def channelAverage (out, naver, slop=DEFAULT_SLOP, banner=DEFAULT_BANNER,
    """Read data from the uvdat subsystem and channel average into an output dataset.

    out: dataset handle; the output dataset to be created
  naver: int; the number of channels to average together (see task docs)
   slop: float; tolerance for partially flagged bins (see task docs)
 banner: string; a message to write into the output's history
   args: list of strings; command-line arguments to write into the output's history,
         not including the program name (i.e. no traditional argv[0])
returns: None

Contrast with channelAverageWithSetup, which sets up the uvdat subsytem itself
rather than assuming that it's been initialized.

    if naver < 1:
        raise ValueError ('must average at least one channel (got naver=%d)' % naver)
    if slop < 0 or slop > 1:
        raise ValueError ('slop must be between 0 and 1 (got slop=%f)' % slop)

        _channelAverage (uvdat.read (), out, naver, slop, banner, args)
    except _CreateFailedError, e:
        # Don't delete the existing dataset!
        raise e.subexc
文件: pwflux.py 项目: aimran/pwpy
    def process (self):
        byPol = {}
        tMin = tMax = None

        for inp, preamble, data, flags in uvdat.read ():
            if not flags.any ():

            pol = inp.getPol ()
            variance = inp.getVariance ()
            t = preamble[3]

            # Separation into intervals -- time to flush?

            if tMin is None:
                tMin = tMax = t
            elif t - tMin > self.interval or tMax - t > self.interval:
                self.flush (tMin, tMax, byPol)
                byPol = {}
                tMin = tMax = t
                tMin = min (tMin, t)
                tMax = max (tMax, t)

            # Accumulation

            if self.doOffset:
                if self.lmn is None:
                    self.prepOffset (inp, data.size)
                ph0 = (0-2j) * np.pi * np.dot (self.lmn, preamble[0:3])
                data *= np.exp (ph0 * self.phscale)

            if pol in byPol:
                ddata, idata = byPol[pol]
                ddata = np.zeros (5, dtype=np.double)
                idata = np.zeros (1, dtype=np.int)
                byPol[pol] = ddata, idata

            w = np.where (flags)[0]
            ngood = w.size
            data = data[w]

            wt = 1 / variance

            ddata[D_REAL] += data.real.sum () * wt
            ddata[D_IMAG] += data.imag.sum () * wt
            ddata[D_VAR] += variance * ngood
            ddata[D_AMP2] += (data.real**2 + data.imag**2).sum ()
            ddata[D_TOTWT] += wt * ngood
            idata[I_COUNT] += ngood

        if tMin is not None:
            self.flush (tMin, tMax, byPol)
            byPol = {}
    def process(self):
        byPol = {}
        tMin = tMax = None

        for inp, preamble, data, flags in uvdat.read():
            if not flags.any():

            pol = inp.getPol()
            variance = inp.getVariance()
            t = preamble[3]

            # Separation into intervals -- time to flush?

            if tMin is None:
                tMin = tMax = t
            elif t - tMin > self.interval or tMax - t > self.interval:
                self.flush(tMin, tMax, byPol)
                byPol = {}
                tMin = tMax = t
                tMin = min(tMin, t)
                tMax = max(tMax, t)

            # Accumulation

            if self.doOffset:
                if self.lmn is None:
                    self.prepOffset(inp, data.size)
                ph0 = (0 - 2j) * np.pi * np.dot(self.lmn, preamble[0:3])
                data *= np.exp(ph0 * self.phscale)

            if pol in byPol:
                ddata, idata = byPol[pol]
                ddata = np.zeros(5, dtype=np.double)
                idata = np.zeros(1, dtype=np.int)
                byPol[pol] = ddata, idata

            w = np.where(flags)[0]
            ngood = w.size
            data = data[w]

            wt = 1 / variance

            ddata[D_REAL] += data.real.sum() * wt
            ddata[D_IMAG] += data.imag.sum() * wt
            ddata[D_VAR] += variance * ngood
            ddata[D_AMP2] += (data.real**2 + data.imag**2).sum()
            ddata[D_TOTWT] += wt * ngood
            idata[I_COUNT] += ngood

        if tMin is not None:
            self.flush(tMin, tMax, byPol)
            byPol = {}
 def readUVDat(self):
文件: closanal.py 项目: aimran/pwpy
 def readUVDat (self):
     self._read (uvdat.read ())
def task (args):
    banner = util.printBannerGit ('atabpass', 'correct for ATA digital filter bandpass', IDENT)

    ks = keys.KeySpec ()
    ks.keyword ('out', 'f', ' ')
    ks.uvdat ('ds3', False)
    opts = ks.process (args)

    if opts.out == ' ':
        print >>sys.stderr, 'Error: must give an output filename'
        sys.exit (1)

    bpass = getData ()

