def move_miro():
	#publishing topics
	pub = rospy.Publisher('/miro/rob01/platform/control', platform_control, queue_size=10)
	pub2 = rospy.Publisher('/miro/rob01/core/config', core_config, queue_size=10)

	rospy.init_node('move_miro', anonymous=True)
	rate = rospy.Rate(10)
	q = platform_control()
	q2 = core_config()
	count = 0

	#core config flag setup
	q2.msg_flags = core_config.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS
	q2.P2U_W_body_signals = miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_ENABLE

	while not rospy.is_shutdown():

		#q.body_vel.linear.x = 240
		#q.body_vel.linear.y = 240
		#q.body_vel.angular.z = 0

		q.body_config_speed = [0, -1,-1,0]
		q.body_config = [0, -3.14, 0, 0]
		count +=1
 def shutdow_hook(self):
     """Stops the core behavior and saves the file, when the program is stopped"""
     # Stop core behavior
     c = core_config()
     c.msg_flags = c.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS
     # Set MiRo's joints to reset
     q = platform_control()
     q.body_config_speed = [-1, -1, -1, -1]
     # Save only if a full week has passed
     if self.end == True:
         # Try to save the file
             with open(self.monitor_file, "w") as filehandle:
                 # Change the indentation for a nice humanreadable format
                 # Save the file
                 print("file saved")
         except IOError:
             print("error at saving")
 def loop(self):
     rate = rospy.Rate(1) #1hz
     while not rospy.is_shutdown():
     if self.test:
         c = core_config()
         c.msg_flags = c.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS
         print c
    def __init__(self, topic_root, follow_type):

        self.pub_platform_control = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/platform/control", platform_control, queue_size=1)

        if follow_type == "mics":
            # listen to microphones to follow a sound 
            self.mics_sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/platform/mics", platform_mics, self.callback_mics_follow, queue_size=1)
        elif follow_type == "core":
            # activate spatial behavior
            self.core_config_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/core/config", core_config, queue_size=0)
            # some publisher that does not hurt
            self.core_control_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/core/control", core_control, queue_size=1)
            self.c = core_config()
            self.c.P2S_W_signals = self.c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_ENABLE
            self.c.msg_flags = self.c.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS
            # listen to it (core audio event)
            self.core_sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/core/state", core_state, self.callback_core_follow)
            print("Enter a valid mode: mics|core")
            rospy.signal_shutdown("Enter a valid mode: mics|core")
    def config_send(self):
        c = core_config()
        c.P2B_W_signals = c.P2B_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2B_W_BRANCH_ENABLE
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ENABLE
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ADJUST_RTC
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_VALENCE_DYNAMICS
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_AROUSAL_DYNAMICS
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ENABLE_SLEEP
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_CLOCK
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_WAKEFULNESS
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_TOUCH
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_LIGHT
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_SOUND
        c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_ACCEL
        #c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_SLEEP_BLOCKED
        #c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_RANDOMIZE_VALENCE
        #c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FAST_SLEEP_DYNAMICS
        c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_ENABLE
        c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_LIGHT
        c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_TAIL
        c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_EYELIDS
        c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_EARS
        c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_VOCAL
        c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_BODY
        #c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_PING
        #c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_NO_PIRATE_NOISES
        #c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_DO_PIRATE_NOISES
        c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_ENABLE
        #c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_DEBUG
        #c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_FORCE_MULL
        #c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_RANDOMIZE_ORIENT
        #c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_DISABLE_HALT
        c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_MODULATE_BY_SONAR
        c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_ENABLE
        #c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_RESET_KC_INTEGRATORS
        #c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH
        #c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_MOTION
        #c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_TRANSLATION
        c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_INTO_SONAR
        #c.P2L_W_signals = c.P2L_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2L_W_ENABLE_POS_CONTROL
        c.P2L_W_signals = c.P2L_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2L_W_ENABLE_CLIFF_REFLEX
        c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_ENABLE
        #c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_IGNORE_AUDIO
        #c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_IGNORE_VIDEO
        c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SEND_PRIORITY
        #c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SEND_OTHER
        #c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_NO_REAFF_COMPROMISE
        #c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_NO_SUPPRESS
        #c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SHOW_COMPROMISE
        #c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SHOW_TEST_PATTERN
        #c.P1_W_signals = c.P1_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P1_W_TEST_ALARM
        #c.P1_W_signals = c.P1_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P1_W_NO_I2C_BUSY_ALARM

        c.msg_flags = c.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS
        print("config sent")

