Install). \ filter(models.Node.node == self.node_ip_address). \ filter( == models.NodeInstall.id_node). \ filter(models.NodeInstall.id_install == \ filter(models.Install.install == 'mininet').first() if node_install_status(self.dbsession, self.node_ip_address): commands = [ 'git clone git:// /home/minisecbgpuser/mininet', 'cd /home/minisecbgpuser/mininet; git checkout -b 2.2.1rc1 2.2.1rc1; cd util/; ./'] for command in commands: service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(self.node_ip_address, 'minisecbgpuser', self.password, command) if service_ssh == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = service_ssh node_install.NodeInstall.log = service_ssh_status[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return else: if command_status != 0: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = command_error_warning[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return node_install.NodeInstall.status = 0 node_install.NodeInstall.log = '' else: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = 'Aborted' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for Mininet installation on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error))
def configure_ssh(self): print('\nConfiguring ssh ...') try: node_configuration = self.dbsession.query(models.Node, models.NodeConfiguration, models.Configuration). \ filter(models.Node.node == self.node_ip_address). \ filter( == models.NodeConfiguration.id_node). \ filter(models.NodeConfiguration.id_configuration == \ filter(models.Configuration.configuration == 'ssh').first() if node_configuration_status(self.dbsession, self.node_ip_address): node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 0 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = '' commands = [ 'ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -f /home/minisecbgpuser/.ssh/id_rsa', 'echo "Host *\nStrictHostKeyChecking no" | tee --append /home/minisecbgpuser/.ssh/config', 'chmod 400 /home/minisecbgpuser/.ssh/config' ] for command in commands: service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(self.node_ip_address, 'minisecbgpuser', self.password, command) if service_ssh == 1: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 1 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = service_ssh_status[: 250] self.dbsession.flush() return else: if command_status != 0: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 1 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = service_ssh_status[: 62] # update authorized_keys file on Workers to allow "minisecbgpuser" ssh remote connections without password command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser sshpass -p "%s" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ' \ 'minisecbgpuser@%s:/home/minisecbgpuser/.ssh/ ' \ '/home/minisecbgpuser/.ssh/authorized_keys.tmp' % (self.password, self.node_ip_address) result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = result[0] node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log + str( result[2].decode()[:62]) command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser cat /home/minisecbgpuser/.ssh/authorized_keys.tmp |' \ 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser tee --append /home/minisecbgpuser/.ssh/authorized_keys' result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = result[0] node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log + str( result[2].decode()[:62]) command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser sshpass -p "%s" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ' \ '/home/minisecbgpuser/.ssh/authorized_keys minisecbgpuser@%s:/home/minisecbgpuser/.ssh/' \ % (self.password, self.node_ip_address) result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = result[0] node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log + str( result[2].decode()[:62]) else: node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.status = 1 node_configuration.NodeConfiguration.log = 'Aborted' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for ssh configuration on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error))
def install_quagga(self): print('\nInstalling Quagga router ...') try: node_install = self.dbsession.query(models.Node, models.NodeInstall, models.Install). \ filter(models.Node.node == self.node_ip_address). \ filter( == models.NodeInstall.id_node). \ filter(models.NodeInstall.id_install == \ filter(models.Install.install == 'quagga').first() if node_install_status(self.dbsession, self.node_ip_address): commands = ['sudo killall -9 -u quagga 2>/dev/null || exit 0', 'sudo userdel -r quagga 2>/dev/null || exit 0', 'sudo groupdel quaggavty 2>/dev/null || exit 0', 'sudo addgroup --system --gid 92 quagga', 'sudo addgroup --system --gid 85 quaggavty', 'sudo adduser --system --ingroup quagga --home /var/run/quagga/ --gecos "Quagga routing suite" --shell /bin/false quagga', 'sudo apt install libreadline-dev pkg-config libc-ares-dev gawk -y', 'rm -f /home/minisecbgpuser/quagga-1.2.4.tar.gz 2>/dev/null || exit 0', 'rm -f /home/minisecbgpuser/quagga-1.2.4.tar 2>/dev/null || exit 0', 'rm -rf /home/minisecbgpuser/quagga-1.2.4 2>/dev/null || exit 0'] for command in commands: service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(self.node_ip_address, 'minisecbgpuser', self.password, command) if service_ssh == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = service_ssh node_install.NodeInstall.log = service_ssh_status[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return else: if command_status != 0: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = command_error_warning[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return command = 'ssh-keygen -R %s; sshpass -p "%s" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ./programs/quagga-1.2.4.tar.gz ' \ 'minisecbgpuser@%s:/home/minisecbgpuser/' % (self.node_ip_address, self.password, self.node_ip_address) result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = str(result[2].decode()[:250]) self.dbsession.flush() return commands = ['tar -xvzf /home/minisecbgpuser/quagga-1.2.4.tar.gz -C /home/minisecbgpuser;' 'cd /home/minisecbgpuser/quagga-1.2.4/;' './configure --prefix=/home/minisecbgpuser/quagga-1.2.4 --localstatedir=/var/run/quagga/ --enable-vtysh;' 'cd /home/minisecbgpuser/quagga-1.2.4/; make;' 'cd /home/minisecbgpuser/quagga-1.2.4/; make install'] for command in commands: service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(self.node_ip_address, 'minisecbgpuser', self.password, command) if service_ssh == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = service_ssh node_install.NodeInstall.log = service_ssh_status[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return else: if command_status != 0: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = command_error_warning[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return node_install.NodeInstall.status = 0 node_install.NodeInstall.log = '' else: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = 'Aborted' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for Quagga installation on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error))
def install_maxinet(self): print('\nInstalling Maxinet ...') try: node_install = self.dbsession.query(models.Node, models.NodeInstall, models.Install). \ filter(models.Node.node == self.node_ip_address). \ filter( == models.NodeInstall.id_node). \ filter(models.NodeInstall.id_install == \ filter(models.Install.install == 'maxinet').first() nodes = self.dbsession.query(models.Node).all() if node_install_status(self.dbsession, self.node_ip_address): # install MaxiNet on all cluster nodes commands = ['git clone git://', 'cd /home/minisecbgpuser/MaxiNet;' 'git checkout v1.2;' 'sudo make install'] for command in commands: service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(self.node_ip_address, 'minisecbgpuser', self.password, command) if service_ssh == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = service_ssh node_install.NodeInstall.log = service_ssh_status[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return else: if command_status != 0: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = command_error_warning[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return # create MaxiNetFrontendServer and MaxiNetWorker services (on Master) if node_install.Node.master: command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'echo "[Unit]\n' \ 'Description=Pox Controller\n' \ '\n\n' \ '[Service]\n' \ 'ExecStart=/home/minisecbgpuser/pox/ forwarding.l2_learning\n\n' \ '[Install]\n' \ '\n" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/pox.service; \'; ' \ 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'echo "[Unit]\n' \ 'Description=MaxiNetFrontendServer\n' \ '\n\n' \ '[Service]\n' \ 'ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/MaxiNetFrontendServer\n\n' \ '[Install]\n' \ '\n" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/MaxiNetFrontendServer.service; \'; ' \ 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'echo "[Unit]\n' \ 'Description=MaxiNetWorker\n' \ ' MaxiNetFrontendServer.service\n\n' \ '[Service]\n' \ 'ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/MaxiNetWorker\n\n' \ '[Install]\n' \ '\n" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/MaxiNetWorker.service; \'; ' \ 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'sudo systemctl daemon-reload; ' \ 'sudo systemctl enable MaxiNetFrontendServer; \'' result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = str(result[2].decode()[:250]) self.dbsession.flush() return # configure MaxiNet.cfg for node in nodes: if node.master: command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'echo "[all]\n' \ 'password = MiniSecBGP\n' \ 'controller = %s:6633\n' \ 'logLevel = ERROR\n' \ 'port_ns = 9090\n' \ 'port_sshd = 5345\n' \ 'runWith1500MTU = False\n' \ 'useMultipleIPs = 0\n' \ 'deactivateTSO = True\n' \ 'sshuser = minisecbgpuser\n' \ 'usesudo = True\n' \ 'useSTT = False\n\n' \ '[FrontendServer]\n' \ 'ip = %s\n' \ 'threadpool = 256\n" | sudo tee /etc/MaxiNet.cfg; \'' % \ (node.node, node.node) result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = str(result[2].decode()[:250]) self.dbsession.flush() return