    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        path = self.info_list[idx]
        data = np.load(path)

        # split stacked channel into image and label
        img = (data[..., :3]).astype("uint8")  # RGB images
        ann = (data[..., 3:]).astype("int32")  # instance ID map and type map

        if self.shape_augs is not None:
            shape_augs = self.shape_augs.to_deterministic()
            img = shape_augs.augment_image(img)
            ann = shape_augs.augment_image(ann)

        if self.input_augs is not None:
            input_augs = self.input_augs.to_deterministic()
            img = input_augs.augment_image(img)

        img = cropping_center(img, self.input_shape)
        feed_dict = {"img": img}

        inst_map = ann[..., 0]  # HW1 -> HW
        if self.with_type:
            type_map = (ann[..., 1]).copy()
            type_map = cropping_center(type_map, self.mask_shape)
            #type_map[type_map == 5] = 1  # merge neoplastic and non-neoplastic
            feed_dict["tp_map"] = type_map

        # TODO: document hard coded assumption about #input
        target_dict = self.target_gen_func(inst_map, self.mask_shape,

        return feed_dict
def gen_targets(ann, crop_shape, **kwargs):
    """Generate the targets for the network."""
    hv_map = gen_instance_hv_map(ann, crop_shape)
    np_map = ann.copy()
    np_map[np_map > 0] = 1

    hv_map = cropping_center(hv_map, crop_shape)
    np_map = cropping_center(np_map, crop_shape)

    target_dict = {
        "hv_map": hv_map,
        "np_map": np_map,

    return target_dict
    def _augment(self, img, _):
        img = np.copy(img)
        orig_ann = img[..., 0]  # instance ID map
        fixed_ann = self._fix_mirror_padding(orig_ann)
        # re-cropping with fixed instance id map
        crop_ann = cropping_center(fixed_ann, self.crop_shape)

        # setting 1 boundary pix of each instance to background
        contour_map = np.zeros(fixed_ann.shape[:2], np.uint8)

        inst_list = list(np.unique(crop_ann))
        inst_list.remove(0)  # 0 is background

        k_disk = np.array([
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
            [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
            [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0],
            [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0],
            [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
        ], np.uint8)

        for inst_id in inst_list:
            inst_map = np.array(fixed_ann == inst_id, np.uint8)
            inner = cv2.erode(inst_map, k_disk, iterations=1)
            outer = cv2.dilate(inst_map, k_disk, iterations=1)
            contour_map += outer - inner
        contour_map[contour_map > 0] = 1  # binarize
        img = np.dstack([fixed_ann, contour_map])
        return img
def viz_step_output(raw_data, nr_types=None):
    `raw_data` will be implicitly provided in the similar format as the 
    return dict from train/valid step, but may have been accumulated across N running step

    imgs = raw_data["img"]
    true_np, pred_np = raw_data["np"]
    true_hv, pred_hv = raw_data["hv"]
    if nr_types is not None:
        true_tp, pred_tp = raw_data["tp"]

    aligned_shape = [
    aligned_shape = np.min(np.array(aligned_shape), axis=0)[1:3]

    cmap = plt.get_cmap("jet")

    def colorize(ch, vmin, vmax):
        Will clamp value value outside the provided range to vmax and vmin
        ch = np.squeeze(ch.astype("float32"))
        ch[ch > vmax] = vmax  # clamp value
        ch[ch < vmin] = vmin
        ch = (ch - vmin) / (vmax - vmin + 1.0e-16)
        # take RGB from RGBA heat map
        ch_cmap = (cmap(ch)[..., :3] * 255).astype("uint8")
        # ch_cmap = center_pad_to_shape(ch_cmap, aligned_shape)
        return ch_cmap

    viz_list = []
    for idx in range(imgs.shape[0]):
        # img = center_pad_to_shape(imgs[idx], aligned_shape)
        img = cropping_center(imgs[idx], aligned_shape)

        true_viz_list = [img]
        # cmap may randomly fails if of other types
        true_viz_list.append(colorize(true_np[idx], 0, 1))
        true_viz_list.append(colorize(true_hv[idx][..., 0], -1, 1))
        true_viz_list.append(colorize(true_hv[idx][..., 1], -1, 1))
        if nr_types is not None:  # TODO: a way to pass through external info
            true_viz_list.append(colorize(true_tp[idx], 0, nr_types))
        true_viz_list = np.concatenate(true_viz_list, axis=1)