        # bridge/config
        q = bridge_config()
        q.flags = miro.MIRO_BRIDGE_UPDATE
        print("bridge/config sent")
    def __init__(self):

        # report

        # default data
        self.platform_sensors = None
        self.platform_state = None
        self.platform_mics = None
        self.core_state = None

        # no arguments gives usage
        if len(sys.argv) == 1:

        # options
        self.robot_name = ""
        self.test = False

        # handle args
        for arg in sys.argv[1:]:
            f = arg.find('=')
            if f == -1:
                key = arg
                val = ""
                key = arg[:f]
                val = arg[f + 1:]
            if key == "robot":
                self.robot_name = val
            elif key == "test":
                self.test = True if val == "True" else False
                error("argument not recognised \"" + arg + "\"")

        # check we got at least one
        if len(self.robot_name) == 0:
            error("argument \"robot\" must be specified")

        # pattern
        self.count = 0
        self.z_bak = -1
        self.body_vel = None
        self.turn = False

        # set inactive
        self.active = False

        # topic root
        topic_root = "/miro/" + self.robot_name
        print "topic_root", topic_root

        # publish
        self.pub_platform_control = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/platform/control",
                                                    platform_control, queue_size=0)
        self.pub_core_control = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/core/control",
                                                 core_control, queue_size=0)
        self.pub_core_config = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/core/config",
                                                core_config, queue_size=0)
        # self.pub_bridge_config = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/bridge/config",
        #                                          bridge_config, queue_size=0)
        # self.pub_bridge_stream = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/bridge/stream",
        #                                          bridge_stream, queue_size=0)
        # self.pub_platform_config = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/platform/config",
        #                                            platform_config, queue_size=0)

        # subscribe
        if self.test:
            rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/platform/sensors",
                                            platform_sensors, self.callback_platform_sensors)
            c = core_config()
            c.P2B_W_signals = c.P2B_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2B_W_BRANCH_ENABLE
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_ENABLE
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_DO_PIRATE_NOISES
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ENABLE
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ENABLE_SLEEP

            #c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_ENABLE
            #c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_FORCE_MULL
            #c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_RANDOMIZE_ORIENT

            #c.P1_W_signals = c.P1_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P1_W_TEST_ALARM

            c.msg_flags = c.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS
            print c
            self.sub_sensors = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/platform/sensors",
                                                platform_sensors, self.callback_move_until_obstacle)
            rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/platform/state",
                                                platform_state, self.callback_turn_180)            
        # self.sub_state = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/platform/state",
        #                                   platform_state, self.callback_platform_state)
        # self.sub_mics = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/platform/mics",
        #                                  platform_mics, self.callback_platform_mics)
        # self.sub_core_state = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/core/state",
        #                                        core_state, self.callback_core_state)

        # set active
        self.active = True
  def __init__(self):
    """Prepares MiRo

    E.g. setting all neccessary starting conditions and read the old log file
    # First register the node
    rospy.init_node("miro_ros_client_py", anonymous=True)
    # Get all parameters from the launch file
    self.robot_name = rospy.get_param("~robot_name")
    self.demo_mode = rospy.get_param("~demo_mode")
    self.start_wait = rospy.get_param("~start_wait")
    self.interval_time = rospy.get_param("~interval_time")
    self.days = rospy.get_param("~days")
    self.hours_per_day = rospy.get_param("~intervals_per_day")
    self.monitor_file = rospy.get_param("~monitor_file") + "_" + str(self.days) + "_" + str(self.hours_per_day) + "_" + str(self.interval_time) + ".log"

    # Prepare the dictionaries for the log file
    self.event_template = {"happiness": [], "sadness": [], "blink": [], "surprise": [],
     "fear": [], "anger": [], "disgust": [], "contempt": [], "head_touch": [], "body_touch": [], "face_on_floor": []}
    self.hour_template = {"hour": [], "predicted_pattern": [], "observed_pattern": [], "events": copy.deepcopy(self.event_template)}
    self.hours_template = [copy.deepcopy(self.hour_template) for _ in range(self.hours_per_day)]
    self.day_template = {"day": [], "day_group": [], "hours": self.hours_template}

