    def model(self, x: mm.State, costs: mm.NodesData):
        :param x: State upon which the matchings are done.
        :param costs: NodesData giving the cost at each node.
        nb_edges = x.matching_graph.nb_edges
        nb_nodes = x.matching_graph.n
        edges_to_nodes = x.matching_graph.edges_to_nodes
        # The variables are the number of matching in each edge
        self.u = u = mip.VarVector([nb_edges],
        # The goal is to maximize u\\cdot \\nabla h(state) where h(state)=\\sum_{i\\in \\mathcal{D}\\cup\\mathcal{S}} c_i x_i^2.
        # mip.maximize(mip.sum_(costs.data[i] * state.data[i] * mip.sum_(edges_to_nodes[i, j] * u[j] for j in range(nb_edges))
        #                       for i in range(nb_nodes)))
                np.sum(np.multiply(costs[edge], x[edge])) * u[i]
                for i, edge in enumerate(x.matching_graph.edges)))

        # The inequalities constraints
        # The number of matchings can not be higher than the number of items in the system
        for i in range(nb_nodes):
            mip.sum_(edges_to_nodes[i, j] * u[j]
                     for j in range(nb_edges)) <= x.data[i]
    def model(self, x, grad_h, w, tau_star, Idle_index, NUmax):
        nb_edges = len(x.matchingGraph.edges)
        # The variables are the number of matching in each edge
        # u[i] correspond to the number of matching in state.matching_graph.edges[i]
        self.u = u = mip.VarVector([nb_edges], "u", mip.INT, lb=0, ub=NUmax)
        # The goal is to maximize grad_h*u
        mip.maximize(mip.sum_(grad_h[i] * u[i] for i in range(nb_edges)))

        ### The inequalities constraints ###
        # The number of matchings can not be higher than NUmax
        mip.sum_(u[i] for i in range(nb_edges)) <= NUmax

        # The number of matchings can not be higher than the number of items in the system
        for i in x.matchingGraph.demand_class_set:
            linked_edges = [
                x.matchingGraph.edgeIndex((i, s))
                for s in x.matchingGraph.demandToSupply[(i, )]
            mip.sum_(u[k] for k in linked_edges) <= x.demand(i)
        for j in x.matchingGraph.supply_class_set:
            linked_edges = [
                x.matchingGraph.edgeIndex((d, j))
                for d in x.matchingGraph.supplyToDemand[(j, )]
            mip.sum_(u[k] for k in linked_edges) <= x.supply(j)

        # The workload process can not be higher than the threshold
        mip.sum_(u[i] for i in Idle_index) <= np.maximum(-tau_star - w, 0.)
 def set_objective(self, weightA: int = 10, weightB: int = 1):
     # \sum_{i \in K} 10 x_i + o
     mp.minimize(weightA *
                 mp.sum_(self.weight[self.__all_data[uid][ToukenInfoKey.RARELITY.value]] *
                         self.__x[uid] for uid in self.__x) +
                 weightB *
def solve_by_mip(p, time_limit=600, silent=True, bind=None):
    """Solve by MIPCL"""
    mpprob = mp.Problem("setcover")
    x = [mp.Var("x(%d)" % i, type=mp.BIN) for i in range(p.m)]
    mp.minimize(mp.sum_([int(p.cost[i]) * x[i] for i in range(p.m)]))
    for i in range(p.n):
        mp.sum_([x[j] for j in range(p.m) if i in p.sets[j]]) >= 1
    if bind is not None:
        for i in bind:
            x[i] == bind[i]
    mp.optimize(silent=silent, timeLimit=time_limit)
    sol = np.zeros(p.m, dtype=np.int)
    for i in range(p.m):
        if x[i].val > 0.5:
            sol[i] = 1
    assert p.is_feasible(sol)
    return sol
 def __set_over_constr2(self):
     self.__over == mp.sum_(mp.sum_(self.__all_data[uid][ToukenInfoKey.UP.value][status] * self.__x[uid] for uid in self.__x) for status in self.target_status) + sum(
         self.__katana.max_status[status] for status in self.target_status) - self.__attack - self.__defense - self.__mobile - self.__back
 def __set_status_constraint2(self):
     for status in self.target_status:
         mp.sum_(self.__all_data[uid][ToukenInfoKey.UP.value][status] * self.__x[uid]
                 for uid in self.__x) <= self.__katana.max_status[status] - getattr(self, status)