def set_trainable_variables(self, variable_list=None): """Set the variables which we want to optimize. The optimizer will only optimize the variables which contain sub-string in the variable list. Basically, this is copied from the training path in `build`. The batchnorm statistics can always be updated? Args: variable_list: The model variable contains sub-string in the list will be optimized. If None, all variables will be optimized. """ add_train_summary = [] variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES) trainable_variables = [] if variable_list is None: "[Info] Add all trainable variables to the optimizer.") trainable_variables = None else: for v in variables: if substring_in_list(, variable_list): trainable_variables.append(v)"[Info] Add %s to trainable list" % with tf.name_scope("train") as scope: grads = self.optimizer.compute_gradients( self.total_loss, var_list=trainable_variables) if self.params.clip_gradient: grads, vars = zip( *grads) # compute gradients of variables with respect to loss grads_clip, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm( grads, self.params.clip_gradient_norm) # l2 norm clipping grads = zip(grads_clip, vars) # The values and gradients are added to summeries for grad, var in grads: if grad is not None: add_train_summary.append( tf.summary.histogram( + '/gradients', grad)) add_train_summary.append( tf.summary.scalar( + '/gradients_norm', tf.norm(grad))) if variable_list is None: trainable_variables = tf.trainable_variables() for var in trainable_variables: add_train_summary.append(tf.summary.histogram(, var)) self.train_summary = tf.summary.merge( [self.train_summary, tf.summary.merge(add_train_summary)]) batchnorm_update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, scope) with tf.control_dependencies(batchnorm_update_ops): self.train_op = self.optimizer.apply_gradients(grads)
def get_finetune_model(self, excluded_list): """Start from a pre-trained model and other parameters are initialized using default initializer. Actually, this function is only called at the first epoch of the fine-tuning, because in succeeded epochs, we need to fully load the model rather than loading part of the graph. The pre-trained model is saved in the model directory as index 0. Backup the pre-trained model and save the new model (with random initialized parameters) as index 0 instead. Args: excluded_list: A list. Do NOT restore the parameters in the exclude_list. This is useful in fine-truning an existing model. We load a part of the pre-trained model and leave the other part randomly initialized. Deprecated: data: The training data directory. spklist: The spklist is a file map speaker name to the index. learning_rate: The learning rate is passed by the main program. The main program can easily tune the learning rate according to the validation accuracy or anything else. """ # initialize all variables # Load parts of the model variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES) restore_variables = [] for v in variables: if not substring_in_list(, excluded_list): restore_variables.append(v) else: "[Info] Ignore %s when loading the checkpoint" % finetune_saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=restore_variables) ckpt = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(self.model) ckpt_name = os.path.basename(ckpt.model_checkpoint_path) finetune_saver.restore(self.sess, os.path.join(self.model, ckpt_name)) # Backup the old files import glob, shutil model_checkpoint_path = ckpt.model_checkpoint_path for filename in glob.glob(model_checkpoint_path + "*"): shutil.copyfile(filename, filename + '.bak') # Save the new model. The new model is basically the same with the pre-trained one, while parameters # NOT in the pre-trained model are random initialized. # Set the step to 0. return
def build(self, mode, dim, loss_type=None, num_speakers=None, noupdate_var_list=None): """ Build a network. Currently, I use placeholder in the graph and feed data during So no need to parse features and labels. Args: mode: `train`, `valid` or `predict`. dim: The dimension of the feature. loss_type: Which loss function do we use. Could be None when mode == predict num_speakers: The total number of speakers. Used in softmax-like network noupdate_var_list: In the fine-tuning, some variables are fixed. The list contains their names (or part of their names). We use `noupdate` rather than `notrain` because some variables are not trainable, e.g. the mean and var in the batchnorm layers. """ assert (mode == "train" or mode == "valid" or mode == "predict") is_training = (mode == "train") reuse_variables = True if self.is_built else None # Create a new path for prediction, since the training may build a tower the support multi-GPUs if mode == "predict": self.pred_features = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, dim], name="pred_features") with tf.name_scope("predict") as scope:"Extract embedding from node %s" % self.params.embedding_node) # There is no need to do L2 normalization in this function, because we can