    # Start at day 0 and hour 0
    self.current_day = 0
    self.current_hour = 0
    # The Program is not yet at the end
    self.end = False
    # The Program is not active yet
    self.active = False

    # Add a shutdown hook, to savely close the program

    # try to load the file 
      with open(self.monitor_file, "r") as filehandle:
        print("load the file")
        self.monitor_list = json.load(filehandle)
        # Increment the number of runs by one 
        self.col_id = self.monitor_list[0] + 1
        self.monitor_list[0] = self.col_id
    # if the file does not exist, create a new file
    except IOError:
      print("create a new file")
      self.col_id = 0
      self.monitor_list = [self.col_id, [copy.deepcopy(self.day_template) for _ in range(self.days)]]

    # Set all counters to 0
    self.happiness = 0
    self.sadness = 0
    self.blink = 0
    self.surprise = 0
    self.fear = 0
    self.anger = 0
    self.disgust = 0
    self.contempt = 0
    self.face_on_floor = 0 
    self.head_touch = 0
    self.body_touch = 0

    # Prepare miro's topic
    topic_root = "/miro/" + self.robot_name

    # Set up all publishers, we only use core/control and core/config
    self.pub_core_control = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/core/control", core_control, queue_size=0)
    self.pub_core_config = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/core/config", core_config, queue_size=0)

    # Wait the time specified in launch file. This is necessary, because the publishers may not be ready immediately 
    # After the waiting time, set the starting time
    self.start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()

    # Set the dict to map from patterns to states
    self.pattern_to_state_dict = {"nothing": "Sleep", "face_on_floor": "Angry_disturbed", "happy_face": "Happy_active",
     "body_touch": "Happy_active", "head_touch": "Happy_calm", "sad_face": "Angry_calm", "neutral": "Neutral"}
    # Set the dict to map from states to /core/control messages 
    self.state_dict = {"Neutral": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0], "Angry_disturbed": [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0], 
    "Angry_calm": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], "Happy_active": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0],
    "Happy_calm": [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], "Sleep": [0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]}
    # Predict the pattern for the first time interval

    # If the flag to use miro's demo behavior was set, activate the demo behavior
    if self.demo_mode == True:

      c = core_config()
      c.P2B_W_signals = c.P2B_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2B_W_BRANCH_ENABLE
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ENABLE
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ADJUST_RTC ##
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_VALENCE_DYNAMICS
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_AROUSAL_DYNAMICS
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ENABLE_SLEEP ##
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_CLOCK ##
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_WAKEFULNESS ##
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_TOUCH
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_LIGHT
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_SOUND
      c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_ACCEL
      # c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_SLEEP_BLOCKED
      # c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_RANDOMIZE_VALENCE
      # c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FAST_SLEEP_DYNAMICS
      c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_ENABLE
      c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_LIGHT
      c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_TAIL
      c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_EYELIDS
      # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_EARS ## ?
      c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_VOCAL
      c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_BODY
      # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_DEBUG_SONAR
      # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_NO_PIRATE_NOISES
      # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_DO_PIRATE_NOISES
      c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_ENABLE
      # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_DEBUG
      # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_FORCE_MULL
      # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_RANDOMIZE_ORIENT
      # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_DISABLE_HALT
      c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_MODULATE_BY_SONAR
      c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_ENABLE
      # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_RESET_KC_INTEGRATORS
      # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH ## no movement
      # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_MOTION
      # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_TRANSLATION
      c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_INTO_SONAR
      # c.P2L_W_signals = c.P2L_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2L_W_ENABLE_POS_CONTROL
      c.P2L_W_signals = c.P2L_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2L_W_ENABLE_CLIFF_REFLEX
      c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_ENABLE
      # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_IGNORE_AUDIO
      # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_IGNORE_VIDEO
      # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SEND_PRIORITY
      # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SEND_OTHER
      # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_NO_REAFF_COMPROMISE
      # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_NO_SUPPRESS
      # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SHOW_COMPROMISE
      # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SHOW_TEST_PATTERN
      # c.P1_W_signals = c.P1_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P1_W_TEST_ALARM
      # c.P1_W_signals = c.P1_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P1_W_NO_I2C_BUSY_ALARM
      c.msg_flags = c.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS

