def eof(x, svd=False, transform=False):
    Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis to finds both time series and spatial patterns.
    :param x: (*array_like*) Input 2-D array with space-time field.
    :param svd: (*boolean*) Using SVD or eigen method.
    :param transform: (*boolean*) Do space-time transform or not. This transform will speed up
        the computation if the space location number is much more than time stamps. Only valid
        when ``svd=False``.
    :returns: (EOF, E, PC) EOF: eigen vector 2-D array; E: eigen values 1-D array;
        PC: Principle component 2-D array.
    has_nan = False
    if x.contains_nan():  #Has NaN value
        valid_idx = np.where(x[:, 0] != np.nan)[0]
        xx = x[valid_idx, :]
        has_nan = True
        xx = x

    m, n = xx.shape
    if svd:
        U, S, V = np.linalg.svd(xx)
        EOF = U
        C = np.zeros((m, n))
        for i in range(len(S)):
            C[i, i] = S[i]
        PC = np.dot(C, V)
        E = S**2 / n
        if transform:
            C = np.dot(xx.T, xx)
            E1, EOF1 = np.linalg.eig(C)
            EOF1 = EOF1[:, ::-1]
            E = E1[::-1]
            EOFa = np.dot(xx, EOF1)
            EOF = np.zeros((m, n))
            for i in range(n):
                EOF[:, i] = EOFa[:, i] / np.sqrt(abs(E[i]))
            PC = np.dot(EOF.T, xx)
            C = np.dot(xx, xx.T) / n
            E, EOF = np.linalg.eig(C)
            PC = np.dot(EOF.T, xx)
            EOF = EOF[:, ::-1]
            PC = PC[::-1, :]
            E = E[::-1]

    if has_nan:
        _EOF = np.ones(x.shape) * np.nan
        _PC = np.ones(x.shape) * np.nan
        _EOF[valid_idx, :] = -EOF
        _PC[valid_idx, :] = -PC
        return _EOF, E, _PC
        return EOF, E, PC
def varimax(x, normalize=False, tol=1e-10, it_max=1000):
    Rotate EOFs according to varimax algorithm
    :param x: (*array_like*) Input 2-D array.
    :param normalize: (*boolean*) Determines whether or not to normalize the rows or columns
        of the loadings before performing the rotation.
    :param tol: (*float*) Tolerance.
    :param it_max: (*int*) Specifies the maximum number of iterations to do.
    :returns: Rotated EOFs and rotate matrix.
    p, nc = x.shape
    TT = np.eye(nc)
    d = 0
    for i in range(it_max):
        z = np.dot(x, TT)
        B = np.dot(
            x.T, (z**3 -
                  np.dot(z, np.diag(np.squeeze(np.dot(np.ones((1, p)),
                                                      (z**2))))) / p))
        U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(B)
        TT = np.dot(U, Vh)
        d2 = d
        d = np.sum(S)
        # End if exceeded tolerance.
        if d < d2 * (1 + tol):

    # Final matrix.
    r = np.dot(x, TT)
    return r, TT
 def _learn(self):
     p = self._x.shape[1]
     if self._attributes is None:
         self._attributes = numeric_attributes(p)
     m = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(p))) if self._mtry <= 0 else self._mtry
     j = self._x.shape[
         0] / self._node_size if self._max_nodes <= 1 else self._max_nodes
     split_rule = DecisionTree.SplitRule.valueOf(self._split_rule.upper())
     k = int(self._y.max()) + 1
     weight = np.ones(
         dtype='int') if self._class_weight is None else self._class_weight
     self._model = JRandomForest(self._attributes,
                                 self._y.tojarray('int'), self._ntrees, j,
                                 self._node_size, m, self._sub_sample,
                                 split_rule, weight.tojarray('int'))