do the normalization outside, # or simply a cosine similarity can do it. # Note that the output node may be different if we use different loss function. For example, if the # softmax is used, the output of 2-last layer is used as the embedding. While if the end2end loss is # used, the output of the last layer may be a better choice. So it is impossible to specify the # embedding node inside the network structure. The configuration will tell the network to output the # correct activations as the embeddings. _, endpoints = self.entire_network(self.pred_features, self.params, is_training, reuse_variables) self.embeddings = endpoints[self.params.embedding_node] if self.saver is None: self.saver = tf.train.Saver() return # global_step should be defined before loss function since some loss functions use this value to tune # some internal parameters. if self.global_step is None: self.global_step = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name="global_step") self.params.dict["global_step"] = self.global_step # If new loss function is added, please modify the code. self.loss_type = loss_type if loss_type == "softmax": self.loss_network = softmax elif loss_type == "asoftmax": self.loss_network = asoftmax elif loss_type == "additive_margin_softmax": self.loss_network = additive_margin_softmax elif loss_type == "additive_angular_margin_softmax": self.loss_network = additive_angular_margin_softmax elif loss_type == "semihard_triplet_loss": self.loss_network = semihard_triplet_loss elif loss_type == "angular_triplet_loss": self.loss_network = angular_triplet_loss elif loss_type == "generalized_angular_triplet_loss": self.loss_network = generalized_angular_triplet_loss else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implement %s loss" % self.loss_type) if mode == "valid":"Building valid network...") self.valid_features = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, dim], name="valid_features") self.valid_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[ None, ], name="valid_labels") with tf.name_scope("valid") as scope: # We can adjust some parameters in the config when we do validation # TODO: I'm not sure whether it is necssary to change the margin for the valid set. # TODO: compare the performance! # Change the margin for the valid set. if loss_type == "softmax": pass elif loss_type == "asoftmax": train_margin = self.params.asoftmax_m self.params.asoftmax_m = 1 elif loss_type == "additive_margin_softmax": train_margin = self.params.amsoftmax_m self.params.amsoftmax_m = 0 elif loss_type == "additive_angular_margin_softmax": train_margin = self.params.arcsoftmax_m self.params.arcsoftmax_m = 0 elif loss_type == "angular_triplet_loss": # Switch loss to e2e_valid_loss train_loss_network = self.loss_network self.loss_network = e2e_valid_loss else: pass if "aux_loss_func" in self.params.dict: # No auxiliary losses during validation. train_aux_loss_func = self.params.aux_loss_func self.params.aux_loss_func = [] features, endpoints = self.entire_network( self.valid_features, self.params, is_training, reuse_variables) valid_loss, endpoints_loss = self.loss_network( features, self.valid_labels, num_speakers, self.params, is_training, reuse_variables) endpoints.update(endpoints_loss) if "aux_loss_func" in self.params.dict: self.params.aux_loss_func = train_aux_loss_func # Change the margin back!!! if loss_type == "softmax": pass elif loss_type == "asoftmax": self.params.asoftmax_m = train_margin elif loss_type == "additive_margin_softmax": self.params.amsoftmax_m = train_margin elif loss_type == "additive_angular_margin_softmax": self.params.arcsoftmax_m = train_margin elif loss_type == "angular_triplet_loss": self.loss_network = train_loss_network else: pass # We can evaluate other stuff in the valid_ops. Just add the new values to the dict. # We may also need to check other values expect for the loss. Leave the task to other functions. # During validation, I compute the cosine EER for the final output of the network. self.embeddings = endpoints["output"] self.endpoints = endpoints self.valid_ops["raw_valid_loss"] = valid_loss mean_valid_loss, mean_valid_loss_op = tf.metrics.mean( valid_loss) self.valid_ops["valid_loss"] = mean_valid_loss self.valid_ops["valid_loss_op"] = mean_valid_loss_op valid_loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar("loss", mean_valid_loss) self.valid_summary = tf.summary.merge([valid_loss_summary]) if self.saver is None: self.saver = tf.train.Saver( max_to_keep=self.params.keep_checkpoint_max) if self.valid_summary_writer is None: self.valid_summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( os.path.join(self.model, "eval"), self.sess.graph) return"Building training network...") self.train_features = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, dim], name="train_features") self.train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[ None, ], name="train_labels") self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="learning_rate") if "optimizer" not in self.params.dict: # The default optimizer is sgd self.params.dict["optimizer"] = "sgd" if self.params.optimizer == "sgd": if "momentum" in self.params.dict: sys.exit( "Using sgd as the optimizer and you should not specify the momentum." )"***** Using SGD as the optimizer.") opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(self.learning_rate, name="optimizer") elif self.params.optimizer == "momentum": # SGD with momentum # It is also possible to use other optimizers, e.g. Adam."