 def cos(cls, angle):
     Calculates cosine, with the angle specified in degrees.
     return math.cos(angles.deg_to_rad(angle))
from misc.angles import deg_to_rad, rad_to_deg

# Size of the turtle canvas. We assume no user will have a screen
# so big that the canvas will be bigger than this.
BITMAP_SIZE = Vector((2000, 1200))

PLAYFIELD_SIZE = Vector((200, 200))
# Center of the canvas.
origin = BITMAP_SIZE / 2.0

# 4 lambda functions for transforming between the reference frame
# that we prefer and the reference frame that wxPython prefers:

to_my_angle = lambda angle: rad_to_deg(-angle) - 180
from_my_angle = lambda angle: deg_to_rad(-angle + 180)

from_my_pos = lambda pos: -pos + origin
to_my_pos = lambda pos: -pos + origin


import copy
import math

import smartsleep
import misc.angles as angles
import shelltoprocess

 def sin(angle):
     Calculates sine, with the angle specified in degrees.
     return math.sin(angles.deg_to_rad(angle))
 def cos(angle):
     Calculates cosine, with the angle specified in degrees.
     return math.cos(angles.deg_to_rad(angle))
from vector import Vector
from misc.angles import deg_to_rad, rad_to_deg

# Size of the turtle canvas. We assume no user will have a screen
# so big that the canvas will be bigger than this.
BITMAP_SIZE = Vector((2000, 1200))

# Center of the canvas.
origin = BITMAP_SIZE / 2.0

# 4 lambda functions for transforming between the reference frame
# that we prefer and the reference frame that wxPython prefers:

to_my_angle = lambda angle: rad_to_deg(-angle) - 180
from_my_angle = lambda angle: deg_to_rad(-angle + 180)

from_my_pos = lambda pos: -pos + origin
to_my_pos = lambda pos: -pos + origin


class Turtle(object):
    A Turtle object defines a turtle by its attributes, such as
    position, orientation, color, etc. See source of __init__ for
    a complete list.
    def __init__(self):
        self.pos = Vector((0, 0))