      # Publish the core/control message to activate miro's core behavior
    # Add all subscribers
    # Platform state
    self.platform_state = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/platform/state", platform_state, self.callback_state, queue_size=1)
    # Face on the florr
    self.face_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/faceCoord", Int32MultiArray, self.callback_faces)
    # Face emotions
    self.face_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/faces", Faces, self.callback_emotions)
    # Platform sensors (used for Touch)
    self.sub_platform_sensors = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/platform/sensors", platform_sensors, self.callback_sensors)
def location_miro():

	# get relative destination
	# param_name = rospy.search_param('virtual_x')
	# x_dist = rospy.get_param(param_name)
	# param_name2 = rospy.search_param('virtual_y')
	# y_dist = rospy.get_param(param_name2)	

	param_name = rospy.search_param('turn_dir')
   	kak = rospy.get_param(param_name)
	# robot target
	robot = '/miro/rob01'

	# initialise ROS node
	rospy.init_node('location_miro', anonymous=True)

	# topic publishers
	pub = rospy.Publisher(robot + '/platform/control', platform_control, queue_size=10)
	pub2 = rospy.Publisher(robot + '/core/config', core_config, queue_size=10)

	# topic subscribers
	sub = rospy.Subscriber(robot + '/platform/state', platform_state, callback_state)

	# intialise rate object
	rate = rospy.Rate(10)

	# sleep to let the ROS node start up, or our config message
	# will not make it through

	# configure core to enable BODY module
	q = core_config()
	q.msg_flags = core_config.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS
	q.P2U_W_body_signals = miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_ENABLE

	# create control message
	q = platform_control()
	#q.body_move.x = x_dist
	#q.body_move.y = y_dist
	if kak:
		q.body_move.x = 600	#in mm, positive to go forward
		q.body_move.y = -800	#negative to go to the right, positive to the left
		q.body_move.theta = 0
		q.body_move.x = 600	#in mm, positive to go forward
		q.body_move.y = 800	#negative to go to the right, positive to the left
		q.body_move.theta = 0
	# close eyes and hope for the best!
	q.eyelid_closure = 1

	# main loop
	count = 1
	while not rospy.is_shutdown():
		# add if condition here to check for state_avoid parameter
		# configure move flags
		if count >= 2:
			q.body_move_flags = miro.MIRO_BODY_MOVE_CONTINUE
		if count == 2:
			q.body_move_flags |= miro.MIRO_BODY_MOVE_START
		# publish control message
		# postamble
		rospy.loginfo("@" + str(count) + ", move_underway=" + str(move_underway))
		count += 1
		print count
		# exit
		if move_complete:
			#global counter
			rospy.set_param('state_straight', True)
			rospy.set_param('state_avoid', False)
    def __init__(self):
        """Prepares MiRo

        E.g. setting all neccessary starting conditions and read the old log file
        # Get all parameters from the launch file
        self.robot_name = rospy.get_param("~robot_name")
        self.demo_mode = rospy.get_param("~demo_mode")
        self.demo_move = rospy.get_param("~demo_move")
        self.start_wait = rospy.get_param("~start_wait")
        self.interval_time = rospy.get_param("~interval_time")
        self.days = rospy.get_param("~days")
        self.hours_per_day = rospy.get_param("~intervals_per_day")
        self.monitor_emotions = rospy.get_param("~monitor_emotions")
        self.monitor_file = "%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.log" % (
            rospy.get_param("~monitor_file"), str(
                self.days), str(self.hours_per_day), str(
                    self.interval_time), str(self.monitor_emotions))
        self.min_part_conf = rospy.get_param("~min_part_conf")
        self.monitor_emotions = rospy.get_param("~monitor_emotions")

        # Prepare the dictionaries for the log file
        # There are 5 different categories of things MiRo monitors + one uncategorized category
        self.toy_template = {
            "ball_b": [],
            "ball_y": [],
            "ball_r": [],
            "ball_g": [],
            "ball_rb": [],
            "screwdriver": [],
            "pen": [],
            "ribena": [],
            "moto5": [],
            "purse": []
        self.touch_template = {"head_touch": [], "body_touch": []}
        self.emotion_template = {
            "happiness": [],
            "sadness": [],
            "blink": [],
            "surprise": [],
            "fear": [],
            "anger": [],
            "disgust": [],
            "contempt": []
        self.sound_template = {"beep": [], "beep_beep": [], "clap": []}
        self.pose_template = {
            "hands_up": [],
            "high_knee_left": [],
            "high_knee_right": []
        self.extra_template = {"face_on_floor": [], "light": []}
        # The event template consists of the 5+1 categories (deepcopy, to create new lists)
        self.event_template = {
            "object/toys": copy.deepcopy(self.toy_template),
            "touch": copy.deepcopy(self.touch_template),
            "face/emotions": copy.deepcopy(self.emotion_template),
            "sounds": copy.deepcopy(self.sound_template),
            "poses": copy.deepcopy(self.pose_template),
            "xtra": self.extra_template