***** Using Momentum as the optimizer.") opt = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer( self.learning_rate, self.params.momentum, use_nesterov=self.params.use_nesterov, name="optimizer") elif self.params.optimizer == "adam":"***** Using Adam as the optimizer.") opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate, name="optimizer") else: sys.exit("Optimizer %s is not supported." % self.params.optimizer) self.optimizer = opt # Use name_space here. Create multiple name_spaces if multi-gpus # There is a copy in `set_trainable_variables` with tf.name_scope("train") as scope: features, endpoints = self.entire_network(self.train_features, self.params, is_training, reuse_variables) loss, endpoints_loss = self.loss_network(features, self.train_labels, num_speakers, self.params, is_training, reuse_variables) self.endpoints = endpoints endpoints.update(endpoints_loss) regularization_loss = tf.losses.get_regularization_loss() total_loss = loss + regularization_loss # train_summary contains all the summeries we want to inspect. # Get the summaries define in the network and loss function. # The summeries in the network and loss function are about the network variables. self.train_summary = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.SUMMARIES, scope) self.train_summary.append(tf.summary.scalar("loss", loss)) self.train_summary.append( tf.summary.scalar("regularization_loss", regularization_loss)) # We may have other losses (i.e. penalty term in attention layer) penalty_loss = tf.get_collection("PENALTY") if len(penalty_loss) != 0: penalty_loss = tf.reduce_sum(penalty_loss) total_loss += penalty_loss self.train_summary.append( tf.summary.scalar("penalty_term", penalty_loss)) self.total_loss = total_loss self.train_summary.append( tf.summary.scalar("total_loss", total_loss)) self.train_summary.append( tf.summary.scalar("learning_rate", self.learning_rate)) # The gradient ops is inside the scope to support multi-gpus if noupdate_var_list is not None: old_batchnorm_update_ops = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, scope) batchnorm_update_ops = [] for op in old_batchnorm_update_ops: if not substring_in_list(, noupdate_var_list): batchnorm_update_ops.append(op)"[Info] Update %s" % else:"[Info] Op %s will not be executed" % else: batchnorm_update_ops = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, scope) if noupdate_var_list is not None: variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES) train_var_list = [] for v in variables: if not substring_in_list(, noupdate_var_list): train_var_list.append(v)"[Info] Train %s" % else:"[Info] Var %s will not be updated" % grads = opt.compute_gradients(total_loss, var_list=train_var_list) else: grads = opt.compute_gradients(total_loss) # Once the model has been built (even for a tower), we set the flag self.is_built = True if self.params.clip_gradient: grads, vars = zip( *grads) # compute gradients of variables with respect to loss grads_clip, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm( grads, self.params.clip_gradient_norm) # l2 norm clipping # we follow the instruction in ge2e paper to scale the learning rate for w and b # Actually, I wonder that we can just simply set a large value for w (e.g. 20) and fix it. if self.loss_type == "ge2e": # The parameters w and b must be the last variables in the gradients grads_clip = grads_clip[:-2] + [ 0.01 * grad for grad in grads_clip[-2:] ] # Simply check the position of w and b for var in vars[-2:]: assert ("w" in or "b" in grads = zip(grads_clip, vars) # There are some things we can do to the gradients, i.e. learning rate scaling. # # The values and gradients are added to summeries # for grad, var in grads: # if grad is not None: # self.train_summary.append(tf.summary.histogram( + '/gradients', grad)) # self.train_summary.append(tf.summary.scalar( + '/gradients_norm', tf.norm(grad))) self.train_summary.append(activation_summaries(endpoints)) for var in tf.trainable_variables(): self.train_summary.append(tf.summary.histogram(, var)) self.train_summary = tf.summary.merge(self.train_summary) with tf.control_dependencies(batchnorm_update_ops): self.train_op = opt.apply_gradients(grads) # We want to inspect other values during training? self.train_ops["loss"] = total_loss self.train_ops["raw_loss"] = loss # The model saver if self.saver is None: self.saver = tf.train.Saver( max_to_keep=self.params.keep_checkpoint_max) # The training summary writer if self.summary_writer is None: self.summary_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter( self.model, self.sess.graph) return