    # Multifile UV copying algorithm copied from uvdat.for;
    # implementation copied from fxcal.py

    dOut = miriad.VisData (opts.out).open ('c')
    dOut.setPreambleType ('uvw', 'time', 'baseline')

    first = True
    curFile = None
    saveNPol = 0
    polsVaried = False

    windowVars = ['ischan', 'nschan', 'nspect', 'restfreq',
                  'sdf', 'sfreq', 'systemp', 'xtsys', 'ytsys']

    for dIn, preamble, data, flags in uvdat.read ():
        anyChange = False

        if dIn is not curFile:
            # Started reading a new file (or the first file)
            corrType, corrLen, corrUpd = dIn.probeVar ('corr')

            if corrType != 'r' and corrType != 'j' and corrType != 'c':
                raise Exception ('No channels to copy')

            if first:
                # This is NOT a close approximation to uvcat.for
                # We don't use an 'init' var since we assume dochan=True.
                dOut.setCorrelationType (corrType)

            dIn.initVarsAsInput (' ') # what does ' ' signify?
            dOut.initVarsAsOutput (dIn, ' ')

            uvt = dIn.makeVarTracker ()
            uvt.track (*windowVars)

            tup = dIn.probeVar ('npol')
            doPol = tup is not None and (tup[0] == 'i')
            nPol = 0
            doneNPol = False
            curFile = dIn
            anyChange = True

        if first:
            # If very first file, copy the history entry.
            dIn.copyItem (dOut, 'history')
            first = False

        if nPol == 0:
            # We're on to a new set of baselines. Get the number
            # of pols in this next set and remind ourselves to
            # update the 'npol' variable if necessary.
            nPol = dIn.getNPol ()
            doneNPol = False

        if uvt.updated ():
            nAnts = dIn.getVarInt ('nants')

            tbl = {}

            dIn.probeVar ('nspect')
            nSpec = dIn.getVarInt ('nspect')
            tbl['nspect'] = ('i', nSpec)

            for v in ['nschan', 'ischan']:
                dIn.probeVar (v)
                tbl[v] = ('i', dIn.getVarInt (v, nSpec))

            for v in ['sdf', 'sfreq', 'restfreq']:
                dIn.probeVar (v)
                tbl[v] = ('d', dIn.getVarDouble (v, nSpec))

            for v in ['systemp', 'xtsys', 'ytsys', 'xyphase']:
                tup = dIn.probeVar (v)

                if tup is not None and tup[0] == 'r':
                    tbl[v] = ('r', dIn.getVarFloat (v, tup[1]))

            for (name, (code, val)) in tbl.iteritems ():
                if code == 'i':
                    dOut.writeVarInt (name, val)
                elif code == 'r':
                    dOut.writeVarFloat (name, val)
                elif code == 'd':
                    dOut.writeVarDouble (name, val)
                    assert (False)

            anyChange = True

        pol = dIn.getPol ()

        if not doneNPol:
            # If necessary, write out a new value for the
            # 'npol' variable. If npol has changed, note
            # that so that we know not to write a
            # dataset-wide npol item.

            if nPol != saveNPol:
                dOut.writeVarInt ('npol', nPol)
                polsVaried = polsVaried or saveNPol != 0
                saveNPol = nPol
            doneNPol = True

        dIn.copyLineVars (dOut)

        # Hey! We actually have some data processing to do!

        data /= bpass

        # That was fast.

        dOut.writeVarInt ('pol', pol)
        dOut.write (preamble, data, flags, flags.size)

        # Count down the number of polarizations left for this baseline.
        # When we reach zero, we may reset the npol variable.
        nPol -= 1

    if not polsVaried:
        # Number of pols never varied, so it's valid to write out
        # a single 'npol' item for the entire dataset.
        dOut.setScalarItem ('npol', np.int32, saveNPol)

    # All done. Write history entry and quit.

    dOut.openHistory ()
    dOut.writeHistory (banner)
    dOut.logInvocation ('ATABPASS')
    dOut.closeHistory ()
    dOut.close ()

    return 0