        # Prepare the other templates for hours and days
        self.hour_template = {
            "hour": [],
            "predicted_pattern": [],
            "observed_pattern": [],
            "events": copy.deepcopy(self.event_template)
        self.hours_template = [
            for _ in range(self.hours_per_day)
        self.day_template = {
            "day": [],
            "day_group": [],
            "hours": self.hours_template

        # Start at day 0 and hour 0
        self.current_day = 0
        self.current_hour = 0
        # The Program is not yet at the end
        self.end = False
        # The Program is not active yet
        self.active = False

        # Add a shutdown hook, to savely close the program (stop core behavior at shutdown)

        # try to load the file
            with open(self.monitor_file, "r") as filehandle:
                print("load the file")
                self.monitor_list = json.load(filehandle)
                # Increment the number of runs by one
                self.col_id = self.monitor_list[0] + 1
                self.monitor_list[0] = self.col_id
        # if the file does not exist, create a new file
        except IOError:
            print("create a new file")
            self.col_id = 0
            self.monitor_list = [
                [copy.deepcopy(self.day_template) for _ in range(self.days)]

        # Set all counters to 0, all 6 categories are in one dict to make it easier
        self.counter_dict = {}
        for topic_name in self.event_template:
            for content_name in self.event_template[topic_name]:
                self.counter_dict[content_name] = 0

        # Prepare miro's topic
        topic_root = "/miro/" + self.robot_name

        # Set up all core publishers
        self.pub_core_control = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/core/control",
        self.pub_core_config = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/core/config",

        # Wait the time specified in launch file. This is necessary, because the publishers may not be ready immediately
        # After the waiting time, set the starting time
        self.start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()

        # Set the dict to map from patterns to states
        self.pattern_to_state_dict = {
            "nothing": "Sleep",
            "face_on_floor": "Angry_disturbed",
            "happy_face": "Happy_active",
            "body_touch": "Happy_active",
            "head_touch": "Happy_calm",
            "sad_face": "Angry_calm",
            "liked": "Happy_active",
            "disliked": "Angry_disturbed",
            "strange1": "Neutral",
            "strange2": "Angry_calm",
            "sound": "Angry_disturbed",
            "hands_up": "Happy_active",
            "neutral": "Neutral"
        # Set the dict to map from states to /core/control messages
        self.state_dict = {
            "Neutral": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 0.0],
            "Angry_disturbed": [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0],
            "Angry_calm": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
            "Happy_active": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0],
            "Happy_calm": [1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0],
            "Sleep": [0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]

        # If the flag to use miro's demo behavior was set, activate the demo behavior
        # This is almost the same as the normal demo mode in the gui application
        # The expression through ears is deactivated, because otherwise the ears move alot
        # And you have the option to activate or deactivate the move behavior
        if self.demo_mode:
            c = core_config()
            c.P2B_W_signals = c.P2B_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2B_W_BRANCH_ENABLE
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ENABLE
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ADJUST_RTC  ##
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_VALENCE_DYNAMICS
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_AROUSAL_DYNAMICS
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ENABLE_SLEEP  ##
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_CLOCK  ##
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_WAKEFULNESS  ##
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_TOUCH
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_LIGHT
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_SOUND
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_ACCEL
            # c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_SLEEP_BLOCKED
            # c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_RANDOMIZE_VALENCE
            # c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FAST_SLEEP_DYNAMICS
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_ENABLE
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_LIGHT
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_TAIL
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_EYELIDS
            # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_EARS ## ?
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_VOCAL
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_BODY
            # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_DEBUG_SONAR
            # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_NO_PIRATE_NOISES
            # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_DO_PIRATE_NOISES
            c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_ENABLE
            # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_DEBUG
            # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_FORCE_MULL
            # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_RANDOMIZE_ORIENT
            # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_DISABLE_HALT
            c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_MODULATE_BY_SONAR
            # Only activate demo movement if configured in the launch file
            if self.demo_move:
                c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_ENABLE
            # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_RESET_KC_INTEGRATORS
            # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH ## no movement
            # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_MOTION
            # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_TRANSLATION
            c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_INTO_SONAR
            # c.P2L_W_signals = c.P2L_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2L_W_ENABLE_POS_CONTROL
            c.P2L_W_signals = c.P2L_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2L_W_ENABLE_CLIFF_REFLEX
            c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_ENABLE
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_IGNORE_AUDIO
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_IGNORE_VIDEO
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SEND_PRIORITY
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SEND_OTHER
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_NO_REAFF_COMPROMISE
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_NO_SUPPRESS
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SHOW_COMPROMISE
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SHOW_TEST_PATTERN
            # c.P1_W_signals = c.P1_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P1_W_TEST_ALARM
            # c.P1_W_signals = c.P1_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P1_W_NO_I2C_BUSY_ALARM
            c.msg_flags = c.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS

            # Publish the core/control message to activate miro's core behavior

        # Add all other publishers
        # Platform control (play a sound as a reaction)
        self.joint_state = None
        self.eyelid_closure = 0.0
        self.platform_control_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic_root +
        self.stop_sound_pub = rospy.Publisher("/stop/sound",
        self.stop_sound_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/stop/sound",
        # Cmd_vel (move as a reaction)
        self.move_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/control/cmd_vel",
        # Cosmetic joints (close eyes, etc. as reaction)
        self.cosmetic_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic_root +
        # Lights (display lights as reaction)
        self.lights_pub = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/control/lights",

        # Add all subscribers
        # Core state, main logic + sleep state
        self.awake = True
        self.core_state = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/core/state",
        # Face on the floor
        self.face_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/faceCoord", Int32MultiArray,
        # Face emotions
        if self.monitor_emotions:
            self.face_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/faces", Faces,
        # Platform sensors (used for Touch)
        self.sub_platform_sensors = rospy.Subscriber(
            topic_root + "/platform/sensors", platform_sensors,
        # Poses (PoseNet Human Pose Analysis) -> HandsUp and HighKnees
        self.keypoint_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/poses", Poses,
        # Toy recognition
        self.toys_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/toys", ObjectSide,
        # Audio recogniton (Beep, BeepBeep and Clap) be aware of false positives
        self.i = 0
        self.max_count = 10
        self.mic_array_1 = np.zeros(2000 * self.max_count)
        self.mic_array_2 = np.zeros(2000 * self.max_count)
        self.mics_sub = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/platform/mics",
                                         platform_mics, self.callback_mics)

        # Predict the pattern for the first time interval

        # stop all sounds (else it could happen that some old sounds from last time, start playing again)
    def __init__(self):
        rospy.init_node("miro_ros_client_py", anonymous=True)
        self.active = False
        self.robot_name = rospy.get_param("~robot_name")
        self.demo_mode = rospy.get_param("~demo_mode")
        self.id = 0
        self.start_wait = rospy.get_param("~start_wait")
        self.interval_time = rospy.get_param("~interval_time")
        self.monitor_file = rospy.get_param("~monitor_file") + str(
            self.interval_time) + ".log"
        topic_root = "/miro/" + self.robot_name
        self.dict_template = {
            "col_id": [],
            "timeStamp": [],
            "happiness": [],
            "sadness": [],
            "blink": [],
            "surprise": [],
            "fear": [],
            "anger": [],
            "disgust": [],
            "contempt": [],
            "head_touch": [],
            "body_touch": [],
            "face_on_floor": []
        self.start_time = rospy.Time.now().to_sec()


        # try to load the file
            with open(self.monitor_file, "r") as filehandle:
                print("load the file")
                # print(filehandle)
                self.monitor_list = json.load(filehandle)
                # print(self.monitor_list)
                self.col_id = self.monitor_list[0] + 1
                self.monitor_list[0] = self.col_id
        except IOError:
            print("create a new file")
            self.col_id = 0
            self.monitor_list = [
                self.col_id, copy.deepcopy(self.dict_template)

        self.happiness = 0
        self.sadness = 0
        self.blink = 0
        self.surprise = 0
        self.fear = 0
        self.anger = 0
        self.disgust = 0
        self.contempt = 0
        self.face_on_floor = 0
        self.head_touch = 0
        self.body_touch = 0

        self.pub_core_control = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/core/control",
        self.pub_core_config = rospy.Publisher(topic_root + "/core/config",