        pred_viz_list = [img]
        # cmap may randomly fails if of other types
        pred_viz_list.append(colorize(pred_np[idx], 0, 1))
        pred_viz_list.append(colorize(pred_hv[idx][..., 0], -1, 1))
        pred_viz_list.append(colorize(pred_hv[idx][..., 1], -1, 1))
        if nr_types is not None:
            pred_viz_list.append(colorize(pred_tp[idx], 0, nr_types))
        pred_viz_list = np.concatenate(pred_viz_list, axis=1)

        viz_list.append(np.concatenate([true_viz_list, pred_viz_list], axis=0))
    viz_list = np.concatenate(viz_list, axis=0)
    return viz_list
 def __run_list(self, net, dataloader, output_dir):
     pbar = ProgressBar('Processing', max=len(dataloader), width=48)
     for _, batch_data in enumerate(dataloader):
         imgs_input, codenames, sizes = batch_data  
         imgs_recon = self.__infer_step(imgs_input, net)          
         for idx in range(0, imgs_recon.shape[0]):
             orig_img_size = sizes[idx].numpy()
             recon_img = cv2.cvtColor(imgs_recon[idx], cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
             recon_img = utils.cropping_center(recon_img, orig_img_size)
             cv2.imwrite('%s/%s.jpg' % (output_dir, codenames[idx]), recon_img)
    def _augment(self, img, _):
        img = np.copy(img)
        orig_ann = img[..., 0]  # instance ID map
        fixed_ann = self._fix_mirror_padding(orig_ann)
        # re-cropping with fixed instance id map
        crop_ann = cropping_center(fixed_ann, self.crop_shape)

        orig_dst = np.zeros(orig_ann.shape, dtype=np.float32)

        inst_list = list(np.unique(crop_ann))
        inst_list.remove(0)  # 0 is background
        for inst_id in inst_list:
            inst_map = np.array(fixed_ann == inst_id, np.uint8)
            inst_box = bounding_box(inst_map)

            # expand the box by 2px
            inst_box[0] -= 2
            inst_box[2] -= 2
            inst_box[1] += 2
            inst_box[3] += 2

            inst_map = inst_map[inst_box[0]:inst_box[1],

            if inst_map.shape[0] < 2 or \
                inst_map.shape[1] < 2:

            # chessboard distance map generation
            # normalize distance to 0-1
            inst_dst = distance_transform_cdt(inst_map)
            inst_dst = inst_dst.astype('float32')
            if self.inst_norm:
                max_value = np.amax(inst_dst)
                if max_value <= 0:
                    continue  # HACK: temporay patch for divide 0 i.e no nuclei (how?)
                inst_dst = (inst_dst / np.amax(inst_dst))

            dst_map_box = orig_dst[inst_box[0]:inst_box[1],
            dst_map_box[inst_map > 0] = inst_dst[inst_map > 0]

        img = img.astype('float32')
        img = np.dstack([img, orig_dst])

        return img
def assemble_cache_patch(src_path_list,
    If the `path_list` is in the same order as when inputted to 
    `create_cache_patch`, the assembled will be in the same order
    path_list = glob.glob('%s/*%s' % (cache_dir, ext))
    basename_list = [os.path.basename(path) for path in path_list]
    src_idx_list = [name.split('.')[0].split('_')[0] for name in basename_list]
    src_idx_list = list(set(src_idx_list))

    for src_idx in src_idx_list:
        patch_name_list = [name for name in basename_list if src_idx in name]

        src_img = cv2.imread(src_path_list[int(src_idx)])
        nr_row_patches, nr_col_patches = get_patches_stat(
            src_img, (patch_size, patch_size))

        patch_list = [
            cv2.imread('%s/%s' % (cache_dir, name)) for name in patch_name_list

        img_recon = np.array(patch_list)
        img_recon = np.reshape(
            (nr_row_patches, nr_col_patches, patch_size, patch_size, 3))
        img_recon = np.transpose(img_recon, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4))
        img_recon = np.reshape(
            (nr_row_patches * patch_size, nr_col_patches * patch_size, 3))
        img_recon = utils.cropping_center(img_recon, src_img.shape[:2])
        cv2.imwrite('%s/%s.jpg' % (output_dir, src_idx), img_recon)
    def _augment(self, img, _):
        img = np.copy(img)
        orig_ann = img[..., 0]  # instance ID map
        fixed_ann = self._fix_mirror_padding(orig_ann)
        # re-cropping with fixed instance id map
        crop_ann = cropping_center(fixed_ann, self.crop_shape)
        # TODO: deal with 1 label warning
        crop_ann = morph.remove_small_objects(crop_ann, min_size=30)

        x_map = np.zeros(orig_ann.shape[:2], dtype=np.float32)
        y_map = np.zeros(orig_ann.shape[:2], dtype=np.float32)

        inst_list = list(np.unique(crop_ann))
        inst_list.remove(0)  # 0 is background
        for inst_id in inst_list:
            inst_map = np.array(fixed_ann == inst_id, np.uint8)
            inst_box = bounding_box(inst_map)