command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'echo "[%s]\n' \ 'ip = %s\n' \ 'share = 1\n" | sudo tee --append /etc/MaxiNet.cfg; \'' % \ (node.hostname, node.node) result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = str(result[2].decode()[:250]) self.dbsession.flush() return # send MaxiNet.cfg and MaxiNetWorker.service files to all Workers cluster nodes for node in nodes: if not node.master: command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no /etc/MaxiNet.cfg minisecbgpuser@%s:/home/minisecbgpuser; ' \ 'scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no /etc/systemd/system/MaxiNetWorker.service minisecbgpuser@%s:/home/minisecbgpuser; ' \ 'ssh %s sudo mv /home/minisecbgpuser/MaxiNet.cfg /etc/MaxiNet.cfg; ' \ 'ssh %s sudo mv /home/minisecbgpuser/MaxiNetWorker.service /etc/systemd/system/MaxiNetWorker.service; \'' \ % (node.node, node.node, node.node, node.node) result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = str(result[2].decode()[:250]) self.dbsession.flush() return # configure /etc/hosts on all cluster nodes for node in nodes: command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'ssh %s "sudo sed --i \\"/# MiniSecBGP cluster node/d\\" /etc/hosts | sudo tee --append /etc/hosts;"; \'' % node.node result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = str(result[2].decode()[:250]) self.dbsession.flush() return for host in nodes: command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'ssh %s "echo %s %s \# MiniSecBGP cluster node | sudo tee --append /etc/hosts"; \'' \ % (node.node, host.node, host.hostname) result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = str(result[2].decode()[:250]) self.dbsession.flush() return # restart MaxiNet services (MaxiNetFrontendServer and MaxiNetWorker) on all cluster nodes for node in nodes: if node.master: command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'sudo systemctl restart MaxiNetFrontendServer; ' \ 'sleep 5; \'' result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = str(result[2].decode()[:250]) self.dbsession.flush() return command = 'sudo -u minisecbgpuser bash -c \'' \ 'ssh %s sudo systemctl daemon-reload; ' \ 'ssh %s sudo systemctl enable pox; ' \ 'ssh %s sudo systemctl restart pox; ' \ 'ssh %s sudo systemctl enable MaxiNetWorker; ' \ 'ssh %s sudo systemctl restart MaxiNetWorker; \'' % \ (node.node, node.node, node.node, node.node, node.node) result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = str(result[2].decode()[:250]) self.dbsession.flush() return node_install.NodeInstall.status = 0 node_install.NodeInstall.log = '' else: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = 'Aborted' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for MaxiNet installation on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error))
def install_metis(self): print('\nInstalling Metis ...') try: node_install = self.dbsession.query(models.Node, models.NodeInstall, models.Install). \ filter(models.Node.node == self.node_ip_address). \ filter( == models.NodeInstall.id_node). \ filter(models.NodeInstall.id_install == \ filter(models.Install.install == 'metis').first() if node_install_status(self.dbsession, self.node_ip_address): if node_install.Node.master: # install Metis only on master node try: command = 'sshpass -p "%s" scp -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no ./programs/metis-5.1.0.tar.gz ' \ 'minisecbgpuser@%s:/home/minisecbgpuser/' % (self.password, self.node_ip_address) result = local_command.local_command(command) if result[0] == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = str(result[2].decode()[:250]) self.dbsession.flush() return commands = ['tar -xvzf /home/minisecbgpuser/metis-5.1.0.tar.gz -C /home/minisecbgpuser', 'cd /home/minisecbgpuser/metis-5.1.0;' 'sudo make config shared=1;' 'sudo make;' 'sudo make install;' 'sudo ldconfig'] for command in commands: service_ssh, service_ssh_status, command_output, command_error_warning, command_status = \ ssh.ssh(self.node_ip_address, 'minisecbgpuser', self.password, command) if service_ssh == 1: node_install.NodeInstall.status = service_ssh node_install.NodeInstall.log = service_ssh_status[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return else: if command_status != 0: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = command_error_warning[:250] self.dbsession.flush() return node_install.NodeInstall.status = 0 node_install.NodeInstall.log = '' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for Metis installation on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error)) else: try: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 0 node_install.NodeInstall.log = 'Metis installation is not necessary on Workers' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for Metis installation on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error)) else: node_install.NodeInstall.status = 1 node_install.NodeInstall.log = 'Aborted' self.dbsession.flush() except Exception as error: self.dbsession.rollback() print('Database error for Metis installation on node: %s - %s' % (self.node_ip_address, error))