        # wait a specific amount of time

        # send specific core_control message to start MiRo in a neutral state
        q = core_control()
        q.mood_drive_target.valence = 0.5
        q.mood_drive_target.arousal = 0.5
        q.mood_drive_gamma = 1
        q.emotion_drive_target.valence = 0.5
        q.emotion_drive_target.arousal = 0.5
        q.emotion_drive_gamma = 1

        # prepare general core_control message
        self.core_message = core_control()
        # self.core_message.msg_flags = core_control.FLAG_SYNC_PLATFORM | core_control.FLAG_SYNC_CORE
        self.core_message.emotion_drive_target.valence = 0.5
        self.core_message.emotion_drive_target.arousal = 0.5
        self.core_message.emotion_drive_gamma = 0.5

        # if flag was set activate demo mode
        if self.demo_mode == True:

            c = core_config()
            c.P2B_W_signals = c.P2B_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2B_W_BRANCH_ENABLE
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ENABLE
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ADJUST_RTC  ##
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_VALENCE_DYNAMICS
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_AROUSAL_DYNAMICS
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_ENABLE_SLEEP  ##
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_CLOCK  ##
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_WAKEFULNESS  ##
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_TOUCH
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_LIGHT
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_SOUND
            c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_ACCEL
            # c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FROM_SLEEP_BLOCKED
            # c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_RANDOMIZE_VALENCE
            # c.P2U_W_affect_signals = c.P2U_W_affect_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_AFFECT_FAST_SLEEP_DYNAMICS
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_ENABLE
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_LIGHT
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_TAIL
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_EYELIDS
            # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_EARS ## ?
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_VOCAL
            c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_THROUGH_BODY
            # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_DEBUG_SONAR
            # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_NO_PIRATE_NOISES
            # c.P2U_W_express_signals = c.P2U_W_express_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_EXPRESS_DO_PIRATE_NOISES
            c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_ENABLE
            # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_DEBUG
            # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_FORCE_MULL
            # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_RANDOMIZE_ORIENT
            # c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_DISABLE_HALT
            c.P2U_W_action_signals = c.P2U_W_action_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_ACTION_MODULATE_BY_SONAR
            c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_ENABLE
            # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_RESET_KC_INTEGRATORS
            # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH ## no movement
            # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_MOTION
            # c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_TRANSLATION
            c.P2U_W_body_signals = c.P2U_W_body_signals | miro.MIRO_P2U_W_BODY_NO_PUSH_INTO_SONAR
            # c.P2L_W_signals = c.P2L_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2L_W_ENABLE_POS_CONTROL
            c.P2L_W_signals = c.P2L_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2L_W_ENABLE_CLIFF_REFLEX
            c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_ENABLE
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_IGNORE_AUDIO
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_IGNORE_VIDEO
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SEND_PRIORITY
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SEND_OTHER
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_NO_REAFF_COMPROMISE
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_NO_SUPPRESS
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SHOW_COMPROMISE
            # c.P2S_W_signals = c.P2S_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P2S_W_SPATIAL_SHOW_TEST_PATTERN
            # c.P1_W_signals = c.P1_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P1_W_TEST_ALARM
            # c.P1_W_signals = c.P1_W_signals | miro.MIRO_P1_W_NO_I2C_BUSY_ALARM
            c.msg_flags = c.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS

            # listen to the core to adjust the state
            self.sub_core_state = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/core/state",

        # subscribe to the platform state topic to get the time
        self.platform_state = rospy.Subscriber(topic_root + "/platform/state",

        # other subscribers
        # face lying down
        self.face_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/faceCoord", Int32MultiArray,

        # face emotions
        self.face_sub = rospy.Subscriber("/faces", Faces,

        # touch
        self.sub_platform_sensors = rospy.Subscriber(
            topic_root + "/platform/sensors", platform_sensors,
 def shutdow_hook(self):
     # stop core behavior
     c = core_config()
     c.msg_flags = c.FLAG_UPDATE_SIGNALS