            # expand the box by 2px
            # Because we first pad the ann at line 207, the bboxes
            # will remain valid after expansion
            inst_box[0] -= 2
            inst_box[2] -= 2
            inst_box[1] += 2
            inst_box[3] += 2

            inst_map = inst_map[inst_box[0]:inst_box[1],

            if inst_map.shape[0] < 2 or \
                inst_map.shape[1] < 2:

            # instance center of mass, rounded to nearest pixel
            inst_com = list(measurements.center_of_mass(inst_map))

            inst_com[0] = int(inst_com[0] + 0.5)
            inst_com[1] = int(inst_com[1] + 0.5)

            inst_x_range = np.arange(1, inst_map.shape[1] + 1)
            inst_y_range = np.arange(1, inst_map.shape[0] + 1)
            # shifting center of pixels grid to instance center of mass
            inst_x_range -= inst_com[1]
            inst_y_range -= inst_com[0]

            inst_x, inst_y = np.meshgrid(inst_x_range, inst_y_range)

            # remove coord outside of instance
            inst_x[inst_map == 0] = 0
            inst_y[inst_map == 0] = 0
            inst_x = inst_x.astype('float32')
            inst_y = inst_y.astype('float32')

            # normalize min into -1 scale
            if np.min(inst_x) < 0:
                inst_x[inst_x < 0] /= (-np.amin(inst_x[inst_x < 0]))
            if np.min(inst_y) < 0:
                inst_y[inst_y < 0] /= (-np.amin(inst_y[inst_y < 0]))
            # normalize max into +1 scale
            if np.max(inst_x) > 0:
                inst_x[inst_x > 0] /= (np.amax(inst_x[inst_x > 0]))
            if np.max(inst_y) > 0:
                inst_y[inst_y > 0] /= (np.amax(inst_y[inst_y > 0]))

            x_map_box = x_map[inst_box[0]:inst_box[1], inst_box[2]:inst_box[3]]
            x_map_box[inst_map > 0] = inst_x[inst_map > 0]

            y_map_box = y_map[inst_box[0]:inst_box[1], inst_box[2]:inst_box[3]]
            y_map_box[inst_map > 0] = inst_y[inst_map > 0]

        img = img.astype('float32')
        img = np.dstack([img, x_map, y_map])

        return img
def gen_instance_hv_map(ann, crop_shape):
    """Input annotation must be of original shape.
    The map is calculated only for instances within the crop portion
    but based on the original shape in original image.

    Perform following operation:
    Obtain the horizontal and vertical distance maps for each
    nuclear instance.

    orig_ann = ann.copy()  # instance ID map
    fixed_ann = fix_mirror_padding(orig_ann)
    # re-cropping with fixed instance id map
    crop_ann = cropping_center(fixed_ann, crop_shape)
    # TODO: deal with 1 label warning
    crop_ann = morph.remove_small_objects(crop_ann, min_size=30)

    x_map = np.zeros(orig_ann.shape[:2], dtype=np.float32)
    y_map = np.zeros(orig_ann.shape[:2], dtype=np.float32)

    inst_list = list(np.unique(crop_ann))
    inst_list.remove(0)  # 0 is background
    for inst_id in inst_list:
        inst_map = np.array(fixed_ann == inst_id, np.uint8)
        inst_box = get_bounding_box(inst_map)

        # expand the box by 2px
        # Because we first pad the ann at line 207, the bboxes
        # will remain valid after expansion
        inst_box[0] -= 2
        inst_box[2] -= 2
        inst_box[1] += 2
        inst_box[3] += 2

        inst_map = inst_map[inst_box[0]:inst_box[1], inst_box[2]:inst_box[3]]

        if inst_map.shape[0] < 2 or inst_map.shape[1] < 2:

        # instance center of mass, rounded to nearest pixel
        inst_com = list(measurements.center_of_mass(inst_map))

        inst_com[0] = int(inst_com[0] + 0.5)
        inst_com[1] = int(inst_com[1] + 0.5)

        inst_x_range = np.arange(1, inst_map.shape[1] + 1)
        inst_y_range = np.arange(1, inst_map.shape[0] + 1)
        # shifting center of pixels grid to instance center of mass
        inst_x_range -= inst_com[1]
        inst_y_range -= inst_com[0]

        inst_x, inst_y = np.meshgrid(inst_x_range, inst_y_range)

        # remove coord outside of instance
        inst_x[inst_map == 0] = 0
        inst_y[inst_map == 0] = 0
        inst_x = inst_x.astype("float32")
        inst_y = inst_y.astype("float32")

        # normalize min into -1 scale
        if np.min(inst_x) < 0:
            inst_x[inst_x < 0] /= -np.amin(inst_x[inst_x < 0])
        if np.min(inst_y) < 0:
            inst_y[inst_y < 0] /= -np.amin(inst_y[inst_y < 0])
        # normalize max into +1 scale
        if np.max(inst_x) > 0:
            inst_x[inst_x > 0] /= np.amax(inst_x[inst_x > 0])
        if np.max(inst_y) > 0:
            inst_y[inst_y > 0] /= np.amax(inst_y[inst_y > 0])

        x_map_box = x_map[inst_box[0]:inst_box[1], inst_box[2]:inst_box[3]]
        x_map_box[inst_map > 0] = inst_x[inst_map > 0]

        y_map_box = y_map[inst_box[0]:inst_box[1], inst_box[2]:inst_box[3]]
        y_map_box[inst_map > 0] = inst_y[inst_map > 0]

    hv_map = np.dstack([x_map, y_map])
    return hv_map
    def __gen_prediction(self, x, predictor):
        Using 'predictor' to generate the prediction of image 'x'

            x : input image to be segmented. It will be split into patches
                to run the prediction upon before being assembled back
            tissue: tissue mask created via otsu -> only process tissue regions
                    if it is provided
        step_size = self.infer_output_shape
        msk_size = self.infer_output_shape
        win_size = self.infer_input_shape

        def get_last_steps(length, msk_size, step_size):
            nr_step = math.ceil((length - msk_size) / step_size)
            last_step = (nr_step + 1) * step_size
            return int(last_step), int(nr_step + 1)

        im_h = x.shape[0]
        im_w = x.shape[1]

        last_h, nr_step_h = get_last_steps(im_h, msk_size[0], step_size[0])
        last_w, nr_step_w = get_last_steps(im_w, msk_size[1], step_size[1])

        diff_h = win_size[0] - step_size[0]
        padt = diff_h // 2
        padb = last_h + win_size[0] - im_h

        diff_w = win_size[1] - step_size[1]
        padl = diff_w // 2
        padr = last_w + win_size[1] - im_w

        x = np.lib.pad(x, ((padt, padb), (padl, padr), (0, 0)), "reflect")

        #### TODO: optimize this
        sub_patches = []
        skipped_idx = []
        # generating subpatches from orginal
        idx = 0
        for row in range(0, last_h, step_size[0]):
            for col in range(0, last_w, step_size[1]):
                win = x[row:row + win_size[0], col:col + win_size[1]]
                idx += 1

        pred_map = deque()
        while len(sub_patches) > self.inf_batch_size:
            mini_batch = sub_patches[:self.inf_batch_size]
            sub_patches = sub_patches[self.inf_batch_size:]
            mini_output = predictor(mini_batch)[0]
            if win_size[0] > msk_size[0]:
                mini_output = cropping_center(mini_output, (diff_h, diff_w))
            mini_output = np.split(mini_output, self.inf_batch_size, axis=0)
        if len(sub_patches) != 0:
            mini_output = predictor(sub_patches)[0]
            if win_size[0] > msk_size[0]:
                mini_output = cropping_center(mini_output, (diff_h, diff_w))
            mini_output = np.split(mini_output, len(sub_patches), axis=0)

        #### Assemble back into full image
        output_patch_shape = np.squeeze(pred_map[0]).shape

        ch = 1 if len(output_patch_shape) == 2 else output_patch_shape[-1]

        #### Assemble back into full image
        pred_map = np.squeeze(np.array(pred_map))
        pred_map = np.reshape(pred_map,
                              (nr_step_h, nr_step_w) + pred_map.shape[1:])
        pred_map = (np.transpose(pred_map, [0, 2, 1, 3, 4])
                    if ch != 1 else np.transpose(pred_map, [0, 2, 1, 3]))
        pred_map = np.reshape(
                pred_map.shape[0] * pred_map.shape[1],
                pred_map.shape[2] * pred_map.shape[3],
        # just crop back to original size
        pred_map = np.squeeze(pred_map[:im_h, :im_w])

        return pred_map